Beautiful Nature

I felt to start a new thread here for us to share on "Beautiful Nature". It's about reflecting the tremendous beauty that we still have left, and the stunning connections of consciousness that happen with creatures. It must surely be the case that their consciousness is going through a quantum shift. What do you observe and feel happening? Heart

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That's just magic! Thanks for sharing it.

What inspires me is meditating with my horse in the paddock, connecting with the earth and forest as well.

The smell of grasses, birds calling aah!

Its hard to put into words the feelings when my heart syncs in with his and we breathe tog, not always touching physically, but always energetically. Aaaah! Magic!

Sometimes thought packages come and give insight, other times I release old things and tears fall, but always a beautiful, grounding experience. I am so blessed!

Here is a link that touched me deeply, I hope you're inspired too!

Much love

Zee 🌳🐎