The Ascent: Daily Ascension Snippets
What's shaking for you in the Shift? Share your snippet, a thought, photo, video or whatever else. Let's have some short, but meaningful memes. 🙏
Bright Blessings
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Yes! Getting better at it,…
In reply to Have faith everyone - dig deep! by Open
Yes! Getting better at it, even with the old self-deprication tape playing and making me feel bad for letting myself get frustrated and triggered. But not giving up/in and self inquiry are shedding light on the source of these low self esteem moments, and I'm seeing small shifts. I'm not letting myself get me down. And more and more I'm seeing how it's vital to keep the body clean at this point; anytime my energy is low from processing crap, I find it much harder to stay in the light. Really getting to feel the difference in energies. I may catch up yet!
Anyone new to crypto
If you're relatively new to crypto, you'll notice the whole boardgame took and swan dive today.
No worries. that's just par for the course. It will soon bounce back.
The fundamentals are riding high!
Riding the waves
In reply to Anyone new to crypto by Open
Dear Open ,
I am riding the crypto wave. I have written before how I was strongly influenced by poverty consciousness that manifested as a fear of money earlier . And that prevented me from getting into this volatile market earlier. But a few breakthroughs later and I'm lovin' it !
I love that it feels to me how it's a gateway to a new paradigm in the financial 3 D . I am spreading this particular VIR :) . I have gotten at least 4 people into it as well DESPITE the looming ban on crypto in my country . Thank you for the constant encouragement !
PS I have just bought a Blockchain website to set up my facilitation practice. And I intend to take payments in crypto :))
Calling the warriors
Be a warrior today.
Love the shadow as much as the light,
for that's the only way we transmute! ...
Release the warrior indeed!
In reply to Calling the warriors by Lyra
Release the warrior indeed - thanks for sharing
The flow of energy through you
There's a flow of energy, down from the source, through you, and back again.
That's what you're here to build, that's your destiny.
Everything in the external offers the means to unleash another degree of that sublime divinity.
So focus on that. Focus on constantly breaking through into that,
and you will find harmony with life.
Everything that you need and truly desire, as an expression of you, will then come your way.
Therefore always, but always, focus on the energy cycle with the divine and buidling that.
Just what I needed to hear...
In reply to The flow of energy through you by Open
Wow, just what I needed to hear in this moment.
Thanks for sharing Open.
Gotten tired of the 3D drama yet?
Gotten tired of the 3D drama yet?
I'd say there's something seriously wrong if you haven't!...
If anyone feels strange this…
If anyone feels strange this days, the reason could be square between Uranus and Saturn happening right now, most important astrological event this year. There will be two more in June and December so basically whole year is under this influence. And a few minutes ago Moon also conjunct Uranus in the exact moment of the square, empowering this event, hardly a coincidence. Here's more details:
Uranus (revolution) is a planet of change, resistance and awakening. Saturn (tradition) is a planet of responsibility, authority and boundaries. When in this tense square (like 90 degrees) assembles Uranus, it creates a demolition of the old, traditional. Uranus wants freedom and to be a rebel, Saturn wants boundaries and follows the rules. Because it's a permanent square - both Saturn and Uranus are in constant sign - these rebels will be quite hard-working, persistent with their own and will be difficult to calm them down. Don't forget that Uranus is in the Bull, which clearly shows strong climate change and transformation of the structure - surface, soil.
So lets bring the change...
Who needs a conqueror
...when you can always find surrender in the flow?
We are dancing a new reality into being!
For lightworkers
"This is no time for caution!"
However discernment is always advisable
Interstellar - a favourite scened
In reply to For lightworkers by Lyra
Ah this is one of my favourite scenes from Interstellar which spoke so strongly at the time.
Doctor "Man" had almost destroyed their interstellar safe haven (Gaia) and put it into an almost irreversible downward spin, before an interpid action by our heroes helped steady the spin and bring the 'station' back into alignment.
Powerful stuff!
Time to Come Together and Move the Torus!
It's high time to come together in the field folks and let's move some Torus!
Focus on the movement of kundalini flow and bring that to bear wherever you are are in the world.
Blessings to all.
Stay awake, stay awake, stay awake!
The problem is NOT that you'll activate difficulty and density upon your path,
because your path is forged from the cobble stones you walk over.
The problem is not have the courage to set the stones down when you encounter them.
That's where it takes guts and commitment.
And ultimately, that minimises the suffering and maximises the opportunity.
Let the birds tweet on!
The only tweeting I can hear today is that of the birds.
Besutiful. Tweet on!
Free now...
"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."
--Albert Camus--
The synchronicity has whispered to me today "Free now" and so reminding that quote of A. Camus...
The Old Paradigm
The story always began with "Once upon a time there was a..."
What does crow medicine tell you?
Be mindful, synchronicties don't just point to the good stuff, "you're off to Machu Picchu!"
They point to what's activating in your shadow side too.
What might you need to unravel?
She pecked and pecked at her…
In reply to What does crow medicine tell you? by Open
She pecked and pecked at her shadow till it woke up and ate her. Kind of like when I let my anger and resentment consume me 😔
Befriending the shadow
In reply to She pecked and pecked at her… by barbfromkingston
Hmmm - interstesting viewpoint.
I prefer to briefriend the shadow, work with it, find the alignment in it, and then, IT up!
Follow the raven
In reply to What does crow medicine tell you? by Open
And the path to shamanic transmutation awaits...
Simply stunning
In reply to Follow the raven by Lyra
Wow. Simply stunning. If there's a shaman in you, get's you right there.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Just remembered when you…
In reply to What does crow medicine tell you? by Open
Just remembered when you posted this the crows had been really chatty lately...I think they're saying "stop avoiding, it's time to change!" 😉
Neat, I was just thinking…
Neat, I was just thinking yesterday how it'd be nice to have an old-school "chat room" on this site. Okay here's a quote that's been in my head lately, not accurate though, feel free to correct and I can't remember author: "The master's energy is like this: he lets all things come and go...". That's all I remember but I think that's all I need right now lol.
Faced with a Difficult Choice?
The soul is flowing as a stream of light it's actually not making choices at all. It's simply wanting to express. So when you hit a junction in your life presenting a difficult choice, the question is not what to do, but how to be. What new expression of beingness wants to come through now? Ask. Look around. Watch the universal reflections. What resonates? Work to embody a new aspect of soul and the choice will make itself.
Testing this out. Yesterday…
In reply to Faced with a Difficult Choice? by Open
Testing this out. Yesterday had a couple minor (but still so meaningful) breakthroughs after falling back into my old control habits, and some challenging news. The usual fear reactions accompanied by the spoiled-toddler reactions of not getting my way, but then I remembered surrender. And made a conscious choice that that was what I would do.Just let it be. Sure things are getting harder but they won't stay that way, and I have learned by now struggling just makes it worse. And have found enough soul frags to see just how precious the struggle can be if approached from a place of trust and acceptance. And then I spoke up for myself against a particularly demanding control freak in a calm no-nonsense way; usually I'd bite my tongue and then stew, my poor heart and soul betrayed again. And I felt lighter and liberated. I would rather face her narcissistic rage than betray myself and my truth. A victory for me and it flowed authentically because I had made the choice to surrender. And then synchronicities: the sudden burst of joyous laughter from a child sledding nearby that brought a giggle to my lips. The four geese flying into the sunset, the plane that flew right over where I was standing...things are shifting and I'm getting less afraid of the unknown, and maybe even a little excited for the adventure that awaits! Still have lots of work; testing the waters I find I'm still not ready to open to people yet but I will start dipping my toes in the water...YAY!!! 💜💜💜
Big movements in crypto right now
For anyone watching the cyrpto space, big movements are building. Bitcoin just went through a surge as Elon Musk's Tesla spoke of investing $1.5 billion in it. Meanwhile Ethereum soldiers on in the background, building the trackway for the new internet of value. XRP is preparing to bolt from the gates, as the pre-hearing of its court case with the SEC takes place on Monday. Someone let the Doge out. It ran away but is coming back again. It would all be just a bit of fun, except it's shaking up the shadowstate in the process. Now that has to be worth the ride!
Decrypt - a great source of crypto info
When the grey energy comes calling
Be prepared that the field will sometimes smother you like a big wet blanket, especially when the greys are around! That's okay. Work through any sense of depression or hopelessness. Realise it might not be yours! Keep working to unleash the torus. And in no time you'll sweep through it and wash it away.
Wow really resonating, I've…
In reply to When the grey energy comes calling by Open
Wow really resonating, I've just started working through this. I'm having a very hard time shutting off my mind. I remembered progressive relaxation and finally started to get somewhere with calming down mind. But these images kept popping in my head and I realized they were ALL temptations or distractions of some kind and I started to realize hang on, I don't think this is just me, and from there I was able to just let them go without a reaction. Amazing! Maybe I'm not mad after all lol! 💜💜💜
Just love this wandering soul, traveling, searching for magic. And he does find it! Here's some comments:
- If we all had your temperament, the world would be a much more peaceful place.
- We have such a beautiful planet. Thank you for showing these remote areas and peoples to us. Fabulous.
- Your videos are a real work of art. I watch at least twice. Thanks for sharing.
First ten minutes are real magic. Enjoy.
Harry, you're a wizard
The magic is in the expression!
Weve forgotten how to express!
Express yourself, unreservedly, every nuance and vibe - let it flow through.
For this is the forging of soul.
This is the antedote to lockdown...
Hakuna Matata!
In reply to Weve forgotten how to express! by Open
Disclaimer! No "grubs" were hurt in the making of this, probably...
Meditation protests in Spain
I loved this one - a sit in protest of meditation in Spain with the police joining in. More of this please!...
"Hope is a good thing…
In reply to Meditation protests in Spain by Open
"Hope is a good thing. Sometimes the best of things."😊
The Shawshank Redemption
Sunday vibes
This is great thank you
In reply to Sunday vibes by Danniel
This is great thank you! Showing the connection of everything. And I love Sade, listened to her everyday for like a year in college! Namaste💜💜💜
Soft power
In reply to This is great thank you by barbfromkingston
I love her energy, so peaceful, loving, calm. But also very powerful, kind of soft power. Lao Tzu explains it perfectly:
Since before time and space were,
the Tao is.
It is beyond is and is not.
How do I know this is true?
I look inside myself and see.
Nothing in the world
is as soft and yielding as water.
Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible,
nothing can surpass it.
The soft overcomes the hard;
the gentle overcomes the rigid.
Everyone knows this is true,
but few can put it into practice.
Therefore the Master remains
serene in the midst of sorrow.
Evil cannot enter his heart.
Because he has given up helping,
he is people's greatest help.
True words seem paradoxical.
This is beautiful and…
In reply to Soft power by Danniel
This is beautiful and profound and perplexing lol😆 I resonate with a lot of it since I'm struggling lately with feelings of anger and aggression, and it's a bit synchronistic cause I was reflecting on void of presence and the "poem's" last verse speaks to that I think. Thanks for reminding of the tao; a great tool
Where's the truth in the anger?
In reply to This is beautiful and… by barbfromkingston
In the Openhand Approach, wherever a distortion arises, the question is, "where's the truth in the distortion?"
Because the distortion is akways a distortion of the light of the soul.
Express the energy in an aligned way and the distortion will peel off.
Thanks for the direction…
In reply to Where's the truth in the anger? by Open
Thanks for the direction. Initial inquiry says hello you created this, ego is just back at it's old imperialism, missing the point which I think is to stop reacting, stop identifying, stop feeling obligated and led by the nose with guilt-trips. And for heaven's sake start allowing soul to call the shots. These are some of the very things I begged to learn from the universe and now I'm complaining?!? Learning first-hand the importance of surrender and flow; the universe picks the time and place for lessons, not me. And thanks for a new focus of "expressing the energy in an aligned way" which rn would be walks and walks are definitely something I need more of! Ever grateful for your guidance! 💜💜💜👃
In reply to Thanks for the direction… by barbfromkingston
That nose was meant to be namaste hands. Must remember to wear glasses LOL 😆😆😆
And on the 7th day...
And on the 7th day...
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