Joy (Germany)

Submitted by Open on Tue, 03/16/2021 - 10:02
Joy - Openhand Spiritual Facilitator (Germany)


I am the dancer between the stars.
I am the spark to catalyse transformation.
I am the gentle softness to hold you through your healing process.
I am a weaver of realities, creating and dissolving and creating anew.
I am a sovereign soul and my purpose is to build a bridge between this reality and the next, so that all souls may find their path to the ever higher levels of harmony.
To the highest benefit of all life.

Hello, dear soul, thank you for connecting. I am Joy. That is not the name you'd find on my birth certificate, no. It is, however, the name – the word, sensation, vibration – that has come back to me again and again, through a number of different experiences. At one point I realised that, if it keeps coming back? It's obviously mine. So now, I am Joy.

I have been on this journey for all of my life, it sometimes seems. Certainly from my early teens. Feeling that there had to be more to this existence than what I could see and feel and know; looking and yearning for something bigger. For connection. Reaching for that memory of what once was and always is …

I've explored different approaches and philosophies to try and find that connection again, to remember myself, but never caught more than fleeting glimpses. Until I found Openhand. I've gone through some pretty dark times and deeply shattering experiences on this journey, too. And likely will again. But I trust Universe to guide me, to hold me – as it has always done in the past, for even in the darkest of times, when I was lost and confused, didn't know where to turn and felt as if my life could not go on, there was a helping hand reaching out to me, just when I needed it most.

So if you're looking for something bigger, for connection, for the memory of soul; or if you're lost and confused and don't know where to turn – I'd like to reach out my hand to you, to hold you steady, and help you lift yourself up again.

My Service

If I were to apply a label to me and the way I work, it would be highly empathic energy worker. I sense and feel things in the energy field around us and in the energy field of the people I'm working with. Most often that translates to physical sensations such as tightness, tension, heat, tingling, etc. From there I follow intuition and inner guidance in how to work with what I sense, letting the energy itself tell me what wants to happen.

This, for me, more often than not includes working directly with the energy itself, animating what got stuck and moving what wants to be moved. And I mean that literally – I move the physical in response to the energy. That can be sweet and gentle; more often than not, however, a little more oomph is required to get stuff moving, and then there is coughing and throwing the body around. (Looks ridiculous? Maybe. Highly effective? Oh, yes.)

At this point in time, I offer one-to-one facilitation sessions as well as transformational healing meditations. These are small group meditations that provide a safe and protected space for internal explorations, releasing emotions, and working through density. You will be guided, you will be held, and if anything comes up, we can work through it.

All services are offered both in English and in German … ;-)

Pricing and Connect

I am currently based in Germany, near the city of Frankfurt (Main). If you live in the area and would like to meet face-to-face for a session, absolutely, that's great! With people further afield, I use zoom – which by now probably everyone knows, and it works really well.

To get in touch with me, you can either use the contact form on my website or e-mail me directly:

Website: the Healing Dance

One-to-one sessions usually take about 90 minutes and pricing is on a scale of 85 – 125 €, where you pay what feels aligned. There are also options for people with low/no income, so don't let that number deter you if you'd like to work with me but can't afford full price.

For details about pricing options for the transformational healing meditations, please see my website. Or get in touch and give it a try, because the first session is 100% free! :-)

Joy - Openhand Stage 3 Facilitator

I couldn't think of a more accurate name for Joy to be called than Joy! In all the time she's been involved in Openhand, whether on workshops, free time, working with the angels or processing the deepest karmic density, a ready smile and light heartedness has always been waiting to burst through at any given moment. And that does not, in any way, diminish the depth and seriousness to which she can take people and help them process. Having supported on plenty of Openhand workshops, she's demonstrated time and again a tremendous interdimensional energy insight, the ability to channel away density, and to help resonate new frequencies of beingness that are ready to activate in people. What a gift! You will be well looked after and supported in Joy's facilitation. Open Praying Emoji

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18/03/2021 Openhand Journal Update - introducing new Facilitator "Joy": the Openhand Facilitator Program is the "jewel in the crown" of Openhand's work here. It's all about sharing age-old spiritual processes, meditations and facilitation practices, but in a new context relevant to today's complex and convoluted world. How can you find and maintain alignment to your highest self in all the chaos of confusion? That's the sense of the facilitator program, which is probably about as deep as this kind of work goes.

An Openhand Facilitator not only develops powerful one-on-one personal spiritual development support, but also goes much deeper: processing ancient Altantean and Sirian Karma; removing entities and implants; helping realign botched DNA from human hybridisation; bringing in the new 5D Human; opening up and realigning Gaia's energy fields. It's an epic multidimensional "Indiana Jones" high adventure!
Discover more about becoming an Openhand Facilitator

With this in mind, it is with great pleasure I introduce "Joy" (whom many of you will previously know as Heike). Where to begin? I've seldom come across anyone who can be so in the thick of dense karmic energy (where people are releasing and processing) and yet manitain such an angelic/fairy-like joy and lightness to it all. Yes, "Joy" is the perfect name!

Joy has profound connections into the realms of multidimensionality and is a wonderful channeler of such, bringing in star soul groupings that can remind people of their original cosmic heritage in a frequency sense. One of my abiding memories of her from the workshops, was helping to weave the DNA of the new 5D Human, what we call here at Openhand the divine being DIVINICUS.

Joy is offering free introductory facilitator sessions to people in the Openhand community right now. So do check out her biog above. And she's offering weekly meditations sessions to attend, inspired by the Openhand work, which you can read all about on her website, which is yes, a Healing Dance!

Joy has featured in plenty of the Openhand videos, including this one from a past Facilitator Gathering in the wonderful Avebury, which just happened to magic a crop circle for us all. It's an absolute pleasure having you involved in the network Joy. I know with your lightness of heart, deep interdimensional connection and plain "joy", you'll light up many a soul.
Blessings, Open HeartPraying Emoji

Go and check out Joy's website for a free intro session and meditation group: a Healing Dance

In reply to by Open


Hey Joy!!!

So great to see you on the Facilitator page! In fact it gives me great joy, (pun intended) to know your hard work has come to fruition Star Emojivoltage emoji iconThe Sun Emoji

I've observed you gently supporting many people for quite some time, and at the same time transforming your own life and crafting your offerings. You are busy engaging with being a perfect expression of your Soul. In that you certainly lead by example and show the value of the Openhand work. I have also noticed the heart of a lion within your petite and ethereal being, which has served you well in your unfoldings, and is an invaluable prerequisite for any serious traveller on the path, again you are leading by example.

I know you will have profound effects out there in the ether, through the physical plane and in holding space for your clients.

Much love Heart and a big, cosmic hug!!! Hugging

Tilly Kiss

In reply to by Tilly Bud


Thank you so much, Open and Tilly, for your warm and enthusiastic welcome. HeartHeartHeart

There is still a slight sense of surprise inside about having reached this point; even knowing, feeling for so long that this is where the path was meant to go, where it was leading me. A sense of surprise and of great expansion, too, of a new, exciting space opening inside, in the field and the soul, ready to welcome and embrace all who resonate. Star Emoji

(And also a great sense of amusement as I'm watching a part of me that's kind of looking around, trying to see the person you're talking about because, uh, what? I didn't do anything? I was just working to embody more and be as authenic as I can, to just be and express, for no other reason but because it felt right! Tears )

I'd also like to add a big thank you to all of Team Openhand for ... everything, really. Everything since my first Openhand weekend retreat, back in September 2016, when I skipped my mother's birthday party and shortened the long planned holiday with one of my closest friends, to get into a spaceship (a Ford Galaxy, to be precise), and brave the journey (I hate driving) to go to Belgium for a Breakthrough Intensive. Just: thank you. It's been everything I asked for. Praying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Hi Joy! ☀️

I am so glad to finally see your service listed here! What a blessing you are to this earth! You are made of magical start dust, rainbows and sunshine for sure! 💫 Thank you for not holding back and opening wide!

The Fountain Is So Happy

by Annette Wynn

The fountain is so happy.

The fountain is so glad,

You cannot make it sorry

You cannot make it sad.

It loves the sunshine and the air,

It loves to spring and dart,

But all the fountain's joyousness

Begins inside its heart.

It bubbles up with happiness,

It sparkles all day through,

It bubbles and flows over

And shares its joy with you!

