Now we are free (theme from Gladiator a subjective translation) Lisa Gerrard
- Anol shalom
Anol sheh lay konnud de ne um
Nom de leesh
Ham de nam um das...
beautiful music Sandra
Do you have a link to this youtube 'favourite'? This is beautiful!
Thank you Lei for the original share.
a synchronicity Christmas-tide gift
I was just writing in my journal of the extraordinary freedoms I gained this month (the last 2 Decembers, beginning with Ascension in 2012 have been magical ones for me) from nasty addictions that have plagued me all my life. I thought...''I need a new song''...went to my Youtube 'favorites' and found this one, which I had heard and loved but not played for months and months. It spoke to me today! I thought, 'What is the translation? I see Latin and Hebrew...' Looked it up and my favorite site ''Openhand'' came up. Such a surprise! Such joy!! The translation was there, but not the original language. So looked that up and what did I find but that she sang it what I call ''spirit-language''. I sing that way too! Actually I think it is available to all of us who are seekers and want as full a life as possible in Spirit. So I love her beautiful spirit-song...and I am using the music and singing my own spirit-song words to it which enriches it even more for me. And your meditation is an added blessing. I'm so eager to be part of a community gathering one day...
In the mood
Yes you're in the right place Lei - it's an Openhand old favourite. In fact we frequently play it at the beginning of workshops just to get people in the mood.
Open :smile:
Beyond the mind
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