Ascension Activation Retreat: ONLINE, 21st-25th September
We've reached a pivotal point in human history. Our world is changing in unprecedented ways. The system is efforting to lock souls down into a synthetic high tech reality. But Gaia is conducting a tremendous shift into higher 5D consciousness to reclaim divine harmony. The time has come to consciously activate our Ascension process, to connect up with the realigning flow, peel back the karmic veils and realise a new way of being. It's not about waiting for others in society to follow suit. We must each pioneer the way forwards and live from abundant expanded consciousness right now. That's the purpose of Openhand's new work being facilitated through this next World Tour, both terrestrially and online in 2020.
Openhand's new Ascension Activation Workshops and Retreats are an integral part of the 5D Ascension Program. If you're new to the work, the energy will connect you at Stage 1 Breakthrough. And if you're a seasoned traveller, it will meet you energetically where you are, and catalyse your next shift. This event is timed to best serve people in Australia and Europe (see timings below).
Details of the Full World Tour Sep/Oct/Nov 2020
Understanding Ascension
Ascension is a progressive internal journey of infolding. It's especially important at this time with our planet making a monumental shift. It's this which is the underlying cause of the instability and attempts by the shadow state to lock consciousness down. This is not a time to drift aimlessly along hoping that one day things will get better all by themselves! We each need to reclaim sovereignty by journeying deeper inwards and unleashing stronger soul flow into our lives.
When we do this, the veils of the external charade fall from our eyes. You connect up with a highly alchemical and creative flow, which is now growing in strength through these changes. You have to let go of the inner control and restraint - to take centre stream in the flow of expanded awareness. Only this can now prosper in the phenomenal change that is unfolding.
This Ascension is not an easy journey by any means, it's not all roses and light! You have to be prepared to dig deep through the layers to reclaim the lost fragments of soul buried in karmic density. This work is crafted to help you do exactly that, to illuminate where and how to work, to activate the buried fragments. As these then integrate, you experience profound new expansions and elevated consciousness, which you can bring to bear in all aspects of your life, from relationships to careers and general living circumstances.
Advanced Course Work Guided by Open
Our course work is carried out in small groups of around 12, guided by Open, who is a Higher Dimensional Bridge, harnessing the enlightened energy of Openhand to support you. His approach is to use intuitive meditation techniques, and self realisation exercises to align you with your soul. Open can guide you in how to work with the Openhand energy so as to activate authentic frequencies of soul and remove karmic past life blockages. Participants find themselves dropping into deep presence and expressing profound authentic beingness. It's an approach you can then continue to apply beneficially through every facet of your life.
We'll be applying Openhand's deep meditation practice illuminate. It's using cutting edge internal focus to move past the grasp of ego, through layers of karma, and centering in the divinity at the core of you. We'll help you feel the enlightened consciousness around the Void of Presence and establish this as the Sacred Ground of Being from which to progressively ascend in life. Your authentic self emerges from this Infinite Potential, and creates from higher consciousness, leading to abundant 5D manifestation.
But to be clear, the Openhand work is never about telling you your truth. Rather it is the transmission of various evolutionary frequencies, within a shared framework of inquiry concerning the 5D Ascension Shift, that you may feel and integrate what is real for you.
The main themes that will be covered during the Ascension Activations are:
1) Deep exploration of the 5D Ascension Shift that our Earth and a wave of humanity are unfolding through, from an intellectual, but most importantly, from an energetic internal revelation of higher being
2) Self realisation exercises, guided meditations, soul stirring ceremony with group and individual interaction
3) Energy processing to dissolve internal blockages, conditioned limiting behaviours, energy implants and past life karma
4) In-depth exploration of the self including the absolute, the soul, our chakra system, inner child and false self identities, kundalini and spirit-light-body activation
5) Understanding how the deeper energetic cosmic cycles in the shift are impacting life on the planet and how you might best ride the changes in all aspects of your life.
Life Changing Both Terrestrially and Online
Openhand has crafted ground breaking Spiritual Ascension processes by working with groups of evolving people around the world over many years. The work is equally effective on terrestrial retreats or online from your own residence - it depends entirely on your personal preference and individual circumstances - we cater for both. This is the general feedback we get from course participants...
"What an amazing, powerful experience.. To me it felt the most important thing I have done in my life so far. Powerful! I am so grateful to the facilitators, to every body Who was there and to Open for the valuable teachings and his presence. Something unlocked for me.. Something that i ve been looking for quite a while. I am so grateful! The Meditations mindblowing, the energies so powerful the transformation so Present. Thank you everyone for sharing and contributing to what took Place."... Vaso
"I was wondering how the virtual one would work and now I know the answer...brilliantly!"...Diane
"I found the retreat to be the perfect way to dive deeper into transformation and integrate the new in a very practical and real way whilst staying at home. Thank you again for all the wisdom and reminders of what our true essence really is". Desi
"A truly, truly wonderful experience and one that I am so very honoured to have been a part of... Teeari
"The shift is real and it is very powerful. Once made, there is no going back to our former way of being, despite the many temptations and occasional indulgences". Elizabeth
"Everyone who took part was so 'all in' - my soul was touched and lifted by their bravery, openness and authenticity - it takes real guts to bare your soul so freely and completely! So many awesome Openhanders with so much in common around the world - thank you all for giving me real hope for the future in such turbulent times". Pam
Facilitator Support
Essential to the Openhand work and your development is facilitation support from experienced facilitators who've been through the various stages of the advanced spiritual facilitation program. At each of the events facilitators will be on hand to support you and in follow up afterwards. Openhand facilitators are skilled at instigating deep inner inquiry, removing blockages and supporting the emergence of priceless new soul frequencies in your life. Facilitators Elizabeth and David will be supporting you at the event.
Aspasia - based in the UK - is Openhand's Event Coordinator, responsible for weaving the organisation of our events together, in terms of booking and admininstration support. Although Aspasia will not be at the event, please contact her if you have any questions about the nature of the event, what's involved or travel and arrival arrangements...
Administration Details
Timings: Convening on Monday 21st Sep, at 16:00pm AEST for registration, acclimatisation with the technology, introduction and connecting meditations. Closes Friday 25th Sep by 21.30pm AEST.
Each of the main days will have 3 daily sessions between these timings :
1) 16:00-17:30pm(AEST) / 14:00-15:30pm(AWST) / 08:00-09:30am(CET)
2) 18:00-19.30pm(AEST) / 16:00-17:30pm(AWST) / 10:00-11:30am(CET)
3) 20:00-21.30pm(AEST) / 18:00-19:30pm(AWST) / 12:00-13:30pm(CET)Cost: The full cost, including event download recordings will be $550 AUD/Euro 340. A deposit of 25% on booking secures your place (please ask about our reduced price bursary offers if financially challenged). For Aussies who wish to do this AND the terrestrial event in Byron Bay in November, you're entitled to a 25% discount on the November Price... Terrestrial Retreat Byron Bay
(For your info, here is our returns policy).Not for profit: Openhand is a not for profit organisation. All surplus revenues are reinvested to facilitate our objective - to help others in their journey of spiritual awakening.
Reservation info: For all info and reservations, contact our Event Coordinator Aspasia:
***IMPORTANT*** We will respond to your email as soon as possible, if you have not heard from us within 24 hours, check your spam folder
Destiny is Knocking At Your Door!
The greatest thing to happen about the lockdown, was that for all those prepared to see, it blew out the windows of the 3D charade. Now is the time to engage with reality, what's really unfolding across our planet. Destiny is now knocking at your door and it's high time to roll up your sleaves and get on with the liberation - to knock the inner doorways down! Myself and the Openhand Team are positively relishing the prospect. So if you resonate with what's being shared, and you're ready to breakthrough the inner doorways to your miraculous expansion, then come join us and experience the highly alchemical energy of Openhand. From the heart, we very much look forwards to hosting you.
RESERVATIONS & INQUIRIES: to book places or get more information email Openhand's Event Coordinator Aspasia:
Online Ascension Activations for the New World Tour 2020
This is our first online retreat of the new season - our Ascension Activation World Tour 2020. The timings are particularly timed for people in Australia and New Zealand, but available to all.
The Online events have proven particularly successful with people joining in from all around the world from the comfort of their own home. The connections have been tremendously strong and transformative.
Here is our Second Online Retreat of the Ascension Activation World Tour Timed More for Europe/USA
Come join us in the ether
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