How to "Burn the Boats" of an Out-dated Reality Construct...5 Key Steps
You can see it now. The higher dimensional consciousness has opened up and you're having visions of 'future-landing-now'. As these visions begin to steadily take shape, the excitement builds. You're creating consciously, you can literally feel the impact you're having on the field around you. There's no struggle to create like before. Things begin to effortlessly click into place. However, to fully realise the completeness of these miraculous 'dreams', you've got to be prepared to let go of the old reality you're stepping out of.
You've got to be prepared to "burn your boats".
It doesn't have to be like this!
The outer reality is an illusion that looks separate from ourselves. Apparently, it is something that's happened completely randomly by chance. And if you want to have something, then you must work to control it - to produce some kind of outcome. This is the case for the vast majority of people on the planet. But it is a sad, shadowy existence, which makes little space for the soul to truly flow. There's always the feeling that there's not enough and that you must struggle for more. This is the redundant Homo Sapiens dynamic which is destroying the planet by its own sense of lack.
It doesn't have to be like this!
You don't have to live that way.
You are so much more than this limited existence.
First is to realise that you are the creator of your reality; that you manifest everything from what you're being within. Your inner world is seamlessly interconnected with the outer experience you create. But to create effortlessly and magically, you have to find internal alignment and congruency. Basically, you must connect up with the natural flow and harness it harmoniously through you in order to create with minimal distortion. Then your creations will be magical and miraculous. It'll feel just like walking through a waking dream where the universe is working tirelessly to support your every step.
How can you realise this dream?
Realising the Dream
First, there's being surrendered to the soul. It's learning to listen to that quiet inner voice and responding to it, no matter what. Even - especially - when it leads in the opposite direction from the crowd (or where you thought you were going?). Your soul is unique and searching out a unique stream of experience for you. You've got to have the courage to follow the heart-felt pull, even when everyone around you is telling you it's crazy, or can't be done.
When you're following the soul, it's going to challenge all of the fixed reality constructs that your ego has formed, based on control, fear or sense of lack. Because at your core level, the soul is none of these. It works from a free flowing, in-the-moment spontaneity, which feels like universal love coursing through your veins.
How do you reconcile this free-flowing spontaneity of soul with the matrix construct we live in?
One important tip is you'll have to Overcome "Poverty Consciousness"...Here's How
Self honesty is the fulcrum upon which aligned reality forms
It is possible to blend the higher and lower flows, yes. There's a characteristic of the soul we might call the 'diplomat'. It's about feeling the higher flow, which is working to move reality in a certain direction, but also honouring other souls still connected into the old reality. Working with this characteristic means you're able to function in the matrix, for example, and yet still find a good degree of soul freedom and expression. But you do definitely have to work at it.
Check out the Openhand Book 5GATEWAYS for deeper insight into this
The flow into the higher 5D paradigm is shifting strongly now. The old reality is becoming increasingly challenged and being churned up. The evidence is beginning to mount up.
We see this clearly reflected in the catastrophic breakdown of our biosphere, the dwindling of natural resources and the mass moving on (6th mass extinction) of all sentient life. So if your life is not changing at a fair old speed, then it's highly possible you may be still stuck in the old reality construct.
Here's where self honesty is absolutely paramount. Self honesty is the fulcrum upon which aligned reality takes shape. Are you holding yourself back? If you don't honestly know, ask the universe and it will clearly show you.
If you feel that you are, then you must be fully prepared to let go of the old reality construct; to open a space and let the new energy flow in. Because if you're attached to the old way of being and living, then those threads of consciousness will keep pulling you back. This is where you've got to be prepared to "burn your boats". What does that mean in a practical sense?
Burning your's how in 5 steps
Everything is of consciousness, everything interconnected. And so if subconsciously you're tied into the old reality it will keep pulling you back. In short, you won't have enough energy to create that bright new opportunity. You could struggle and effort to create like before by trying to manipulate the chequers on the board, but if you're truly on the spiritual path, you're way past that limited, outdated way of creating.
What you've got to do is be prepared to burn away the old reality, and crucially... inside yourself. And don't worry if there are aspects of the old reality that you truly love, they will take shape again in the new one - if they're definitely meant to be a part of it.
So at this point, take yourself into meditation. Then work with these 5 steps...
1) Consider all the ties of the old reality. Visualise them, see the imagery in as much detail as possible.
2) Feel where these threads connect inside of you. What do they pull on? Where are your fears and limitations? What are you afraid of?
3) Contemplate the worst outcome imginable of taking that step, of unraveling that old consciousness and feel deeply into the inner impact of that fear.
4) At the height of the fear, remember that you are The One, that this relativistic experience does not define who you are, and that you can transcend it (here's a video on how).
5) When you feel yourself transcending the fear, then you're already free of the ties, and you can literally break them inside of you - see yourself cutting or burning them away.
The need for commitment and courage
It's going to take commitment and courage to do this. It's not just about the softness of surrender, but summoning the passionate and determined inner will also. These too are vital characteristics of the soul. Discover all the Characteristics of the Soul
So in these times of maximum turbulence and transition, there's incredible opportunity for spiritual growth - for growth at a soul level. And when you're progressing in this way, there's absolutely nothing like the sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. You recognise it as your purpose for being - the very destiny of your soul.
So is it time for you to burn your boats with an old reality? Your heart truly knows, and when you do, there is nothing to fear but the fear itself. Burn the myth that it is, and find yourself sailing into a bright new dawning, to a new shoreline that enhances and glorifies the majesty of your soul.
When you feel ready for change and really want to accelerate the evolution and expansion of your consciousness, then come dive into Openhand's Ascension Portal which is rich with tools, tips and resources...
In loving support
Gaia will progressively Emerge from the Old Reality Construct π
31/08/2023 Shift Update: Leaving Old Realities Behind
I'm sensing a lot out there in the field that life is wanting to change - and people in the Openhand community can feel it. The two worlds of consciousness are beginning to tear apart within the field. And as you come ever more into your new beingness, then the True Self that you're becoming is inviting change. Be aware this is no easy process. There will be people and places you're invited to leave behind.
This is sure to bring up deep and old karmic wounds. Ascensions seldom (if ever) happen en mass. From my experience from plenty of past ones, it's a wave of souls that ascend out of such shifts. So be prepared, the energy field is shifting and changing strongly and your new beingness might want to start to move to a different place or construct or landscape. At the very least, it's going to invite a change in how you're living and being within your current set-up. Watch for those daily invitations for change in your life patterns.
Recognising the Internal Impact of the Shift
This Shift is going to require you to find courage and bravery. It's going to push challenging buttons inside. Recognise the strong possibility of this. And in so doing, it's going to help you enormously by recognising in what internal layers the movements are likely to impact you and how:
1. In the Physical Plane: you might feel existential threats - poverty consciousness and the fear of risk in giving up some comfort or security. It will make the body feel tight at times, especially the back and shoulders. Hence make sure you apply regular deep consciousness bodywork to unravel through this. Keep your body soft and fluid and supple. Also, do work to let go of any poverty consciousness. Here's Openhand's lead article on that...
7 Types of "Poverty Consciousness" and How to Unravel It
2. In the Emotional Plane: You're likely to feel anxiety about change at key times, especially in relationships (a big area right now). This might present as heart palpitations, shortness of breath, acid reflux or a tightness in the sacrum. It's the body's reactions to the change of landscape and reality that's invited. These types of reactions can cause people to contract back down in fear. The key is to recognise that your beingness is preparing you for change. Anxiety is a distortion of the sense of adventure. A degree of nervousness is okay, because increased awareness is invited about the possibility of change. Keep looking into your periphery - what shifts are being invited? Practice deep breathing, and plenty of movement - including long walks, and short journies (in the car). Watch landscapes changing, and feel the sense of change within. Breathe into this and soften through it. It will ready you emotionally for change. Be prepared to take regular small risks by changing your routines and jumping frequently into the place of not knowing. Openhand's game of free-wheeling is great in supporting this practice. Essentially you take off with no destination or agenda, you're going with the heartfelt pull or higher knowing and responding accordingly, letting go of any tightness in the process.
3. On the mental plane: Minds and brains are often hard-wired for comfort and security - why take the risk if you don't have to? But in continually playing out these old programs it just keeps you small in the box. Therefore you've got to recognise these loops of limitation as they activate and get inside them. Break them open. Interrupt the patterns as they activate. You can do this with visualisation and breathing. The Openhand Bow is excellent for this. You visualise the behaviour patterns in your life, feel the constriction within, and then bow into them. This heightens the tension, but crucially, enables you to feel and touch that layer of consciousness more intimately. Thus you can soften through.
Download and Practice the Openhand Bow
The Emergent 5D Human
We're beginning to resurrect the new 5D Human as we break free of the old reality construct that confined us. This is a steady process of transmutation - the caterpillar becoming the butterfly. It's very necessary that you're clear you've begun that process within yourself right now - there is no time to waste. Actually, to my mind, the conditions of society out there are the perfect ones to forge this new beingness. When the butterly emerges from the crysallis it is a struggle. But the work the emergent butterfly needs to do is entirely necessary to strengthen its wings in the process - without which, it wouldn't be able to fly at all!
Do check out the lead article above as well, about how to approach and break down old reality constructs. Enlightened living is the constant process of death and rebirth - dying to the old you and rebirthing the next highest version of yourself. You can build courage and bravery to these shifts, but it's essential to practice yourself in this art. It's sure to be highly beneficial to your life circumstances...
"Burning the Boats" of an Out-dated Reality Construct...Here's How in 5 Steps
And to support you on your journey in September, we've got these two events upcoming. Dive in and work with us. We can help you transform your reality.
Bright blessings
Open ππ
2nd Sep: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA) SORRY, NOW SOLD OUT
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open
14th-16th Sep: 5D Human Activation: 3-Days, ZOOM
It's high time to dive into centre stream of the Shift, to unfurl your 5D wings and thrive from there in daily life. Let's connect from the energetic comfort of your own home, where the Openhand energy will reach out and meet you in a heartbeat at your front door. With groundbreaking meditations, past life regressions, karma processing through ancient Himalayan practices.
Unfurl Your New 5D Self!
Transformation is now
In reply to Gaia will progressively Emerge from the Old Reality Construct π by Open
I was out for freewheeling today morning and ended up on top of the nearby hill. I sat there looking over the city below with trees and wildlife around. I was enjoying the simple beauty and joy if life and even writing something about.
When I read the above message, I was listening to the song below. The message and the music added a feeling knowing of change and transformation that is upon us. First there was an immediate reaction and wanting to turn away from it and the mind kicking in to conclude , this is something I have to deal in the future! But then it landed, I'm invited to feel into this now and mediate through it. I could feel my solar plexus tightening with the knowing that, no amount of spiritual truth and understanding will get me through this.That is just protection mechanism of the mind. Looking at the leaves moving in the wind around me, grief started to process through me. That could be gaia but also connected with my personal life. We have an opportunity to gradually mediate through this. I welcome that.
I know the mind wants to hold on to specific states for dear life as if it can be taken away. But with each letting go , it can only strengthen. I trust in that.
Vimal π
Spot on
In reply to Transformation is now by Vimal
Hey Vimal,
What you shared really triggered me in a good way. I was forced to feel into grief of letting go and the fear of doing it, which has been lingering for awhile and I hadn't quite got to facing into it! So thankyou, you helped me be brave. And reminded me to trust in the divine. lol.
Big hugs to you π€
Thankyou Erin π
Hi Erin,
I'm really glad, that my comment helped to activate something in you. I think when we touch some truth within ourselves and express it out, it has a rippling effect in the field. Your words are a great feedback for my soul. Thank you for your courage in diving in and for the compassion to share it with me.
Much love
Vimal ππ
When inertia is stopping you - 5 steps to push forwards π§ββοΈ
17/02/2023 Shift Update
We looked yesterday at finding the courage to change, when you know it really needs to happen (finding the courage to change on the Path), however even when you've mustered that, be prepared that there's still likely to be a lot of inertia pulling back. It's because of the density of the old reality construct we're living in and how our thought processes and behaviourisms have been locked into it. How to proceed forwards?
That's why I felt to follow up yesterday's article with this one today...
How to "Burn the Boats" of an Out-dated Reality Construct...5 Key Steps
Do check out especially the 5-steps, because they are straightforward and can really help you shift consciousness inside. And of course, that's how reality then shifts on the outside.
Bright blessings to all
Open ππ
Burning outdated reality and getting burned in the process!
Synchronistic post for me. Its been a while I have had this thoughts and feeling that I shoulds allign my outer reality to a different one but I guess I kept ignoring them because of the various attachment for the current one and things I love doing here. But then it happened without me even taking a step towards that. I guess I have been working towards that internally and outside conflict and tension has been building in response to that. It happened in the last staff meeting we had at school and I spoke my truth and opinion which seemed like it was directed at the authority and I was asked to leave. It triggered all sorts of response, of rejected, not wanted, not good enough, not supported, of needing comfort and security etc. I'm still grieving through the loss of the old reality. I also feel like I was cheated, or maybe I kept cheating myself in needing to belong and conjuring up this feeling of family within the community and that's all gone just like that. It's exactly at these moments when you get to see the fake faces and the real ones. I feel uncertain of the way forwards.
I know for sure, this is what needed to happen and I'm seeing synchronicties pointed towards that like this quote for instance - "I discovered that I could create a new reality that's aligned with my true potential". I do feel good about the fact that my soul had chosen this way even though its uncomfortable in the beginning. I read something on a tshirt the other day. " sore today strong tommorrow".
When you let go of something in truth, better things manifest
In reply to Burning outdated reality and getting burned in the process! by Vimal
Hi Vimal - it feels very much like you followed your truth. It feels like you let the outer shape from the inner, which is crucial to coming from the soul
When we do this and the old construct breaks down, yes, it's likely there'll be a sense of loss or grief. At this point people often question if they did the right thing? But it's only fear speaking at that point. The key is to remember why you took the step you did and then keep moving forwards.
You're a very talented, articulate and awake guy Vimal. Know that something better will manifest from the step you took and the infinite potential you now reside within.
Sending positive vibes your way through the ether.
The Power of Unleashing a new "You" each day
23/10/20: I felt to explore with you today the essential ability to be able to let go of the old reality constructs you've created. Why so important? Ideally, and when you're in the masintream of your soul, you're constantly creating in alignment with the Universe - you're creating new consciousness constructs everyday. But if the ego is attaching to these, especially unconsciously, then your creative flow either slows down or grinds to a halt. You become unfulfilled, disatisfied and frustrated. It's disempowering and de-energising. The risk is to get stuck in a rut.
Here's a view on Breaking out of a Spiritual Rut By Finding Your Passion
So the key is to prepare yourself to keep letting go of the old reality. That doesn't mean to say "everything must go". It strictly means breaking attachment to the way things were yesterday. It's even and especially breaking attachment to the old you of yesterday - internally you're working to open fertile inner ground with the prospect that today things can change, YOU can change. Crucially it's being prepared to approach new challenges and situations but in a different way - from a different aspect of beingness.
"New Beingness" is the key. What qualities have you buried in the old you? What aspect of yourself have you not given the opportunity to breathe? It's not always immediately easy seeing what these qualities are. Sometimes they will be subtle, such as increased emotional and empathic sensitivity, that you amplify through intermittant fasting (here's insight into that...The Power of Intermittant Fasting to Thrive). Sometimes you'll be looking for a preparedness to risk all by coming into a sense of adventure for example.
I recall being particularly stuck in my life at one point. I couldn't seem to access a new sense of beingness that could break down the old reality. So I asked the universe, "show me!" Almost immediately I started to see a particular type of camper wagon literally everywhere I went. I wondered if I was supposed to buy the camper? But that didn't seem necessary, so I looked closer. What attracted me was a landscape painted on the side of the wagon. It seemed to carry me off to an exciting adventurous new land. Then it dawned...I needed to embody the sense of adventure. This I worked to do, which was tremendously effective. It broke the log-jam on the old reality and changed everything for the better.
So this is my encouragement to you all today - to consider what old aspects of you that would be good for you to let go of. Do consider applying the 5 steps in the lead article above - because I believe they'll help greatly...
"Burning the Boats" of an Out-dated Reality Construct...Here's How in 5 Steps
Then come forwards in life today with the possibility of a new aspect of yourself shining through. You'll be amazed at how things can change!
Change begins with the first step...what is that?
In reply to The Power of Unleashing a new "You" each day by Open
Often people see the changes they want to make to the structure of their lives and it feels like you have a veritable mountain to climb! As I've shared in the video below, the key is not to think you have to take one giant leap. It begins with the first step in that direction. Take the step and watch the landscape around you change in the most unpredictable of ways...
Working into layers of karma
Hey Jami,
Karmically I see some life times where you kind of went through the motions of life. Where everything was kind of okay, resourced and supported, but not the right kind of 'nutrients' to fully unleash key aspects of soul. This will build up karmic layers, which will relate to an aspect of truth - a distortion of truth. So when we touch that aspect of truth - contenment in this case - it can also fire off the layer of 'going through the motions'.
So the key would be to allow yourself to be in the numbness. Not to try to get rid of it, and especially not to write over it with something positive, or something that a spiritual identity would think it SHOULD be - like being able to appreciate nature for example. So look at the flower, but if you feel numb, then keep feeling numb. Let yourself be in that detached state, but all the while observing and feeling into it.
Other triggers might then pop up - like having wasted time, or not having fulfilled oneself. Or the pointlessness of life. That's okay. If they want to come up, let them and express with them. Let it all move. Then the layers of karma will activate and breakdown.
Do let me know how it goes.
Much love
Content or Stagnant?
Thank you for this Open just the inspiration I needed today. I have been releasing into the flow and allowing my soul to guide me in each and every moment. Then I have those moments that feel like being content but like my emotions are shut off. Making it difficult to even embrace in the beauty of nature around me. Like being disconnected from my whole self. These times hit me hard and usually bring around a feeling of needing to put so much effort into life or not caring at all. I keep trying to feel inwards but itβs like I am completely detached and numb. Any thoughts?
Unravelling old realities and coming into Your Flow State
I felt to repost this article again today to give some courage and motivation to moving on from outdated reality constructs you may find yourself in, be it a job, a relationship of some general living cirvumstances...
"Burning the Boats" of an Out-dated Reality Construct...Here's How in 5 Steps
(scroll to the top)
What it does, is bring you to your natural "Flow State". I felt to share this video from the previous Paradigm Shift World Tour...
Being okay with not knowing
Awesome Michelle!
This "being okay with not knowing" is a tremendous point to have arrived at. In a universe of spontaneous flow, if you're truly aligned, you don't certainly know the next step until it lands in front of you, the moment you're supposed to take it. You may have a reasonable idea of how the landscape is shaping, but the only real certainty is everything clicking in as you feel in your heart given to take that next step.
In this level of surrender, awesome potential and possibility exist.
Sending love
Open *OK*
Feeling the fears into breakthrough
Thank you Open;) I feel I may actually have something to share on the subject.
This past 7 weeks has been tumultuous for me to say the least. Constant change has been the only constant I could really anticipate for certain. It's been a, at times, very challenging process of self-inquiry along with internalized and externalized ramblings, to put it bluntly.
Throughout this process I've somehow understood that fear was the central character driving my bus. It's been exhausting at times but so very fruitful too. Just today I had an epiphany which I believe pulls this entire recent experience together. I'd been contemplating Richards amazing wisdom "in the unresolution lies the progress." It utterly perplexed me for weeks, that was until today. As I sat in Vancouver airport preparing to come home from a most uplifting visit with friends and family, not engaging in social media for three solid days, a thought came in: this state- unresolution simply means Not Knowing. So the progress for me is being ok with not knowing. So simple yet I feel as though I've travelled miles in my mind and body to have finally arrived at this juncture!
What a beautiful place to be though I suspect it's really just another launch point.
Thank you for this Janhavi, I completely reasonate with it;)
"But some fears are very stubborn, they don't let me in at all. I am gonna keep trying till they do. Long way to go."
Much love. Michelle xo
Another inspiring meditation
Much gratitude Open for this new Meditation technique, this is another Catalysing tool for growth and Evolution and the continual Alchemy of change I feel inside.
Whatever you do today, take that step!
One step at a time
True that!
In reply to One step at a time by Open
True that, Open! You sensed that innate feeling that was just lingering within me! How marvelous is that. I wanted you ask you if spiritual journey generate some physical changes or sensations on the way? I get feeling of cool breeze blowing over my head sometimes, from nowhere!
Being part of Open hand family is motivating me to keep up seeking spiritual upliftment. It's become part of my daily routine to hang out here.
Love & Light,
Hi Open,
Every time I read the post, I soak in new sense of revelation! I have tried burning the boats since then, and the feeling is just Awesome. Thank you for sharing this great piece of wisdom.
But some fears are very stubborn, they don't let me in at all. I am gonna keep trying till they do. Long way to go.
Thanks Again,
Love & Light, Janhavi
I feel you Chad
I feel you Chad - Yihaah!
Open *OK*
Timely article Open
First of all, thanks for the post Open. I just finished reading "Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway" by Susan Jeffers. I was pulled to pick this book up from the library as it had come into my reality twice in a short period of time. Throughout reading this book I realized how much I've allowed fear to keep myself in a perpetual state of paralysis. Literally frozen in time creating and recreating the same circumstances only to find myself lost and even more confused. Throughout the course of my unfolding, I've begun to have courageous conversations with myself and with others along the way. This has allowed me to confront my fears as they arise and give me the confidence and courage to continue down the path of soul alignment with the one.
Even in writing this, I'm challenging fears that are coming up inside of my being. Feelings of being vulnerable and exposed to the world. Maybe even a little bit of self doubt comes up for me too.
This is all part of my journey of breaking out and through this old reality that no longer serves me. I feel this resistance inside of me losing its grip It loosens it's grip with every courageous act. Confronting these internal fears and moving through them.
I've noticed and have felt this underlining thread of FEAR that is coursing through the veins of our society. Many of us scared to death to be ourselves.
The time is NOW to feel it all and come fully alive! So, let's burn some boats together as one.
With love and gratitude,
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