The Ascent: Daily Ascension Snippets

What's shaking for you in the Shift? Share your snippet, a thought, photo, video or whatever else. Let's have some short, but meaningful memes. πŸ™

Bright Blessings

Open Praying Emoji

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What it felt like for me going through 4 days of incarceration (a second DUI gets you incarcerated in China), and then processing the shadow identities that created the experience...

To anyone who's also in the forge of soul right now, may the force be with you! voltage emoji iconWink EmojiPraying Emoji

In reply to by Lyra


Thank you Lyra for your openness and honesty; it is inspiring and courageous and helps us have that same courage. Lots of forging here too, even as i still continue to hide from it with the usual comforts of food, cannabis and avoidance. At least though now i'm aware when i hide so i guess that's progress lol! Hang in there peaceful warrior! And may the Force be with you always!πŸ˜ŠπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ™

In reply to by barbfromkingston


Thanks Barb! So happy to hear it.

Cannabis used to be a personal favorite for me too. I found its effect could greatly enhance perception of the 4th density. But it was also building inner identity for me through subtle sense of dependency and left my energetic field more susceptible of "hijacking" under its influence...

My process so far has been about loving the parts of myself that want to hide away. Give attention to it - feel where the pain is, and see where the truth lies. Sit and express in that "meme of truth" we each could feel, and watch the shadow self unwind!

This song here always inspires a sense of that in me...The Sun EmojiMoon emoji iconHeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Lyra


This is wonderful advice Lyra - spot on...

My process so far has been about loving the parts of myself that want to hide away. Give attention to it - feel where the pain is, and see where the truth lies. Sit and express in that "meme of truth" we each could feel, and watch the shadow self unwind!

Right on!

Open πŸ™


I've been camping out on the wonderful Dartmoor and woke up to a spectacular sunrise with something gently nudging the front of my car - a young bull!!...

It reminded me of this great scene from peaceful warrior. There's never nothing going on!...


More like Isis-BS to me!

Just another drama to hook us in.
Let's not be fooled.
We see you.

Open πŸ™


The most empowering thing we can do in life, when we hit those challenged and troubling moments, is to ask: "why did I manifest it?" Because you always did. Taking ownership means that you now have the capacity to be the master of the situation rather than the victim.

So why do we manifest such challenges?
The answer is simple: where is it creating tightness?
Where are you identifying with the situation?
Can you now work to let go in that place?

It's not easy. But then forging something of great value (the soul) never is!

Open πŸ’™


Today I've explored the essential importance of discipline in our daily evolutionary practice...
5D Ascension: Developing Your Daily 5D Shift Practice
However I find discipline must be blended with rhythm and flow. Meaning that whatever practice you develop for yourself must be allowed to adapt and evolve. Otherwise it becomes hard and rigid - too conditioning and limiting of the expansion of consciousness.

In today's world, discipline and focus are utterly essential,
but blended with openness and flow.

Open πŸ™


Sometimes, there is really nobody to run from but the shadow of the self.

When the false grandiosity of the ego falls away, the grief and pain of trauma underneath may well wash over.

But in our essence, we are beautiful beyond measures - an unique aspect of absolute truth (all there is) embodied and expressed in the one moment that stretches into eternity, and the love we are worthy of need no attachments, nor conditions...I believe it simply arises from within through a deep embrace and surrender (of control) to all manifested experiences.

To me, I find this clip below speaking strongly about confronting the shadow and accepting the moment as it is...

In reply to by Open


Haha, love this one too Open! Thanks so much for sharing, I've been looking to find it. Angel Halo

To me it is just so important to find that inner groove which helps propel us into the dream space, there in a state of flowing awareness density and karmic energy in the lower realms is more easily processed and moved, and revelations and insights from the higher mind more readily received.

And if one is consciously tuned into the source pain in this state, yet keeps the waking-dream flowing through, perhaps they can then begin to integrate fragmented soul too! Although I reckon that would feel vastly different for each individual...and in my case it just feels like 2 souls acting in one field with one helping the other integrate the remaining fragments so that the "previous" one that wishes to move on can fully do so. It is quite a tricky situation to wrap (or unwrap) my head around sometimes, and I'm also open to the possibility of it not being so (in which case de Nile is still a river in Egypt sometimes), but the access to the dream space has definitely helped me loads through the process.

I'd love to hear any reflections if it resonates! Praying EmojiStar Emoji

In reply to by Open


Ah, thanks Open! Yes, I suppose one might say that's a Sirian trait also, or even Lyran - if I do say so myself.

I did get to meet a group of Arcturians once on their ship though - in dream time. And the chaps had a good laugh about me asking to see the "bible" (mind you, the real one), lol. But perhaps that was from another life...

Lyra Vulcan SaluteWink Emoji

In reply to by Open


Hi all,

Little confused by the concept of choice, if I'm honest. Isn't an aligned choice, underpinned by a sense of rightness, still a choice nonetheless?

Sometimes, if it feels the decision flows from the soul, the choice presents itself effortlessly but at a later point it becomes evident that other factors were at play - fears, insecurities, mental confusion - exerting an influence, whether knowingly or not.

I guess in the bigger picture, no matter what the outcome, it can be seen as a route to self realisation.

In reply to by Andy (not verified)


Is an aligned choice still a choice?

Consider it this way - a being may have spent some considerable time making choices that were not in alignment with their soul - just as nearly 8 billion people on the planet. And so lots of tension is built inside, kind of like a toy aeroplane with the elastic band going up the middle. You wind it up with tension. But then the aligned choice is just to let go and fly with the flow. Now the plane - the soul - simply flys by letting go. It's really a conscious awareness - a true choice - not to fight the flow.

Best wishes

Open πŸ™


I feel that sometimes we can take on emotional energies/projections and even old programmings from others that neither belong nor serve, especially if it's family members from a direct line where there are still bloodline karma to resolve.

So my inquiry was, how to effectively channel it away?

To me, one must not fear the serpent (which represents here karma/deception on this plane, the body elementals and kundalini), and penetrate into that layer of the pain (emotional/mental/physical) with soul awareness. Like a cobweb that is simply not fitted to hold a new catch, the old constraints will break apart and fall away as our full beingness gets embodied and animated.

Then it's time to ride that ouroboros light-express, through the chakras to the heavens and underworld, and let the energies we picked up go where they belong!

This music here had catalyzed a sense of that energy work for me today...

In reply to by Open


Hi Open - yes I was talking about the Torus indeed! Just seeing if I could express the sense of it in another way - glad that you got what I was saying.

There are also healing codes contained in presentations of the serpent (such as Rainbow Serpent/ Dragon's breath) that I felt was relevant to working with the Torus for me. But yes, totally agree - become as-one with all, and as-nothing in all, that sweet timeless teachings from Morgan le Fay and Merlin of the now. Slightly Smiling


Wow, what a wrap-up for the past few days. Profound gratitude for all whom I've had the fortune to travel alongside on this wondrous and festive Avalon Rising journey, and to Open and the Openhand crew as well for hosting and providing such a well-supported platform through which the group could journey and inquire! And to Huzy, Aspasia and Jont, you guys are all shinning stars, such inspiring performances. I'm missing everyone already, but also knowing the feeling sense of it all can always be found within.

And something I've also wanted to share was, even if not everyone will have noticed (or agree) - at the closing performance by the immensely talented Jont, the presence of shadow energies that are likely anchored in altered-state experiences where consciousness hasn't fully infused, certainly spiced things up in the ether! I've known these energies well on my own journey, and the risk here was getting pulled out of body by a immense sense of joy and tranquility, in avoidance of unrealized parts within one's own body-mind field.

Still, to me, joy and ecstatic feelings from music (and all soulful expressions) are to be experienced and expressed to the fullest. Perhaps all it takes is some dedicated inward attention and a heartful of self-love (I'm thinking Christ consciousness and Twin Flame connection here) to stay in the body while doing so, even amongst the density and heaviness in that reality layer. And the shadow energies themselves are also profound reflections to work with - so as to drop identification to the polarities within ourselves.

Any reflection is welcome here. Let's get alchemising folks!

Lyra Heartvoltage emoji iconVulcan Salute


I just realised how much all those memes of Openhand wisdom here below are relevant to my experiences I am in and going through right now...

Confronting the pain triggered by the karma and letting to break down all levels of false self can lead to reaching new depths of the relationship with self, with own soul. It can bring to the new feeling of profound intimacy with and touch of, what we call in Openhand, the sacred ground of being so deeply that it is welling up in the expression of tears because of that beauty.

Heart Lots of love to all fellow travellers Heart


It's high time to embody the soul, and keep doing it, through every choice in every given moment...

This is exactly what we'll be working on at Avalon Rising 2021 the World Ascension Summit - pick up your early bird ticket while you still can!


This is a powerful song for me. If you have catalytic qualities (we all do to varying degrees), then you're often likely to butt up against the rigidity of the system - especially now in society!

But this frustration is the means by which we polish the diamond and unleash new aspects of beingness.
When we recognise this, it makes the cauldron a lot more manageable!


"What's happened, happened.

Which is an expression of faith in the mechanics of the world. It's not an excuse to do nothing."

I just love this final scene from Christopher Nolan's Tenet.

Does Neil's energy here remind anyone of lightworkers taking on the benevolent mission on Earth? It sure does to me, haah! ...

We are the protagonists of our individual unfoldings. Praying Emojivoltage emoji iconThe Sun Emoji


How often do you hear about having "hope" in life, in this or that?
The problem with hope is that you're living in the expectation of an illusionary reality,
which may well not come true.

Furthermore, and most importantly, hope takes you out of the truth of the moment;
meaning you're less likely and able to feel the subtle perceptions and nuances of the flow -
you're more likely to fall off the wave!

That's why hope, just as much as fear, is your enemy - the enemy of truth.

Can you be equanimous in the moment?
Neither in fear nor hope,
but completely in the moment, feeling the truth of the wave as it really is.
"You'll be simply amazed at what you can do and how well you can do it..."


It's getting tough now, to all except those in avoidance or denial,
(denial is not just a river in Egypt!)
But I tell you that's okay.
Let it grind you. If there's anything resisting inside, anything identifying, that's where to work.
Do you want it to be easier? Do you want it to go away? Who does?
It's only ever identity. And identity, no matter how compelling, is NOT your friend.

The only strength is true surrender - to having deepened and ground down right into the truth.
Surrender, not as in the acceptance of anything goes,
But, surrender to the step you know in your heart of hearts is right.
It's never easy, seldom convenient, but it is the way.

Ours is a curious existence right now.
It will be founded more on loss than gain...
The more you lose but can let go, the more you will gain.
What else enduring can there be, but the immaculate forging of soul?

So, when the water rises, swim...

Open πŸ™


Sometimes I feel like a single flower blown by strong wild winds. Will I be able to withstand another storm? or will I be broken by the relentless winds and left alone to die?

Much love Heart Keep strong Heart Stay in the Light

Asya Praying Emoji

In reply to by Asya


That's beauiful - thanks so much for sharing πŸ‘

It's fine being blown along by the winds providing they're the right winds.

It's fine being broken too, providing it's the shadow you break.

Dieing is also fine. It's the living death to beware of.

Open πŸ™