5D Shift: Tides of Change - Torsional Influx of High Vibrational Energy

Submitted by Open on Sat, 12/03/2016 - 04:15

The 5D Shift is engaging higher gears now. The shadow side of humanity has fully revealed itself, particularly in our global elite 'governance'. I can feel this clearly being met by a strong response from Benevolence through the field - there's a progressive influx of higher vibrational energy stirring up the bed of this murky pond. Because the density is being so challenged, it's also meaning that the light can flow in more strongly. It's connecting the dots between people, to initiate collective positive action to confront the density and support the shift. Previously acquiescent people are feeling increasingly emboldened. How can these flows benefit you?

Insurges of Higher Vibrational Energy

These days each time I close my eyes, or sit in quiet stillness, I often feel tremendous energy surges through my chakras that then engages the field around. The energy is literally seeking out some of the densest vibrations on the planet and stirring them up. The torsional force is at times so strong, it feels like I might literally explode!

But as I encourage with everyone else, don't back away from the intensity you feel. Instead look right into the heart of it, feel right in. Unravel any of your own retraction or resistance. Open yourself out through it. In that way, you infuse soul and become a more powerful channel of light. This is what it means as a light worker to engage higher vibrations - expect the inner density to be confronted as you accelerate your own vibrational frequency. Don't immediately look for peace in it all; open your channel wider, let the intensity break down internal resistance, find yourself in the still centre.

What will the wider effect of embodying such powerful torsional frequency?

3D World on the Cusp of Crucial Change

I get the sense that the 3D world is on the cusp of a crucial change. We've entered a powerful fulcrum where ancient "Black Snake" energies in the Shift are being confonted, both within ourselves and in the wider field. The grotesqueness of Elite governance and Big Business is increasingly being called to account. The fact that it's fighting to take a stronger position, is causing more and more people to challenge it - even if it hasn't been overturned yet, see the rising tide of wider confrontational consciousness as the positive shift.

I see the distorted divine masculine being seen and called to account. But likewise, the acquiescent distortion of the divine feminine is also being challenged - these karmic filters work in tendem. I can literally feel these nauseous, unpleasant and very toxic reflections stirring many people up. It's time. Humanity must see the external reflection of his own inner shadow, take ownership, and commit to the personal shift in order that society can transform.

So imagine it this way: the veils over truth are progressively being stripped away - the veils that were preventing people seeing what's really happening to life on the planet. This uncovered darkness then pulls in a counterbalancing light, like waves rushing into an imprint in the sand. And in this imprint, sentient creatures have the chance to return to the ocean once more. So the light is rushing in. What does this mean in a practical sense?

Direct effects of Insurgent Light

First I can feel the sense of a growing activism wanting to emerge. People have had enough of the old ways and the recently emboldened system. Eventually the tides shift, "enough is enough", increasingly more people are challenging the old castles built in the sand.

When your civil liberties and rights are being blatantly disrespected and trampled on. When the very air that you breathe is being constantly violated, the water you drink ignorantly poisoned, and the food chain increasingly toxified, to the extent that they're undermining your very existence, then steadily more people will begin to come together, rise up and take positive action.

This is a vitally important step, because the raptor consciousness just went into overdrive and risks devouring the planet even more rapidly. As I shared in DIVINICUS: rise of the divine human, the shift will create islands in the storm, and we must hold the windows - the portals - into the higher densities open for as long as possible.

So even though irreversible-climate-change-tipping-points have now been activated, nevertheless, we must work to protect the environment as much as humanly possible, so as to keep the window of the Shift open for as long as possible.

The second important shift from this influx, will be that inflows of higher consciousness will be come more readily available for more people to tap into. Whereas before, that conscious venture that you've invested so heavily into, yet without success, will - assuming you're aligned - connect up more strongly. You'll feel better supported. New contacts and possibilities will simply show up. The dots will connect more easily.

It's time to take a real chance. To be courageous and bold with your path forwards. Remember this is all about following your passion. Yes, the 3D world will draw to a tumultuous close in just the course of a few decades. However, the bigger picture is not trying to cobble together the threads of an increasingly threadbare old reality, it is tirelessly working toward the revelation of you as a Cosmic Being. Have you discovered your path yet? Are you tuned into it?

Find and follow your passion

Remember the "path" is not some fixed, predestined route. The real path is an internal one, breaking through the inner densities that get activated by life. And as you Breakthrough, your soul consciousness integrates and expands out. You unleash powerful new flows of energy into your life. This is real alchemy at work.

But you have to find your passion in life and express it. Are you not sure of your passion yet? You'll find it at the intersection of at least three of your life's interests. I've explained that here.... How to Break Out of a Spiritual Rut By Finding your Passion

Discover your passion, and it will activate and motivate you especially in these times of tumultous change. Let's be clear, you cannot rely upon the old ways, the old consciousness, the old behaviourisms - because these are set to become increasingly challenged and torn apart. But what you can now call upon, and rely upon, is the influx of higher vibrational energy. How might you best align yourself with this?

5 strategies to align yourself with the Influx of Light

  1. Tune into your joy, and the interests that really fire you up. Figure out what connects them together into one underlying passion.
  2. Explore your passion, but don't become too focused until its really clear what that is. So explore the options around it, test the strength of it, before you dive right in.
  3. Remember this is all about the revelation of you as a Cosmic Being - that is the outcome. So always turn towards your emerging fears and inner limitations that might prevent this; for these are the doorways into the higher truth.
  4. Turn up the volume on your intuitive compass. Watch, listen and feel what is now being reflected to you. Give your intuition the widest possible opportunity and space to simply flow.
  5. Watch for dots connecting. Why did that particular person suddenly show up? What's the possibility revealing itself? What do those synhcronicities point to? Tune in, follow them, and you will not be disappointed.

Fundamental change on its way - connect to the flows

So fundamental change is on it's way, correction, is here! And you can take maximum benefit from it. But you must be prepared to 'cast off from the shore' and take centre stream in your true life's mission here. And now you will find yourself increasingly supported - more resource and opportunity will show up. Expect it. Reach out. Take what is rightfully yours...
Explore this Chakra Attunment Meditation for Maximum Soul Attunement.

Fear not the ways of the old paradigm, for even though they might look at their strongest ever, paradoxically they are already felling themselves by their own "success" - their own excess. That writing is already clearly on the wall. The tides are changing, strongly. The balance is shifting. Expect your reality to change, and most important of all, be prepared for that. Explore and step into your ever new consciousness. Connect up to the flows you can feel and intuit. And you will not be disappointed!

In loving support

Open HeartPraying Emoji
(Publishers - please publish with links intact and the Openhand brief biog. Thankyou <3)

About Openhand Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living. Join us...Openhandweb, Openhand fb, Openhand TV

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Upon reading your post Tasha - thank you for sharing - I remembered Julia Butterfly, an amazing soul activist, who lived in the canopy of an ancient redwood tree for 738 days (about 2 years) so as to protect this tree and a 3-acre buffer zone from being destroyed by local authorities. She succeeded. She is an inspirational example of how sacred activism is a powerful way to align with the influx of higher vibrational energy.

Her words here speak volumes about passion and intuition flowing through and giving expression to a being that is Earthingly Cosmic:

“When I entered the majestic cathedral of the redwood forest for the first time, my spirit knew it had found what it was searching for. I dropped to my knees and began to cry because I was so overwhelmed by the wisdom, energy and spirituality housed in this holiest of temples"

I put my hands together sending prayers and courage your way...

Being at the forefront of radical change through expressing soul is an act of Love for everyone. That's what the shift needs right now. I had a look on facebook and the words of one of the tree sitters spoke to me:

Well one thing we know is that a long history of civil disobedience—of intentionally breaking unjust rules and laws—precedes us. Courageous people fighting for a new world has often meant edging up against all that enforces the world as it already exists.

Keep holding the portals into the higher densities open...

Praying EmojiEmoji Earth Globe Europe Africa

In reply to by Aspasia


Wow, Aspasia, that was really inspiring to hear about Julia Butterfly. Two years is WOW. She and the tree sitters are standing for what they believe, but also shining much light while they bring into sharp focus, the unfolding of the old ways that do not serve, and keep an open space for what will serve us all better in he future, and maybe most importantly, connect us right now. Below I copied directly from the tree sitters post to Appalachians Against Pipelines. I felt it was worth sharing here.


"Why do we fight?

To the best of my knowledge, when pipeline projects have made it to this stage they have never been stopped. Even the incredibly brilliant, complex, and powerful resistance at Standing Rock was eventually defeated. David had better odds against Goliath than we do.

So then why do we fight? Not long ago, I had trouble convincing myself that there was a point to engaging in a losing battle. Now I'm finding new answers every day.

We exist at the edge of a process that began hundreds of years ago. 1492 is a good enough starting point. Since then, a colonial mission has unfolded. The history of which being written in fire and blood. It has driven us to a precipice. The world as we know it is collapsing.

And yet, they still want to build their pipelines. They still want to take more from the earth and all its inhabitants. They still will employ us to do it for them and clean up their mess. They still don't think they've gotten rich enough off of it.

It's vicious. It's systemic. And it must end.

Now is time to figure out how. There is no point in waiting for the right objective conditions. They will never just come to us. Those conditions will be realized through the actions we take here, now.

In addition to the outcome of all of this, what we become along the way is just as important. And regardless of whether the pipeline is or is not built, we will learn new ways to fight, new weaknesses that the industry exposes, new ways to find happiness, new ways to love all that is here and each other, new lessons for other generations to take forward.

Alongside of the process of colonization and systemic violence, another process is unfolding waiting for more of us to pick a side. And as it unfolds, we reconstitute what it means to be human--to be alive in a time of mass death. We are more bound to this constitution than a document written hundreds of years ago.

So yes what we have to do here is something that has never been done before. It will take so much more then this stand on Peters Mountain.

But we live in a world of possibility and we believe we can stop this pipeline. We are fully committed to seeing that through.

And we look forward to finding out where it takes us and finding you all along the way."

In reply to by tasha


Tasha, beautiful moving words from the tree sitters! - thank you for sharing this gem.

Yes, Im with you, catalysing the old ways and keeping an open space for a new paradigm to unfold. Sometimes I hear from 'spiritual people' that all they do is gather together and meditate in their room with others to 'help the planet and the shift'. I say yes, please do that, the energy work is so valuable AND at the same time explore the possibility of expressing this energy of Pure Soul out there, so that a) you challenge yourself to come out of your comfort zone and limiting identities (really important for individual and collective shift) and b) so that energy work is actively transferred on the ground in relationship where, in my view, it can have more impact (Thich Nhat Hanh is a beautiful example of this).

This stood out for me:

And regardless of whether the pipeline is or is not built, we will learn new ways to fight, new weaknesses that the industry exposes, new ways to find happiness, new ways to love all that is here and each other, new lessons for other generations to take forward.

Alongside of the process of colonization and systemic violence, another process is unfolding waiting for more of us to pick a side. And as it unfolds, we reconstitute what it means to be human--to be alive in a time of mass death. We are more bound to this constitution than a document written hundreds of years ago.

Learning new ways to love and express as a means to break down and break through systemic violence (the key foundation of the matrix). Heart Keep us posted!

Wise Love


Hello All

I noticed that Open mentioned the Standing Rock Protest in the original post, and I wanted to mention a current event that is happening where I live, in a rural part of West Virginia, USA.

We are a very rural county, around 12,000 residents, and have been fighting a massive corporation (Mountain Valley Pipeline) for a couple of years to resist eminent domain forcing us to hand over our land to facilitate a huge pipeline to help transport fracked gas to the coast for shipping overseas.

Mountain Valley Pipeline has been delayed for over a month now, by some brave individuals who are sitting in the trees (in freezing wind chills and two feet of snow) on a section of Peters Mountain (near the Appalachian Trail), which causes MVP to halt tree felling in that area. The Tree Sitting also gets the word out, to push for the due process of law, which will hopefully stop the pipeline in the end (we hope). I will post some links here, which will explain things a bit more in depth. I ask that anyone who wants to send us light and prayers please do so, as we need all the help we can get.

Please feel free to join Appalachians Against Pipelines on Facebook, to get information directly from the Tree Sitters as they bravely stay in the trees during this cold March weather. Love to you all.

UPDATE: Despite Hearing & Snow, Tree-Sitters Still Tree-Sitting (Nancy Andrews, West Virginia Public Broadcasting. Audio to air on Monday, Mar. 26, 2018)

As a tree-sit protest of the Mountain Valley Pipeline continues, a crowd is gathering (Laurence Hammack, Roanoke Times, Mar. 23, 2018)

More pipeline conflicts play out in Giles County Thursday (Joe Dashiell/Eamon O'Meara | Mar. 22, 2018 |Updated: Mar. 23, 2018, WDBJ7 Roanoke)


Hi folks - I felt to draw attention to this article again today - I'm on a stop-over in Gangzou in China - the plane landing in storms and lightening - it woke me up to the article!

I think it's important we bring increasing attention to how the shift is beginning to affect all our lives. One of the things we focus on in the Facilitator work Openhand does, is harnessing the torsional flows for the maximum good of all. Yes it does take time to understand and integrate. But as you bring your attention to working with the shift, awareness increases and unfolds day by day.

Blessings to all

Open Praying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Hi Open

thank you thank you

On 20 March I woke up at 4:04 am

from a minor pain I had. I was happy since it was the last sun rise of the year in our calendar. I went through the insta and saw a post from a friend saying:

You hear me? Enough is enough. Time to give up! Our soul sucked out and our hearts have became black holes!

You’ve destroyed love and friendship!

You’ve ruined our life and other nations hope having a peaceful world, get lost please

Vanish from the face of earth forever . . .

Made me a little be sad for what a life we could have had specially where We live. Destroying us politically economically . . . For what! What a strange things humans do. I am not able to get!

This heaven could be for all of us!

Anyway I thought to read the latest article and then go back to sleep that I saw this article where you say: “First I can feel the sense of a growing activism wanting to emerge. People have had enough of the old ways and the recently emboldened system. Eventually the tables turn and enough say "enough is enough". “

Made me think what could be the message?

I fall asleep and had a very short dream that I am in a room which I can actually float in the air less than a meter above the ground

I felt an energy in me and saw myself in a lotus sitting posture above the ground. It was a good feeling.

I am not sure when and where universe gonna get me to any Openhand events but I am waiting to see how the universe is going to surprise me. It was a right time for me to get to know such a community where I can finally find my answers. For some time I could only see dark silent ending after life on earth and there was a feeling that there is something not right!

After all feels like this music on Youtube from Matt Simons:

There's a place I go to

Where no one knows me

It's not lonely

It's a necessary thing

It's a place I made up

Find out what I'm made of

The nights are stayed up ...


Hey Megha! Happy to meet you. Am taking baby steps into the infinite world of spirituality. It's great if we can meet up / connect to share our experiences and grow together.
Love and Light to you...


Cathy ,thank you so much for leading me here . Even though we have never met I feel such deep affinity for you Soul sister !
As I am reading through all the articles here I am feeling so much as if I have finally found my tribe . Thank you ,thank you ,thank you !

In reply to by iamdurga


Love you too, Megha! I recognized your SiStar soul when we first met thru the ether-net. So happy your path of light led you to the Openhand tribe. A stellar place to hang out, drop the shit, and kick off to a higher world.

"Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels. The trouble makers, the round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently.

They’re not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things; they push the human race forward.

While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." ~Steve Jobs

Welcome to the misfits!

x Cathy



So moving and inspiring to read about your breakthrough around ditching some of your baggage and how a higher way of being is being reflected back to you in the outer mirror. How encouraging is that to stay the path?!!

x Cathy


The above phrase it what really stood out for me . I have been dealing with deep abandonment issues and also feelings of worthlessness in the recent past . The last week has been about breathing through some very dense gunk internally . And yesterday after the much needed breakthrough that came as a flurry of tears for my inner child I suddenly 'saw' how my inner cleansing has beautifullyallowed the setting up a waste segregation and composting program in the condo where I live . Almost effortlessly a project that had been stalled for almost five years has come on track . I moved here a year and a half ago and was 'told' that it was part of why I was here. To go from learning how to compost my inner waste effectively ,to being a catalyst to allow people in touch with me to do it too. And it's not until after my meltdown did I even see the mirror into my internal ......Decide who you are and allow Reality to shape up around you . Beautiful !


Great to meet you Janhavi :-)
You're opening wider channels now, with powerful infusions to 'expand your higher dimensional pipeline'. But be prepared that it won't be comfortable. And yes, don't worry to fall apart for a few days. There are people in the Openhand network, all around the world, to whom this is happening right now.

It feels to me as if it's the catalysts of life who're mostly feeling this right now. Those who can channel the higher light in.

Deep transformations are possible. You're not alone.

Much love

Open *give_rose*


Thank you, Open. I just read this evening that the U.S. Federal Gov't denied the permit for the oil pipline to go through the tribal lands! Yay!!! What a powerful and beautiful manifestation, mirroring the will and hearts of many. I feel energy chills from toes to crown! Victory to the people! Victory to the truth!

I rarely am awakened from dreams. I had a very intense dream last night. In the dream, I was dancing/flying/surfing in extremely huge ocean waves, when someone/something swooped my board away from me, and I was soon facing my death. I breathed right into it, almost like a fire-breathing dragon, underwater. I took 2 long, deep, breaths under the water; my heart pounding against my chest with so much energy -- and with the 3rd breath I knew I was not dying, and I awoke -- breathing deeply, feeling elated. Victory to the infinite me! Victory to truth!


Hi Marye,

Where you get challenged is where you need to grow - to open up more. It's often at the level of mind that this kind of influx is resisted. The more light you let in, yes, the more its going to transform - like metamorphosis. So don't expect it to be comfortable. It wants to break everything inside that might be holding on.

As I read your post, the word "control" popped out very strongly. Why are you still trying to control? What are you still trying to control? Are you afraid of falling apart? The old self must do that. And it's entirely okay. Out of the ashes will arise the new.

This can be done progressively. You don't necessarily have to do it all at once (although some do - I did. It's not pretty. But it unleashes powerful inflows). So if you feel you really can't cope with being so overwhelmed, then find techniques that distract from the pain... entertainment, food, music, exercise, bodywork. These kinds of things. But when you can muster the courage again, step right back into the furnace.

You're not alone - even though it may at times feel so.

Open :-)

In reply to by Open


Hi Open!
Very rightly timed post. I am going through lot of agitation and some strange sensations since some days. I was feeling confused and uncomfortable. However, I feel the light more strongly when I do Reiki. Your timely post put all these experiences in the right perspective.
As Marye put it, it's so overwhelming at times that I stop and shut my self down!! I feel choked, overflowing and I don't know what to do. I feel I am falling apart, I get scared.
To draw from your answer to Marye, I should let myself fall apart. I should let myself to be overtaken by the light. I should ready myself then.
Thanks for showing the path,
Love and light - Janhavi


Thank you for the article Open! I just stumbled upon this song.. It's translated from dutch so I hope it makes sense, but I really wanted to share the lyrics as I thought they were quite beautiful and synchronistic :)

I’m a man of flesh and bone
A drop in the ocean
Beyond recognition amongst the waves

A grain of sand in the desert
As the crowd swallows me
And buries me again and again

But carried by the white light
I ascend above myself
Weightless for a moment
More than a shadow in the white light
With eyes wide open in the sun
I discover my face

I was born in the mountains
Carry water to the sea
But why have I forgotten?

I step into the sand
But I’m quietly washed away
And fill my place back into the void

But carried by the white light
I expand from who created me
Time shutting it’s eyes
More than a shadow in the white light
With eyes wide open in the sun
I discover my face

I feel this candle
Won’t burn forever
So I drown myself
In its temporary gleam

It won’t take long before the truth
Beats the lies out of my hands again
My eyes burning like hell
But I’d rather go blind
Than die here right now

Dio disse: "Sia luce" e luce fu (God said: “Let there be light” and there was light)

Carried by the white light
I ascend above myself
Weightless for a moment
More than a shadow in the white light
With eyes wide open in the sun
I lose my face

I’m a man of flesh and bone
A drop in the ocean
Going down amongst the waves