5D Shift: Dredging the Bottom of the Energy Barrel...Rise and Shine!

Submitted by Open on Wed, 03/07/2018 - 18:35

Right now, to me, out there in the field, many are saying it's pretty hard going..."It feels like grind and graft". The field feels turgid, with a lot of energetic sh** being stirred up. I always remind people this is a good thing - it moves dense energy on. But that doesn't make it easy! And I also remind you we've been here a thousand times. And sometimes I think... "Really? What again?" But this is what it takes, and we are breaking through. I can feel the light shining through the density. Signs and synchronicity are stacking up that we're "Dredging the Bottom of the Barrel". Now that might sound pretty unpleasant to some, not something you'd be pleased about. But we can be. Here's why...

The Roots of the Intervention have been Dug Up

The energetic field around the Earth has for thousands of years been controlled, manipulated and regulated by an Interdimensional Intervention. It has shaped society, shaped the climate, changed the vibrational frequency of the Earth, and even changed Human DNA to fit within their system - the vibration of their choice, the one more aligned to them. This intervention has to be tackled at the level of the field; the roots have to be dug up and the coherency of their frequency unraveled. It is being. Haleluyah!

But this is not the end of the story - just the beginning of the end. Still there are plenty of entities and implants in people's fields. You can feel them as a subtle buzz, or a distractional feeling that seems to come out of nowhere and put you off kilter.

Internal awareness is utterly essential right now. You have to know intimately your own energies, your emotional flows and patterns. You have to get to know what's your stuff, and what belongs to others. It comes by feeling your own boundaries, knowing yourself. Then you get to intuit and feel that off-centering energy that creeps in but doesn't belong to you.

You have to get to know your own personal triggers, but then work into them as they fire; taking ownership of your reaction - expressing into them, but deciding "this does not define me!" Then we can let go of the influence, become The One in the feelings, and unravel the tethers that bind us in.

Opening Channels of Ligth

There's still plenty of renegade, dissident Opposing Consciousness (OC) in resistance. There are still influencing negatively the shift into the new vibration. The going is somewhat easier now - they will leave with a strong, directional statement...

"You do not belong here!"

But you've got to dig deep into your own subconsciousness. You've got to soften into the layers, and grind through your own internal resistance where OC likes to hide.

As more and more of you now grind through your stuff, you're also opening channels in the field - the fragments of light breaking through are connecting up - you can literally feel waves of alignment rippling through space. And there's lots of surrendering going on by the Opposing Consciousness - even the more ancient resistant ones are beginning to realign and leave. It's breathtaking, check out...
5D Shift: Dealing with the Influence of Ancient Entities in the Field

It's still a grind. And it's still tiring. It's exhausting work. So back to the 'Dredging the Bottom of The Barrel' synchronicity. It suddenly clicked for me - we're literally cleaning the bottom of the barrel in terms of the energy field. We're there. We're breaking right into, and through, the final layers - yihah!

The need to Breakthrough

So the current accelerations are filling me with cheer. And despite the fact that I have been feeling drained and tired at times, I am also greatly uplifted by that feeling of continual breakthrough. It reminds me of the first in the Openhand book series "Breakthrough", which is an epic true story of awakening, about breaking through the often restrictive challenges of life, and into the abode of the divine.

It's all about how every single moment offers the potential to break through into a deeper sense of divinity. What is the moment presenting? How is it doing that? And through real life experiences - how do you break through exactly?

Personally, I've come through a tough period on my journey recently. At times I felt a little drained of motivation. But I know it wasn't an aligned feeling - not natural to who I am. I knew the energy at the bottom of the barrel was influencing, and at the same time, I wasn't going to allow it to stop me. The divine kept asking me, "What's important Now?"

"Breakthrough!" - I yelled inwardly to myself.

Grind to Rise!

I hit this point where I sat myself right down, and layer by layer I worked into and through it. I changed my feelings in this way, and changed the surrounding field in the process.

I share this with you in case you feel something similar. In case you've been having a hard time. Don't worry. You're not alone. You are never alone. And you're Dredging the Bottom of the Barrel. We're almost there. So keep going. Dig deep. Yihah!

Finally, I thought you might like this film to inspire you. It's called "Rise and Grind" but for me, "Grind to Rise" would be more appropriate - because that's what it takes to Ascend! (just forget about the fact that the film is by Nike, and sometimes it sounds a touch competitive. Enjoy it anyway!...

(Publishers - please publish with links intact and the Openhand brief biog. Thankyou <3)

About Openhand Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution: integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of tapping into the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe and aligning with it in your life. It helps you unveil your True Self, remove karmic blockages and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic, resilient and truly successful living. Join us...Openhandweb, Openhand fb, Openhand TV

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I felt to share this article again today....

5D Shift: Dredging the Bottom of the Energy Barrel...Rise and Shine
(scroll to top for article and great inspirational video)

Just got back from the Glastonbury Seminar last night - a powerpacked gathering of souls indeed. And many are feeling it pretty dense as we work through the various layers of the field. So if you're experiencing that too, no worries, it's just "par for the course", as they say.

The key thing is that you have your daily processes for attuning to your divine being within, connecting to the flow and working quickly through whatever density comes up. You'll be rising and smiling in no time!

Much love and flow your way

Open HeartPraying Emoji


Spot on Open.. SPOT ON!!!
Herrrrrre weeee gooooooooo... WoooHoooooo!!!


Glad you mentioned hula-hooping! It has often been where I go when I have 'too much' energy moving through my body, mind, spirit and soul. Infact, I've developed this technique that I call 'energy hooping' where I scoop out dense areas of my energy field while I'm doing it. Don't ask me to explain in detail, but maybe I'll get a chance to do a demo for you sometime!

All love.


"The bottom of the barrel has never tasted (smelt, felt...) so good!" Loved this Tonya - beautiful! What an empowering way to meet the challenge, to meet the bottom of the barrel every moment! I find that with this sentiment as an inner compass we - individually and collectively - can break through those layers in full presence for more freedom to arise.

Your uplifting experience of the mini trampoline reminded me very vividly:

I have heard and witnessed so many remarkable stories from people I had the honour to co-create with as a facilitator, some of them going through major crisis, including attempts at suicide. There was this amazing woman who a couple of times had wanted to take her own life. Having broken through layers of conditioned patterning (beliefs and emotions) and being in a more soulful place, she ... "hula hooped" her way to 'centerness', Yep! When she felt herself 'being dragged down' she would pick up her white hula hoop and swirl herself to embodied centreness! I bowed three times to her "amazingness"! I feel that because of her empowered inner attitude she could gather her energies to more embodied freedom and soulful expression. I also felt that the hula hoop was a divine gift, the material manifestation of benevolence.

With wise love xx


... what do I do when my energy is 'slagging'? I get on my mini-trampoline ('rebounder') and shake and jiggle. Don't even need to actually jump - or leave the surface of the trampoline. It seems to be about giving the cells a jiggle that does it - they need that once in a while (and it helps that it's not a solid surface that you're bouncing on).


Hey you dear folk!

I loved this piece so much, Open. Your soul shines so brightly through it. I can feel the weight of feeling like we've 'been here a thousand times' (I feel it too) and also, at the same time, your passion for the journey and the sheer unadulterated, openhearted joy at knowing we're breaking through (I feel that too, too).

This is such an incredible time! I feel us collectively breaking through and breaking through the layers, each moment. Each day, each moment of each day, has a different tone - we are breaking through a different bit of the story and as we do, our souls are coming shining through a bit more.

And yes, it's hard. Sometimes a moment brings with it a resonance of what happened before, say a resonance of Sirius blowing up, say, which I felt passing through the field earlier today. And feeling the triggers inside, the panic, the terror, the automatic feeling to tighten, contract, in the face of emotions like that. And then the invitation to soften and just dive through. Yet it's so much easier now... having done so much inner work on this - having been back to that moment so many times and worked my way through it - I can say it's just a resonance now. But then, there's so much benevolent help in the field for us right now! We can accomplish anything. These are amazing, gorgeous times when anything is possible.

I passionately want to support what you said right here. Never a truer word was spoken! 'Internal awareness is utterly essential right now. You have to know intimately your own energies, your emotional flows and patterns. You have to get to know what's your stuff and what belongs to others. It comes by feeling your own boundaries, knowing yourself. Then you get to intuit and feel that off-centering energy that creeps in but doesn't belong to you.'

As a coach and healer and facilitator of others' journeys, I see the most incredible things happening in people's lives at the moment. Such dramatic things happening, such challenging situations! And when I talk to friends (most of them healers and helpers and coaches of some kind too), they are finding the same. This truly is a most amazing time! And within it such possibilities! We need to dig deep - and know that the deeper we dig, the most benevolent help we get... it is infinite! We are being helped on so, so many levels!

And 'You have to get to know your own personal triggers, but then work into them as they fire, taking ownership of your reaction - expressing into them, but deciding "this does not define me!" Then we can let go of the influence, become The One in the feelings, and unravel the tethers that bind us in." Gorgeous!

It's a great work, the work that we're doing now! Keep on keeping on, everyone. The bottom of the barrel has never tasted (smelt, felt...) so good! In fact, I can see a little light shining through. And now some more.... Love you guys! <3


Hey "To See", nice to "See" you! Slightly Smiling

Hi Wyndè, I really liked this...

What helps me when I feel like my energy is just slagging (sluggish and lagging) and there is no real reason for it, I start just moving really fast or do something really silly! It breaks up the energy around me and gets the heart rate up.

Love it. I do something similar! The Sun Emoji



I just want to say I belong, you belong, everyone belongs here! Those are the words I find myself saying whenever I feel I should not be here on earth, or even posting here on this forum.

When that voice in my mind says dont do something, or your not worthy or some other horrific thought, I just say hrmm. Time to learn the absolute opposite of this negative! Time to carve just a little bit deeper into any road blocks that might be in my way.

Dredging the bottom of the barrel indeed lol! Funny too as I've been thinking recently about a new kind of painting and they usually come out in two's, yet this time I've got a name first for them. Rise and set. How they'll look, I have no idea. But I've been contemplating them for a bit now.

Oh and what helps me when I feel like my energy is just slagging (sluggish and lagging) and there is no real reason for it, I start just moving really fast or do something really silly! It breaks up the energy around me and gets the heart rate up.



Hello Open,

The way I've been feeling as of late, your post today was timely. I've been coming to Openhandweb.org for a couple of years and with all I've been through and going through, this space is brings most comfort in not feeling on my own or losing grip.

Thank you!