The Ascent: Daily Ascension Snippets

What's shaking for you in the Shift? Share your snippet, a thought, photo, video or whatever else. Let's have some short, but meaningful memes. ๐Ÿ™

Bright Blessings

Open Praying Emoji

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I just love this. The mandate is the line in the sand for many. You can palpably feel the upsurgence of sovereignty and consciousness. Awesome!!...


It's 5am and I'm about to wind my way back to Glastonbury after a wonderful 1-day Divine Being Activation. Thanks to a tremendous group of souls for coming and diving deep - we're changing ourselves and our reality step by step. You are all heroes!....


Rising from victimhood by claiming the "abuser" as the shadow of our own distortions...

A rite of passage for embodying soul it is - through the perfect union of the divine masculine and feminine within oneself.

Perhaps it can be said that

"When there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do you no harm." - old African proverb

To me, the Messiah is found not in pursuit of what may come, but always in remembrance of what is...

In reply to by Lyra


I found the track curiously inspiring Lyra - you keep taking me into other realms!

When there is no enemy within...
You become the Torus, where everything is pulled through.
Nothing that is efforting or controlling can attach.
There's great and simple wisdom in the ancient awarenesses!

Open ๐Ÿ’™

In reply to by Lyra


Last night I had a dream about a man named Mesiah. I felt a deep love for him and woke up with my heart still overflowing, reminding me those feelings are within me. Your post was an awesome confirmation, thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

In reply to by .


That's what happens when we let go of the need for a physical manifestation externally in a particular form. And then to feel within the sense of completion. Paradoxically then the Twin Flame appears all around you. You might be alone, but there's nothing quite like it - they speak into your thoughts, feelings, emotions and all the signs and synchronicity.

Open The Sun Emoji


Firm and disciplined inherence in the Atman without giving the least scope for the rise of any thought other than the deep contemplative thought of the Self, constitutes self-surrender to the Supreme Lord. Let any amount of burden be laid on Him, He will bear it all. It is, in fact, the indefinable power of the Lord that ordains, sustains and controls everything that happens. Why then, should we worry, tormented by vexatious thoughts, saying: โ€˜Shall we act this way? No, that way,โ€™ instead of meekly but happily submitting to that Power? Knowing that the train carries all the weight, why indeed should we, the passengers travelling in it, carry our small individual articles of luggage on our laps to our great discomfort, instead of putting them aside and sitting at perfect ease?


In reply to by Vimal


Hmmm. Put down the burden yes. But I do think some of the indian yogis disconnected to some degree from a full and active embodiment of soul frequencies and then coming from this full sepctrum. Surrender is but one aspect. And there's active engagement at a personal soul level - we're self defining and actualising.

Open ๐Ÿ™


Needed a day out today, just simply free- wheeling.
Perfectly this was the first tune on shuffle,
"They don't own me!"
Indeed they don't...


It's the Tory Party conference here in the UK.
I bet you'd never thought you'd see a clip here on Openhandweb.
"Build Back Better?" You mean "Build Back Bullshit!"
I can't think of better inspiration to get out of this 3D madness!...

In reply to by Open


It is a truly amazing song, isn't it? I was grabbed by it the instant I first heard it (if you can track down her live performance of it at the Grammy's in 2019, it will make you cry, yell and freeze all at the same time). She truly channels some powerful energy, and I have felt for some time this song is the cry of all of us who have suffered so long here on this prison-planet!

Clare โ€

In reply to by Asya


It doesn't matter how many times I see this type of scenario, it never ceases to disturb me how the majority of people overlook all the 'little' changes in their world that - if you bothered to mentally put them all together - are clearly spiralling into a horrendous outcome (oh and how easy it is to get most people to 'dob' others in for anything at all). Great share!


Hi All,

I felt to share this song I just discovered (amazing how songs like this have hidden from me so long - from 2014, although maybe just here in Aus?!). Yes, we need to heed Nature's Call right now - says it all, really, and doesn't hurt that I can't stop moving my body when the music starts!! ;-)

Clare โ€

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

I really love this definition of 'Right'. For me, the word 'Right' has also always instead held an energy of describing something that is natural to do or be without having to work at it - rather than describing an action or behaviour that others would expect from me if I were being 'Good' or complying with societal rules. The contrast for me would be going against one's true nature, which would then be unnatural (rather than 'Wrong').

Becoming aware of the words we use has never seemed more critical in allowing expansion beyond limitations and programming!

Clare โ€


As crazy as it has become,
you don't need to fight this world.
See it for what it is,
the perfect step ladder,
And work to emerge from it.
Everything you will ever need,
anything that will truly bring you joy,
is within.
Let go of that which tempts you to go without.

Open ๐Ÿ™


What it felt like for me going through 4 days of incarceration (a second DUI gets you incarcerated in China), and then processing the shadow identities that created the experience...

To anyone who's also in the forge of soul right now, may the force be with you! voltage emoji iconWink EmojiPraying Emoji

In reply to by Lyra


Thank you Lyra for your openness and honesty; it is inspiring and courageous and helps us have that same courage. Lots of forging here too, even as i still continue to hide from it with the usual comforts of food, cannabis and avoidance. At least though now i'm aware when i hide so i guess that's progress lol! Hang in there peaceful warrior! And may the Force be with you always!๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™

In reply to by barbfromkingston


Thanks Barb! So happy to hear it.

Cannabis used to be a personal favorite for me too. I found its effect could greatly enhance perception of the 4th density. But it was also building inner identity for me through subtle sense of dependency and left my energetic field more susceptible of "hijacking" under its influence...

My process so far has been about loving the parts of myself that want to hide away. Give attention to it - feel where the pain is, and see where the truth lies. Sit and express in that "meme of truth" we each could feel, and watch the shadow self unwind!

This song here always inspires a sense of that in me...The Sun EmojiMoon emoji iconHeartPraying Emoji