The Ascent: Daily Ascension Snippets
What's shaking for you in the Shift? Share your snippet, a thought, photo, video or whatever else. Let's have some short, but meaningful memes. đ
Bright Blessings
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A prayer for Transformation
In reply to Prayer for the solstice - what's yours? by Open
Is it solstice again? Wow! ...
I feel like tremendous shift often happens around these times, if we can stay attuned.
So just to send a prayer out, for all who's going through a transformative process right now,
Know that you're always honored by the divine.
Love it - a sensual treat!
In reply to A prayer for Transformation by Lyra
Love it - a sensual treat! đ
Thanks for sharing đ
Spider with wings
Found her on my bathroom floor yesterday. Never seen something like this ,like a spider with wings. It spoke to me about the importance of grounding the higher dimensional energy here.
That looks like the spawn ofâŠ
In reply to Spider with wings by Vimal
That looks like the spawn of Satan my friendđ I've known entities that look like this, with legs/tentacles like this and a dark density in the center.
Which is of course not to say, it can't still hold relativistic beauty and be lovable!
Lyra đ€
It's only a humbe May Fly!
In reply to That looks like the spawn of⊠by Lyra
Fascinatting what you see Lyra!
I only see a humble May Fly.
But some do see mantids!
Open đ
Humble fly and mantids
In reply to It's only a humbe May Fly! by Open
Haha, yes Open it is just a humble fly! Although the in-your-faceness of the photo taken, and the shape of its many legs did give me a little jitter from inside, which of course is linked to some of my karmic pain and the very entities (group) I was describing!
And speaking of mantids, it is to my knowing that there are different groups of extraterristerial beings that very much resemble the earth praying mantids in their forms, perhaps with our earth ones being their distant cousins. Some of these higher dimensional beings are incredibly benevolent, and are working to assist the shift here (such as the Golden Mantis Race!). There are also other mantids groups that are of a less than benevolent intent.
I do find the form of our earth mantids quite beautiful, though. I mean just look at this weeee beauty :D
with love,
Mayan Warrior - massive vibe from Burning Man
Island in the storm, or ecstatic 4d bubble?
To me it all depends on how we embody and integrate the energies. (embrace the void!)
Process the pain, retrieve all the soul fragments, yes,
but alas, we are also here to dance!
Perhaps simply to the joy of life, to the songs inside each one of us.
And just so, we're rising with the rainbow serpent,
feeling the love of our twin flames,
knowing there is always a way back home...
Love is all there is.
It all depends on how we embody and integrate the energies
In reply to Mayan Warrior - massive vibe from Burning Man by Lyra
" it all depends on how we embody and integrate the energies" - absolutely!
It's whatever casues you to drop the facade, AND...not create any new ones!
Open đ
Breathe in and unravel the old, breathe out and create the new
When you're in the torus, you breathe in and unravel the old, you breathe out and create the new.
Thus we have to be prepared to let go of each creation - to hold the past very lightly.
Then to have the courage to step forwards even though you can't immediately see the outcome.
That's how we create the outcome - but crucially, as one with the divine.
Open đ
Be strong, hang long, don't sell your crypto!
So, ex-president Donald Trump calls Bitcoin a scam and the whole market plunges.
No, Donald, printing zillions of paper dollars and bailing out your Corporate America mates is a scam.
Distributing millions of experimental jibjabs at "warp speed", when you personally know existing drugs work better, is the mother of all scams.
I always believe the truth will out, no matter what.
The truth is the correcting force of the Universe.
And here right now, crypto has already demonstrated it is here to correct humungous wrongs. To give the regular guy in the street like you and I a chance to even the financial playing field a degree.
The shadow state will, and are, manipulating it so they can steal it from retail investors who lose their nerve. DON'T lose your nerve!
The current falls are no different than all the others that have happened previously. It always bounces back. The fact remains, Bitcoin has still out-performed all other investments over the time of its inception and will continue to do so. Why? Peer to peer ease of use. True store of value because the maximum amount is permenantly limited to 21 million coins. That's what the shadowstate, with its inflationary tactics, are terrified about.
It blows fiat - like the dollar - out of the water.
And as I've often said, Bitcoin is merely the 1st generation. Others are already surpassing it.
So, what I will be doing, am doing, is staying strong and hanging long.
The truth will find a way.
It always does.
Open đ
In reply to Be strong, hang long, don't sell your crypto! by Open
Hello everyone;
I read this site from time to time. I find opens perspective on cryptocurrency interesting. I must admit, I have never felt drawn to consider cryptocurrency myself and I pay for almost everything in cash bills, mostly to maintain my own privacy. With full knowledge that it is worthless fiat currency mind you. To me its just a bunch of yellow coloured plastic (we have plastic bills in Australia) that functions as a means of exchange.
In regards to Bitcoin...Open, you have been to Sydney, and described this place as a like an assault on higher consciousness. That much is true. There are a myriad of ways peoples consciousness is literally assaulted here.
One of those ways of imprinting messages into peoples subconscious is by using buses and bus stops to display rolling advertisements. They often have a demonic energy about them (demonic imagery, one eye symbolism, advertising 'spirit' alcohol liquor) things of that nature.
So naturally when i started to see Bitcoin logos, and messages encouraging people to invest in bitcoin, pop up at our local bus stops. I was guarded. I personally do not believe there is a benevolent force or intent behind it.
With kindness :)
- M
Crypto rocky ride
In reply to Crytpocurrencies by MotoGee (not verified)
Interesting observation MotoGee,
I can say with pretty clear conviction that when Bitcoin was first created it was most definitely from a benevolent intent. It was created after the last credit crunch in 2008 as a means of direct peer to peer exchange, outside of the defunct and duplicitous banking system.
Since then however, in recent times, it's clear the shadowstate is trying to "seize" it and fleecing regular people in the process. So they pull people into it, hike the price then short sell so the price plummets, bringing the rest of the market down with it. It's because crypto is a direct threat to the regular banking system.
They may well fulfill their shenanigens in the short term, but my sense is that crypto will succeed as a means for we mavericks and misfits to work outside of the shadowstate system. It will however be a rocky ride!
Open đ
The essential importance of internal awareness
It's the beginning of another week and where will your focus be?
No doubt you'll have stuff to do, people to see, goals to accomplish.
But always remember whatever is going on, this is about your self-actualisaiton.
And that can only happen by being attentive to it.
That's why I always advocate maintaining 50% of your attention on the inner.
How are you being now?
What aspect of beingness is invited now?
What's the grandest version of you that you can be?
The difference between "Being Present" and "Presence"
"Being present" and "Presence" are not necessarily the same thing.
You can work at being present - meaning to bring attention to how you're being and what's truly happening in any given moment. Some might term this "mindfulness".
But that isn't the same as presence. In fact someone can still be being very busy in this state (of being present). They might even look still on the surface but there's an efforting underneath to hold in place what they (their ego) is perceiving as stillness and presence.
Presence is something that happens to you.
You cannot create it and to aim for it is to push it further beyond reach - because true presence is the Void of all things in the eternal background. To be in it, is to merge with the totality. Where there is someone aiming for this, it will always remain out of reach because in your consciousness you've already established the conditon of separation from it.
Instead the key is to align with soul in any given moment.
When allowed to, the soul will flow. It doesn't have to effort to do this - does the wind effort to blow?
Even when the soul is active and busy, it is still effortless - is a bee efforting?
What we need to do therefore (and this is the Openhand Approach), is to open out through tightness to centre in the flow of the soul. You do this by dropping into rightness of being in any given moment - like tuning a musical instrument. You give everything to what you recognise is the attuned chord of you.
That's when you start to recognise this peculiar state that simply and effortlessly arises in the background. Time disappears. Separation disappears. Doubt, fear, disbelief disappear. You are now being the eternal presence of the One.
Open đ
Always work to activate the Greater Soul Flow
If anything hits a bottleneck in your life, or the magic seems to grind to a halt, how can you pay more attention to the soul? How can you initiate more soul flow?...
This is exactly what i wantâŠ
In reply to Always work to activate the Greater Soul Flow by Open
This is exactly what i want to know. Wrapped up in present/past karma and distractions, but making the choice more often to be with soul instead of the habitual distractions but i can't seem to get deep enough b/c of work which takes so much out of me so meditation turns to sleep real quick. i work on presence as much as possible but i feel like i'm missing something? cut off somehow? like in a daze or fog. working on the surrender and trust too but not sure if i'm allowing soul to come through enough from always being caught up in myself and the incessant monkey-mind. trying not to be hard on myself as you've said it takes time, and maybe this is a good lesson in patience i need, but worried i'm squashing her instead of setting her free...
Why aiming for presence can be a trap
In reply to This is exactly what i want⊠by barbfromkingston
Hi Barb - I'd say the key is to always work to come from the soul rather than aiming for presence - presence can be a trap of disconnection. However when you're aligned with the soul and being the witnesser of action, then true presence simply arises in the background.
So focussing on the sense of the soul is paramount - no matter what you're doing. Where is the feeling/sense of rightness in any given moment? How can you transcend what you're doing by feeling through?
Open đ
this seems to be hard for meâŠ
In reply to Why aiming for presence can be a trap by Open
this seems to be hard for me as i always have ego in the way judging, expecting outcomes; letting things just be has been one of the hardest things i've "not" done in my life, so opposite of how i've always been. knowing how my soul feels is foreign to me as i'm always in ego mode wanting something. this is going to take some time. thank youđ
Yes I understand it's hard...
In reply to this seems to be hard for me⊠by barbfromkingston
Yes I understand it's hard Barb - to be comitted to focussing on the soul and following it on a daily basis.
But what might help motivate, is the realisation that there is nothing else that is real going on. In other words, when we're acting from the ego, then we're caught in illusion that isn't really achieving anything or going anywhere. Therefore it's pretty pointless!
Open đ
and that's exactly how iâŠ
In reply to Yes I understand it's hard... by Open
and that's exactly how i feel, over and over again the same old pointless foolishness, but even knowing this, and being vigilant with watching myself as you have guided, i can't seem to let go of it! i'm making little changes that give me hope but still clinging to the same old. i'm exhausted from myself. it's the absence that i struggle with rn, how not to react when thats all i've ever done. always having to be right and oh how dare they etc! i simply don't know why i struggle so much to let go. but i still have hope even though there are days i'm sure i'll never change. i have a lot of work ahead of me. thank you for showing the wayđđ
Keep bringing awareness to the struggle until you tire of it
In reply to and that's exactly how i⊠by barbfromkingston
Hi Barb - well honesty with one's own process is always the essential first step!
And then continue to bring awareness to the issue, crucially WITHOUT beating oneself up. Just keep witnessing and observing. At some point you'll tire of the struggle and surrender will happen.
Much love and support
Open đđ
Did you get caught out by the crypto dive?
May was the month of the big dive in crypto. May was the month of massive market manipulation by the shadowside. It was clearly designed to freak out the small private investors (you and I!). Meanwhile they dive in and buy at the heavily discounted price. Don't fall for it! If you own coins that have great fundamentals (Ethereum, XRP, Vechain, Tron, Aave for example) then the wise thing to do is simply hold and ride out the troughs. This has happened before and it will happen again. But the upside continues. We ARE in a paradigm shift in terms of how we connect and exchange. Nothing has changed!
Open đ
Daring to be ourselves

Where there's a will, there's a way...
You are magnificent beyond measure.
You can manifest anything that's truly in your heart.
Let's never let anything come between us and these dreams.
And remember always, "where's there's a will, there's a way".
Coming together in the Shift
Speaking of the devil
Here's a little mesmerizing jam for all who's dealt with the Black Snake. To me Christ consciousness is the loving awareness that is able to hold both relativistic beauty, and the grotesqueness of forms in perfect oneness, a place from which misaligned energy can then begin to move..
The Sun Summoner
A witch that goes into the Darkness and shines the Light
Had my eye on that one đ
In reply to The Sun Summoner by iamdurga
I've had my eye on that one Megha - looks interesting đ
It is !
In reply to Had my eye on that one đ by Open
So this witch actually shines her light best when in the presence of the Dark being or when endangered by his minions. That's when she discovers her power and then has to work on all her blockages to be able to summon her power at will . So evocative !
You have to be prepared to break through your comfort zone...
I think all too often we apply the term "surrender" to what actually suits the ego and not the soul.
If you want to truly talk to the God within you, you've got to be prepared to go out on a limb,
to break past the physical identification, to confront the material in the most intimate and sometimes savage of ways. That's when you truly explode the myth that the ego self is. Then all manner of things will light the way.
But you have to be prepared to first break through your comfort zone...
Crypto is bouncing again while Doge takes a rest
So crypto is bouncing right back again - that tends to happen. It's a New Paradigm we're heading into, plenty of pull backs and corrections on the rise, but rise we are.
Check out: VeChain, Tron, Link, Theta, Atom.
Meanwhile Doge the Dog is having a well earned rest!
Crypto - woof woof
I'm parked up on the beach looking out across the sea, it's a glorious day.
A van has just parked next to me - it's a dog grooming business, with 3 happy dogs emblazoned on the side. As the door opens, an excited spaniel leaps out and rushes off across the beach, tail wagging furiously.
A thought comes to mind - "Doge is making a come back!" Sure enough, the price has leapt 20% today.
I took an early morning jog across the cliffs, down through a small valley, across a jinking little stream heading into the ocean. I'd been watching a great crypto project about video streaming called Bittorrent. The thought came to mind, "oh, it's a bit of a torrent". The price is up over 30% today!
Watch for the light of synchronicity, adventure and fun in the crypto space. It's speaking loudly. That's what I find so adventurous and intriguing about it. A paradigm change, turning the old on its head.
It's okay to feel melancohly sometimes
With everything that's going on in the world, it's perfectly okay to feel melancholy at times.
Personally I feel that today. Don't deny it. Don't push it away. It's an entirely 'right' emotion when it arises.
If we don't deny authentic feeelings then they don't define us and can move through pretty quickly.
It's a common feeling to me but not too often
In reply to It's okay to feel melancohly sometimes by Open
Thank you, Open, for expressing this and saying this is okay to feel melancholy sometimes. It's a common feeling to me but not too often :) So, here with you.
Feels like Shiva in the Ocean
Here's one of my favourite artists from Aus. A pure maestro on the guitar. Can you hear the Shiva in the ocean?...
What is it that matters most in life?
I put it to you that what matters most in life is finding your own internal harmony and alignment. Might sound a bit glib, a bit cliche. So what do I mean exactly?
Everyone will make mistakes in life, providing that is, you're not denying your journey - your inquiry - which is the greatest mistake one can ever make.
The mistakes are essential. Because within them is the possibility to reclaim the lost aspect of yourself. And, most essentially, then you'll be able to honour boundaries within your future engagement with life.
When you can do this, then the soul will naturally create the kind of configuration that is best for your aliveness and expression. Perhaps that's to be alone? Perhaps with a partner but with plenty of space? Perhaps with a close group of friends. The more you witness yourself, the more you align the boundaries and therefore the more accurately you define your life.
Thus you become harmonious. And from that, you create harmony in the outer.
To me, nothing can be so essential. Then you're truly living.
The Greatest Capacity of Love

Creating self-worth
So a lot of the processing i've been doing lately has really narrowed down my issues to one core theme: low self-worth. Which came about predictably from an unstable unsupportive and many times traumatic childhood. I can say fairly confidently that all the problems i:ve created in my life stem from that one core issue. i've never really learned to accept and trust myself because nothing in my life gave me reason to. the never-ending negative feedback loop. i've tried the external validation but also predictably, it all eventually tanked b/c of this lack of self-worth. So now i see this is where my true starting point is. Where all my current problems overlap, this deep-seated rejection of myself. But how do i create something from something that wasn't really ever there to begin with? things like affirmations never worked; i could never make myself believe those things just by saying them because i didn't funfamentally believe it to be true. While i get one must eventually move beyond the needs of the ego, for me it's hard to find an anchor in the higher when i have no stable base to start from. (i get that that's the opposite of how one is to approach the higher energies but that's how it feels; i can't keep myself up when every little thing in the outer reminds me of how weak and afraid i am) How can i even feel worthy of the beauty and joy and freedom of the higher when i don't even feel worthy to live? How can i let go when i can't trust myself or the flow? This is why i fall time and again and i just don't know how to learn to believe otherwise. And the life ive created just takes so much of my time and energy and self-eesteem that i dont get to connect with my higher self as i feel i should at this point, thus the feeling im not "anchored" to her yet. i still believe its all my fault so in the m8dst of some of my worst densities when i go up i cant hold it, i cnt find her. I just dont feel like i have a starting point to finding anf more importantly holding that self-acceptance. or maybe i'm just too impatient? hoping to be pointed in the right direction...
thanks with love and gratitudeđđđđ
How to break into a distortion like lack of self-worth
In reply to Creating self-worth by barbfromkingston
Hi Barb,
It's a powerful inquiry for sure, one which I know many have.
Always when someone asks me a question, I'm feeling between the words and finding the energy trigger points behind them. Here's what leaps out of your sharing...
But how do i create something (self-worth) from something that wasn't really ever there to begin with? things like affirmations never worked; i could never make myself believe those things just by saying them because i didn't funfamentally believe it to be true. While i get one must eventually move beyond the needs of the ego, for me it's hard to find an anchor in the higher when i have no stable base to start from.
You can't create self-worth. Just as you can't create any authentic state of being. That's why mantras ultimately fail.
You can't create self-worth (or any authentic state of being) because at the deepest levels it is already there. It already exists. How can you create something which is already present?
The key is to remove all the ego veils that stand in the way of it. And the way to do this is activate those karmic veils (including those from this life) so as to confront the pain and immerse in it - what is it that you're attaching to which blocks the emergence of your true light? What resolution or fix are you needing? When you do this, and you become deeply intimate with it, then something happens: you discover yourself as that which is observing and non-identified with the pain - with the distortion (of low self-worth). If you really work into it and allow yourself to go there, then you hit the "zero point" right at the bottom of it. It's a place of deep surrender, deep "giving up" - giving up trying to be something you are not. You stop trying to emulate someone for example (a paternal/maternal figure?).
It's this practice we apply in the Openhand Breakthrough Approach
When you give up trying to be something you are not, then you settle into being who you really are.
When you are really who you are, then there will be no question about self-worth. You'll discover your unique, personal soul-expression of the One. And because you are unique, you'll suddenly realise, "how can something which is unique possibly have no value?" From there, your soul can truly start to blossom.
It would be of great value to come on an Openhand Retreat or Course. Or else working with a facilitator. I would connect with Tilly Bud about that...
Connect with Tilly Bud
Wishing you well
Always finding The Grace at the Core of You
Hi Everyone - how are you all in the Shift out there right now?
There's lots of change happening in the field and lots of complexity, you might well agree.
That's why it's essential we keep reminding each other to connect with the grace at the core of us.
The soul is working to find rightness of action in the world - this sovereignty is why the external is changing.
BUT, be clear not to detach from the essence at the core of you - the Sacred Ground of Being.
Ultimately this is what the soul is working to reveal - to actualise, to make real.
It's that hallowed place of grace. Of wholeness and completeness. No matter what is going on.
How do you find that sacred place personally?
For me nature is a huge one - just watching the bees out in the garden, or the birds gliding on the wind. And music - the right track can simply carry me away.
Here's a favourite track I frequently play at the Openhand gatherings that readily gets me into that grace.
Take a few moments, sit back and feel it...
Bit of a two-parter, was wondering if OC had the ability to insert images into our heads at any time ie is everything i see in my mind, mine? Because sometimes i feel like my buttons are being pushed deliberately to get a negative emotional response. Brought to mind a strange incident a few years back when i doscovered remote viewing. One day i was just resting, no intention of doing a session, when as i was dozing an image came into my mind's eye of a being that looked like an intelligent triceratops. It was just watching me woth a bemused expression, as though it was watching me on a monitor. The weird thing about it was the whole image, including the being, looked as though it was through tv "fuzz", like the analog tvs when no station was coming through. Sometimes i would spontaneously see stuff without intending to view anything and the image would be grainy and monochromatic, like the image of the being, which is what really stands out. And it was like it was in real time too. Been wondering if i had seen them by accident or was it just some dream? Interested if anyone has insight?...
Entiities implanting imagery
In reply to Dracos? by barbfromkingston
Hi Barb - in short, yes, Dracos ARE able to implant images in your mind. And usually they will inprint images of themselves looking imposing and fearful so as to control people. Likewise there are entity groups able to see into this reality by the insertion of implants behind the eyes.
Here's one account of a close encounter in a Reptilian hive that I experienced where they implanted fearful imagery...
Close Encounters with Reptilian and Draconian Entities in the 5D Earth Shift
Yes, it's "out there"!
I'm a human being, my life has value!
Things are crazy. But every single one of us have own role in this world. Otherwise we wouldn't be here today.
This is what we need today:
Past the "non-duality" trap!
In reply to I'm a human being, my life has value! by Asya
Well he certainly stepped past the "non-duality - everything is okay" trap!
Healing madness with more madness
In reply to I'm a human being, my life has value! by Asya
Carl Jung tells in one of his books of a conversation he had with a Native American chief who pointed out to him that in his perception most white people have tense faces, staring eyes, and a cruel demeanor. He said: "They are always seeking something. What are they seeking? The whites always want something. They are always uneasy and restless. We don't know what they want. We think they are mad."
Chakra attunement meditation help
So i've been getting a bit stuck with visualising exactly where the energy goes into the chakras, ie "exhale through the front of the chakra, inhale through the back"...does that mean on the exhale energy goes out through the front of the body? or front of the chakra, and if so is that between the chakra and the spine?...discombobulatedđ assistance is appreciated!đ
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