Activate Your Divine Being Within
So what exactly is the Divine Being in You? We shot this adventurous video from an epic week on our DIVINICUS course up in the marvellous mountains of Snowdonia. Come and be inspired by kindred spirits connected with you, all finding the divine being in them...
(if you enjoy it, do like and share it below )
When the matrix gets real and the fears come up
Hey Betsy - there with you.
I know it's tough when something like this in the 'real' world happens - suddenly the situation is right there in front of you and pulls you right in. But that's the point. The soul wants to define itself beyond this. So it creates these circumstances to break free from.
So focus on what ever tightness comes through - animate whatever fears come up. All the while, feel right into and through them. Through your own inner expression, tell the situation and the Universe who you really are. You'll break free from the density in these moments.
Thanks for the kind words about the video
Love this video
Hi everyone in the Openhand family. It was so lovely to see some familiar faces in the video and faces I haven't met quite yet. I felt the love coming through. (At 333 am btw)
Great timing as usual as I am about to jump off the shoreline and into center stream (in regards to a possibility of job loss). I was meditating last night and receiving love from my soul planet Pleiades. They reminded me about something I learned in Seattle. Open, when you were sharing your story the words that stuck with me were, " ok so you lose your job, ok and then what? You can't pay your bills, ok and then what" helps to remember those words because when I say them out loud I know it will be ok.
I have asked the universe to show me what to do. I know I'm being surrounded by my guides and star souls.....I awoke last night and looked at my phone to 333. Thank you and I'm so glad to be part of the openhand family.
See everyone down the flow.
Fab having you along!
And it was fab having you along Kevin - thanks for the great feedback
Episodes of the Jim & Ken show
I had no idea! We'll have to catch some episodes at the next event
OMG Open! The Jim & Ken Show…
OMG Open! The Jim & Ken Show! We have been producing loads of material off camera for years! hahah Plus mattress moving as a side business lol!! <3
The Jim & Ken Show!
Hey Jen, it just wouldn't have been the same without you. 😊
And of course the Jim & Ken show. You guys should start a youtube channel, it would go astral!
Hey Rich - likewise, the group greatly benefitted from the rock centred steadyness of your energy.
Thanks from the heart for holding the space
Great video, great experiences
Great video Open. The way you describe the different layers of being I find very interesting. I would recommend watching it a couple times through to really get the message to sink in.
Also great to be reminded of all the fun we had, along with the deep processing. I'm sure everyone who went will treasure these experiences.
Much love,
Awesome video!
So awesome! It was so great to see these moments from the group's time together. Love the video Open - playful and lighthearted....and a call to jump in center stream!
Very much enjoyed making the latest Openhand Video
I had a lot of fun and joy making this video for you all. I wanted it to be entertaining aswell as informative. A profound thanks to the group, who shared their energy with you all beautifully and lovingly!
Much love
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