ARISE DIVINE BEING: Weekend Retreat, CALIFORNIA/USA, 8th-11th Nov

Submitted by Open on Tue, 06/04/2019 - 09:46

Our time has arrived. The unchartered roll out of new 5G 'Smart' technology determines that we must now begin our Ascension into 5D consciousness in earnest. The healing of Gaia will be to cleanse this cancerous invasion in the 3D through Abrupt Climate Change and the accelerating Pole Shift to progressively shift vibration into 5D/6D/7D. It's time to truly uncover the Divine Being in the depths of you, to break open the shell, and step out into the world as your glorious God-Self. The time for playing it small has long since evapourated. Come step into the Openhand crucible of profound evolutionary change. Our time has come.

This Weekend retreat from Friday evening till Monday morning is being arranged and hosted by the stunning "Seven Circles" retreat at Badger CA. It has the perfect ingredients for profound transformational alchemy. For all info and to register, contact our community coordinator Aspasia:

Retreat Highlights

  • Guided meditations to connect with your authentic True Self, your "Sacred Ground of Being", to experience the deep inner peace of the Void of Presence
  • Ground breaking processes to dissolve karmic blockages, activate kundalini and unveil the Spirit Light Body, your vehicle of Ascension in The Shift.
  • Experiential understanding of your emergence of soul into expanded "5D" consciousness, to manifest greater success and fulfillment in 3D living.
  • Helping you integrate the higher dimensional interplay of The Shift, negating the effect of Entities & Implants and connecting with your cosmic soul family to support you through your evolution.
  • Relating your transfromation to global events from Abrupt Climate Change, Civilisation Instability and the effects of the Pole Shift that you may ride the Earth's transformation successfully and resiliently as your Divine Being.

Ground breaking Meditational Practice "Illuminate"

We'll be applying a new Openhand deep meditation practice called "illuminate". It's using cutting edge internal focus to move past the grasp of ego, through layers of karma, and centering in the divinity at the core of you. We'll help you feel the enlightened consciousness around the Void of Presence and establish this as the Sacred Ground of Being from which to step forth in life. Your authentic self emerges from this Infinite Potential, and the space-time-continuum of life bends around it for truly successful and abundant living.

Over the last 17 years we've crafted ground breaking meditations to support the evolution of humanity. We're using meditation, self-realisation inquiry, and movement to emotive music to break through karma, touch deep inner peace and unleash "5D" consciousness.

Turning a Powerful new Chapter in the Earth's Shift

For anyone with the eyes to see, our times are changing ever more rapidly now. Gaia has endured the Intervention of Opposing Consciousness long enough. The unseen powers-that-be have scant regard now for our beautiful eco-systems - that is becoming increasingly clear. But every cause has an effect. And so with the introduction of highly invasive not-so-'Smart' technology, so will the Universe respond with an acceleration for the Earth into 5D. That is the startling synchronicity of our times.

Gaia is ready to transform the Earth into a higher paradigm of consciousness in the Fifth Density, through which, like a worn out skin, the old reality is steadily peeled away. It is the Openhand conviction that Gaia has now signaled this crucial new phase, in the higher interests of all sentient life, to minimise any undue suffering and begin shifting energy into the higher dimensional reality - one that exists here and now, all around us.

People with the eyes to see and ears to hear must now grasp the metal, go deep into the soul, and let the heat of alchemical change burn away the ego's dross, to unleash a new sparkling Divine Being. It's about digging deep through the karmic ballast, working it through, unleashing Kundalini, reuniting Lower with Higher Self and activating the Spirit Light Body. It's a new consciousness of light that you can prosper in from day to day. It will be your vehicle of Ascension when your time comes to pass on. And it will be an immaculate home coming!

Introducing Openhand - A Higher Dimensional Bridge

Openhand is a higher dimensional bridge, which may best be considered as an integrated team of Ascended Master Energies working with the Benevolent Mission in the ether supporting Humanity's Shift into 5D. When you know how to work with it, you may use it beneficially to break down karmic blockages and infuse authentic soul beingness into every facet of your life, which leads to abundant and successful living.

But to be clear, this is never about telling you your truth. The New 5D Paradigm can be theorised, yes, but it must then be realised. It's about holding a cauldron of alchemical exploration for you to get to know the deepest aspects of yourself.

Who are you at your deepest core?
What new gifts of beingness can illuminate your life right now?

Held in a Safe and Protective Space

During the work, you'll be held in a safe and protective energetic vessel, where the veils over authentic reality are thin. We'll be resonating authentic soul vibration - keys to unlock the door of your next big shift. We'll be taking you deep into the Void of Presence, integrating soul, helping process Karma, unleash Kundalini and activate your Spirit Light Body, which is our vehicle of Ascension.

5D consciousness is not something to wait for. As the energy of the old Karmic Construct now unwinds, you'll find ever more higher dimensional energy to support you in 3D living right now. Our new process "illuminate" is perfectly crafted to help you fulfill this.

Introducing Openhand - Guided by "Open"

Openhand is a higher dimensional bridge, the integrated consciousness of Ascended Masters through the ages. It is working with the Benevolent Mission in the ether all around us supporting Humanity's Shift into 5D.
I incarnated somewhat unusually via a soul exchange, which initiated during a life threatening car crash. It was my passion to come here and support the Great 5D Shift of Consciousness taking place on the earth right now.

I look forwards to meeting and working with you. Praying Emoji

Support Facilitators Aspasia, Ann and Anatoly

Aspasia is Openhand's Community Coordinator responsible for weaving the organisation of our events together in terms of booking and administration support. She is also a very experienced spiritual facilitator who skillfully co-creates explorations of Awakening with all souls (see her website: AspasiaAwakenings). She will be coordinating the event from the UK. Please contact Aspasia if you have any questions about the event or travel and arrival arrangements...

Essential to Openhand's Work is the development of a Global Facilitator Network, who're all skilled in supporting people's awakenings and shift into expanded "5D" consciousness. Support Facilitators have been through Openhand's core program of courses and received Spiritual Facilitator training. They're skilled in helping you get to the bottom of karmic blockages and remove them.

Support facilitators Ann and Anatoly are scheduled to be at the event assisting the work with you.

You will be well looked after! HeartHeart

Seven Circles Retreat in Badger, California

We are completely blessed to have discovered the untapped jewel "Seven Circles Retreat" at Badger, in Central Valley of California.

Stunning nature in the Sequoia National Park...

A place that gives the heart wings...

Leafy nurturing nature trails...

Yurt temple, quirky from the outside...

Divinely sacred on the inside!...

Safe but deep energetic work...

Ground breaking meditation...

Deep processing of karma...

Plenty of one-on-one support & guidance...

Free flowing movement to unleash soul...

Sacred ceremony...

Lovely outdoor spaces and swimming pool...

Tasty conscious, plant-based food courtesy of resident chefs...

And charming hosts!...

Administration details

  • Venue in Badger, California: This weekend "ARISE DIVINE BEING" retreat takes place at the fabulous secluded and highly energetic "Seven Circles" retreat in Badger in the Sequoia National Park of Central California. Full website details... Seven Circles Retreat
  • Timings: Arrival on Friday 8th November, between 3-5pm ready for a gathering dinner at 6pm. Closes Monday 11th November by midday.
  • Cost: The full costs of $690 cover the comfortable accommodation, high vibe plant-based food, instructional fees and facilitator support (a couple of reduced price bursary places are available for those who are resource constrained).
  • Payment: A 25% deposit secures your place on this gathering. The balance is payable one month before.
  • Travel: The full address is:49496 HWY 245, Badger, CA 93603 (559-337-0211). It is served by the following airports: Fresno International, Los Angeles International, San Francisco International. Download directions from the website
  • Any unanswered questions, check in with our Community Coordinator, Aspasia for details.
  • Not for profit: Openhand is a not for profit organisation. All surplus revenues are reinvested to facilitate our objective - to help others in their journey of spiritual awakening.
  • Reservation info: To reserve a place or to get more information, email our organiser Aspasia (in the UK): ***IMPORTANT*** We will respond to your email as soon as possible, if you have not heard from us within 24 hours, check your spam folder


For those new to Openhand, we've been around on the planet some 17 years now, and aeons elsewhere before that, giving a helping hand in challenging Shifts like the one taking place on Earth right now. After countless iterations to define accuracy, we've developed the 5D Shift Project, which is a framework for your progressive spiritual unfolding through 3 stages of development (discover more... The 5D Shift Project). This latest Openhand "ARISE DIVINE BEING" World Tour, with the process "illuminate", will represent stage 1 of the work. But even if you've done stage 1 before or if you're already advanced down the spiritual path, this is all energy work. It will meet you in the ether exactly where you are, and advance you along the steps you now need to take.

Now is the time, to look into the external mirror, and see the limited physical being that you are not! Let the veils of limitation fall from your eyes and from your being. Here is the golden opportunity to step out and become all that you can be. Spiritual beings were made for these times ahead of us. Your purpose and destiny for being here, is set to come fully into view. Honour, own and embrace it. Step courageously and fearlessly forwards into your divine being. And this wave you're about to step onto, will become the ride of your existence!

Reservation Info:

That Reservation Info again: To get more information, and register, email our community coordinator Aspasia: ***IMPORTANT*** They will respond to your email as soon as possible, if you have not heard from them within 24 hours, check your spam folder.

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I've just arrived in LA, "the City of Angels", after a long haul flight from London - but the angels were looking after me, with a whole bank of seats to myself! So I feel peaceful and well rested. As we were flying over California, it felt pretty magical, and I'm really looking forwards to being up in the National Sequoia Park - looks stunning.

If you've been on the fence for this one waiting till the last minute, well now is the last minute! It's a big centre, so we have bags of room. Get in touch with Aspasia if you want to book in:

It looks very much as if we'll have the angels looking after us, and synchronistically I just got invited to speak at the Global Angellic Summit in early 2020, details to follow, so it's angels all round. Appropriately I felt to leave you with this song by the angellic Sarah Mclachlan.

See you down the angellic flow!

Open HeartPraying Emoji


A couple of you have voiced concerns about the Californian fires at the moment in regards to the upcoming Arise Divine Being retreat in Badger. This is EXACTLY the time to find the spiritual warrior and not let the circumstances put us off. You just have to feel past any fears and ask, "is it right?" I'm realiably informed from the Team in the ether that all will be fine. In any case, we've invoked the Gandalf energy to keep the fires at bay!...


I am honored to have the opportunity to be part of the facilitation support for this transformational event! See you there!

With Love,



People have always asked me about bringing the Openhand energies to sunny California - so here we are, at the stunning Seven Circles retreat in the central valley. Of course there's lots of movement happening in the US right now, so tuning into the energy field is absolutely essential. I feel this will be grounding and transformative at the same time. You'll be held in a crucible of profound change!

Meet you there

Open HeartPraying Emoji