Exploring your concerns and queries about the "Event"
Just as the build up to 2012, you're going to hear increasingly about the upcoming Solar Nova Event that scientific evidence, mythology and prophecy point towards. So what will be involved and how do you genuinely feel about it? I felt to explore your interests and your concerns in this thread here.
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Volcanic eruption on White Island, the Pole Shift continues
As we approach Christmas, the shattering eruption on White Ispand in New Zealand must bring home the fact that the Shift is ongoing around us - it doesn't stop for festivities! Clearly the volcano was a key tourist destination and must bring home the increasing impact of earthquake and volcanic activity around the globe as the Pole Shift reaches its zenith...
Yet another piece in the great cosmic jigsaw puzzle...?
An international team identified previously unseen component of extreme stellar explosions. This very high energy emission had been previously predicted in theoretical studies but never before directly observed. These rays have reached the Earth in January, 2019, having travelled 4 billion years...
Btw, the phenomenon was discovered by a certain dr. van der Horst, using the MAGIC Collaboration telescopes in La Palma :)
Interesting phenomenon - a piece in the cosmic jigsaw puzzel
Hi Clare - thanks for sharing - another piece in the great cosmic jigsaw puzzle.
9000-Year-Old Cosmic Blast - Article
Hi Open, Hi All,
Just 'stumbled' upon the below article about new findings in relation to the 9000-Year-Old Cosmic blast now being researched and felt it was relevant to share in light of the article I recalled reading from you a few weeks ago + above:
Clare ❀
The concerns you have about the upcoming Solar Event?
Here's the Openhand overview on the Event, to get a sense of it. What does it inspire and invoke in you?
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