Close Encounters with the Mayan Feathered Serpent God: Quetzalcoatl
You can feel the balance of power shifting in America. But it won't go the way the controllers plan. Above all, the spiritual energies that have shaped the field from ancient times are realigning. This was clearly evident on retreat in Mexico recently, with direct encounters of the powerful shamanic entity known as the Quetzalcoatl: the mythical feathered Serpent God, dating back to Aztec times, binding into the Black Snake sub-fabric of society. The energy is still very much active today, weaving across much of the Americas.
Humanity's Ancient Karma Being Triggered
Life on the planet is transforming rapidly due to the elevation of consciousness caused by the convergence of great galactic, solar and earth pole shift cycles. It's challenging the very energetic bedrock of the current construct we live in, and activating all manner of ancient human karma: it's a fundamental opportunity for people to let go of the past and evolve into the new 5D human consciousness. It is this accelerating process of enlightenment that the shadowstate is trying desperately to lock down.
It's too easy to be distracted by the surface-level shenanigans, the dramas and the agendas, which is where they want your attention. When in actual fact, it's the unwinding of dense outdated karmic consciousness that activates the process of soul liberation. Gain help unwinding your karma: Essential Openhand.
Spiritual facilitators and activists around the planet are working diligently and selflessly behind the scenes to level the energetic playing field, providing essential breathing space for the emergence of a new humanity in chaotic times. On retreat recently in Mexico, a shamanic deity, Quetzalcoatl, entered our studio on the astral planes to project influence. Adorned in classic Mayan headdress, he was revered throughout Mesoamerica as the feathered serpent God, dating back to Aztec times.
Wayward Earth Energies Reintegrating with the Torus
The shift of consciousness on the planet is now confronting and unwinding the very bedrock of the karmic construct in which humanity resides. It is the "Black Snake" quantum energy, metaphored in the Garden of Eden, and also referred to as "satanic", which is now very active and needs to be dug up at the energetic roots. The serpent is riving and reveling in its final acts of desperation.
Rather than demonising, which only perpetuates division, polarity and struggle, in the Openhand facilitator group, we are mastering the art of reuniting wayward energies back into the natural fold of the universal Torus. This is what restores balance and harmony, evolution and emergence. We've been working diligently to bring these wayward Black Snake energies back into alignment - with reasonable success.
Prior to our Mexcian Retreat, it was made aware to me by the benevolent mission supporting the shift, that the ancient Mayan entity, the Quetzalcoatl, was still very much active in the 4D karmic field and direct encounters would likely happen. Especially since our venue was in Tepoztlán, known as his birthplace. He entered on the astral plane, made himself known in his feathered regalia, and sought to take control of the proceedings.
Gain a Deeper Understanding of the Black Snake Energy underpinning society
Where "God" is merely a Fractal of the One
The Quetzalcoatl made it clear that he was a "God" and demanded the respect and acquiescence he was accustomed to. Influence at the 4D level will shape reality in the 3D. But in these engagements, truth will always vanquish even the most wayward and "powerful". It's only ever identity that tries to control, and no matter how grandiose, all separated identity will eventually perish as the earth's Torus gathers strength once more.
If you're able to hold the Torus energy in any given location, and amplify it, then identity will rapidly unravel in its irresistible presence.
A direct communication channel opened as one of the facilitators took on the Quetzalcoatl energy. First, it was necessary for me to reflect to the entity the suffering it had caused throughout Mesoamerican history, from the Aztecs to the Mayans. It became evident in past-life journeying that human sacrifice by removing the heart was a common ceremony - victims were persuaded it would lead to deification. In fact it sent souls into an earth-bound 4D bubble. This is the pain I empathically reflected to the Quetzalcoatl.
He tried to persuade me it was an act of deification, that he was a God whom people revered. A dialogue ensued. I explored with the entity the delusion of identity - that ultimate power is attained by becoming as one with the absolute - the pure presence of the Universal Torus; that everything else is merely a fractal of this energy. Most importantly, I resonated the energy of the Torus. After some time the dance of truth was felt and the entity began to unravel.
A Deep Unwinding in the 4D Karmic Field
Later on, with a small group of intrepid pioneers, we visited the revered birthplace of the Quetzalcoatl, a waterfall in a nearby valley, and worked to realign the field energies there. I came to understand that the soul began life in human form, but that shamanic ritual ceremony transformed him into an etheric entity.
Much healing took place, many earthbound souls were also released. It was a heartwarming blessing to experience.
It precipitated a tremendous unwinding in the field - an opening, that would ripple that sense of letting go throughout the consciousness that had been bound into it. My belief was that this precedent would begin to unravel energetic Black Snake intervention far and wide - due to the elevated nature of the Quetzalcoatl entity.
It's essential to understand that the expression of universal truth, fully embodied, is the realigning antidote to all of the convolution happening at the surface level of society right now. It's only distorted consciousness that holds the injustice and disharmony in place. But by embodying the Torus and empressing it, the distortion progressively unravels.
Crucially we must recognise that we manifest the shadow in our midst because of ancient karma we're working with - it's a part of you, and therefore to polarise and demonise is ultimately self-defeating. We must diligently work to reflect truth. Thus, realignment of any wayward being can happen.
Facilitating the 5D Shift
I offer this as insight and encouragement to shift facilitators across the planet working selflessly behind the scenes. You can do it. You are seeded to do it. No matter that few understand your work. Keep embodying and expressing the truth - it will ripple freedom across the surface of society. Have no doubt we are succeeding. It's only a question of time before the new 5D Paradigm on Earth is realised.
If you've been intrigued and inspired by my sharing, get involved with the work of Openhand's Ascension Academy:
Bright blessings
Open 🦋🙏
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and wisdom. I have been undergoing shamanic training and my understanding is that Quetacoatl is embraced as the archetype or guardian of the middle world and that he/she brought the arts, music, light to the Americas, persuading people to drop human sacrifice and to rather celebrate life and beauty - so your reading of this entity is surprising to me. Happy to hear more that you may have to share.
Self-imposed illusion that covers up shame or guilt
In reply to Quetzacoatl by Phillipa Holden (not verified)
Thanks for sharing your training information Phillipa. 👌
What we often find on the path is that such entities live in a self-imposed illusion that covers up shame or guilt in doing the things they do. As we directly encountered with Quetzacoatl was hiding behind these self-deception veils. Maybe there is truth in providing a greater colourisation in society. However our experience was that human manipulation through sacrifice was definitely a prominant theme in the Mayan/Aztec culture including especially the Quetzacoatl. Several of our group, both on and off the retreat experienced past life regressions where the heart was removed in "ceremony".
So yes, there's often two sides to the coin with these dynamics. And also a lot of glamourisation in spiritual circles. But we must always challenge the "teachings" to find out what really went on.
Thanks for sharing
Open ♥️
A stunning encounter with the Mayan Feathered Serpent God
During the recent Openhand Mexico retreat, a stunning series of encounters with the Mayan Feathered Serpent God, the Quetzalcoatl, unfolded. It precipitated a major unwinding of Mesoamerican energies that can only have a beneficial impact on society today. Although my new shift insight above may seem a degree "out there" to plenty, nevertheless I feel to share, because this ancient constricting karma affects the whole of humanity. Now that we have advanced facilitation processes to unwind it, more rapid realignment on the surface of society becomes possible. These are adventurous and alchemical times!
Do share your thoughts and reflections below. I'd be fascinated to hear what you think. 👍💙
Power of the human hearts 💚
In reply to A stunning encounter with the Mayan Feathered Serpent God by Open
It's wondeful to read of this experience, thanks so much for sharing it openly and resonating this heart-warming feeling of powerful realingment.
Personally I don't feel very acquinted with the Quetzalcoatl, however I feel to share direct reflection that came to me through this article.
The sense of connection to Mesoamerican energies, activated more strongly some months ago. As I was looking for the crystal to assist in the energy work, I came across Obsidian stone with Mexican origin, including the Mayan symbol of Hunab-Ku. It's been followed by a visual from the shamanic encounters some years ago, that re-appeared as the cross legged sitting Indian. Synhronistically I found the image capturing the essence of it:
My attention was drown to discover the connection among the stars - "Blue and red star Kachina's". Whilst blue has been known as the omen representing the end times of our current world, it also signalize the emergence of the red one, which acts as the Purifier, bringing about the day of Purification. I heard myself asking whether "the virus of old humanity" can be recognized as the emergence New Earth. Is the awareness actually going to land with mainstream of society?
Long story short - reading your article has brought a strong sense of liberation, for what I woud consider "Hopi within me". Thank you all for "cleansing", what seems to be the controling energy of those sacred nations.
Another thing that spoke to me very strongly, as you wrote:
"I came to understand that the soul began life in human form, but that shamanic ritual ceremony transformed him into an etheric entity."
I am realizing how much is the "BS energy" interwoven in creating some kind of deceptions and diverting the Truth when it comes to be embodied through more powerful deities. My attention is currently drawn towards the stories on the other side of the globe, those of Indian yogis. However it seems to me that mechanism of worship, is so easily prayed upon. It inevitably creates all sorts of deification that human mind just can't resist.
Nevertheles, I'll take the simple antidote that you so eloquently articulate. It's through embodied expression of Universal truth, that all pieces of puzzle shall re-locate in forming the perfect image. I wonder how might it look like, when unwiding some of those liberated energies actually takes place?
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