Quantum Solstice Shift Vlog..."Ignite the Flame", With Openhand
This is a crucial time for humanity and the shift. Leading into the December Solstice 2020, various celestial conjuncts are taking place signalling the possibility of a quantum shift in energy. With this in mind, I'm inviting you all in the Openhand Virtual Community to join me on a tour around Britain, unravelling density and channeling in the light. Find out how to share your video clips, photos and music to help ripple a wave of light around the world!...
Do Share Your Support and Comments to help ripple the energy.
And do send me those video clips from your sacred site...
send via WeTransfer.com to admin@openhandweb.org
With a big bundle of love
7 tree ceremony
In reply to The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades by Open
Hey Open, Wow I really resonated with the trees beautiful energy and wept quite a bit.
It was really affirming for me that in the midst of muck and destruction there is beauty and solace.
I have been avoiding processing the last few days and now I'm finally allowing myself to feel through some things.
I have also come to the place where I no longer fear using my real name on this site!!!!!! It has taken awhile due to past trauma, but, like a flower that comes into bloom I have emerged.
I am quite stoked that it has happened. It has encouraged me greatly to press onwards and know that the universe delights in giving surprises whenone least expects it.
I have also been making pottery earth goddesses and wind chimes at my local pottery class. I imbibe them with the energy of awakening. I have been encouraged to take them to the local co op to sell, so that will be exciting to spread the awakening energy around the area.
Thankyou for all you share.
Sat nam
Erin 💚🌳
Weird resonance
In reply to The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades by Open
Hi Open,
Wow! The trees ceremony must have been powerful! Today I was enjoying a tea break and watching this video. Even though you say feeling joyful Pleiadian energy I started feeling very dense energy just by sitting on my couch and sipping the drink. It felt as if I am in that place or at some level "know" it, maybe because the nature looks absolutely same as here in Ireland (I have never traveled through the Great Britain with the exception of Northern Ireland and London airport). The density was strengthening till I could not swallow the tea anymore. My stomach squeezed and I also felt difficulty breathing. I don't know if that was the Black snake energy or what... When you started singing "Ancient Mother..." tears filled my eyes - that was so beautiful and touching. After I ended watching felt to do the Openhand Bow for two rounds hoping to release from the density's "squeeze". Then it appeared as if my heart has been locked and I was trying to find out for how long I am living with that "locked heart"... Such a weird resonance!
By the way, I saw interesting dream this morning. Not going into much detail, but I saw some girl that appeared so intimately close to me that, I guess, she possibly was the "other me". I was feeling a tremendous Love residing within her. Then I saw and felt a very strange formless substance of a clear beautiful blue color hanging and constantly moving in front of me in the air. There was also another, yellow color, same substance... The girl mentioned Tyudor (or Tudor) with much loving and extremely soft voice and she became that blue substance by merging with it. Then I was flying in a quite limited space and, again, overflooded with the mix of tremendous feelings those of love, sadness and longing. All those feelings were such intensive that in the wake state (or this 3D "reality" as we call it) it would be unbearable. And I was so deeply crying in the dream that when gradually wakening up I felt really crying with the voice :) There are much much more interesting details in that dream that would be too much writing here...
The most funny part - in this dream there was another word said together with Tudor which I could not get even when it was repeated second time, but remember more less how it sounds. When got up I tried to find, unbelievably silly, the meaning of "tudor" on the translator! (the dream girl spoke in Russian). Long story short, it seems that I was told the name of Henry Tudor in my dream - never ever I have heard this name before and I do badly with the subject of the history...
Just thought to share and so support your very meaningful travel and the journaling.
Much appreciate your everyday sharing - it is so inspiring
Travelling through dense times in the UK
In reply to Weird resonance by Asya
Hi Asta - thanks for your heartfelt sharing - clearly you're empathically tuning into the energies - yes it's bloody dense at times here around the UK, no escaping that. But as you mention in the video, you can still find those places where the light breaks through.
Your sharing suggested (to me) that the Higher Self is ready to integrate, and a key aspect would likely be healing through the emotions - past relationships maybe?
When you mentioned "Tudor", I immediately saw Henry Tudor, Henry the 8th, yes (and the saga of his 6 wives). A long line of Kings and Queens of Great Britain. Maybe you have a regal past life to process. I suspect that if you delve into that era, you might activate and process some meaningful karma.
Thanks for sharing
I am feeling this
In reply to Weird resonance by Asya
Dear Asya ,
As you describe a tight vise in the heart and belly ,I am feeling it too ,acutely . I seem to be seeing tight circling by a black snake in my heart and belly .
Dear Open ,
I have been mulling over sharing this experience .
On Sunday,I had an opportunity to clean garbage in a site very close to a Sacred Grove ( one of the last remaining ones in my area ) . It was a clean up organized by a group of committed teens and I was very excited to go there.
I tried to connect to Earth energies during the clean up but wasn't really able to. After which I felt a wave of strong need to be validated ..and a wave of resentment against my partner and my kid. I contained it somewhat successfully ,but the next day after an extremely emotional Bow experience had a very strange experience of revisiting the area and this time I felt like I opened up a portal shaped like a torus in the area. I have never done this before and honestly it seemed to happen spontaneously.
Since then however I have been feeling very tired and have stayed in bed the entire day Monday . Also the contraction in my heart and belly seem bound by black cords
Any insights and reflections are welcome !
Facilitators learning to channel away density at a location
In reply to Tiredness by iamdurga
Hi Megha, firstly well done for venturing into this kind of work - to have the trust in your intuition and the sense of service
It sounds like you hit a dense energy spot - a Black Snake area perhaps. Even though it was a Sacred Grove, these can be targeted by density and Opposing Consciousness, both in the ether and embodied form. It may sound a bit out there, but in your writings it connected me all the way to that spot. I can feel it. I sense that someone committed suicide there or at least someone died (was killed) in unpleasant circumstances. Also something to do with child birth or pragnancy activates too - maybe persecution. What did you notice around you? In the periphery? And did you see any signs and synchronicity in the rubbish - it often points to the kind of density.
What we'll move onto in the facilitator work is how to go into an area like this and first notice if it's been used in dark ceremony, either recently or in the past. Then how you break it up with your consciousness. You have to look for anchoring points around the site for example, that have secured the density - imagine it like a net over the site with anchoring points - this is how they set them up. You work into them and break them apart by applying your consciousness. Then if there is an earth bound soul at the site (I sense this to be the case - maybe more than one), then you work to act as a bridge, form a conscious connection to them, to then channel the soul out and into the angelic realm - again, it's something we'll look at on the facilitator program in due course.
I suspect that there was some energetic empathy between your soul and the earthbound or at least the situation - some karma that's not yet been processed in you. Hence the density sticking as it processed through you. In which case, it will be essential to work into what the karma might be about. Here are some clues: being persecuted for an out of wedlock pregnancy; being castigated by a family or community; and perhaps in another life, feeling the burden of family. Something along those lines.
If you work it through and unravel the karma, then you'll be able to channel that kind of energy through you and earth it (plus channel any earhbounds out), but without it sticking within you.
Warm wishes in your endeavours - it's great work you're embarking on.
Dear Open
In reply to Facilitators learning to channel away density at a location by Open
Thank you for the explanation,Open. I could sense the denseness of the energy when I was there - there is a massive landfill in the area,though no synchronous garbage :) . On Saturday a lady was referred to me . She wanted to terminate her pregnancy prematurely because she felt that since she has been pregnant she has been depressed. I could sense her head enveloped by an implant and also an entity sucking energy off her. I also sense this had something to do with karma with the child .
Somehow ,this seems to tie up with what you felt into . I felt an instant connection with what you said about being excommunicated from the community I was part of as also the sense of being burdened with family . I felt into feeling into the earthbound energies and got a visual of flying away with wings
Today morning ,I felt into that very dense grief and again my mind spontaneously went to that area. The torus seems to have become bigger and is now channelling energy through the mountain of garbage there.
As a synchronicity, I am part of a citizen's group that is working to highlight the polluting effect of that landfill . Since Sunday it's almost as if the Municipality has suddenly woken up . My group is being inundated with requests and action plans :)
Thank you for your reflection and support . I sense I still have some stuff to equalize through .
Quantum Solstice Shift Vlog: Angelic Support
08/12/20 Solstice Vlog Update: I ventured into the City of Bristol yesterday to make a higher dimensional connection for angelic protection on the path. And also to process out some of the denser energies you find in an inner City. As it turned out it was a fabulous experience, with a good deal of peace and connection - also humour, as you'll see in my latest Vlog update. Do stick around right till the end - the synchronicity was priceless!...
Ignite the Flame: Chasing Cars Through the UK
I've been driving up through the UK today into the industrial heartland of the midlands - deep joy LOL!
But I am finding some beauty shining through which I've managed to capture here and there on video too, which I plan to share with you all as I weave them together. In the meantime, here's a track that jumped out to me today as I weaved my way up the motorways, "Chasing Cars around our heads!"....
lighting it up
In reply to Ignite the Flame: Chasing Cars Through the UK by Open
I watched this old favorite today driving home and it inspired a bigtime upsurge of Ray 1 - nice feedback synch on the song!
Wow - tears in my eyes!
In reply to lighting it up by Eric.
Wow Eric - you are well tuned in my friend. Wait till you see the vlog I recorded yesterday.
It's 4am here in the Midlands - I'm just about to make it.
Now I have some extra inspiration - tears in my eyes!
Quantum Solstice Shift Vlog - Elementals
07/12/20: Solstice Vlog Update: I caught this Vlog in a beautiful wood this morning as I head on up to Bristol. I felt to tune into the "elementals" and enlist their support in the field. It's all flowing smoothly thus far!...
I had a very personal…
In reply to Quantum Solstice Shift Vlog - Elementals by Open
I had a very personal experience with black snake energy back in January. I was in a professional's office for what I was expecting to be a mature, level headed discussion. Instead I found myself being verbally assaulted. It was interesting because the person thought they were coming from their point of view and was not aware of the level of verbal assault in their delivery. I was staying calm and unattached yet not fighting back or engaging in the argument which seemed to inflame them even more. I was trying to turn the encounter back into a conversation but they were not even hearing my words. It was the first time I came in direct contact with black snake energy and I did not realize the verbal assault was merely a very good distraction for an energetic attack. It wasn't until the meeting was over I realized what had happened. There was very little life force left in me and it took weeks to recover. I now understand it was a type of harsh training session because I'm able to recognize the energy early on. Great to know the elementals can help unwind this energy.
How Black Snake energy is pitting group against group in society
In reply to I had a very personal… by Ann B
Hi Ann - thanks for sharing - yes this BS "Black Snake" energy is indeed very challenging, it's rife through humanity and society currently and what's more, little understood even by the spiritual mainstream. The "cabal" are often referred to, yes, but they are only one form, one embodiment on the surface of that energy. Black Snake energy seeps into the psyche riding on the waves of unconscious judgment, so that you don't even realise it's coming in.
Just recently for example, I posted a viewpoint on the Openhand facebook page about how I felt there had been a good deal of fraudulent voting in the recent US election. A number of people took umbrage that I was "getting involved in politics" and they were disappointed I'd done so. In actual fact, as I pointed out, to me it wasn't really about politics at all, but liberty versus lockdown, which I do believe is really coming clearly into view right now. One of the people who'd followed Openhand for some considerable time signed out with, "shame on you". Wow, really, a suposedly conscious person intentionally projecting shame? It was easy to forgive however, because I know they were simply repeating memes that are frequently being passed around these days - fed by the divisive Black Snake energy.
That's what it's doing right now: pitting group against group and feeding off the energy exacerbated. Something to be wary of within ourselves.
The Elementals and Black Snake energy
In reply to Quantum Solstice Shift Vlog - Elementals by Open
This resonates with me from an experience I had on Sunday. As I think I have briefly mentioned to you previously, I have a close connection with the Tor in Glastonbury from the bottom of my garden which is approximately 10 miles away. Having lived in my house for 5 years, unaware of it, I was strongly guided to it by the Elementals. So,in recent years, a leyline connection or crystalline energetic connection has been further developed through my daily garden meditations and my connection with the Elementals and Glastonbury Tor which has resulted in being blessed with the most sublime experiences and energy which I have worked with to strengthen and expand through the surrounding area. However, this year has brought varying challenges meaning my connection with them and the Tor has lessened and as a result has been less strong or profound and I have not experienced that connection with them for several months. However, I was clearly guided by a friend who was on the Tor on Sunday night to connect from my garden as soon as I could as the energy was particularly strong for him and everyone else up there at the time. Knowing there would be a profound evening ahead of me, I did just that. However, I sat for an unusually long time, asking and waiting for connection to the Tor energy, elemental and the higher fae energies that I have come to know so well over the years. It was all unusually quiet and energy seemingly almost absent for a long period of time but when I finally did sense any presence, instead of experiencing the sublime high level energy I'm so familiar with, a darker energy almost instantly and violently entered my body . I instantly knew this wasn't good and felt vulnerable and threatened, left questioning why such negative energy could be ever present in my blessed sanctuary space?! So I asked again for a that high level fae connection and instantly they were there with me and helped to dissipate that violent darker energy. From then on everything flowed again as it used to as part of my daily practice and I had a profound experience which seemingly is a continuation of an experience I had during one of our mediations in the November Ascension Activation retreat, which I will perhaps share with you another time. However, your words with regard to these two conflicting energies and how the Elementals are involved seemed to me to manifest perfectly in that moment.
Back Snake Energy
In reply to The Elementals and Black Snake energy by Claire Bainbridge (not verified)
Hi Claire - I'm not at all surprised by your experience - that you'd pick up dense "Black Snake" energy on the Tor for example. Pretty much all of these sacred sites will have both energies vying, especially because you get different groups doing different types of work - the dark side too. And especially where the site has ley lines running through it, becasuse whatever energy is infused there will ripple out through the lines. That's why both types of work at these sites are necessary - clearing density by taking it down and composting it, but then also raising vibration by ascending the energies. Also I would suggest varying where you do the work, because things shift and change a lot over time.
Much love
Quantum Solstice Shift Vlog: Sunrise/Sunset
So here's the first video file that an Openhander kindly sent me - thanks Eric, I combined it with a little inpromptu clip I shot at sunset on the Tor tonight before leaving in the morning. For everyone tuning in, do send me your clips. Let's see what energy we can build
Times like These...
Okay folks, I've got some lovely video clips trickling in. Come on, I'm sure you've all got great smart phones. Let's see if we can't get some good compilations. It's times like these you learn to love again...
Change is on the Rise!
06/12/20: Solstice Vlog Update: It's good to see some of you "early adopters" connecting in - Tonya, Megha, Johanna & Christine - brilliant! I'm preparing myself today for heading out early tomorrow. Yes indeed, this is going to be an essential solstice for sure. The density has been running amock energetically of late and it's time to turn the tables. Someone asked me yesterday do I expect anything particular to happen for the solstice?....
Expectation is always something to be wary of. It can lead to hype followed by disappointment, which I witness happens all too often in spiritual mainstream. What I can say is this: I'm feeling two very powerful vying energies "contesting" in the field, which is building by the day. If this DIDN'T catalyse some surface unravelling I would be highly surprised. I can feel various events beginning to bubble and well up within society, but also something celestial/environmental brewing - the sun perhaps, maybe some kind of solar forcing. Something will happen for sure, but only the passage of time can tell exactly what.
Thanks for beginning to tune in folks. Let's connect, and build the energy. Do drop a comment here on what you're feeling to do, and please do send in photos or video clips via WeTransfer (send to admin@openhandweb.org).
I can't tell you how important it is that we start weaving together in the field right now. Change is on the Rise!
Time to Ignite the Flame of Your Soul!
Chaco Canyon
Will be there joining forces with you from the sacred site of Chaco Canyon National Park. Hopefully will have a photo or video to share. Let the light and love shine forth from all corners of the World.
A Change is gonna come!
I am with you Brother. Feeling drawn to the earth...Sedona?? Will see??? The energy is strong and getting stronger. Our light shall converge and shine on this world and beyond!!
How to Join the Global Solstice Party with Openhand
It feels like it's going to be cosmic!
So do come and join - do share your supportive comments below and do send me those video clips from your favourite sacred site.
Send via WeTransfer.com to admin@openhandweb.org
With a big bundle of love
Opening portals
In reply to How to Join the Global Solstice Party with Openhand by Open
Dear Open ,
In my meditation 3 days ago I saw myself in a place with sand and big rocks where I was doing some energy work. I have never been to such a place ,my mind tells me New Mexico ( Don't know what that's about ) . But it seems like the journey has already begun !
Hey! I'm with you on this,…
In reply to Opening portals by iamdurga
Hey! I'm with you on this, Open! And hello Megha!
I was out and about this morning in my car and felt a strong direction to spend more time on the land and in nature in coming days. So expect one or two video clips from me from energy points around rural Somerset and beyond. Looking forward to seeing what you and your twin flame get up to on the road trip, Open...
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