Galactic Alignment: 10-Year Anniversary

Submitted by Open on Wed, 12/21/2022 - 05:42

Today, the solstice marks the 10-year anniversary since the galactic alignment of 2012. How much has changed in your life? Take time out to prepare yourself for the next 10 years of alchemical, abundant and adventurous change in your life. That's my solstice prayer to you all on behalf of all Openhand. Bright Blessings, <<< Open πŸ’™

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Thank You to you and all of the Openhand Community for your continuous sharing of knowledge, guidance, and energy. Blessings to all as our journey continues to the 5D. (I'm not there yet; but continue toward that goal). Hearts and Flowers...Peace to all!!


22/10/2022 Shift Update

I invited a small group of Glastonbury local Openhanders to celebrate the solstice with me, including 10 years since galactic alignment, and also to celebrate the establishment of the new Openhand HQ. It was a lovely heart-warming gathering, where we enjoyed Kombucha and scrumptious vegan mince pies. Then up onto Wearyall Hill at sundown, for a commemorative ceremony to mark the occasion. I trust you all had an alchemical time. We certainly did...

The new HQ is configured with the feeling of being aboard a ship - an interdimensional one of course! Here we are in the "galley", whilst the mince pies are being heated...

"Bottoms up!" with delectable Kombucha...

We hung a commemorative plate on the "Bridge", my office. This one shows 9 Red Arrows, representing the higher dimensional team, the fast jet Concorde, representing the Christ Consciousness, and the cruise ship we're all sailing in within the shift...

And at sundown on Wearyall Hill with a soul-stirring ceremony...

Here's to the next 10-Years!

Bright blessings

Open πŸ’™πŸ™

In reply to by Open

Now I am home...

I look back on the especially heart-warming nature of our Solstice gathering and notice how incredibly "at home" I was with all the local kindred spirits who made their way to the new Openhand base and took part in the celebrations and ceremony. Profound sharings of how much had changed in people's lives over the last ten years made such a lovely opening circle. I know my own life has encapsulated at least 5 different chapters since 2012. It hardly seems possible.

The etheric nature of Openhand flows through all our meetings, how fluid the rainbow tribe is, how we gather in different groups and then flow back to whence we came, like waves visiting the seashore of our community. And in doing so, we each polish ourselves and each other like pebbles on a beach.

Thank you everyone,

Star EmojiBlessings to all, both near and far Star Emoji

With love, Tilly Heart

Hi all in the wonderful Openhand community β™₯️

This is a fabulous day for sure - one of those great convergences in the grand galactic cog. It's 10 years since the galactic alignment of 2012 and so much has changed on the planet and in our lives. Consciousness is awakening. We're reconnecting with the brother/sisterhood of light. With each passing day, we're remembering and embodying more of our sacred, divine selves. What do the next 10 years hold in store for you? That's only something you can reveal. BUT, one thing is for sure, by marking these grand convergences of consciousness, and being clear to connect up with enthusiasm, adventure and positivity, then your life will change and transform in the most miraculous of ways.

I wish all a peaceful and alchemical solstice 2022.

Love and bright blessings from all at Openhand πŸ’™πŸ¦‹πŸ™

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