5D Ascension: Openhand's Sword and the Stone Vlog

Submitted by Open on Wed, 01/13/2021 - 05:59

We're back in lockdown here in the UK and many parts of the World. However I'm being called to take off around Britain to help get the energy moving here and further afield. What came to me was to "draw the sword from the stone" - a reference to the Arthurian legend, where in this case, Excalibur refers to the Sword of the Soul. So I'm going to be touring high energy sites and doing essential energy work, getting the consciousness moving.

And most importantly, I'm inviting you all to join in. Work the energy wherever you are, leave an uplifting comment here in the vlog, share your inspiring music and send me you video clips for me to weave in. The into video explains what it's all about. Let's unleash a ripple of light around the world!

Update 23/01/21 - Index of all the Videos:

1. Moving The Torus
2. Singing Chakras
3. Warrior in the Heart

4. The Green Tara
5. The Lady and the Lake
6. Exaclibur
7. Times Like These

8. Sovereign Pathways
9. Light Up!

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19/01/21 Sword and the Stone Journal Update: here is my vlog update from a whirlwind tour of Ireland with some quality time at the Hill of Tara. Enjoy. Be inspired...

Blessings to all

Open HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Open


My heart was so taken, swept up in joy, when I heard the child laughing and screaming and giggling.  

The density is truly here AND the inner children of us all are running across the mounds of hostages these days.  I broke out in tears and a chuckle simultaneously watching the little girl and the mother joining you in the video and showing us how to just walk straight through all the crazy and hardened stuff that we think actually "matters." Just run over the mound so innocently.

142 Kings and Queens -- SOVEREINTY 

And as the earthbound soul was so happy to connect with your invitation, it ventured off to the trees --
give me an AMEN!! 


18/01/21 Sword and the Stone Vlog Update: The visit to Robert the Bruce's cave in Bonnie Scotland has been my most poignant moment here on the Sword and the Stone tour so far. It fired off some deep processes for me personally and also the sense what leaders sometimes have to go through - but this offering the opportunity to forge the soul. Can it be done in any other way?

Here then is my video of the experience. I invite you to sit in quiet contemplative mediation through the sharing, and do stick around right to the end, for a pearl of ancestral Scottish music...


Open HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Open


This place looks amazing! This is very powerful video, Open. I feel very strong energy and every single word said is vibrating with the strength and wisdom. Very encouraging! Thank you for guiding us through these tough times and showing what to do and how to work, it's priceless and so much appreciated.

It's bloody dense time, I lack the words to express how dense it feels on multidimensional levels over recent weeks, particularly last and this week. I'm in a restless processing since the Christmas. Yes, my energies are activating, but also I know I pick up energies from the field as becoming more and more sensitive to it. And it makes twice as difficult to carry it. It is so much sadness and frustration around, it's hanging in the air.

But if I wasn't able to make one thing (really sorry not to meet you, Open) will do another trying to push those dense energies back. I'm so grateful for giving many brilliant ideas how to work on it and for the inspiration with your own example. I do agree with Gwyn, maybe it is not necessary to be in a particular sacred space, we can do anywhere at any time. I do the sound meditation as in this video, but also I'm driving to the other town (outside the limitations) and singing. I find singing mantras is very helpful. Also, today after watching this video (and after my previous comment) I got that now is not the time for crying too long, I express it, yes. But how to move the energy? My little warrior is too gentle and I could not dance for some time now. But this evening I just gently forced self to find the appropriate music, all lights on at home, lit many candles and made an amazing dancing party! Just on my own.

I was watching the sun today trying to break through the clouds, the punched hole in the sky that clouds where trying to close but the sun was getting through that hole again and again - "Shine, baby, shine!" Inviting the benevolent light forces every day...

I believe in Ganesha's powerful energy as this deity showed up in my meditation a while ago and I really love the mantra in praise of Lord Ganesha and helping to remove obstacles: Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha

Here is the beautiful one:

Can we make any difference all together..?

Much love


In reply to by Asya


Can we make any difference all together?

You ask an important and poignant question Asta.

There are still too many people by far who are too quiet and not supporting the movement of energy - not seizing the opportunity to amplify.

To truly break into what's taking over in the world and break it down, will take a conserted group of people connecting together and forging energies in a similar direction.

Alas, I don't see that fully here yet.

Too many people either distracted, focussing on the unimportant, or else playing it small in the shell. But time will tell.

Nevertheless, we will continue to blaze a trail.

Open HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Asya


Dear Asta ,

I met with a dear friend yesterday . She suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis and is struggling with painful physical issues ,like many here . As I sat having some hot chocolate with her ,my eyes were drawn to a beautiful Ganesh ,a very common symbol here. After I read your sharing ,I understood why .As we were discussing the issues of the day ,I was talking to her about Rage and how to embody it fully using dance . Feels like we are connecting through the ether ❤️

And Open , singing SareGama is such an Indian way of expressing musical octaves . And so powerful too.

Did you know ,the mouse is considered the vehicle of the Lord Ganesha ? He is supposed to be able to go into any nook and crevice and 'find a way '.He is also the harbinger of auspiciousness in new endeavours .

I am also learning to tunnel light into this dense energy . I am getting it ' wrong ' very many times. Being too shrill or strident when I am attached to an outcome ( for people to stop getting jabs because there isn't a pan_demic anyway ,for example ). But I will not learn to modulate my voice ,unless I use it ,distortions and all .

And so I persist. I will confess ,these synchronicities and connections are what continue to make me stick my neck out .

Deep love through the ether Asta . I feel your courage .

Namaste !


In reply to by iamdurga


Hey Megha,

Thank you for your beautiful words! Yes, we are connecting through the ether and our hearts for sure.

I have heard about the "friendship" between Ganesh and the mouse. Interestingly, I had a mouse in my house just before the new year, three weeks ago, and my little human brain could not give a clue how it got there, on the kitchen working surface - I could not find any little gap. But somehow the tiny cute mouse fell into the sink while I was seeking for the jar and here I presented a jar for it. That happened in the morning so I jumped in a car yet in my pajamas :D and drove to the end of village to let it out into the field. I was trying to understand this synchronicity, what it says to me, but only now I got it (even though it seems a bit too late...) - thank you Megha. I love your photos - can see those faces too!

Sending lots of love HeartPraying Emoji


In reply to by Open


Dear Open ,

Firstly deep gratitude at the beautiful vlogs you are putting out . The one at Castle rigg ,the energy leapt out at me through the screen. Felt to me that I saw and old Chinese gentleman( Lao Tzu?) in the bridging stone ! And my head was swimming so much ,I had to sing into the chakras with you .

Also the beautiful cave with the Green Tara on your right throughout .

I went to another cleaning drive in my local area this time . It is a quarry that was blasted so much that the groundwater was exposed . And now it has some foliage returning ,wild animals returning too.

After having a mild altercation about boundaries with a colleague ( he was denouncing the fact that I was putting out anti vaxx information on a professional group after which I told him if he doesn't like it ,well that's just too bad . ) We saw the scratch marks of leopards throughout the very scenic path to the beach . The leopards use these scratch marks to warn against violation of their boundaries .The lake and the forest that's regrown

I was able to connect to the torus and immediately felt to ground some energy in a stone that felt very ancient as also a tree with a termite infestation .

And a beautiful Ficus tree which had managed to grow in the exposed rock. Towards the end of the visit I developed a headache on the right side of my head . I also managed to get a scratch on the right side of my forehead .

All the participants felt a wonderful sense of expansion after the sojourn . To me it seemed to say "Resilience " The Ficus growing in impossible places

PS Just felt to add that the team leader for this trek was a villager who has taught himself Botany and Zoology and knows more about the region than anybody .

And he traverses this difficult ,rocky ,thorny terrain with a walking stick because one of his legs is polio afflicted . Watching him jump over the stones is truly inspiring !

In reply to by iamdurga


Tremendous Megha! I see so many faces in the rocks in the second picture. And I also resonate with your Chinese sage vision in the rock from Castlerigg - you sparked it for me. Thumbs Up Sign

When I was compiling my most recent video I'd put a little food out for the birds outside my camper and it attracted a little rat instead, which I tried to catch on video, as he kept bobbing in an out. He spoke strongly of resilience too. And I had to be resilient to catch the clip!

Good that we're in tune.

Much love

Open HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Oh wow, yes well after the magnificence of eagle showing up the other week, I didn't take the young rat that has turned up seriously at all.

Resilience you say, yes that resonates. Thank you.

In reply to by Open


Dear Open ... wow! What an incredible trip I took with you into the depths of Robert The Bruce's cave. I've never experienced anything quite like it. I wish I could share it here, but I cannot find any words at this time.

I can say that I was thrilled to see that you were going there. I have a lifelong deep connection to Robert the Bruce - my middle name is Bruce, named by my father because, according to him and his father/grandfather, we were directly descended. (With the name 'McQueen', I suppose it's possible.) Whether or not it's true doesn't matter, because I was raised with the stories of this most famous Scottish hero and he has always been somehow present for me.

I never dreamed I would actually be able to sit inside his cave and meditate! And believe me, I was there! And it was incredible!

Even my father never made it to his cave, so, thanks to you - I have managed to fulfill that dream for him even though he is gone and I was there in spirit only.

I'm still not quite back from the cave.. so all I can say is Thank you, Thank you....

I'm so very grateful for your travels, your sharing and your beautiful vlogs, and I'm so grateful to be part of this amazing Openhand community.

Namaste, Janet

In reply to by Janet


That's a truly beautiful feedback loop Janet. It's so wonderful when people find a connection like that and have it speak to you.

The cave had a powerful energy for sure - very supportive and protective - no doubt with the Robert the Bruce connection you'd feel it.


Open Praying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Beautiful and Inspiring!!! The surrounding Rock in and around the cave felt very grounding; could merge with and felt what you described as being "protective". Thank You!!

In reply to by Open


I so truly feel a joy for you, Open, that you got there! And I bow with the highest respect to that Warrior in you Heart.

Thanks for this beautiful music - this is a perfect expression of how it really feels in this country (for me) Heart

In a deep emotional processing last night my mind initiated a plan to return back to my home country and when my energy felt completely exhausted I opened this vlog looking for the uplifting energy. Gosh! Just these few words and the piece of music brought me back again between the two flames. These two flames are of tremendous love - one for my family (physically being far away) and the other for this amazingly beautiful land of Ireland... I feel not able to leave this Emerald Island... And the little warrior in me never is running back but moves only forward. In this land where the sacred old spirit resides my significant awakening began. Tears stream down the face. I let go of old memories, I let go of the need to be with my mum and my sister and working to let go of a need to find someone close to me. But how one can let go of Love..?!

Here is the another track that, I think, was playing in Openhand workshops. To me it also reminds of the spirit of Eire.

Mornië utúlië - Darkness has come

Mornië alantië - Darkness has fallen

Much love and gratitude Praying EmojiHeart



17/01/21 Sword and the Stone Vlog: Just a quick update folks - I spent yesterday hanging out at the hide-away cave of Robert the Bruce, who was King of Scotland after the execution of William Wallace. I can tell you I really picked up the energy of being a renegade there! But it was beautiful to connect with the energy. And now I'm just about to catch a ferry across to Ireland, to pick up some Green Tara Energy. It's becoming another epic adventure, with burst tyres but being well looked after by the divine. Will share some more video hopefully tomorrow.

Love to all - keep testing, keep pushing, keep opening!

Open Praying Emoji

In reply to by Open


So much movement. I feel the small crevices, nooks and crannies making for a bit of light to shine through.  The little mouse is checking them all out.  And when you have enough holes in the dam, something this gonna break. 

Someone along side of you in Ireland, Open, has something to share with the world.  (the twitter video)
The voices of truth are showing up.  

The spirit of the RENEGADE is unfolding, with a showers for fairy dust and the winds of change...that's the landscape I am skateboarding around in :-) 



16/01/21: Sword and the Stone Vlog Update: I had an absolutely tremendous stop on the Sword and the Stone Tour at Castlerigg, a Druid/Celtic Stone Circle in the Lake District, where as you can see, the energy was absolutely tremendous.

I recorded a singing chakra meditation for expanding the space and bringing higer dimensional energy in. It's a demonstration of the singing meditation we often do in the Openhand work - so do explore it and join in.

And, folks, this Tour is all desgined to insopire unbridled freedom of expression. So do share your experiences from wherever you are in the world. Remember, if we want to break this veil of density down, we've got to forge the soul and ripple the light!...


Open HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Thank you, Open, so so much for this tour!!  You are weaving the spiritual, the gnosis, and the pragmatic into the right now.  Your sharing is not only inspiring, you are showing us all the "how to" up close and person.  It is giving me the understanding and confidence of what/who gridworkers, gatekeepers, and lightworkers (we all) are up to.  As I have mentioned before, I feel and know I am an acupuncture needle for Gaia wherever I am.  As long as I bring my ATTENTION to where I am and what/how my soul is moving me as my being-ness, I am totally and fully in my soul expression.  Your vlog is kicking it!! And dusting off any remaining questions I might have where doubts creep in saying I don't know what I am doing or badgering me to think I am NOT this healing energy and life light soul force.  I don't need to be is some exotic sacred space to be awesome. In fact, wherever I am is that sacred space of awesomeness getting a tune up from my attentive energy--Truly awesome! 

You are showing and sharing the ways to interact with the ALL right in front of us. I am so inspired <3 <3 <3 

many hugs, Gwyn 

In reply to by Gwyn Marie (not verified)


Thankyou so much for the kind words of support Gwyn HeartPraying Emoji

The Tour feels important to express sovereignty and freedom - and to get energy moving through this density, which keeps wanting to lock down.

It is pushing me for sure. Not just the travelling challenges but working to film the meditations whilst doing the energy work and then editing in my wee camper. But the divine is working with me - so it's simply magical too.

Open Praying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Yes, I have been thinking of the film editing, correspondence with us, camping out and traveling all rolled up in one.  Again inspiring -- and sometimes it is just nice to hear from someone that you are doing an awesome job.  My ego envy of you having that much time with myself to do just four things is there beating on my door saying "Why don't you just get into the mini van of yours and cruise the states? Come on Gwynnie and show us how cool you are!"  

Keep it up -- and my divine sees your divine :-)


15/01/21 Sword and the Stone Vlog: I'm already having a really great time here on the Sword and the Stone Tour - feels like it's going to be another epic one. I'm up in the Lake District right now, at a very special site called "Castlerig" - I'm meditatiing, waiting the catch the light to then do another film shoot. Yesterday I put together this first Vlog about how to move the Toroidal Flow at a given site, as inspiration for you to do the same where you are. And I had two very special guests show up...

In reply to by iamdurga


Wow - great that you called it Megha - now it clicks - the green colour on a lot of the stones. And yes - softening the intensity of the energies coming into the physical. Great intuition! The Sun EmojiThumbs Up Sign

PS - and a major synchronicity is that the Hill of Tara in Ireland is beckoning me right now.


Open HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Open


There's more Green Tara synchronicity. On the recent Quantum Reset Retreat one of the beautiful tracks Open shared was Om Tara by Chloe Goodchild - the mantra in the background is the Green Tara mantra! Here it is in all it's heartaching beauty....


PamHeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Having problems on the physical?
No surprises - plenty of energy workers and lightworkers are as strong energies come into the physical plane.
So what to do?
Why not dance. Then catch a video and share it with the community here. Come on guys. Let's get some energy moving - I'm out here in the wilderness for you!....


14/01/21 Sword & Stone Vlog Update: Thanks for tuning in everyone. I see the topic has motivated some energy and action - the divine chose the subject well!

Last night I arrived at my first port of call, which was once more the mysterious Mow Cop, on the Cheshire Plane in the heart of England - it's a huge rocky outcrop of ancient granite, a small mountain, from whence you can see out to the large cities of Manchester and Liverpool. It's a place where the ancestors Hugh Bourne and James Bourne founded the breakaway "Primitive Methodists" movement, after Hugh Bourne had a massive awakening to the Christ Consciousness - it's reported he was able to wake people up simply with his words, and in a time of no internet, he inspired an uprising of around 100,000 people in a short space of time. So for me, it's a highly motivating place.

I arrived yesterday afternoon, following a welcome surprise on the Motorway M6. What might that be? - a traffic jam! Yes, after the morning's newspapers were all full of pictures of armed "Boys in Blue" fining and arresting people for walking in the park, immaculate then that I should run into a 30 minute traffic jam; and as I drove through the Potteries (so called after the main industry here), it was absolutely clear, that despite the threats and fines, plenty of people were ALREADY drawing the Sword from the Stone and non-complying!

Could the narrative be getting a little thread bare? Too early to say. But the early signs are positive Slightly Smiling

Last night and early this morning I've been doing energy work at the site and catching some film too. So I hope to have some new video for you soon. For now, here's a recap of what the site looks like and is all about from the previous Vlog tour...

Stay tuned everyone - let's gather through the ether and MOVE SOME ENERGY!

Fond blessings to all

Open HeartPraying Emoji


Dear Open ,

Right there with you ! An opportunity to clean up another lake has manifested itself in my locality . After which we are hiking to another lake . We were supposed to go last week but it was raining too hard .

The movie from which you have taken the clip of that guy pulling out the sword . In it ,interestingly ,he has to equalize himself with the trauma he and his family experienced BEFORE he accesses the power of the sword ( his multi dimensional self ) Looking forward to this trip ! I am sure it's going to be amazing !



Hi Open,

Oddly I felt to go out of town yesterday and asked a friend if he would drive me there as it was very stormy weather. Normally he'd say No but to my surprise he said yes, we went a couple of places I needed to go and if I had been alone I never would have gone along the back way out of the waterfront where we were in a new construction mini mall where I pay my internet bill now. There was a place called Front Street Provisioners. A pizza place my friend had heard about last year, but had never been inside. So we went in and while I was sitting facing one of the walls, there was a painted artwork on corrugated metal panels of a masked man with a sword behind his back. And the year 2018 up in the corner of the art. I was drawn to keep looking at that sword for some reason. It looked like the one in your vlog. The masked man was like a protester or rebel.

Now today I see you have this vlog about sword and the stone, which was a book I loved when I was a child. So I feel it was synchronicity that I went inside a new place yesterday, and saw that sword that kept drawing me to it. So even in the midst of power outages at my house and stormy weather, I had the feeling to go out of town, saw a new place I know I never would have found on my own, then saw that mural on the wall. The pizza was excellent by the way. Sun dried tomatoes and fresh basil. Smliing

Thank you for sharing the sword & the stone, it gives me renewed strength to keep standing tall and shining my light. I've always been a rebel so to speak. I do things my own way.

Namaste Praying EmojiHeart



Hey O,

Very powerful! As soon as the vid started I got goose bumps, started weeping and yawning! What a reaction! I dont understand it but that's ok, though on one level I feel it to be what is needed.

I will be holding space and working with the horses, standing people and rock people here on the farm. And when interacting with people I'll be brave and stand strong in my authenticity and truth.

I have been processing lots of fear and dread every morning for many weeks/months now and it seems to be a wee bit easier than before which is encouraging.

Also I have plunged into reseaching crypto and found the guy really easy to understand so thanks heaps for the link to that. It's way out of my comfort zone but if Ican understand it anyone can lol.

Thankyou so much for being here at this time, for your input, encouragement and inspiration!

Many blessings


Erin (Zee)💚🌳🐎

Ps. I dont know how to send vids but I can send pics. May you go well.


I can't wait for the new Vlogs, Open!

I loved your vlogs from the last tour: Mow Cop, Rosslyn Chapel and Stirling Castle all evoked the most atmospheric and moving sharings from your Soul. I was completely engrossed!

Onwards and upwards! Ascension is ours by birthright, but we have to work for it; allowing ourselves to be made small and shut down is not going to get us to 5D. Rise up lion hearts! Our time has come, Spiritual Warriors are needed now. It's time to stand up for freedom!

Sending out courageous ripples,

Tilly Heart