Animals in our lives as Spirit guides catalysing 'Evolution'
Here's an invitation to explore the illumination and majesty of "Animal Medicine" that appears on our path. From the Robin in your garden, to the Snail in your plot. From the Lioness on the Savannas, to the spider in your barn. From the dog you happen to be the guardian of, to the seagull flying free in the skies. How are they speaking to you? What do they say? Especially now, as the Simulation goes into overdrive, let's reconnect with the naturalness of life.
Do share your experiences. Let's create some natural feedback loops. 🙏❤️
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Animal encounters
Was working through some stuff and I randomly remembered a couple of significant incidents involving animals. Once when i was a teen I had come home from Toronto quite late, around 2-3 am. It was a summer night and I had a 20 minute walk from the bus stop to home. I was enjoying the quiet and post-rain mood when i noticed walking towards me three men. I suddenly felt quite alarmed and tried to figure out how to avoid crossing their path without alerting them. I slowed down but kept walking as I had nowhere to divert to. I had been considering going up to a house and knocking on the door but before it came to that, a white Sheppard-type dog walked up alongside me. It stayed with me as the men grew closer and then started to cross the street. I followed it talking to it as if it was my dog and got to other side of street as they passed, without incident. The dog then trotted off. Another time walking home from school, another white dog showed up beside me just as I was passing a construction site where there was a deep pit. It stayed with me for a few moments as I got past the pit and then trotted off.
I also remember driving from Vancouver to Toronto to go to school. I had stopped at a campsite just outside of Winnipeg, Manitoba for the night. I took my dog for a twilight walk through the campsite and was drawn to a wooded area. In a clearing I noticed a large number of birds flying around above me and stopped to get a closer look. Pretty soon a bird from the flock came down closer and closer to seemingly check me out. It was a small owl of some kind. Then a few more of the owls also came down to take a look at me, swooping closer and closer until one seemed to want to land on my head. I flinched not wanting to get hurt, but stayed where I was, mesmerized. Once, visiting the Toronto zoo with a friend, she noted animals seemed to be intrigued by me as when visiting an owl exhibit the owls just stared at me even when she waved at them to divert their attention. At the seal exhibit, the seals kept swimming up to me and checking me out which my friend noticed too.
I've always felt a kinship and deep love of animals, feeling more comfortable with them than humans. But my shelterd, cozy suburban life kept me distant from them and I never understood how much smarter they are than I gave them credit for. My consciousness was too shallow to make a true connection and understanding as to what drew them to me, or what they were trying to tell me, which i regret. Without a doubt they have a closer connection to source and have a purity rarely seen in humans. I've no doubt the dogs were sent by my spirit team to keep me safe. Animals are a blessing I wish all could see.
Apart from being well known to represent transformation, many are aware of butterflies strong spiritual connection, especially the ancient Greek word psyche, which means soul or spirit in english. Well, I found this feedback loop today - your message - having arrived home from a spiritual retreat weekend workshop, and was welcomed by a Red Admiral sipping the sweet nectar of the daphne plant by my front door. This is the first butterfly I have seen this year, and I know my husband in spirit specifically uses Red Admirals. So, I thought I would share this magical synchronicity with the Openhand readers. Thank you for keeping us up to date on The Shift. Us lightworker warriors need all the support we can get, as we take the helm of the ship, as things get stormy! And that steers nicely to an assocaition with Admiral Nelson! My husband is one of my guides in spirit since he departed his body in 2021. And you could say he is helping to steer my ship in the uncharted waters of The Shift; my mission or, at least, one of them, and the reason for his death and my awakening - get on with what you came here for! And I have the helm of awe tattooed on my arm, and I have had pirates and compasses come up a lot recently! And what about the red? Well....that's for love ❤️ and that is our mission. To guide humanity through unchartered waters and awakening to christ consciousness. It's been all about The Ark/Arc lately too....I discovered I'm Joan of Arc in another timeline, then there's Noah's ARK and the ARCturians...spirit has such a wicked sense of humour. But us Arctuarians are also captains of the ship....the space ship that is Earth. And Sanat Kumara, and Mary and Yeshua are Arcturians! So I could go on, about the butterfly affect/effect and having to turn things around....steering the ship in the other direction....but I won't. And this is just how one animal, which is also and insect, is speaking to me. And I could use that link to talk about Mantis beings.... another insect! Not to mention the bees and the ants! And I haven't even started on the mammals, birds and aquatic life! And to finish, I highly recommend the short films by Conservation International called Nature is Speaking. My favourites are Mother Earth. The Soil, The Ocean and The Redwood, but there are many more. They have a very powerful message. So I've talked about a lot of animals with wings....making up our tribe of earth angels. Oh, and I dreamt about a tiny yellow buttefly with white around the could say it had a silver lining. It may even have been a Clouded Yellow! And, of course, every cloud has a silver lining!
How smart is the humble crow? Mind Blowing!... 🐦⬛
I'm loving all your sharings here in our revived Animal Medicine forum. Thanks everyone for chirping in (pardon the pun!).
Ready to have your minds blown? Then check this one out. The amazing intelligence of the humble crow...
In terms of "Animal Medicine", I find crows tend to speak into our shadow side distortions. So they'll call at particular times where we need to own something, and work on it. But now clearly, we can add applying the intuition for puzzle solving to their many traits.
Simply mind-blowing...
<<< Open 💎
The tenacity of Badger Medicine - stunning video 🦡
I found this video today, about a Badger artist, and his experiences with Badger. How they inspire him to create art...
What creature is appearing on your path? Do share. I'll happily offer a reflection.
<<< Open 💎
Eagles and pigeons
In reply to The tenacity of Badger Medicine - stunning video 🦡 by Open
Hi Open,
I had a beautiful eagle encounter at the res retreat with the vision of one above my head, and during the meditation my body animations took on outstretched wings and flew high above, beyond the earth.
The next day I was watching a pigeon eating blades of grass and leaves in my garden. The ‘noticing’ of pigeons has featured for some while now on my journey, but this time the words “the pigeons are coming home to roost” came to mind.
I believe pigeons were first recognised for their homing abilities by the ancient Sumerians in Mesopotamia, which relates to my first awareness. I get the sense that pigeons coming home to roost could be karmic in that ‘all that has been done shall now come to pass’.
I saw the Red Sea parting along the Nubian fault line and it immediately felt hugely biblical.
Is the karmic Red Sea to part? I sense the whole region (inc. Jordan) is involved in correcting the mistakes 💞
Blessings to all,
Animal and Plant teachers
In reply to The tenacity of Badger Medicine - stunning video 🦡 by Open
Hey Open,
This is right up my alley. I have been awakened to the connection I had as a wee child, quite exciting.
The last 3 months there have been cicadas loudly singing in the forest which speaks to me of transformation. They spend 7yrs or so underground as nymphs then burst forth singing.
In the last few days black cockatoos have made an appearance which can herald rain and spiritual growth amongst other things.
My horse gets lame at times if I dont pay attention, as soon as I face into whatever I have been avoiding his leg is back to normal.
My dogs remind me to stay in the moment and be. To enjoy life and not get too bogged down.
I am exploring connecting with plants after listening to a wonderful podcast from a very grounded guy Eliot Cowan on the Sounds True site I came across recently. I have been very encouraged to forge ahead and make connection to what is around me in my garden and forest.
Thankyou for the lovely reflection of animal medicine Open!
Lots o love
My poem about sheep! 🐑
EWE ~ A poem by Aphroheidi
My spiritual DeLorean
Coming back to the future,
delving into the past.
EWE, you are here and there,
while I stay everywhere;
yet present in this moment.
The field is so green!
The sun is bursting!
Clouds appear brighter,
bring the rain.
Washing away,
EWE, it beads off of EWE.
Almost a palindrome
Nipson Anomimata Mi Monan Opsin
Hey EWE, Don't get Aibohphobia on my count..
1, 2, 3...
The amazingness of sheep/ewe!
I love your poem, it feels as if your soul can see and listen to the magnificence of the sheep/ewe!
I have known very closely two sheep (ewe) in a farm animal sanctuary in Ireland few years ago and I can tell you that their soul speaks loudly to ours but often we only perceive these creatures in certain ways that we are accustomed too. I had the fortune of witnessing in them immense love and gentleness, fire and strength, playfulness and sadness, care and courage.
Here are some interesting characteristics about sheep (shared online by an animal organisation) that may speak to you and others who relate to this animal medicine at any time :)
-Sheep have extremely good memories. They can remember approximately 50 individuals (sheep and humans!) for years at a time.
-Sheep have been shown to display and recognise emotion by facial expressions with other sheep. Some are noticeable from their ears.
-When they experience stress or isolation, they show signs of depression similar to those that humans show by hanging their heads and avoiding positive actions.
-Sheep make different vocalisations to communicate with one another.
-Ewes (female sheep) are very caring mothers and have deep bonds with their lambs. Each mother can recognise her lambs by their bleats alone.
-About 8 per cent of domestic rams display preferences for other males as sexual partners.
-Sheep’s large rectangular pupils allow them to see approximately 270 degrees – that’s about 100 degrees more than humans. They can even see behind themselves without turning their heads.
-Sheep are extremely good swimmers and have been known to cross rivers and lakes to seek out better pastures.
-Sheep are very intelligent and have brain power equal to that of monkeys. They have been known to solve problems in order to reach better food sources. In 2004, sheep were documented rolling over cattle grids in order to get into gardens for grazing.
-Sick sheep seek out plants which make them feel better. They can detect what nutrients they are deficient in and can learn about which foods are beneficial or toxic by trying them.
Amazing messages!
Got to rush to work but looking forwards to reading how it feels...
with love x
Lessons from "squirrel medicine"
Personally, I love the squirrel energy! They always show up for me when the flow is saying one of two things: (1) resources are on their way (2) to be a degree more careful with resources.
They're also amazingly aware. I watched a guy feeding grapes to squirrels in a park in New York once. He said how they instantly knew if a grape was not organic...because they would peel it first!
<<< Open
Squirrel Energy
Im overflown by squirrel energy! Yesterday I took a very late evening walk in the woods up on Dartmoor and it was heaving with squirrels gathering food for the winter. Its a rare sight to see brown squirrels in this woodland because the rangers kill them, they consider them to be pests (the legacy of the herding culture we are living!, to say the least!).
And here I am meditating, lying down on the roots of a beautiful tree with the Stillness of the sounds of a stream just a few feet away. Im appreciating the Stillness and Silence that comes from the change of season, inviting a time of solitude and listening to the wisdom and feelings within. It encourages a rediscovering of one's own unique dreaming and inner richness.
I then hear a squirrel calling and running down the bark of the tree...well, towards me. He stops just about 8 feet away from my face and I see him carrying a nut in his mouth. He starts shaking his bush tail looking at me inquisitively...calling his song...hesitating to come down on the ground... checking me out, and finally after a few moments of exploration he decides to go back up :) What a wonderous connection! Very honoured to come so close to his energy!
Apparently, squirrels as a power animal are related to resources. I checked on my book Medicine Cards and found a bit more.
Squirrels are about being prepared and storing and gathering energy for times of need. Honouring your future by reading yourself for change. Lighten your load if you have gathered too many 'things' that do not serve you. Things like emotions, thoughts, worries, pressures, stuff. Shows a safe place to put your gatherings (wisdom, clarity, care) : in an untroubled heart and mind. All will be taken care of in its own time.
Wise Love
I’m very much in the ‘Green…
I’m very much in the ‘Green Snake’ energy right now 😉.
I’ll write more about that in a few days.
I'm getting Dragon energy right now. What's your power animal?
I'm doing a lot of work with "Dragon Energy" right now - getting a lot of synchronicities around it and working to unfold it in my field. What do I mean by that? Dragon energy is a metaphysical movement of energy which some have metaphored as a Dragon. The eastern Goddes Quan Yin is often pictured riiding a dragon for example. To me it's a metaphysical energy that closely resembles the flowing Torus - in fact the visualisation and feeling of it is highly likely to be the flowing Torus itself, which can greatly help in protection, creativity and flow. I'll be writing more about it soon and creating a meditation download on it.
Air dragon is what's speaking loudest at the moment, as the flow ascends in a spiral from the base, through the chakras and up into the higher densities. Plus there's also an interrelated downward flow, which generates full integration through ones field. Here's the sense of it with a depiction of the Universal Torus...
Re: To share - thank you
I love the energy I feel when I read your sharing on your animal connection in the dream To See - very powerful! I felt a sense of Trust and Faith coming through it. I am always amazed and humbled at the transformations that happen every time when we really connect with an animal guide either in 'real' life or in dreams and other dimensions. I was up on Dartmoor, UK yesterday and found a cosy spot on a tor overlooking a big valley, vast hillsides and a river flowing through. Beautiful, open blue skies on the horizon and I felt myself flying with the birds among the, makes me smile to read about your dream.
The transformative insight you had/been having feels special:
I still feel pain for what many are going through but also bouts of overwhelming love (...) no matter where we are on this journey, the connection and fact that we’re all going through this life here together is of comfort. Never alone, never give up, and always feel the love.
I feel supported by your message and very Trusting - feels at Home. Thank you. And so is the song you chose - these words are awesome:
My soul is stretching through the roots to memories of You (...) The promise you made (...) the promise to survive, persevere and thrive (...) And dare to rise, fill the world with life!
To Share
I’ve going through many changes and realizations these few months. I keep most to myself as I haven’t felt that I should share or reach out. Not the time. So many synchronicities, like the subject of animal totems. I had a very vivid dream a couple of months ago, I don’t recall the whole thing but I was was running, or soaring. I heard a screeching above me and when I looked, a huge beautiful owl was looking at me. I say he, because I felt a masculine energy, extended his legs and talons. I was frightened at first and started to look away but then I felt a calm wash through me, he wasn’t attacking me, he was joining me, so I raised my arm and we became one. I don’t remember anything else. Weeks later I’ve noticed a change in my thinking and fears and I remembered the dream. No matter what is happening in the world right now, I still feel pain for what many are going through but also bouts of overwhelming love. I know that everything will always be okay, we will be okay, that has been a message I’ve received many times throughout my life.
Tonight as I go about my normal routine, I felt a pull to put my headphones in and listen to music. The song I felt to listen to is one I’m sharing here.
no matter where we are on this journey, the connection and fact that we’re all going through this life here together is of comfort. Never alone, never give up, and always feel the love.
re: dolphin
Thank you for sharing your rich encounters with a variety of creatures, how beautiful! I found myself journeying through it with you :)
Yes, all animals, including the wild ones like the dolphin are exploited by humans :(
Very touching:
I now live with a consciousness that offers the pull to protect , honor and deeply love any animal that i might encounter . If those beautiful beings weren't here with us , i sense that life would be way less enjoyable and way more difficult to live . Lets keep on connecting with those different worlds as one .
Indeed, lets do!
Wise Love
The Dolphin
Dear Aspasia ,
It was wonderful to read about your story with your beloved cat Matty . I truly loved it - touched me deeply inside . Synchronistically , last week , i had the custody of a friend's black cat i only saw once around Christmas . This time , i had the real pleasure to get into a real deep connection with him & it felt amazing to see how he behaves in a new house . At one point , i felt " this cat is a special being " because he would do things that i had never witnessed with a cat like : lying in the kitchen sink or the bath tub . He made me laugh more than once and i sort of learned through reflections what he was here to convey : lightness of being , having fun for no reason , doing things the way others don't , kindness , and a serious sense of adaptation to a new environment . It was a very unexpected experience that i truly cherish . In the same time , there have been bees coming into my sleeping room nearly every day for the past 2, 3 weeks and pigeons seem to appear whenever i go for a while now - sometimes flying not far from the car ( in my knowing and thanks to Open's insights from last summer school - i know they appear to express Pleiadian's presence and support ) . This last winter , its was the Bear energy that came in - to express a special phase of inner retreat for special processing during those 3 months . What i do understand is that Animal totems came into our lives for specific reasons at specific important times . Thats exactly how i feel a connection just to ones i mentioned . Once in a while , a beautiful Robin will appear ( Express yourself fully ) , a Crow ( beware of your shadow side ) or a Ladybug " connection to the Divine feminine ) .I also often hear the sweet Owl that must be living nearby during the night time - so special to connect with . Few weeks ago , suddenly , a beautiful flow of Dolphin signs came in and as i was just often into different places , they still appeared so delicately . I truly love those guys ( I beleive they hold a frequency that is connected to the energy of the planet Sirius like Whales are ) - the express intelligence , speed , fun , laughter , living in groups , and capable of recognizing many different frequencies . The Us Naval army tried to use them as a Sonar Radar for many years ...but it pains my heart to know how poorly they were treated during those experimentations . Right now , those brothers are making me feel like they are supporting this uplifting phase of my life - specially after a 3 month period of deep regression and tough inner explorations . I now live with a consciousness that offers the pull to protect , honor and deeply love any animal that i might encounter . If those beautiful beings weren't here with us , i sense that life would be way less enjoyable and way more difficult to live . Lets keep on connecting with those different worlds as one . So much love , Bluehopi Jean
Animal Kingdom
Hey all!
I am surrounded by animals every day. I have a squirrel that is as dear to my heart as my own children are. She reminds me to be playful, learn to trust and yet forge ahead. Lately the robins have learned what the squirrels and ducks do. They come to whatever room I'm in, in my home and start pecking at the window. So I fix them treats and just sit a moment with them to say hello. I have a large amount of crows around me as well, and they always get very panic stricken whenever a hawk flies to close. But the hawk for me always comes to bring messages and to warn of any danger. Then there are the wolves and mythical creatures that always seem to come up one way or another in my life. Lately it feels like animals are gathering near me in larger numbers though. What this means, I've no idea other than maybe they just need to or perhaps I'm getting more and more evolved and am able to convert positively any catalyzing that needs to be done.
I reflected yesterday on how many animals have always seemed to just surround me. Now I can see why people I know eventually start trying to call me Mother Nature, or some other fairy tale name. Yes, it makes me laugh when they do but the reflection of that is what exactly is it. So I go with the old adage, it honestly does take one to know one I suppose :)
I do have to say though, the most phenomenal of all the animals I have ever had the pleasure to meet would be my first kitten. I was very young and the first conversation my Dad and I had about me having an animal was in a hospital, named Woodland of course. The conversation took place one minute to midnight of a birthday for me. Basically if I made it out alive lol! Obviously I did and so when I was able to, we went to an animal shelter and as I looked around at all the cats on the floor I remember feeling very overwhelmed. How could I pick just one. Then literally out of the ceiling came a kitten that plopped down onto my Dads back. I can still feel the joy of seeing this kitten, he was pure black and his tail was all crooked like a lightening strike.
A year later, my Dad had to leave for awhile and so left my sisters and I with a woman whom was wheelchair ridden. She was driving me to an appointment and instead of the appointment, drove straight into another vehicle at 45mph. Needless to say, out of the car through the windshield and onto the pavement was not going to be conducive to me staying alive. Yet, the universe had other plans. Two cars ahead of us was an ambulance and two cars behind was a newspaper reporter. My cat from there on out slept on top of my forehead, would hiss at anyone that came close and followed me everywhere, even refusing to let me get into a vehicle without him. Yet he always asked permission first before jumping up onto whatever furniture piece I was on. I'm sure him and I would have had a long long walk together, but I had to leave for awhile to another state and when I got back the woman that was caring for us said he just disappeared. I never liked her, but I was always as kind as I could possibly be and so many years later I happened upon her again at a street intersection. I recognized her immediately and said Hello, do you remember me?! Because I remember you. Her mind was not as it was though and there was much I wanted to do and say, but instead I helped her across the road and went on my way. It seems to me as I reflect back on all of this, so many people in my life have been like this woman. Come into my life, have a few moments then leave only to circle back again in some roundabout way before leaving again. I call it instant karma and leave no trace behind and try at least to enjoy every moment. The woman reminds me that no matter what happens in life, not to be debilitated by the circumstances. She was not crippled, but chose to be. Yet through her action, my left side was very blank for many years, I had amnesia, am partially deaf and left with an L shaped scar on my forehead for which kids used to say it was for losers. I'm a tough nut to crack though and always just said nope.. its for Love :)
Animal Kingdom and the touch of Cosmic Earthiness
In reply to Animal Kingdom by Wyndè
Wow Wynde! Very touched by your sharing!
You say that the "Animal Kingdom just surrounds me", well, to me, it sounds like you have the 'touch of Cosmic Earthiness' :) Every single encounter with any/every animal - including the ones who humans exploit like cows, chickens, sheep, pigs and so on - is a call to see & embody the universe in & through their eyes as they reflect this back to us. Mother Cosmic Nature indeed you are!
Forge Ahead
Its funny you mentioned the Robin in your home because yesterday late in the evening I had a guest robin in the kitchen looking for their food - I keep food for birds. They do come in very often when I leave the door open. :)
And your personal story with your black kitten speaks to me very deeply...
My cat from there on out slept on top of my forehead, would hiss at anyone that came close and followed me everywhere, even refusing to let me get into a vehicle without him. Yet he always asked permission first before jumping up onto whatever furniture piece I was on. I'm sure him and I would have had a long long walk together, but I had to leave for awhile to another state and when I got back the woman that was caring for us said he just disappeared.
To me, and because I love inquiry, your cat was guarding and amplifying your Higher Self, the Great Spirit within - so tenderly. I can imagine your cat saying... "Nope! its for Love!"
What a spiritual lesson to have experienced - instant karma you called it:
The woman reminds me that no matter what happens in life, not to be debilitated by the circumstances
I also add INSPIRING!
Its (for) Love xx
At the moment, wolf seem to resonate quite strongly for me representing energies of wisdom, strength and presence. Synchronistically, recently coyote in our area killed the remaining chickens in the broad daylight. It was difficult to part with them (more like pets) especially for my daughter. For me, chickens, the way they are cultivated and dependent represent the old energy/consciesness which needed to be let go for new to come in.
With Love,
Re: Wolf
What a beautiful animal Anatoly!
I have a lovely book on animal medicine and it says :)
The Wolf is the pathfinder, the forerunner of new ideas who returns to the clan to teach and share medicine.
And I am feeling for the beautiful graceful chickens, amazing power animals themselves, who embody courage under indeed totally controlling conditions we have dominated them in. Sending love to your daughter.
Beeutiful Bees
Hi All =)
Wow - Aspasia - thank you for the beautiful and tender sharing of your cat's transition. It was deeply touching to hear about your connection <3.
I love all of your stories of your power animals...Incidentally I popped in a new shop yesterday in an area of town I am not usually in and it was called "The White Owl". =)
For me the bee has been assisting me. She has come up over and over uncanny ways. At the same time, I am feeling inspired to form community around what inspires me. Right now that's looking like gathering some people I know and friends of theirs that may resonate to select a book and gather to work with the energies some discussion, but then to also meditate and express creatively what has been brought up. Everyone can bring a vegan dish and we can start building a soulful conscious community - I know it will evolve and this feels like an exciting starting point.
The bee is about community, but to me also a bit of magic, harmony, balance, creativity and defying logic. Creative expression feels so important to me at the moment...and sharing in that with others - drawing together a tribe of sorts.
Much love,
Re: Beautiful bees
In reply to Beeutiful Bees by .Wren
Thank you Jen, I love and Im touched by the authenticity of your heartfull expression - every time.
Upon reading your sharing this is what popped into my head, which is attributed to Einstein!
If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live.
It feels SO relevant when you say that bees have been assisting you...
Defy Logic
What an amazing collaboration with the bee - inspiring! And your project is so timely in face of the unfolding of the world today!
Much love,
Power Animal - Crane
Hi all,
such an interesting topic and closely related to what we discussed in the 'sword of truth' forum. Thanks Aspasia for the push, it seems timely for me to find more clarity about animals and how everything works together in this world.
The Crane has for a while been an especially powerful animal for me. There are some Qi Gong exercises where you stand one legged and spread your wings like a crane, very majestic, willful and strong, yet calm and balanced. It feels like it radiates wisdom.
Just about a week ago my mum surprisingly gifted me a towel with depictions of flying cranes, which i happily took with me to Mali. At this time the crane steadily reminds me to be calm and to stay in my center - and to patiently observe my surroundings and how the landscape unfolds.
Lots of sun for you,
Re: Crane
In reply to Power Animal - Crane by thomask
Thank you for your lovely presence Thomas. Yes, like you, I am also learning every moment about my unfolding in this 'connected unfolding world' - what a challenge and a Grace it is I feel!
And the Crane is indeed so graceful as I just wrote the word! :)
In Japan, the crane is sacred. S/he is also endangered worldwide. There are some beautiful photos of Japanese Zen meditation masters with cranes that I had come across in the past with all the qualities you mentioned above embodied and represented so beautifully.
Sending love,
White Owl. What's your's?
When I think of the sense of the power animals provide us, the magnificent reflections and reminders, it simply expands my heart. No complexities, no mind games, just pure authenticity, that then resonates how to be.
White owl has become my power animal in more recent years - 'he' appears especially in times where illumination is necessary. Of course owl is watching with 360 degrees awareness and sees especially clearly in the dark.
What power animals are noticing at this time and what do they say?
Hey Aspasia!
Your story brought here, your moment in time with this is just beautiful to me. Animals really do bring the most profound into our lives don't they!
Makes me just want to sit with you and hold my hands out for you. Smile and bring shine through the tears. Cats, animals in general really do bring amazing gifts to our lives don't they?!
Thank you so much for sharing this, if it wasn't for the newsletter this morning that I received I don't think I would of known this was even here. To me it seems that you have now gained a very loving guardian in spirit.
Ok before I go getting so wordy here I'll just say thank you again for sharing this and that I'm sending you so much love!
p.s anyone interested about a story of a dying child, saved by a kitten that came out of nowhere with a tail that looked like a lightning strike?! True story.. all my stories are nearly unreal, yet truth. Otherwise I think I'll just sit and weave a basket full of love for ya'll instead.
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