5GATEWAYS of ASCENSION: Remastered 2022

Submitted by Open on Mon, 11/29/2021 - 02:09

Now, more than ever, what's needed on the journey through the progressive breakdown and transformation of society, is to be clear where we're truly heading as a soul; and how you can manifest successfully and abundantly from divine guidance. 5GATEWAYS is Openhand's seminal work, which we've remastered to meet these pivotal times, to journey you progressively into the new 5D Paradigm of existence. Come and activate with us, your profound journey of revelation!

Remastered 5GATEWAYS Work

5GATEWAYS represents the observation of the spiritual journey told through the eyes and experience of past masters such as Jesus and the Buddha. It's as if the divine wanted to provide a routemap that is timeless and ageless. First released in a "modern" format in 2007, it went on to help thousands of people around the world to make sense of the spiritual challenges and opportunities they were experiencing - in their words,

"It helped bring the spiritual journey into perspective; it debunked and demystified the work needed to be done; it made illusive divine guidance tangible, real, practical, here and now."

Most people's first connection with the work was the release of the celebrated 5GATEWAYS movie which was first released in 2011. It's received worldwide praise and gratitude. If you've not seen it yet, then you can watch the full documentary here...

5GATEWAYS Documentary

Experience the Wonders of 5GATEWAYS

In February and March 2022 we're offering the opportunity to immerse yourself in the deep energetics of this Ascension routemap with us. What does it feel like to activate kundalini? Or to confront and peel off inner child identities? What is it like to have your every step supported by the hand of the divine through streaming signs and synchronicity? This is the kind of possibility we'd like to share with you, which has become an essential life-changing endeavour now, BECAUSE of the pandemic.

Here's where you can experience the work in 2022...

Illuminating your spiritual emergence from the defunct old 3D/4D reality. Navigate a path of light from your Higher-Self guidance. Embody 5D consciousness now for divine manifestation. This is Openhand's Seminal spiritual routemap of the Journey of Ascension, remastered for 2022.
Your pathway into 5D!

Illuminating your spiritual emergence from the defunct old 3D/4D reality. Navigate a path of light from your Higher-Self guidance. Embody 5D consciousness now for divine manifestation. Spiritual routemap of Ascension, at the marvellous Eden Rise Retreat Centre on Dartmoor.
Your pathway into 5D!

Illuminating your spiritual emergence from the defunct old 3D/4D reality. Navigate a path of light from your Higher-Self guidance. Embody 5D consciousness now for divine manifestation. This is Openhand's Seminal spiritual routemap of the Journey of Ascension, remastered for 2022.
Your pathway into 5D!

Privilege and Honour to Share this With You

It will be a privilege and an honour for myself and the team to share this pivotal work with you. It brings such joy and sense of fulfilment to watch the soul come alive in people and radiate brilliantly out into the world. See you there!

In loving support

Open & The Team πŸ’™πŸ™
PS - for all inquiries: contact us

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Anyone who has been on an Openhand event and knows the sense of the work will tell you: each workshop and retreat is different, no two events are ever the same. That's because each one is carefully woven, in the moment - they always unfold naturally from the energy field itself. Above all, we're working to connect with you in the field, with what's shifting for you right now. How can we illuminate just what's wanting to unfold from within?

It was a great privilege to introduce the 5GATEWAYS work back in 2007. It was in a new way of looking at the journeys of past masters such as Jesus and the Buddha - how do you apply it to modern-day life? Of course, society is completely transforming through the pandemic - in ways that have been thrust upon humanity without consent. What relevance has 5GATEWAYS in all of that? My sense of it is that it's become even more invaluable - it's utterly essential now that ascending people are illuminated from the actual multi-dimensional landscape rather than the deception and disinformation that is rife out there.

That's why everyone in team here are literally reveling at sharing this work with you in a remastered format.

If you think it can be of help to you, then do explore the events listed above and consider coming along. It would be a privilege and a pleasure to host you.

Much love

Open πŸ’™πŸ™