Unusally Cold Weather Amongst the Global Warming - Solar Minimum
Hi Everyone, in the interests of normalising so we can equalise with the phenomenally transient weather patterns across our planet right now, I felt to draw attention to the spats of unusual and unseasonal cold weather and snow that we're witnessing in places around the globe at the moment. Just take a look at some of the headlines and links below. It's quite shocking that all this is also taking place when countless scientists also agree we're midst an acceleration of global warming. So what's going on?
I've been following the impact of the Grand Solar Minimum that we're in at the moment. Suspicious Observers are great in their daily updates on that. The Solar Cycle is 11 years long, although its complete magnetic cycle is the duration of two solar cycles - 22 years. We're currently headed towards a solar minimum, forecasted to arrive in 2019 as the Sun switches over from Solar Cycle 24 to Solar Cycle 25. Because of the minimum, we're witnessing greatly reduced solar flares heading Earth's way, and this is likely contributing to the unusual snow records around the world at the moment. And highly likely to be contributing to all the Tornadoes across the USA too, as hot air meets cold.
Consider also the Pole Shift, which tends to create reduced temperatures and even a mini ice age as we transition through it.
I'm no meterologist, but I suspect that the Solar Minimum and Pole Shift are offsetting the impact of CO2 induced global warming from society. Although if this is the case, both offsetting factors will be relatively short lived.
Here's what I picked up from elecroverse about that unusually cold weather around the globe...
May in Duluth: Below-Average Temps and Record-Setting Snow
Bunbury, Western Australia just Suffered its Coldest May in Recorded History — Forecast is for more Anomalous Cold in June
Heavy Snow Hammers New Zealand’s South Island — More to come This Week
Multiple Minnesota Cities Bust All-Time Low Temperature Records + Grand Solar Minimum Planting Concerns
Colorado’s Snowpack stands at 473% of Normal and is “Holding on Late” — Grand Solar Minimum
Multiple All-Time Cold Temperature Records Fell in Southern Queensland Overnight
Australia’s Polar Blast continues to topple Cold and Snow Records across the Southeast, with the Entire Continent Forecast to be Engulfed in the Coming Days
Toowoomba, Australia sees its All-Time Coldest May Temperature since Records Began in 1996
Denver is Suffering its Coldest May since 1995 (solar minimum of cycle 22), and its 5th Coldest in 147 Years of Records
Seven All-Time Cold Records Fell in Northern Arizona on Monday — Grand Solar Minimum
Canberra just Shivered through its Coldest May Day in 19 Years — Aussie Snow Totals Rising
Let's stay informed, let's stay aware folks!
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How the Pole Shift and Solar Minimum are Affecting Weather
In tune with my new forum thread, I felt to share this informative video I just came across...
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