Channeling Your Own Soul
So what about signs and synchronicity? Be careful, they can so easily be mimicked by Opposing Consciousness if you're behind the signs, following them. When you're in the flow of your soul, it's like riding a surf board - you can't follow the wave or else you become awkward out of sync and fall off. You have to feel all the subtle nuances, frequencies and percetions coming through you until you become as one with the soul's wave. When you're flowing as the soul, everything clicks in around you in authentic signs and synchronicity to reflect that you have correct alignment and attunement.
Being careful about "love and light" projections
Hi Guys - I'm glad you benefitted in your own ways from the summit. I think there's great value in these new kinds of media. But yes, we have to be careful with the collective "love and light" catch all, which really does catch all! Just because someone is speaking sweetly, can have just as much (even more) distorting energy behind it than someone who is being challenging on the surface. To me it boils down to this...
Does the guidance get you to go into your own feelings?
Does it encourage deep soul sovereignty?
Does it get you processing karma?
Does it speak in perspectives rather than absolutes?
Always go with your sense of rightness and intuition, whatever is broadcast on the surface. Then we'll gain benefit in pretty much all areas and genres. I enjoyed the opportunity despite the tech issues.
My experience of the Angelic Summit 2020
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