Spiritual Review of 2022, Looking Ahead to 2023
Another cycle in the shift and in our lives is upon us. In order to best sense and intuit the way forwards, it's essential to reflect back. Because you see the building trends. And what shapes life on the surface of reality is the underlying field. Let's take a look back at the key field shifts of 2022 so that we may discern the influencing field movements in 2023. Come join us here at Openhand. It's going to be priceless. What do you see, sense and intuit?
Looking forward to the key spiritual trends for 2023
31/12/2023 Shift Update
As we shift gears into the New Year, 2023, I've been looking at the developing energetic field trends that are definitely going to shape all our lives moving forwards. What we need to hoist on board is that we are most certainly NOT alone! There are many energetic influences around us both benevolent and malevolent. That's why life on the planet has been so confused and chaotic throughout the history of society. Humanity is being influenced right down at the DNA level. But what if we could change all that? What if we could realign and unite the various vying Star Being Nations in the ether around us?
It may sound like a tall order, but that's exactly the thrust of Benevolence, acting through the dimensions, as we shift gears into 2023. It most definitely IS possible. When we reflect, and ripple, through the ether, the truth of the Grand Galactic Convergence that we're sailing into, what we're culminating to, then it makes no sense to any being other than to come together and work it through together. You cannot fight the Torus. You cannot negotiate with it. But you can align with it. Now this Flower of Life is being re-established here. It will be emergent as the planet shifts to higher 5D consciousness. That's where we're ultimately going. The only sensible action is to get on board!
That's the message here at Openhand we're going to be communicating through the field, through 2023, loud and clear! We'll be expressing it energetically at all of the events - which I can tell you will cause realigning and expansionary rippling effects, for the participants and into the wider field. The only sensible option available now is to align inwardly with the shift to higher 5D consciousness. That's where humanity needs to go now!
It's this message I've worked to encapsulate in Openhand's New Year Video, which you can watch here now. Be inspired. It's designed to motivate, uplift and align as we begin a new cycle into 2023.
If you resonate: come and get involved with the Openhand Event Program in 2023
Bright blessings to everyone in the Openhand community sailing forward into 2023!
Open π¦π
Looking back on the spiritual field trends of 2022 (part 3)
30/12/2022 Shift Update
We're looking back through 2022 at key developments so we can look forwards into major energetic trends into 2023. Major advancements were made in this regard with two amazing pilgrimages through Egypt, what we can definitely call ancient "Atlantis". It was an epoch in history, where Original Humans were hybridised to Homo Sapiens and configured through the DNA to receive energetic influence and fit within a control system.
The Annunaki were the key architects. And quite astoundingly, on the first pilgrimage, we received a blow-by-blow account from someone in the group who actually regressed into being one of those Annunaki architects at the time. We heard directly how the huge 200-tonne rocks of the Sphinx temple were cut effortlessly from the Giza bedrock using lazers, turned into a kind of putty using sound technology; levitated in the air and then fused so closely together that you could not pass a hair between them. The crystal structure was aligned to create stargates to other worlds - Sirius for example such that star fleets could readily hone in. It was incredibly sophisticated technology, way beyond what humanity is capable of today.
Visit or Revisit our most popular Blog of 2022: Return to Atlantis
Ancient ET Architects
In the pyramids, the human population would have felt deified by the 4D upliftment and expansion. But it came with a cost - loss of individual sovereignty and subservience to their "elite" masters. Of course, it's happening still today, but with the leaders very much behind the scenes. Connecting with these original architects was always going to be a major opportunity to reverse engineer the implanted technology at a planetary level and thereby accelerate the realignment in a much smoother way.
I'm pleased to say bridges were formed, by the two Openhand groups, into the Annunaki, and to the various other energetic influences - such as the collectivised Ra energy and also the Isis goddess energy. Again, these two energies are still very much influencing the nature of life on the planet right now, distorting natural soul frequency and attaching people into misaligned agendas. The lead element of the Annunaki withdrew from the intervention - a process that began with benevolent action back in 2012, which incorporated my original journey down the Nile. This lead group evolved through past life regression journeying, healed, integrated and ascended as the "Anu". It was a major development in the shift.
On these two pilgrimages, a key directive was to see if we could reconnect and bring them back into play. I'm very pleased to say this did indeed take place. They understood the need to reverse engineer what had been originally implanted, and this process was begun. Those who could sense and intuit what was happening in the field could palpably feel the energetic shifts down the Nile. It was also facilitated by the influx of Draconian energy at a planetary level, who joined the pilgrimage to establish a coherent, aligned foundational base frequency and the natural flow of the Torus. This is going to be major across the planet going forwards into 2023, because it's still such a key energetic centre.
Star Being Reconciliation and Collaboration
It was on the final pilgrimage to Egypt that it was communicated from the Star Being Nations the essential importance of reconciliation between the groups, especially with the Anu. And that collaboration should now start to happen in order to accelerate a smooth planetary shift into the higher 5D consciousness.
In short, you're going to witness, at a planetary level going forward: a strong and ready activation of human karma by a much broader group; a greater degree of challenge to the current system of control, taking place on multiple levels; an acceleration of the Torus in people, leading to a strong sense of liberation and expression of unique beingness. More people are going to be able to reconnect with the infusion of their soul, divine grace, and the spontaneous 5D flow.
I do believe we witnessed the first positive indications of this, toward the end of 2022, with the uprisings in China and Iran. This wave of freedom will most likely continue to emerge out as the natural flower of Life reestablishes itself. Here at Openhand, reconciliation and collaboration between the main Star Being Nations, on and around the earth, will be our main point of focus going forwards into 2023. It's something we're going to weave into the various retreats, events and online gatherings to support soul healing at an individual and planetary level. That's utterly essential going forward as the shift now gathers in pace.
Do share your own experiences and feelings about this, as it most definitely supports a realigning rippling effect through the field.
Bright blessings to all tuning in - these are exciting and alchemical times for sure!
Open ππ
The Openhand Egypt Vlogs
In reply to Looking back on the spiritual field trends of 2022 (part 3) by Open
And here are all the vlogs we shot of our pilgrimages down the Nile. Sit back, breathe and be inspired!...
Return to Atlantis - photo review 2022
In reply to Looking back on the spiritual field trends of 2022 (part 3) by Open
And here's a photo review of the two Nile Pilgrimages...
"Walk like an Egyptian" - cheesy yes, but we had fun doing it!!...
A few of us did manage to hold a group meditation in the sphinx temple. "Impressive" is an understatement. These are constructed of 200 tonnes blocks, effortlessly hoisted into place and made plasma like, fitted together and then fused together. All of this, which I knew beforehand, was confirmed by one of the group who'd had direct experience of it in the construction. Simply amazing!!...
The Sphnix - a truly stunning construction that's been adapated and manipulated over the aeons. It's definitely to download energy, but since the original construction, it's clearly been adapted to constrain energy and block out certain beneficial frequencies, such as the heart. On the back-wall you can clearly see the weathering which could only have happened in a period of intense rain - it concurs with other evidence that the site was actually constructed in the 11th millenium BC - a while before the solar nova flash that precipitated the great Atlantean flood.
It's a powerful place to meditate for sure!!...
We had plenty of fun too. Wait, is Andy creating a portal or is it a design for a new type of hat?...
Tilly - couldn't resist the camel ride around the site on Romeo...
Our guest house actually sits well within the prime energy field of the Giza plateau, so we were well able to proces and integrate afterwards. Wow, what an experience!!...
Time for a great street meal before catching the next train...
A great stay in store en route at the Scorpion Guest house...
Moving energy in our temporary studio...
Diving Kestrel on the roof in Aswan...
Ann and Betsy hanging out...
Meanwhile it's "Tilly Snoop Dog"...
And a dove takes roost in my Indiana Jones hat. Good job I'm not wearing it!!...
It's now Tilly being the adventurer, and without a hat!...
The 2nd Pilgrimage - stunning sunset in the Giza studi...
The overnight sleeper from Cairo to Luxor - It's planes, trains, ferries and automobiles!...
Wow Hannah, that's a great headdress!!
Wait, no one said anything about Jesus joining us!
All aboard - whose hosting the midnight snack party?
Afterwards, yes, we really did a soulmotion session while waiting for the taxi!!...
Next stage, flamingos aboard the ferry...
Nothing like an early morning Nile cruise...
Yes, I know it looks like everyone is taking a crafty nap, but actually they're deep astral journeying!!...
Asatrolene - come on guys, it's high time to activate the crown!
Energy work at the temple of Isis...
After all the hard work, what better than floating in the Nile!...
Wow, I feel pooped, but in a great way!!...
Looking back on the spiritual field trends of 2022 (part 2)
29/12/2022 Shift Update
One of the biggest questions for me in the shift during 2022, was if we could gain tangible support from the Star Being Nations down here in the 3D? Specifically, could they help weave together improved connections between evolving people and could they help quantum manifest the resources people need?
Bearing in mind that we need to have a broad perspective on the nature of "resources". Resources are energy, that bends around what you are being. If there's any kind of poverty consciousness internally based on doubt or unworthiness, then this will crystallise reflections in the field - you'll manifest lack. But where you've processed that through, by confronting your fears, then your consciousness is liberated to create unreservedly. This is where support can gather around you in the field to amplify the creative effect.
Openhand's Facilitator Work in the Field
Openhand's annual facilitator gathering in Avebury has been evolving beautifully in content for several years now - we're heightening and strengthening the connections with the Star Being Nations amongst the crop circles and sacred stones.
To be specific and crystal clear: they speak to us and through us. They communicate the challenges, but then work to amplify resonances of being that we can feel. They're providing clearer insight into the nature of the field. They're helping remove particularly 4D technology that has contracted the earth's field. And they're helping open and re-establish the natural Toroidal field - the flower of life.
I cannot begin to express how wonderful, magical and alchemical these connections are.
Discover More about Openhand's Facilitator Program
The 9 Rays of Consciousness and Supporting Star Being Nations
Here are the different frequencies they've been coming in on. Below, I've aportioned approximate ideas of which group is acting particularly on which ray...
Ray 1: aligned Draconian nation and realigned reptilian earth beings
Ray 2: The Pleiadians
Ray 3: Aligned Orions and realigning Greys
Ray 4: The Anu and realigning Sirians
Ray 5: The Andromedans
Ray 6: The Arcturians
Ray 7: The Lyrans
Ray 8: Metatron
Ray 9: the Group of 9 Ascended Masters led by Quan Yin
Please Note: these are only approximate delineations; different groups will span and collaborate across different freqeuncies and densities. And there are other groups involved too. At this stage we've worked to connect up with the main ones offering benevolent support.
The Andromedans, Andrasta and the Crop Circles
We especially connected up with the Andromedans last summer and a particular leader called "Andrasta"...
They spoke to us through signs and synchronicity, through the stunning crop circles, but then right at the end of the facilitator gathering, she manifested as a palpable Star Being energy right there in the studio. Several of the group experienced it as breathtaking.
This is a tremendous development taking place. We gained the understanding that a round table of the different Star Being Nations was beginning to convene; that they were coming together to work in the upliftment of humanity and the planet. I do believe we're now seeing the early signs of that collaboration work. I can definitely feel the strengthening presence that we're able to do in this work, and the acceleration of the Torus which is already having a broad planetary effect - which we've witnessed in the various uprisings against the control system, such as recently in China and Iran.
Energy Cascading Down Through the Dimensions
I know this will likely sound as a big picture situation. But mark my words, where you work to tune into these energies, and call on the various aligned nations to support the activation of your natural soul frequencies, then that's going to make all the difference in what you create and in a very practical way. The energies are going to cascade down through the dimensions in your life.
When we returned from Avebury this summer, a small group was guided to ground, anchor, and establish, this Round Table of Star Beings around the physical location of Wearyall in Glastonbury, as a starting point for a wider connection and rippling effect around the planet. A short while after, the new Openhand base manifested there, very close to the place we anchored the portal. I can tell you that leading up to the winter solstice, the skies, and the sense of presence there, have been nothing short of biblical!!
This all bodes extremely well as we move into 2023. I can assure you that the pinnacle of the Openhand work will be strengthening these Star Being connections and frequencies so that we may channel them into the retreats, seminars and gatherings, for the benefit of participants' lives in the shift, and a wider upliftment of humanity and the planet. For this key reason, I'm feeling extremely enthusiastic and anticipatory as we turn the page into 2023.
Bright blessings to all
Open ππ
Avebury Crop Cicles and Sacred Stones - photo journal
In reply to Looking back on the spiritual field trends of 2022 (part 2) by Open
Wow, what a simply amazing time we experienced in Avebury in 2022. Tune into your feelings and gain a sense of the biblical unfolding...
Sacred Stones and Stunning Skies...
The circles were amazing....
We're on a mission...
Tuning in terrestrially and on zoom - connecting hands around the world!...
Kev had seen a vision of a grey face in a stone. We had no idea where we were going, but we were guided tremendously - gusts of wind, the buzz of a bee, the swish of a cow's tail, the call of a lark, until - wow, spot on Kev!
Time for some healing hands...
And light language...
Resonating a collective vibe to help bring them back to the family of light.
After the hard work, sustenance, warm heartedness and kinship...
A Brother/Sisterhood in the Galactic Family that we shall never relinquish...
Facilitating the Great Planetary Shift in 2022 - video
In reply to Looking back on the spiritual field trends of 2022 (part 2) by Open
And here's the video to take us right back there amongst the crop circles and sacred stones. It will be indelibly etched in our memories and hearts for eternity...
Looking back on the spiritual field trends of 2022 (part 1)
28/12/2022 Shift Update
It's been another highly adventurous, alchemical year for Openhand working with the shift energies, which are building and accelerating all the time. As I reflected back over the galactic alignment from 2012 at the 2022 solstice, it's abundantly clear, tremendous changes in the underlying field have happened, and these have precipitated seismic shifts on the surface, across the planet and within society.
What we need to understand is that everything on the surface 3D is affected by the quantum field itself - the time space continuum. Certainly, the various Star Being Nations on and around the earth understand this well. Those of the intervention have greatly shaped the nature of reality here, including human DNA, which changes how you perceive reality and what you become invested in. That's certainly one way in which control has been locked down. The reactivation of Gaia's Torus at the Galactic Alignment of 2012 steadily broke many of those binding ties and progressively infused the planet with a new awakening light.
The Matrix: Peeling off the Layers of the Onion
That's all well and good. But, the energies of the intervention have continued their various machinations and manipulations, as we saw through the engineered pandemic of recent times. Some of them have been reacting to this broad awakening and creating new synthetic agendas. As I predicted in the book DIVINICUS, the intervention is not going to end in one fell swoop - it will go through plenty of different iterations and hybrid states during the progressive unfolding into the new paradigm. And all of this we will feel at an energetic level.
When I was part of the mission in 2012 that liased with the Annunaki leadership, it was clear that a sudden unfolding was not in anyone's interest - it would precipitate anarchy and chaos, with the sense of structured reality collapsing around us and through the psyche. The matrix has to be lifted progressively and in layers. Like peeling off layers of an onion.
And that meant connecting with various of the other intervention groups, such as the Reptilians, the Greys, and that energy underpinning the very foundation of the matrix, the Black Snake consciousness, which is more widely known as satanic. This was always going to be the greatest challenge.
The Flower of Life
As energy workers, what we need to understand, is that all of these energies, are wayward fragments of the coherent Torus field - the Flower of Life. When you can feel the Torus in any given location, then you progressively realise the capacity to reanimate the Torus there, by empathic catalysis within your own field. You can animate the Flower of Life around you. And this is the key to dealing with wayward Black Snake energies -
Instead of castigating the Black Snake, as with the Garden of Eden metaphor, you learn to bring them inside yourself and realign them through the vortex of the Torus. It is advanced work, as they'll attach in your field wherever there might be areas of unconsciousness in you. But this, of itself, is highly evolving. It encourages deep and intense realignment of behaviourisms - transforming and transmuting distortions. Whereupon, Black Snake and other field entities have no way to hook, and attach into, your field.
Gain a Deeper Understanding of the Black Snake Energy
The Torus: There's Nowhere to Hide
The first major energetic development of 2022 happened for an Openhand group, high in the mountains of Mexico, where we confronted Black Snake energy, which was bound into ancient Mayan karma. It activated through the shadow karmic consciousness of the group (where it generally lurks), and became visible to those with the energetic eyes to see it. Upon which, as a facilitator, you're now dancing with it, seeing it, moving with it, calling it out, metaphorically like some Indian snake charmer! You're showing it there's nowhere to go or hide. You're illuminating every distortion it transmits on. And then, you can persuade it to surrender into the Torus itself - back to the core from whence it originally came. What we're dealing with is distorted 3D attaching quantum strings of energy.
This was the first time in the Openhand movement that advanced facilitators became able to do this together. The Black Snake was realigned in that energetic space, which precipitated a broad opening in the field. Waves of joy and upliftment flooded the space; we felt the infusion of very light and uplifting Pleiadian energy.
This was the first major shift of 2022, which provided us with a tremendously inspiring template to work forwards through the rest of the year. The intervention energies were now softening. It led to another marvellous retreat in Mexico in October, where we connected into a much broader, MesoAmerican, Mayan serpent-energy known as the Quetzalcoatl. Great realigning work was undertaken. It's sure to be rippling far afield through the Americas.
Close Encounters with the Mayan Feathered Serpent God: Quetzalcoatl
How do Field Energy Shifts Influence Day-to-Day Living?
Some might be asking: what benefit is this in my own personal life going forwards? To put it succinctly: massively!
When you realise that we're all heavily influenced by the field in the day-to-day minutiae of our lives, and then you discover a template for field realignment, then you're rippling these liberating waves through the wider field and across the planet. When someone then honestly looks within, who is determined to attain freedom and true self-actualisation, then you can call upon these realigning shifts, and strip out that layer of intervention and karmic limitation with you. The soul infuses more strongly. Nothing else could shape your reality in such a beneficial and uplifting way.
Hence this is the major underlying development I'm calling took place in 2022, which bodes extremely well for 2023.
Bright Blessings
Open ππ
Marvellous Experiences in Mexico in 2022 - Rainbow Tribe Video
In reply to Looking back on the spiritual field trends of 2022 (part 1) by Open
And here's the video we captured of the marvellous first retreat in Mexico in 2022...
2022 in Mexico - snapshots in time
In reply to Looking back on the spiritual field trends of 2022 (part 1) by Open
Such Upliftment in the Pleaides Studio...
Hanging out in the Mexico Mountains...
Did someone mention the "grub"?...
Heading up to the Mayan Temple: Bonn being held by the gatekeeper...
Now begins the climb of 9000 steps! (approx). Phew, I need a rest!...
Can you believe it, the temple was closed to "covid" (LOL!!)...
Not to be deterred, we're feeling it instead!...
This is what we're feeling...
These ancient sites can be quite dark aswell, they're often controlled by the shadowside, and so to conclude with, we're doing a healing circle...
Facilitation work at the Birthplace of the feathered serpent - the Quetzecoatal...
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