The Ascent: Daily Ascension Snippets
What's shaking for you in the Shift? Share your snippet, a thought, photo, video or whatever else. Let's have some short, but meaningful memes. 🙏
Bright Blessings
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Not beating yourself up about the choices you make
Choice is really an illusion - the soul simply flows.
Choice only happens where there's confusion about what the soul really yearns to do.
Ego gets in the way, which you feel as tightness or can witness as unconscious patterning.
If you really want to flow as the soul, let the choices happen, but then if you hit disharmony, work to figure out what attachment caused you to do what you did, then work to break it down inside.
Make no mistake, we are going to reclaim the Earth!!
Whatever shenanigans the shadowstate pulls, make no mistake, the endgame is certain -
5D Consciousness is the cure!!
It's not about fixing the 3D system - 5D consciousness is the cure!!
Cold-plunging - video made me chuckle 🤣
This so made me chuckle.
I think I'll stick to my 9 revolutions under the cold shower each morning!!...
YOU are the master creator!!
It's YOU,
YOU are the final piece of the jigsaw you've been searching for.
YOU are what makes it all click into place.
YOU are the master creator...
Finding strength in your own destruction
"You cannot break someone who has found strength in their own destruction."
Ryan Elliott
Lover of the Light (inspiring video)
It's an Openhand old favourite, but since we're talking about our orientation in life, I felt to share it here again. Enjoy...
Life is strange
But if I was to go my own way, would I have to pass you by? ...
The Day My Mother Died
I found this just simply awesome, from the wonderful Thich Nhat Hanh. It goes out to anyone whose lost someone...
"The day my mother died, I wrote in my journal, "A serious misfortune of my life has arrived." I suffered for more than one year after the passing away of my mother. But one night, in the highlands of Vietnam, I was sleeping in the hut in my hermitage. I dreamed of my mother. I saw myself sitting with her, and we were having a wonderful talk. She looked young and beautiful, her hair flowing down. It was so pleasant to sit there and talk to her as if she had never died. When I woke up, it was about two in the morning, and I felt very strongly that I had never lost my mother. The impression that my mother was still with me was very clear. I understood then that the idea of having lost my mother was just an idea. It was obvious in that moment that my mother is always alive in me.I opened the door and went outside. The entire hillside was bathed in moonlight. It was a hill covered with tea plants, and my hut was set behind the temple halfway up. Walking slowly in the moonlight through the rows of tea plants, I noticed my mother was still with me. She was the moonlight caressing me as she had done so often, very tender, very sweet... wonderful! Each time my feet touched the earth I knew my mother was there with me. I knew this body was not mine but a living continuation of my mother and my father and my grandparents and great-grandparents. Of all my ancestors. Those feet that I saw as "my" feet were actually "our" feet. Together my mother and I were leaving footprints in the damp soil.From that moment on, the idea that I had lost my mother no longer existed. All I had to do was look at the palm of my hand, feel the breeze on my face or the earth under my feet to remember that my mother is always with me, available at any time."~ Thich Nhat Hanh
Celebrating the rhythm of life
In reply to The Day My Mother Died by Open
Thank you Open, reminding me what seems to be just lingering these days.
Martin’s mother passed last month. He was home in Ireland with his ten siblings. Still the black sheep, learning more and more about himself and his orientation in the world. I ask myself how and who will I be: what is my orientation when a loved one dies?
It has been an in-your-face, universal topic for discussion as well as just downright manipulation to create fear over the last two years. Something that I never thought I would be thinking about on a weekly basis. Anticipating people dying. Trying to avoid lethal injections. Watching others go bonkers to “survive.” Listening to very mean accusations that created visceral separation. My children have been introduced to stress and trauma I was not at all anticipating as a mother. Everyone in my immediate family seems to be injected and hangin’ in there just fine. Haven’t heard of anyone in my global circle dying of anything these past 2 yrs. Am I just absolutely crazy?? I have chosen to stay away from the needle and pray profusely that my children stay protected since their father figures are pushing it.
Presently, there is a wag-the-dog war again, hyping up the emotions globally. Playing on the nerves and dragging death through the coals to light up a fire of fear.
Now that it is on everyone’s mind—wow!—do you think we can look it in the eye and call it for what it really is? Something that creates an ending that then leads to a new beginning. Over and over and over again. The cycle of life that is more celebratory than not??
So I have observed myself, priming my heart and mind for imminent death, not mine per se but my family and friends that have been injected. There for awhile I was anticipating everyone in my town to fall over. I have wished a quick death on my ex to make my life easier. I wonder what my nieces and nephews might feel if their parents die. Can I take them under my wing? Waiting for enough deaths to prove a point — there is EVIL in the world or at least some bullshit that is making all of our lives more complicated than beautiful and calm. Anticipating many deaths which will reek havoc on the economy — blah blah blah blah — the wonderment goes on. What the hell am I focusing on ?!? Sit and breathe and listen, Gwyn.
I don’t really like thinking about the "if" my siblings might die much sooner than I thought. I really love all four of them and have dreamt of a few more “family” gatherings to make beautiful memories. My parents—they are rarely a part of the grand kiddos' lives, so I am not so sad if they pass. Whatever! Oh lord--how could I say such things? At this point, I feel like I have thrown out my family as I have most everything else under the sun. The constructs of everything just turned inside out and upside down.
I just don’t seem to have sadness quelling up as the emotion for death.
I feel more of a celebration. I feel more of a “same as it every was” syndrome. I feel more of an acceptance of the universe doing a cleansing and detox. I am not confused about death — I just don’t see it as important, like the “war” in Ukraine or whether my county will ever lift the mask mandate. I don’t really care or have much to say about it. I feel a “I told you so” wanting to blurt out, yet, it is trumped by the feeling of compassion for all of humanity as we ride out this wave of inevitable uncomfortableness. I feel a lot of vibrations in my body. I feel a headache and lump in my stomach, a void in my heart. I feel a lot these days: Breathe breathe and breathe some more.
Spring is approaching …
2/2/2022 - Tremendous numerology!!
Wow, it's 2/2/2022 - what a tremendous sequence.
It speaks to me of a Twin Flame connection, but also maybe more that will unfold through the day.
What does it say to you?
It's a Beautiful day
In reply to 2/2/2022 - Tremendous numerology!! by Open
You mean 22/2/2022
I feel twin flame energy too, a sense within of support. After what felt like turmoil or a cleansing the past weeks, there seems to be calm higher vibrational energy now. It's reflected in the weather, today is the first clear day here after three weeks of grey clouds, rain and storms. No wind for once, just a calm cool breeze, the sun softly glowing.
I fly to Mexico tonight, leaving things here behind for now. What a day.
In reply to 2/2/2022 - Tremendous numerology!! by Open
It's, 22 02 20 22, which is a numerical palindrome, reading the same backwards as forwards, a reflexion of itself. It says to me to be particularly aware of the mirrors and reflections today!
In reply to Palindrome by Stickman
Indeed a palindrome. 👍
To me it's also a boundary - marking the 2nd Gateway - an invitation to step up to the plate and cross.
Open 🙏
In reply to 2/2/2022 - Tremendous numerology!! by Open
There is a MOMENTUM building. Our hearts are beating a little louder, a little faster, a bit more unified. PEOPLE are FEELING into something that is much larger than simple comprehension. It comes to us in images, resonance, joy, and a fucking amazing inner-standing of that there is nothing left but to feel into humanity -- our sovereign expression of existing 2.22.22 I was born at 2:22 -- this is my SOUL code -- my direct dial up number to source. I love you all so very much !! xoxoxox
Everything Changes. Unify from Unify Ventures on Vimeo.
A beautiful one!...
In reply to Momentum by cosmicbeloved
That's a beautiful one Gwyn - thanks for the share 👍♥️
laughter of the baby
In reply to A beautiful one!... by Open
What gets me each time is the infectious joy of a baby's joyful giggles :-) May everyone find that giggle and squeal with such joy in the daily grind ONE DAY is TODAY -- soul song and radiant rays
What's the greatest skill of all? 🤔
I just loved this by the maestro Alan Watts - what's the greatest and most effortless skill in the Universe? Watch, listen and be inspired...
Through and through
When I finally realize, nobody can vibrate for me.
And I need no permission from another to just be.
I am simply flowing through all directions, and letting all directions flow through my being.
3 Truths walking the path...
Protect your dream!!
If I ever lose my faith in you...
From the Glastonbury Tor!!...
Life is about self-expression - love this!!
What if we stopped shooting at each other and just dance??...
How "covid" has done us a tremendous favour on the path
Personally, I don't get that there's "a virus going around that's infecting everyone". I believe what's really happening is the human body is reacting to increased emf due to the intro of 5Jeez. The body reconfigures and then releases RNA from the cells. But this "virus" is not transmissible. They proved that with the Spanish Flu after the introduction of radar in the Second World War. They took the mucus from one "infected" person and injected it into others. Not one person got sick because of the injected mucus.
Paradoxically though, what's happened to me, and what I'm also hearing from other people in the Openhand community, is that this increase in electrification causes the body to go into breakdown - you start confronting and stripping out all the subtle old consciousness enfolded through the years. It provides a massive clearing out process. Then the soul can embody even deeper - you infuse your body with the very latest soul harmony and configuration.
For me, this clearing process has been nothing short of miraculous.
I can't tell you how thankful I am that it happened.
Open 🙏
The journey off road
Finding it hard to stay on trail sometimes?
No matter, keep on exploring and illuminating with the light of awareness.
As the journey of soul leads to a pathless way - the formless expressed in all forms.
Like pebbles on a beach...
I often think we're just like pebbles on a beach trying to find our way home. The New Year Retreat group absolutely loved this one!!...
For maximum flow...
What did you think of Matrix Resurrections?
Have you seen Matrix Resurrections yet?
What did you think?
Resurrecting the Twin Flame through the densities
In reply to What did you think of Matrix Resurrections? by Open
I saw it as a story told with the language of signs and synchronicities. And I just love the line "The feeling of hope almost has the same code as despair", well duuhh - with both of them being illusions that hides the truth of the moment!
The movie definitely helped resurrect a part of me that I was looking to retrieve, the nectar of the divine twin flame connection...
Twin flame work
In reply to Resurrecting the Twin Flame through the densities by Lyra
Hi Lyra - you're always on the resonant page - we'll be doing plenty of Twin Flame work on the Pleiades retreat.
Thanks for the share as always 👍
Would love to join another time!
In reply to Twin flame work by Open
Hi Open, you're most welcome 😃
Yes, it's so nice to see all the sharings from the Pleiades retreat so far. I'd love to join up with you guys another time.
Raising vibration: what way works best for you?
07/01/22: Openhand Journal Update - 5GATEWAYS
Here in the Openhand Team we're just gearing up for the new release of our 5GATEWAYS work - it's a core aspect of our philosophy. I can already feel the energy and excitement building. These are monumental times, and utterly essential we commit to the inner work so as to join the 5D Shift. One message I feel given to share with everyone is the importance of progressively raising your vibration so as to detach from the shadow aspect of society. Remember there's always essential cleansing and karmic release that is an ongoing process...
Let what's happening in the outer mirror of life in society trigger the density in you, yes. For this is where the buried nuggets of soul gold are to be found. But recognise that your ultimate truth is to be found within, and this is the place to centre in - to keep deepening into your Sacred Ground of Being. It's your divine "mast" as you sail through the Shift. And from that place, to breathe the light of the soul through your various bodily vehicles to illuminate and elevate all aspects of your life.
Upcoming 5GATEWAYS work in 2022
Illuminating your spiritual emergence from the defunct old 3D/4D reality. Navigate a path of light from your higher self guidance. Embody 5D consciousness now for divine manifestation. This is Openhand's Seminal spiritual routemap of the Journey of Ascension, remastered for 2022.
Your pathway into 5D!
Illuminating your spiritual emergence from the defunct old 3D/4D reality. Navigate a path of light from your higher self guidance. Embody 5D consciousness now for divine manifestation. Spiritual routemap of Ascension, at the marvellous Eden Rise Retreat Centre on Dartmoor.
Your pathway into 5D!
Illuminating your spiritual emergence from the defunct old 3D/4D reality. Navigate a path of light from your higher self guidance. Embody 5D consciousness now for divine manifestation. This is Openhand's Seminal spiritual routemap of the Journey of Ascension, remastered for 2022.
Your pathway into 5D!
In loving support
A few technical difficulties on the website: drupal 9!!
Amongst everything that's been happening on the surface, our web developers have been busily installing an upgraded operating system. Just as I was delivering my presentation and talking about the group of 9, they switched to Drupal 9!! But there have been a few communication errors happen over the years. Don't you just love synchronicity. Anyway, I'm sure seamless service will be restored any time soon.
Open 🙏
Zombie - what's in your head?
What's in your arm?
What's in your head?
Buzzards and other important stuff
As the gears change and the vibrational landscape expands, with ever more aspects of soul integrating in what feels like a torrent.... the flow is more like a white water rapid!
synchronous affirmation is everywhere, encouraging the shedding of layers of restriction and fear into ever greater vistas of light and joyous growth.
Open talks of twin flames... I step out of the back door and the only things in the sky are a pair of buzzards, apart but circling lazily upwards on the same thermal, higher and higher, calling to each other. I watch until they’re so high they are out of sight... keep climbing kid!
Open talks of Chris and his prim Methodist ancestors... my mother calls out of the blue to ask me to repair an old family heirloom.. originally made for my then infant father by his father.. a prominent primitive Methodist fire and brimstone orator and preacher, who was imprisoned for his beliefs ... a timely reminder of my own nonconformist ancestry .. step up kid, I think is the message.
My previous discomfiture with Blavatsky/AB simply and eloquently explained.....
And on and on .... far too many to list.
Heartfelt thanks to Open/DK and all of you wonderful souls in Openhand for holding this beautiful energy and latent opportunity.
Bring it on!!
The jewel in the lotus
Om Mani Padme Hum - The jewel in the lotus. 💙💮
Here's the wonderful sound healer Tom Kenyon channeling the Quan Yin energy in the form of a sound meditation.
Free tibet - The inner shore
The sea of suffering is endless, turn back to the shore.
The Cosmic Year 2022
As we step into magical numbers 2022 my personal sense is that the next year is going to be very cosmic.
Sending blessings and the best wishes from my heart to Open "DK" and the whole community of beloved kindred souls 💜
A million thankyous to you, Open and the Team, for hosting all events and this fantastic space, for the past year of breakthroughs and shifts, for giving this priceless opportunity to meet the soul family on this Earth and much more 🙏🏻💙
Thank you all facilitators and every single member of Openhand community for being here and holding the space 🥰
With love
🌺 Asya
The hard inner work...
I saw God in the numbers
Are you seeing God in the numbers?...
In reply to I saw God in the numbers by Open
Wow, thanks for sharing that Open. A beautiful reminder...
People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. ~C.G. Jung
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