Grand Galactic Convergence

Submitted by Open on Fri, 12/16/2022 - 05:49

It's now 10-years since the Galactic Alignment of 2012. So much has changed on the planet that it's hardly recognisable. This 5D Shift Podcast takes a look at what's happened during those 10 years, where we are now, and what's likely to come in the next 10 years. What's changed and is changing in your life?

Grand Galactic Convergence Premieres here, 17th Dec, 9am (UK time):

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In reply to by Open

Hi Open,

The podcast was great as always. I'm able to view them just fine and wonder if your podcast is similar to the zoom events in the way it broadcasts over the computer or however it does it? I want to join in on the zoom, so I sent you a email.

In the last 10 years I've gone through a lot of changes and moved 4 times, halfway across the U.S. twice. I can tell I'm making progress but it seems slow at times, especially working through the karmic stuff. I'm definitely able to tell quickly when I'm being pulled into the out-of-conscious mode but cannot seem to maintain focus well lately. Same with the breath. This house I live in has quite the EMF field with the 2 solar systems and computerized heat pump units and appliances etc...All the lights are LED, which may be having an effect on me physically? It's been freezing and frosty every night and cold days, so I've not been motivated to go outdoors much at all, not even to sit at the ocean.

I always enjoy all the information you share in the podcasts and it's always inspiring when so much craziness is going on in the country now. I need to be able to ripple out some good all around here!

Thank you for the podcast Praying EmojiHeart


Here's the trailer for our latest 5D Shift Podcast, Grand Galactic Convergence, which looks at what's happened in the shift during the last ten years since the galactic alignment of 2012, the present situation, and the next ten years. It premieres here, on Saturday, December 17th, 9am (UK time).

Bright blessings

Open 🙏

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