Gaia's Planetary Stargates Coming Active...How to Respond?

Submitted by Open on Tue, 09/14/2021 - 05:28

Planetary Stargates are nodes of concentrated energy where the veils between the dimensions are thin. To someone readily able to let go and expand their consciousness, all manner of metaphysical experience is enhanced. Much more than that though, this elevation in energy is beginning to widely affect life on the planet in the most profound of ways. The chances are that whether sensitive or not, you're already experiencing the effects.

Understanding and working with the phenomenon is going to become essential and highly advantageous for all.

Exploring the Nature of Planetary Stargates

Imagine casting a ball into a net, the net will shape around the ball. So it is with the quantum field where it "catches" a dense crystallisation such as a planet. The energetic lay lines become concentrated at certain points - geological convergence for example. These nodes offer a more direct route back to the experience of the Source and all the dimensions in between. If you stand in such an activated Stargate, and you're tuning in to your own consciousness, you'll likely get a booster to your expansion. It will increase the sense of interconnectivity with the Universe and accelerate the flow of soul multidimensionally.

Stargates enable you to travel on the astral planes across the cosmos: or else for example readily access the akashic record; they'll help you regress rapidly through ancient karma; restore damaged DNA; activate your Merkabah.

The Stargates across our planet have been purposefully retarded and constricted by an Interdimensional ET Intervention bent on controlling the vibrational state of the planet and enslaving humanity. It's applied a variety of methods to do so, originally by the implementation of megaliths that reverse or constrict polarity, or else in modern times, by the use of EMF technology, chemtrails and GMO for example. Just as the implementation of energetic implants into the human field is widespread, so it has also been with 4D technology implants into Gaia's field. This has generally made the surrounding energy field stagnant, disconnecting and dense. It's meant that humanity has been readily controllable, as we've witnessed in recent times with the bogus pandemic.

Reactivation of the Stargates Happening

Now a tremendous phenomenon is occurring. Through the elevation of Gaia's frequency, and due to the dedicated work of sentients across the planet, the knots in the morphic field are unravelling, the ET technology is being removed and the Stargates are reactivating. That was certainly the sense and feeling from the messages coming through from the crop circle season here in the UK during 2021.

There was a series of interrelated crop circles that seemed to be speaking of unlocking the Stargates and accelerating the energy. Here are a couple that stood out strongly.

The first seemed to speak of a lock that needed opening...

The second, which happened during the Avalon Rising World Ascension Summit of 2021 seemed to show that the lock - the stargate - had been opened...

Certainly, the energy is building once more to this key portal opening of the 8/8 Lion's Gate this summer once more, which we'll certainly be working to harness at Avalon Rising 22: World Ascension Summit

How is the Reactivation of the Stargates Effecting Us?

Every reality construct is a crystallisation of the quantum field - the space-time-continuum. The intervention, especially through the measures of the pandemic, clearly have an agenda of creating a high-tech synthetic reality with humanity enslaved within it. Controlling the energy fields has been a key part of that. Consciousness is dumbed down and more readily manipulated. However, as the Stargates now come more active again, infusions of galactic and solar energies increase, plus most importantly, the quantum field on our planet is now shifting back to galactic alignment. This will amplify and break apart the false constructs over time until the intervention is stripped off the planet in its entirety.

Imagine the underlying planetary morphic field becoming more wave like, with anything that's fixed and rigid beginning to bend and break under the rippling shifts. Doubt it's possible? Here's what happens simply when wind frequency meets the natural frequency of concrete...

Here's the mechanism of how we shift from 3D to 5D Earth

Working with Stargate Energy in Your Life

This activated quantum rippling effect is certainly going to have a big impact on people's lives. We've clearly noticed that on retreat with people through 2021 and into 2022. There's an acceleration of consciousness that is challenging the very fabric of our lives.

It's crucial to embrace the phenomenon because it's going to be affecting all the key aspects of your life:

possibly changing where you live; the nature of your work; many of your relationships. It's because the old consciousness is being challenged and broken apart in order to make way for the new infusions of light.

Don't get me wrong, this is extraordinarily positive for the shift and our personal lives. Phenomenal new possibilities of creation are coming our way - to be interconnected with the Divine in all aspects of our lives. To become the co-creator of reality in a fulfilling and abundant way. But it will test you in the process - it will challenge any fears, inertia, investment or anchoring ties into the old consciousness. So you'll need to become skilled in breaking through and letting go - finding and expressing new aspects of soul consciousness. That way you will literally channel the reactivating Stargate field positively into your life.
(Explore Openhand's Breakthrough Approach)

Get Ready for Quantum Change

Get ready for great change, great unravelling and your life will become bounteous, fulfilling, and at times ecstatic. That's the tremendous possibility awaiting us as Gaia's Stargates reactivate.

If you'd like to start to benefit from these tremendous infusions of energy in your life, and possibly facilitate them at a planetary level, then come and get involved with our World Ascension Summit in 2022. It's always a time of high alchemy at the gathering of the planetary rainbow tribe...

Avalon Rising 22: World Ascension Summit

Bright blessings
Open πŸ’™πŸ™

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30/06/2022 Openhand Journal Update

I've just returned from a 3 day trip in the Avebury energy fields preparing for the Openhand Summer Facilitator gathering there. I can tell you the energy is off the scale. On the final evening, at a key portal I'd been given to work with, the energy coming in was so strong, it felt like my head, through the 3rd eye, was going to split apart!

I had several key dreams and connections with a very clear message of what this summer season is all about - put simply, in what I'm given to share at this point, a coming together of the various interdimensional clans supporting the shift. There will be much more of this to follow and how it's intended to help everyone consciously tuning into the shift.

On the final day my path was guided beautifully through signs and synchronicity, the final one being a hovering kestrel that simply would not let me leave a particular location. It wasn't until I got back to my camper that an internet connection revealed I'd been taken to the site of a previous crop circle at the beginning of the season. The video is below. I can tell you there was a high crown chakra activation in the location.

It bodes wonderfully well for another summer season of high alchemy, which we'll work to harness during the facilitator gathering and then infuse into the Avalon Rising World Ascension Summit in August

For now, here is a video of the crop circle I found myself at on the final day. Do not let its simplicity fool you. There is a powerful message that belies it which I'll be sharing soon...

Bright blessings to all

Open πŸ’™

In reply to by Open


All I can say is that I am excited beyond words. At the flamenco dance at Sadler's wells theatre last night the same theme repeated over and over, the constant weaving of new magic straining and pushing, stretching and expanding finding new expression and direction, like a growing bubble looking to explode into a majestic flourish. I am buzzing and ready for this. See you soon and thanks for doing the preparation Open.


15/09/2021 Openhand Journal Update: Change & Transformation

I wrote above about the opening of the Stargates on Earth. As they reopen and become more active across the planet, then the surrounding quantum field is going to become more fluid - wave like. It's not something people will notice if they're still plugged into the old system and constrained by its mental values: it will likely remain pretty static for those who've been jabbed - the purpose being to restrain souls within the synthetic reality construct. It's certainly not the end of the journey of emergence for these people because there's always a way to connect and infuse soul - it just becomes ever harder the further they venture down that diversion. However, if you're consciously expanding out into the quantum field and being more informed by the Shift, then you'll likely start to infuse these new energies into your life.

We have to be prepared for things to change - to let go internally of fixed ties into the old construct. That doesn't mean everything should end! Crucially it's changing the way you are in these situations and circumstances. How would the next grandest version of you express now? What new aspect of soul and sense of self wants to come through now? If you don't know, ask, "show me!" and then pay attention to what you're shown. Embody that new feeling sense by opening up to the possibility and expression of that beingness. When you do this, because things are getting more fluid in the field, everything is bound to change. Some situations will break down and break apart - others will transform in ways you couldn't previously imagine. Your life will become full of miracles and magic.

The Openhand Bow is perfect for working with a dense construct inside and bending into it so as to break the consciousness threads apart...
The Openhand Bow

Don't expect it to be easy and plane sailing though. Remember the outer reality is the crystallisation of where you're currently at on the inside - how your soul is journeying through the dimensions and the degree of fragmentation - attachment - you're experiencing. So you'll start to challenge internal layers, triggers, addictions, karma, emotinal ties. Distorted feelings mask authentic soul frequency. And these triggers of emotion and thought activate some degree of pain: we're conditoned to dealing with the pain (boredom, aloneness, stillness, need for external love or respect) by taking some sensory stimulation - to distract, supress, replace the internal discomfort. This is where to resist - to let the pain come up and look right into it, feel deeply into it. Allow it to be - meditation and fasting are powerful ways to turn up the volume on these triggers for example, because there's no dampening effect of the food. It's why daily intermittant fasting is so transformative (eating only within a 6hr window in any given day or reducing to only one meal a day is even more effective) - you get these regular internal confrontations which you can peel back to release the new consciousness and then integrate it into your life (this is what the Breakthrough Approach is all about).

There will come times when you've made such inner progress that particular situations on the surface need to be completely let go of - so a new reality can take shape. Even with the inner work, you'll need to likely summon courage to face fears at these key moments. If this is happening to you in a particular situation, then you might like to reflect on this Openhand article which has 5 key recommendations for working into the challenge...

How to "Burn the Boats" of an Out-dated Reality Construct...5 Key Steps

Wishing you well out there in the shift

Open πŸ™


The influence of the activating Stargates (particularly in the UK) was palpable and phenomenal on retreat at Eden Rise last week. You could literally feel the walls of the studio we were meditating in hum and resonate with the surrounding morphic field. It meant that the work was highly transformational and at times ecstatic.

Do browse my new article today on the activating Stargates - I'll be sharing more in due course. I believe it's going to have a phenomenal effect on the shift and all our lives in the immediate years ahead.

Much love

Open πŸ™