We are the Watchers, the Seers, the Spies in Gaia’s Great 5D Earth Shift

Submitted by Open on Thu, 08/19/2021 - 05:47

We are the Watchers, the Seers, the Spies in Gaia’s Great 5D Earth Shift,
Seeing is all we have to do, to sense, to feel to perceive.
We notice what the shadow is doing, how you're shaping and manipulating the day-to-day.
We witness the mindless consumption, the lostness and blatant deception of the drama,
But we are not fooled, not drawn in, not tempted by it.

We are the apparent few, and yet we harness the great unseen power of all,
In any given place we'll amplify and anchor it.

You won’t notice us. The hoards flock by us and yet we remain invisible, off the radar.
Or else we hide in plain site, the fool, the joker, the court jester,
Weaving our inter dimensional wonder, through the rhyming words that spike.
We’ll sing, we’ll dance, we’ll express, we’ll colourise and sensualise.
We’ll stand in peculiar places, the misfit and the maverick that you pass by and pass off.
So you’ll not notice why we’re there, at that exact point and juncture in time.
For the cycles of life are converging, the great cosmic cog crunching into gear,
And you cannot stop it from turning now, for the shift is building to an almighty climax.
You may slow it down a while, just a while, but that would serve our purpose too…
Just enough time to gather in a few more of the wayward,
those with that strange inner calling they don’t yet quite understand.
We’ll pass effortlessly through the crowds. You won’t see them, but our energetic boundaries are solid,
We’ll connect, briefly, effortlessly, but unattached, until that one spark in the eye we’ll notice,
Then we’re all in, committed, supporting, helping, reflecting, illuminating,
We’ll give the energy only where it will make a real difference; we’ll sew seeds only in fertile soil.
We’ll enjoy life, all of life, even that within the matrix,
But, it will be of our choosing, of our timing, only when it serves the greater whole.
The real pleasure we’ll enjoy is in the quantum field itself, knowing the movements,
The machinations the flows of reason and purpose -
The signs and the synchronicities, the knowing smile, the wink, the glint in the eye,
these are our rewards, our abundance, our “consumption”.
We are the few, BUT... we are everywhere!
We need none of your soft comfort and distraction,
None of your debilitation and self-derailing limitation.
We’ve weened ourselves off that debilitating teet,
With meditation, deep consciousness bodywork, fasting,
And the discipline to always discover the pure bounteous joy of the divine.
You’ll walk right by us, laugh or poke fun at us. You won’t believe us. You’ll chastize, bully
And try to cajole us back into your mindless prison.
But we were never meant to be so bounded, it was never our destiny,
And so you will fail, just as you always have,
For we will emerge, we will shine and sparkle,
We will stand in the unexpected places channeling the light of the universe,
We will effortlessly appear to lend the hand of support where it is called for and met.
Our reward will be the sense, the feeling, the perception of the great unseen,
Flowing through us, animating us, amplifying our divine expression,
invigorating our beingness electrifyingly alive, inter- dimensionally ultra awake,
The Divine, reflected to us in signs, symbols and synchronicity -
The warming smile of the sun, the whistling mirth of the wind, the chirping song of the dawn chorus,
These are the great rewards we cherish and seek.
We watch, we see, we reflect and we illuminate,
We amplify, accelerate and we anchor.
For we are the Watchers, the Seers, the Spies in Gaia’s great 5D Shift.

Open HeartPraying Emoji

About Openhand: Openhand is a unique approach to spiritual evolution. Integrating enlightened wisdom of spiritual masters through the ages, it is a way of aligning with the Benevolent Guiding Consciousness of the Universe in your life. It helps you remove karmic blockages to unveil your Cosmic Self and unfold your Divine Destiny. It leads to authentic and alchemical living in the Earth's Higher Dimensional Shift.
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When I'm "watching", I love to have my ipod player on shuffle. Yesterday this song popped up at a mystical moment, "follow you, follow me". It spoke of how, as I watch and illuminate life, then so are those that support in the ether following and watching me. You never feel alone...


07/04/2022 Journal Update

I traded my windy and rainy moors for windy and rainy beaches in Cornwall. Just as rugged, just as beautiful...

I love being a "Watcher" of life, and enjoying internally the mysteries and miracles you see externally. You pick up so much by recognising everything is a reflection of you. Yesterday I was captivated by how much dogs enjoy running and leaping on the beaches, playing catch, the Spaniels ecstatic with joy. It's like you could drink it in...

Hence I felt to share my "Watchers" blog from a similar trip last summer. It's about finding the beauty in life amongst all the systematic madness of society. What do you watch that brings you joy??

We are the Watchers, the Seers, the Spies in Gaia’s Great 5D Earth Shift

Bright blessings

Open 🙏


     Best read in... a long, very long time. From beginning to end several images were created in my mind. I could imagine what a day, or week, or ?, might be like. I could feel no stress, loneliness, or confusion in the collective "we". Maybe knowing your purposes eliminates boredom. Flowing like an infinite river where that nagging time and schedule fades away. I may be wrong, however I got an impression that knowing your true purposes could possibly be the missing puzzle piece to an awesome life transition. I don't know. But thank you so much for this.  Y'all are amazing. Reflecting after I finished reading this I felt pure love, it is powerful and brought a few years to surface. I had no idea that beautiful souls are out there living in a way that to me is, well, a life that could only exist in my imagination at times where my current present moment habitually nudges me to form enough false hope to get me through the day. 

Just Wow! I love you all.


Thanks for the lovely feedback guys - I'm weaving my way through the spectacular valleys of Wales, visiting sacred sites, but also popping into the occasional touristy fishing village, which is what inspired me to write it.

Just taken an early morning yomp up the marvellous Cadair Idris - stunning multidimensional connections...

Love to all

Open 🙏


That was so very eloquently and gracefully put Open - a heartfelt and beautiful reflection for all.

Trust the inner guidance, our heart is the GPS in this "battle", and love the superpower! voltage emoji iconHeartPraying Emoji


Open! This is profoundly beautiful and inspiring. Much love and appreciation for sharing, HeartPraying Emoji Jen

In reply to by Open


Hope i finally remember that this time😉 already making progress again. i don't need to tell you but the breakthrough breathing is incredible; i'm starting to get somewhere with the anxiety. Andvi can BRETHE again! So much gratitude my friend! Lots of work still ahead though, i've no illusions of that, but back on track and that's all that matters. 🙏💜💜💜