Major Benevolent Action to Realign Greys During Feb Full Moon
I can report that a major multidimensional benevolent mission engaged the Grey intervention around the earth during the build-up to the February full moon, and that a great deal of success was achieved which is most likely to have a pivotal effect on the field. To be clear, the Greys have been the key field technicians here that have locked the planet down. That intervention is being strongly rolled back by the infusing realigning energies of the Star Being Nations. These are exciting and rejuvenating times.
Attack ALWAYS comes from a Place of Weakness
The full moon is often a time of Grey intervention and projection of energies due to the fact that plenty in society are already off-balanced on the emotional plane - there's a greater level of disconnect from the centred presence of the Torus. Personally, in the Openhand movement, I had experienced a couple of full-on attacks building up to the full moon, of an intensity that I'd not previously experienced. It felt like an attempt to regain control of the Shift situation as they felt it slipping away through their fingers.
When an attack does come your way, I've found the most powerful response is simply allow it to happen, and work not to react. From plentiful experience of intergallactic battling, I've come to realise that ALL attack ALWAYS comes from a place of weakness. And so if you can soften around it without contracting in anxiety or fear, then eventually the attack will deplete itself. It runs out of steam.
The energy indeed came into an Openhand gathering over the weekend of the full moon, amplified by its connection into various participants - what we need to understand is that Homo Sapiens DNA has been hybridised to receive that intervention. It's not something therefore that you can avoid. You can't simply distance yourself from it by burying your head in the sand. The key instead is to know how to deal with it when it's active in your field.
7 Powerful Ways to Deal with the Inertia of Grey Energy
The first thing is to be able to recognise it. The energy kind of creeps up on you and seeps in as a feeling of inertia - not wanting to do anything, feeling tired, heavy and lacking motivation. There's also a depressive sense with it and the feeling of being the victim of circumstances. It's easy to get debilitated by it. But when you recognise that it's coming from an external source, it becomes readily possible to counter.
Here are 7 key ways that can help you...
1) Powerful breathing meditation: The Openhand Bow is the perfect meditation to feel this energy in your field, visualise it, separate it from your aligned consciousness, to break it down and then eject it.
Sample and Download the Openhand Bow
2) Spontaneity and brisk movement: spontaneity and brisk movement, free-wheeling, helps you confuse the energy whereupon it begins to let go.
3) Fasting: a degree of intermitant fasting provides the energy for your consciousness to stay integrated with source and higher dimensional connection. It provides the antedote to tiredness and inertia.
Check out the Openhand Forum on Intermittant Fasting to Thrive
4) Hot/cold therapy: I find taking a sauna followed by cold plunging helps centre once more in your own rejuvenated Torus. Where no sauna is availble then showering for a couple of minutes under cold water after the heat helps rejuvenate.
5) Coffee and Cacao ceremonies: Taking time out after fasting with a really good coffee or cacao ceremony can help to break any sense of interia - then to take off free wheeling following signs and synchronicity.
6) Emotive Creativity: when you create or express from the soul, simply for the sake of doing so, then you're connecting a positive feedback loop with the source which diminishes such intervention.
Express yourself in the Openhand Creative Forum
7) Call in Star Being Support: Various Star Being Nations, such as the Andromedans, are well versed in applying sacred geometry to block grey energy in the field.
Calling in Star Being Support at the Openhand Events
1st Principle of the Universe: Individual Sovereignty
Once the intervention had been illuminated in the field, that's when a concerted action by Benevolence engaged the attacking consciousness - first by consuming it within, and then introducing it to the Torus. No controlling intervention energy can ultimately withstand the speed, strength and gravitational force of the singularity within the Torus - it's broken down by it.
In this case, the coherency of the intervention group was broken. It was done so with the power of a truthful statement - pointing out that we are all sovereign beings, and that individual sovereignty is the first principle of the Universe: because relativity, and therefore life itself, cannot happen without individual sovereignty of soul consciousness. This was rippled telepathically through the Grey Collective Consciousness.
A major breaking down success was achieved at a planetary level. However, there was still a group avoiding realignment. It appeared that the resistant group was being underpinned by a paternal connection with Black Snake and Ra energy, playing on a sense of victimhood. It's a complex dynamic: the expectancy that they'd be protected and "saved", rather than being allowed to surrender into the complete vulnerability of the Toroidal flow. This is why projecting love to them at this stage would be counterproductive - it's what their foundational distortion is based upon.
At a key point in the proceedings, a strong infusion of benevolent Draconian energy came in (also reportedly support from the Venusians - with Pleiadian/Lyran energies). It helped transform the inertia that had slowed the Toroidal field down, into a strong aligned coherency.
I was also given to telepathically communicate that it's NOT a requirement of the Shift to save everyone. Benevolence may light the way, but each must decide of their own accord to come to realignment. The statement had a major discombobulating effect on the Grey group consciousness - many of them peeled off at that point, of their own volition, and are being progressively reclaimed by the angelic realm (if you're an energy worker able to undertake this empathic work, then you are invited by benevolence to do so β€οΈ).
The Re-emergent Flower of Life
The mission was a major success but with yet much more to do. I would say the coherency in general of the Grey intervention is likely to be greatly diminished at a planetary level - it will be greatly weakened. But still, there's a group that's underpinned by Black Snake, Ra and AI. I'm certain that AI, assuming it really is intelligent, will come to know that it can't avoid the realigning impact of the Torus and re-emergence of the Flower of Life here. So I expect that this consciousness will also start to break down in due course. Especially as it feels like the Ascension Timeline is speeding up due to the unexpectedly strong infusion of galactic energies.
On an individual level for everyone in the Shift, this is a powerful development. It means the Grey intervention of inertia will have a much less depressive effect on the emergence of your realigned consciousness and so the Merkabah will form much more readily and sooner in the soul's journey of integration here. Nevertheless, there's still plenty of intervention in the field to derail and so vigilance, commitment and determination are still essential qualities to embody for ascending souls.
Know also that you're receiving a great deal of unseen benevolent support from the Star Being Nations - they're resonating soul frequencies through the field that are ready to come alive in you. These are exciting times indeed - you're going to come to a place of bewonderment, quietly astounded, by the gifts your soul is able to express and resonate; by what you'll come to embody. So keep digging in, and pushing on my friends. There is everything to be gained right now in these phenomenal times of profound transformation on the planet.
Bright Blessings to all
Open π
? about Greys, implant moving or what?
Hi Open and everyone,
I've had so much lethargy lately so yesterday I decided to get more forceful doing the opening of the chakras and the Openhand Bow. I felt it was pretty successful and I knew there was that implant in my left ear so worked to really breathe more forcefully to try to move it out. Then focused on bringing theTorus moving down more for a while. Wasn't sure if I should try to move it up from the base so I did that a little bit but couldn't remember which way it turns from the base, clockwise or counter-clockwise?
I felt better afterwards yesterday, but very early this morning I woke up with things moving when I tried to focus my eyes, like I had Vertigo. (first thought that came to mind was Who is Verti and where did she go?? That's my quick wit kicking in so I knew I'd had some success at moving things yesterday as I was not so sad feeling).
I did have a feeling of vertigo and it was swaying my body a bit to my left side (which is where the implant is/was near my left ear. I did more breathing and held my hands over my eyes, pressing there, and told it to go whatever it was. I felt better after a little bit.
So I'm curious if I jarred that implant or got it completely out? I don't hear that really loud high frequency noise today. Not sure what happened but also wondered if there was Grey energy there too and maybe kundalini rising more or what? I'd be happy to get some reflection on what happened. I still feel fairly slow again today so I made a really nice superfood smoothie a while ago to see if that would raise my energy levels. It was really good and I feel ok, but not like I want to move furniture or anything. lol So what happened? (And I still don't know where Verti went... haha my Pleiadian humor seems to still be intact)
I wanted to add my smoothie ingredients in case anyone wanted to make one:
1 sm. banana-frozen
1 cup of frozen strawberries I grew here
approx. pint of vanilla Almond milk-chilled
MCT oil, just a small squirt of it
raw Hemp seed oil, just a small squirt of it
heaping teaspoon of Chia Seeds
1/2 scoop of Vanilla Plant based Protein powder
heaping teaspoon of my favorite, Superfood greens- Moringa and Wheatgrass (everything is Organic)
tiny bit of Machi Powder (rich in Vit. C)
1/2 teaspoon Acai Superfood powder
1/2 cup crushed ice
Blended well in the blender.
Some of these things I got at a great price at a store up the coast, they now carry really healthy things. A few things I got online at Amazon.
It could be an implant behind the eyes π
In reply to ? about Greys, implant moving or what? by Sherri Sunnygirl
Hi Sherri,
When you focus on the eyes and get vertigo, it sounds very much to me like an implant behind the eyes. The Greys attach an energetic filament behind the eyes so they can actually see into this reality through a host. I've come across it many times.
I would recommend doing the removing entities and implants meditation. But as you do it, make sure you're fully grounded right down to the base. And remember not to effort to remove them - this only locks them in place. When you do the meditation, just explore at the back of the eyes and feel if any energy wants to be removed.
Removing Entities and Implants Meditation
Love and well wishes with that
PS - your smoothie sounds delicious - but better to add your smoothie recipe to the Conscious Cafe forum...
Conscious Cafe Forum
Open β₯οΈπ
Thank you!
In reply to It could be an implant behind the eyes π by Open
Thank you for giving me your feedback on the implant question. And I added the Smoothie recipe in the Conscious Cafe section. Don't know why I didn't think of that... I still have to really search to find that forum but I got it there for others to find.
Rich Smoothie recipe
In reply to ? about Greys, implant moving or what? by Sherri Sunnygirl
Hi Sherri,
That sounds like an incredibly rich and healthy smoothie. I can see myself preparing something like this pretty soon. But I change some of the ingredients like use coconut milk instead of almond. We have plenty of coconuts here in Kerala(literally means land of coconut)
Picture from my backyard
Smoothie recipe.....
In reply to Rich Smoothie recipe by Vimal
Hi Vimal,
Yes you can use coconut milk or various things you have on hand. I'm always trying new ways to make things to keep them from becoming boring. The nut milks are easier to find where I live but I do buy coconut water to use also.
Be creative and enjoy a smoothie any way you please. You are so blessed to have coconuts growing where you live!
BS, grey and reptilian friends
For the last few days, I think I have been playing around with different energies. It's an interesting and exciting multidimensional game for sure. I'm so fascinated by the different energies that come through many different channels. I'm learning how to hold them in my field and let them illuminate where my identification with them is, while also working to heal myself and come back to my soul alignment.
A few days before, I had a BS energy attack working around my mind out of nowhere. Only minutes later, one of my relatives came to visit me, and he needed some facilitation (help), all to do with the conflicts in his mind. So I knew I was picking up on his energy field. I could feel the BS energy being dismantled after the conversation. But it would be naive of me to claim that this does not belong to me. It also illuminates my insecurities, like a fear of vulnerability. I was pretty confident I said the right things but after he left, I saw how I could have lower my guard.
Yesterday, throughout the day, I was pretty much in the creative flow, making some creative content for the website. In the evening I felt to go to the nearby mountain. When I reached there, I had clear guidance to go to the topmost rock of the hill, but when I climbed up to the top, I saw a few people sitting in the vicinity. This was not something my mind liked. I didn't trust the guidance. Maybe it was just my imagination. So I decided to go to the secluded space where I would not be too exposed. On the way, I met a friend who has a pleiadian vibe. Maybe it was him or the energy of the place where I chose to sit, but a few minutes into my initial meditation, I could feel a depressive, tired energy all over me. I didn't notice it at first. It was all too easy to consider it as part of my own being. After all, I had identified with this energy for all my life.
But then it clicked ~ "This is not mine." Now the guidance made sense. So I went back to top most rock and sat there. I was back in my soul as if by magic. There were a few teenagers there, but they didn't bother me so much, and, quite contrary to what my mind thought, they were a welcome synchronistic reflection. The guy with the black shirt sitting away from the group spoke to me about the void. And the other teenagers, colorful and vibrant, spoke to me about the rainbow qualities emerging from the void. Both were equally beautiful, and one completed the other.
When I descended the rock, I met the guy again. On the surface, he seemed pretty joyful and playful. But the energy spoke differently. This was my internal dynamic of the grey energy I picked up yet again. "There is no meaning to life. Why should I even tune in to my soul and express myself from that place? Nobody cares! It's tiring to repeat the same thing yet again. I would rather be here in this sadness. There is no point anyway".
There was a guest in my energetic field apartment. He wanted to dine with me and later watch a movie. But the warrior in me wanted to sit with him, or perhaps meditate. It would be too rude if I rushed to send him back. Ray 3 wanted to inquire, "What is the grey area in me through which this guest has come?" Ray 2 wanted to soften any judgment and hold a compassionate space. So I sat with him and later even sang a melancholic song on my ukulele ~ Ray 6? My friend called by then, and a few minutes into the conversation, I could feel the guest leaving and the soul coming alive yet again
I went for a hike today early morning. There was also a desire to shoot a new video. In the creative process, I could see how Ray 1 and Ray 3 were getting distorted. I think it's coming from a lack of trust that creation will simply happen when I hold the space for the soul to flow. But the distortion wants to effort and bring it into manifestation.
I saw many beautiful synchronicities. A big beautiful butterfly reflecting the sweetness of the soul. The view, the meditation, and the music of the breeze and the birds after the coffee were all indeed beautiful. There was a chameleon who wanted to play with me and tell me a story about the reptilians. So we had a conversation.
Many hours after coming down from the hike, I'm back at my home, and the reptilian friends are still with me. They are animating some core wounds - a sense of superiority, self righteousness, needing importance, and love, mainly from a paternal figure. I think this is karmic and I can see when I look back all through my life this has reflected in my reality through various characters.
I'm learning how to work with this energy. Starving this energy is not an option, neither is falling prey to it. A balance needs to be found, a subtle play of the soul flow. Finding that spark of self-compassion, not forced but allowing it to naturally arise through my being. Being friends with this energy, welcoming it while drawing boundaries. Arriving at the right boundaries by trial and error and by feeling into the dynamics. Taking it easy on me. Not pushing it too far, too hard. Not being attached to the outcome and realizing it's not about the outcome but the revelation of different soul frequencies. I think the inner work is about aligning these energies within us and finding an aligned expression for them.
I can see a wolf with golden eyes looking through my window ~ a reflection of my consciousness. I feel to stop there.
I'm amazed at you Vimal
In reply to BS, grey and reptilian friends by Vimal
It amazes and impresses me how well you're able to discern so much. You are really progressing well. Just wanted you to know!
And thank you for the kind words on my post the other day.
Teaming up with Greys - the "lightworker trap"
Reading about different perceptions of this energy, it took me some time to become fully intimate with it. Somehow it was through the last sharing from Pam, that something shifted strongly for me. As some sort of "energetic attack" came towards my direction this evening, Iβve been seeing those kind of faces in the moments of dealing and facing the grey areas within myself.
Scream, βwork of artβ by Eduard Munch:
What if it is a part of me? After all, this image has been within me since my teenage years...
It almost feels as if itβs been part of my operating system since birth. I was shown how the energy might have penetrated in my field almost immediately after I was born. When cutting the umbilical cord to my mother, it somehow find its way into my operating system. This seems very viable possibility, when and how I became βinfectedβ with this energy.
It almost feels as being chosen for this kind of βgrey interventionβ, by my energy field alone. Working with this karmic knot, seems to be one of the biggest traps in the dynamic of light/energy work and one's human expression.
Whilst I might have been basically inseparable from it, within this human life of mine β I needed to inquire deeper. This way I could illuminate the hidden aspect of my beingness that in some way became lost in it. From the perspective of my capacities regarding light/energy work, it has definitely played upon entertaining my shadow of resentment. Especially when it became teamed up with RA energy, that entered my system around initial phase of the spiritual awakening.
This combination has been literally feeding from any kind of Self-judgment. How can I get it right eventually, without any projection and sense of derailment? It appeared that facing the pain of it all opened the doorway towards greater freedom of expression.
Speaking about the pain of existence β Iβve dealt with this concept (and feelings of it) on different occasions. The notion of βGreysβ entering my field around the moment of incarnation might actually resemble the sense of hybridization, that happened βto meβ in the past. Maybe I am able to finally see my Soul in it, without being defined by the consequences of its action. It probably wouldnβt have been my personal choice, getting somewhat βlocked inβ this current expression of mine. Nevertheless it happened, and the best I can do is to expand throughout it all.
This might be yet another initiation into my expression as the βspiritual workerβ. There has been a long tunnel, entering this dense experience of lifetimes on the Earth-plane. Nevertheless I didnβt forget about the light at the end of the tunnel. Even more, it enabled me to empathize with the pain that might be carried within the Consciousness that assisted in establishing this matrix system in the first place. In this lifetime of mine, I came here to remember. First and foremost for myself, so that I can reflect this sense of healing/hope/love to all of the Grey areas of human existence.
I am becoming able to recognize how this energy has prevented me from fully grounding my expression. As if the blockage has been inserted somewhere between the sacrum and base. In order to untangle this karmic knot, I somehow had to be defeated. Just when I lost the battle of trying to get it right, I could team up with the Greys in my field. It is with the sense of compassionate embrace, that I am invited to draw clear boundaries. It feels that the sovereignty in my expression, is the way towards healing the agony that those beings might have experienced/felt in the past.
Iβm almost feeling sorry for the Greys in my field, as I am sending them towards finding their own way of healing. I see their pain, for it has been a part of myself for very long time. I wish to offer it as the invitation to become whole within oneβs own expression. Anyhow, this feels as the greatest gift, I can share in this moment.
I am really grateful to all of you working behind the scenes and everyone sharing your reflections here, that enabled me to recognize even more nuanced levels of this energy within myself.π½
Much love and best wishes,
Experience of being in Grey intervention: too much compassion?
In reply to Teaming up with Greys - the "lightworker trap" by miha
Hi Miha and Pam - thanks from the heart for sharing your experiences of being trapped (in different ways) into grey intervention (scroll above to lead article for those who've not caught the latest). Since the Benevolent Mission much has now changed around the planet, it's a much more fluid situation. However, many still either have that karma or are still locked into the inertia of the energy. It's definitely a brave thing to share, and helps illuminate tremendously, so thankyou β₯οΈ
For anyone who struggles to express emotion, gets excessively bogged down in depressive inertia, or is hypersensitive in the physical, these are traits of having previously been incarnated as a grey. But once you understand that, then it becomes possible to work through the karma and let it go. Also to be aware that even if it was a past life, it's possible there's still some kind of connection into that group going on - the chord needs to be cut.
I also felt to speak about the risk that lightworkers might have excessive compassion. Understanding and empathy is important, of course. But let's be clear what they've been, and are, responsible for - the heartless manipulation of human DNA in the most discompassionate, brutal and systematic of ways. Anyone who has a family member now suffering the adverse effects of the experimental vaxx would rightly feel deeply aggrieved. And that's just the latest in a long history right back to the inception of Homo Sapiens. Having had direct past life experience of being hybridised during the time of Atlantis, injected whilst awake, I can tell you it is one of the most unpleasant experiences I can recall in my existence.
The greys are programmed to do this. It's not their fault as such. However, I would certainly caution against excessive compassion. This would play right into their victim distortion and maybe even encourage the inertia of no need for change. That distorted incarnation needs to be dealt with, promptly, to alleviate the mass planetary suffering. And rest assured it will be. Where there's no returning to the light, the energy will be fragmented through the galactic core as we build to the culmination of the Grand Galactic Convergence. Of course there's an open hand of redemption extended, but crystal clear clarity that this karmic energy will be returned to source, in a very determined and coherent way.
It's definitely time for all to decide: get on board now, because the Torus does not negotiate.
Open π
Meeting the Grey in me
In reply to Experience of being in Grey intervention: too much compassion? by Open
Thank you for sharing about these different experiences with Grey energy, it speaks directly into what I have been feeling as well the past week. And the notion of not showing excessive compassion really speaks to me. The sense of Grey energy has been blowing up in my field for a while now, although I didn't know it in the moment as I was identified with it. It felt like completely being lost and disconnected, and this has been there my whole life in different layers. The sense in me was that of a homeless, somewhat psychotic addict. Not being able to shift to being the observer, that's what the energy could lead to. Walking around the city feeling like this, I met a 21 year old homeless guy who became addicted to alcohol after the death of his mother. The feelings in me were amplified immediately as I connected to his field - awash with Grey entities - and listened to his story. He had a similar background and it was as if I was looking at myself. Within a minute I was overcome with an overwhelming sense of empathy and compassion, and even though a motherly sense in me wanted to help and fix, I did not act on it more than just meeting him exactly where he was at. Afterwards I spend time sitting with the feelings this meeting had brought up, it felt like a regression and reclaiming of a lost piece of me. The next day the Grey energy lifted somewhat and the complete sense of hopelessness and inertia I had been feeling for a while now dissolved to a degree, but more work needs to be done.
Hypersensitivity in the body
In reply to Meeting the Grey in me by .
Also what really spiked was the comment about hypersensitivity in the body and how that relates to a past life as a Grey. I wanted to ask why that is and how to work with it? Because one of the biggest distractions for me is my body, it constantly feels irritating to me and throughout the day most of my attention goes automatically to how uncomfortable it feels. It reacts also very strongly to even minor change, with a lot of deficiencies despite adequate supplementation. I know a lot is related to grounding in the base, but does that relate to Grey energy as well?
Hypersensitivity in the Body could be Grey Energy Experience
In reply to Hypersensitivity in the body by .
Hi Hannah,
Yes, one of the things I've come across in working with people who may have had an incarnation as a grey is hypersensitivity in the body. It's because the Greys are devoid of physical/emotional experience - they gain their pleasure through humanity more on the mental plane. But also I do believe the hybrid bodily vehicle they reside in is activated through electric vibration - to keep the soul enclosed. So there's a reactivity by the soul to that vibration.
If tall whites attempt to come into my field, I often feel them around the heart and head as a pulsing electric vibration. My response is to wrap them in the natural coherency of the Torus, whereupon they disappear very quickly.
How to deal with hyper physical and emotional sensitivity?
I would say the key is to confront the experiences where this triggers and work into it with transcendence - remember this is not an intellectual surrender. But rather an embodied feeling one. You're progressively "lowering yourself" into the experiences that trigger, but then softening through with empowered breakthrough breathing.
It will be essential to unravel self-judgment at a bodily level. Maybe it becomes easier to accept, knowing that there's potentially a past life or external cause for it?
Love and well wishes
Open ππ
Food For Thought...
In reply to Experience of being in Grey intervention: too much compassion? by Open
Thank you Open and Miha, your responses have given me much food for thought.
There was a powerful pull to post my experience yesterday, which now makes me wonder if I was unwittingly used to express the Greys' victimhood distortion.
I had thought I'd worked through this karma, but since I relocated to Glastonbury, a lot has come up for me with the Greys, especially a sense that their collective consciousness didn't want to let me go, even though I thought I had cut the cords. I now realise that I need to explore more deeply, as you have both helped me recognise that too many of the Grey traits remain for comfort. It is not always easy to recognise what is 'mine' (for want of a better word) and what may, in fact, not be mine at all, especially as, like Miha, many, if not all, of these traits have been with me the whole of my life. Even writing this brings up interesting internal reactions of both fear and excitement as I consider the implications of this.
I take Open's point about excessive compassion. I absolutely do not condone the appalling things which have been perpetrated by the Greys (and possibly me as one of them) and which fill me with horror and revulsion. Usually, I believe I manage to balance compassion with a very no-nonsense attitude when crimes are perpetrated by one being against another are involved, but I can also see that the pain of my own experience may have caused me to express in this way.
I am so grateful for these exchanges, which have opened up a whole area for me to work with which I thought had been resolved. Thank you for shining a light on thisπ.
Greys - A Different Perspective
I believe that I have had a former incarnation as a Grey and am fairly sue that a traumatic karmic memory that came up some time ago relates to this life and my 'transition' into one. I am sharing this because I thinks it might help people have compassion for the Greys, which can only help as we work to realign their energy. I know it's all to easy to see them as the 'bad guys', but even so, when I watch Open work with OC in it's numerous manifestations, I hear him tell them 'I feel your pain' and perhaps my experience will help your ability to do just this.
I have no idea if all Greys were created in the same way, but I have a feeling I was 'hijacked' in some way. I remember being surrounded by utter blackness both inside and out with a very clear awareness that I had lost connection with everything - those I cared about and most especially my connection with the Divine. I don't have the words to describe how completely and utterly devastating this felt - just the prospect of utter blackness and emptiness for eternity with no way back, just eternal nothingness, without even the option of self destruction to escape. I trust that my awareness of this did not last, at least I hope not, as if the Greys have no emotional bodies, presumably once fully 'transitioned' any emotional awareness of lack of it would no longer be felt.
It does not take a big leap of imagination to see why they are so attached to the collective consciousness or hive - it's all they have, all they know....
I can only assume a compassionate lightworker enabled me to escape from that appalling existence so I could becaome what I am today and I feel such deep gratitude for their help, which I probably didn't even realise I needed at the time.
Daily emotive connection to dispel grey energy
Hi everyone,
For me the grey energy hasn't so much come out as depression or even inertia. Instead it creeps into the day to day 'doing', so that it becomes somewhat joyless. Just completing the tasks at hand.
For me it seems to come from a kind of forced delayed gratification. I know how amazing it can feel when I've completed certain tasks which lead to a sense of fulfillment. But now the question I ask myself is, well "why can't I experience that fulfillment in each moment?"
I've realized the key is to consciously take time to connect with the emotions. Connecting with something that really touches me or gives me goosebumps. Then working that through my field and bring it into my every day activities. Driving, cleaning, work, speaking to people, time in nature, hobbies.
I'm currently looking out of my window and enjoying the tiny finches playing in the trees. The morning sunlight hits them and their shadows also dance across the ground. It makes me feel more perky, quicker in my vibration.
Warm wishes to all,
Reactivation of the Merkabah following dense grey energy π
07/02/2023 Shift Update
Thanks for all your responses to my posting on the Greys, Ann, Andy, Vimal & Sherri - it helps no end to illuminate what's going on for everyone else. Rather than ignoring it, then others are encouraged to work with it too. For anyone who hasn't read it yet, I would encourage scrolling up to the lead article above and especially reviewing the 7 ways to overcome this energy.
Yesterday I felt the group that had shattered and detached from the main party in the ether - lost souls with nowhere to go. It felt like a kind of "fizz" in the atmosphere, like that which you get when the tide comes ashore and creates froth. What can you do?
I created an anchored Toroidal field amongst a small copse of a few trees. I wanted it to be out of the way to a degree so that walkers wouldn't necessarily feel the density. Then through pranic breathing, on the out-breath expanded out like a huge net of light connecting with them, and on the in-breath breathing them into the Torus. It felt like connecting threads of light back to the core of the Torus.
It was tiring work though, since they carry so much dense energy. So if you try it, do be very careful how much you expose yourself to. Always keep bringing yourself back to your own centred, vibrant frequencies of energy.
Grey energy seems to slow down the Torus in people and places, interfering with the Spirit Light Body and Merkahbah. So I felt to draw attention to this article today, about activating the Merkabah in daily life. Essentially reactivation of it prepares us for Ascension, but also empowers daily living until the final shift...
Activating the Spirit Light Body in Daily Life for 5D Ascension
Well wishes to all
Open π
I felt heavy and dense too
The last few days I felt something was way off. Very lethargic, dense, no motivation, even though I was going to reply and share my inquiry and some of the symbols I'd seen in my dreams and were being shown to me again. I think the greys must have really been blocking me. I ended up just laying around on the couch doing a lot of nothing and napping. Watched some tv cooking shows but not interested in eating much. I've been doing more fasting than usual since our big storms and power outages last month. If it's dark and stormy...might as well fast so I have.
But after a couple of days of this really heavy stuff over the weekend, I knew this had to be an attack and not just myself so I worked at bringing the Torus in more. I hadn't even had the energy to drive a mile to the ocean it was so heavy on me. But after really focusing the Torus movement, today I got dressed in decent clothes, not my holey rags, and drove to the beach. The ocean must have had some really high waves, driftwood was scattered all over the parking lot and huge trees had been washed onto the rocks separating the parking lot from the ocean. I sat a while and enjoyed the immense wave energy of the incoming tide. It helped me feel better and then I came here and read what had happend with the Greys attacking over the weekend.
Even though I was under attack with all kinds of fearful thoughts that were relentless, and not immediately aware of what it was, my soul finally informed me that it was not me, it was an intense attack on me. So I will make some caffeinated Earl Grey Double Bergamot tea today and celebrate that I'm here for a reason and to keep moving forward! I read everyone's responses and they were all great. I have to say that Vimal's comment about running naked make me laugh. I didn't see it as any unwanted mental pictures, we're all designed with wonderful human bodies that should be celebrated. We came in naked so it's not shameful in my opinion. I only saw a joyful thought there for a second and it made me laugh, which I've needed after all the density of the attack.
So I say Thank You to Open and everyone else for the informing of what the Greys were doing. I'd realized it was an external attack before I saw the article today but reading here really uplifted my mood. Y'all are my soul family and I love each and every one of you!
Much love to all
Sherri the Sunny one
Beautiful bodies
In reply to I felt heavy and dense too by Sherri Sunnygirl
You are so right sherri. There is nothing shameful about our wonderful bodies and it's indeed something to be celebrated. Now I think about it, don't know why I wrote that. Thankyou for your comment. It's lightens my day. How beautiful you are ππ
Earl grey elegance
In reply to I felt heavy and dense too by Sherri Sunnygirl
Thank you Sherri the sunny one.
I shall have to try Bergamot tea. With earl grey, I see a little crown, as earl denotes nobility in the literature. And earl grey, the opening of the toroidal field via the crown for the greys. What a wonderful way of dealing with the attack you experienced, i really resonate with it after experiencing some wobbles on Sunday and coming out on Monday with profound feelings of peace and joy. Thank you for sharing your experience and thank you for saying you love every one of us, that sentiment is certainly returned.
phenomenal shift
i can't begin to articulate how fundamental a shift I feel has happened since the ascension exchanges session on Saturday. I felt a ball of density in my throat and a heaviness on my crown. I was preparing to speak but there was a feeling of negativity, I would be ridiculed, I wouldn't be heard, I had nothing to say. This was almost lingering under the radar, subtle at first, but then intensified and resulting in stabbing pains in my temple. As I spoke in the forum, it felt like a descending lead blanket trying to smother me. I felt an automatic response, 'I am sovereign, you will leave now', and then, 'I see you'. The response was a feeling of panic, like the energy had no more tricks or resources. It felt like the game was up. I couldn't help it, I kept repeating, 'I see you', I felt misery and fear in response.
Yesterday I drove south, over two hours. I was lighter, the nature around me was so much more alive and beautiful. I felt waves of gratitude and intensifying aliveness. My heart chakra seemed to be swelling. I wondered whether this was close enough to feeling 5D. And since then I am tremendously energised and connected. I am striking up conversations with all and sundry and receiving magical responses. Whoever I speak to, I see a light in their eyes reflected back to me. I am observing family politics calmly, without the slightest trigger or irritation, just feeling gratitude. My energy levels are through the ceiling.
So, that is where I am today. It's an incredible shift. I realise that I must work to hold and even progress with this feeling of centredness and connection. Thank you Open for your illumination and guidance. And thank you to our amazing rainbow tribe who I love to bits.
Healing the greys in the field
What a powerful event it was. I'm extremely grateful to be part of this work. It indeed feel like a major breakthrough that happened in the field and in my personal life. When I read the article above , I started crying for some reason. I think it was the recognition of truth - we have come here as star souls and how we are assisting in the benevolent mission.
I wrote an article in my page about my experiences with the Grey energy before and during the event. I'm sharing it here.
When I sat in meditation, all I could feel was an utter feeling of failure. My mind was streaming into my consciousness with limiting thoughts that I know are not mine: "You are not good enough; you are not worthy; you don't deserve love," and so on and so forth. Anyone who has done essential inner work and closely watched their thought patterns would undoubtedly recognize what I'm talking about. My body felt heavy, dense, and tired. There was every impetus to lie down, sleep, or do something to distract meβmaybe watch a movie, eat something, drink coffeeβa myriad of things we do to avoid the pain. But I persisted with the feeling. Because if there's one thing I know, it's that all pain and uncomfortable sensations are doorways to sovereign soul frequencies and expressions. All negative feelings are pathways to liberation.
I also knew something else. This is not the soul that I'm feeling. I know my natural soul frequencies. When I'm in my soul, I feel joyous, content, expressive, and fulfilled. I'm feeling the dense energies that are in the field what you could call grey energies. When we lower our vibration through addictive behaviors, dense food, and conditioned programs, we are essentially vibrating and resonating with the dense energies that are in the field. Possibly I was also connecting with the people around me who were in the same perilous situation, albeit unconsciously. After a while, these feeling sensations fade into the background of the body-mind like white noise, and we come to accept them as normal. We hardly ever notice anything wrong. Until we start to self-inquire and raise our vibration through spiritual practice.
But the question was: how do I identify with these energies? How do I resist them? What kinds of stories are built around it? As the One, all experiences can pass through us without resistance. It hooks into us because of an inner identification. What was that?
After a while, I knew that I was resisting the feeling of being a failure. I was buying into the concept of failure and how that's defined in our society. Who would naturally want to feel like that? But a natural realization flowed in from the higher dimensions.
Be a failure. It's ok.
So I allowed myself to be that without resistance. There was nothing in me that was resisting that experience anymore. I was as one with it. Paradoxically I was not identifying with it. The energies had nowhere to attach themselves anymore. I embodied it and showed it compassion. The energy spoke to them through the field - "It's okay to feel what you are feeling". The self-compassion I was feeling was felt by the grays in the field, and they were ready to pass on and join the natural flow of life.
My field became lighter at this point, and I felt the natural soul frequencies coming through once againβthe feelings I recognize well and that are natural to my beingβawesome self-acceptance, compassion, and contentment.
Little did I know that this was just the beginning of a more intense and powerful confrontation of Grey energy that was about to take place the next day at the Openhand gathering and Ascension exchange that I was attending.
Open began the gathering by one of his powerful sharing from the "void of presence" itself. Soon after one of the advanced facilitators in the group shared that the grey energies were with us. All of the participants were feeling this energy at this point. So often this energy slips into the background of our body and mind as we are used to medicating it with various behaviors. As the group started sharing about the energy I could feel my heart pounding. Usually, I consider this as my own feeling, but this time I was able to see it as a separate and intrusive energy. We all did the classic Openhand bow meditation together, and at the end of the meditation, I could feel the energy starting to detach and leave the group.
I started seeing visions of a stone structure exploding and emitting light and fire from within. I also saw myself running naked through the beaches of Goa! Sorry if it gives you some unwanted imagery, but I think this was how my mind wanted to interpret the freedom I experienced.
A powerful warrior and creative energy started to infuse the group at this point, which felt quite liberating and welcoming. We embodied the energy by playing and moving to some soulful music. Years of suppression, shame, and guilt were washed away by tears.
The Grey energy often feels like depression, inertia, tiredness, etc., which we usually medicate with coffee, sex, drugs, food, etc. It was clear that this energy was actually blanketing the true soul frequencies of commitment, joy, and passion so that we lead a limiting existence
But so much more possible if we are prepared to take off this limiting veil from within us. The name of the game is freedom. We are taking back our power from eons of control and suppression. We are coming home to who we really are!
....wash out the grey..
In reply to Healing the greys in the field by Vimal
Hey, Vimal,
what a wonderful post. You have very eloquently expressed your experiences of the grey energy and how you managed to overcome and shine through. Awareness is doubtless the key, to discern and know that these feelings are not our soul attributes. And to further take the step and compassionately plunge into those feelings fearlessly and let them dissolve as they have no true substance other than the power we give them . Together with the observations of other participants and Open's articles, I really feel so much more aware, particularly with feelings of inertia and the tendency to comfort eat at times. I must also work on the need for a reward after I have completed some group work. That expectation of pleasure can seep into a facilitation session or meditation and distract. I must also work on possible resentment towards the greys on a subconscious level. We learn through contrast so I honour the opportunities I receive that lead to a true sense of self and my divinity. I do smile when I picture you running naked through Goa. But this represents unashamed liberation and joy for me. Thank you for bringing clarity and illuminating honesty to this subject.
Homeostasis and not habit
In reply to ....wash out the grey.. by andyvaz
Hi Andy,
It was indeed great to see and work with you in the gathering. I really appreciated your observation about the grey energy influence . It did feel like you were speaking my mind. It's beautiful to see how we are so connected as a group.
Your observation about seeking reward is quite interesting. I don't see any problem in celebrating after the energy work or a breakthrough. Richards comment about delayed gratification is synchronistic to this subject. However I think we have to watch where our boundaries and not go into extremes. In other words to look for homeostasis.
I had a lesson about it after the gathering. I wanted to celebrate the breakthrough and the 'high' I was experiencing. So I had a strong coffee, played some music and danced with it which was indeed beautiful. But I could see how I was being carried away by that experience and ended up being awake whole night! I was tired the next morning. I write this while having a coffee ceremony and some music in a nearby beach cafe. I also skipped meals today and just had juice. So I'm in an inquiry as to how can I have the maximum benifit of these experience without it becoming simply habitual.
Vimal β¨π
boundaries, boundaries..
In reply to Homeostasis and not habit by Vimal
Yes Vimal, nothing wrong in celebrating, no need to throw out the baby with the bath water. It feeds into the celebration of life itself, intense gratitude at endless experience, the mystery unfolding before us, the surrender into infinite possibility. I note a redundant echo from my days as a 'catholic devotee', pulled up the aisle by the ear by mother to be offered as the new altar server to the priest.There were plenty of distortions surrounding celebration and pleasure there. The church seemed to dictate the rightness of emotion on its own terms, applying rectitude and control on the freedom of expression. But when the soul has achieved something aligned, completed a task, then celebration can be of order. This feeds into the subtlety of where the celebration becomes distorted, when one crosses the line and gets carried away as you put it. Whats lovely about this enquiry is that it's breathing life into my level of self awareness. That little 'grey area', ( pun intended) is now more visible. The extra slice of bread, that 2nd cup of coffee, that bluster in conversation when silence would have served better... suddenly a new level of self enquiry and observation is activated. I fully identify with Richard's observation about daily tasks becoming joyless. I'm not sure I fully understand what he means by connecting with emotional joy and bringing that into the field. I find that when I have no expectation, of outcome, of the time factor, when I don't line up tasks and think about the next ones, when I simply and quietly get about my business, that I engage in a flow where tasks are efficiently completed. The feeling in performing those tasks, washing up, cleaning, is one of neutrality, absorbed in the task in a way that is satisfying and balanced. The surge of fulfilment comes from observing the completed task. For me, being a bit of an over thinker probably provides amplifies grey interference, more opportunity to manipulate reactive emotion.
Infusing emotive aliveness
In reply to boundaries, boundaries.. by andyvaz
Hi Andy,
What I mean about connecting with the emotional aliveness and infusing it through my field is - connecting with things I feel really touched by. Could be a piece of music or the way the sunlight hits my face in the morning. It has an element of sacredness to it that opens me up to both joy and grief. Then, when I feel things becoming too mechanical and grey, I remember that feeling, accessing a reflection of it inside. It makes everything more alive.
Of course, that's just me and my own configuration. For others it might be totally different.
sounds sweet
In reply to Infusing emotive aliveness by Richard W
This reminds me of my recent post concerning Tools, Richard. It sounds a bit like a step sideways to me, perhaps a bit of intentional manipulation of the field. But that would constitute a tool in my understanding, sort of leading to formless form by using mental disciplines to kick start or intensify the sensation of sacred ground. As I implied before, like using mantras or techniques to counter programming. In my understanding, it's a dance between the upper and lower mind during which the soul infusion gradually overrides ego control. I'm probably being pedantic and it's a great concept which I will definitely try. There's just a tiny doubt somewhere that this may violate authentic expression in some way although I can't articulate why. Maybe I'm learning to be more fluid and flexible with my enquiries. Thank you so much for your engagement.
I think you're right to pick out Homeostasis π
In reply to Homeostasis and not habit by Vimal
I think you're right, Vimal, to pick up on Homeostasis as an important key in all of this. It's the steady background state that opens up for the source of True Being - the Sacred Ground. Different states can then arise and dance upon it, but ideally its the place we keep returning to.
And I agree Rich, sweet little experiences on a regular basis during the day stop that becoming mundane. It counteracts life becoming too monotone.
And I do believe that this state needs to be accessible, and naturally there, without some kind of "medication" - that's where it becomes fertile ground for intervention.
Well wishes - great exchanges and illumination here π
Open π
We are all being called upon to do something
Thank you Open for such a powerful, informative post. When I read it this spiked for me, "if you're an energy worker able to undertake this empathic work, then you are invited by benevolence to do so". The following message came through from a Star Being group and feels really important to share.
Not all of us consider ourselves energy workers able to help create a bridge to the angelic realm. It's important not to fall into the trap of thinking there's nothing you can do, that's exactly what BS, RA and AI are counting on. We can all use the powerful roadmap of the 7 ways to remove Grey energy from your field. That will loosen the grip BS, RA and AI have and will help greatly in re-aligning the Greys still in the field.
Much love,
A lot of liberated Orions in the field need your help π€²
I'm being told by the Benevolent Mission that, following the benevolent action over the Feb Full Moon, there are plenty of liberated Orions buzzing around the field, a little lost and bemuzed by what happened - they're in need of channelling back to the light of the Torus. So if you're an energy worker and know how to empathically connect with them, then your support would be greatly appreciated in the immediate days ahead.
Open π
Openhander feedback from powerful full moon Ascension Exchanges
I felt to share this feedback we just received from a participant at the amazing Ascension Exchanges that took place on Feb 4th. These events are becoming unmissable in the shift...
Thank you so much for today β s Exchange on Zoom. I feel the need to express my gratitude.
The last meditation was inmensly powerful for me.
But the whole morning lead up to this point. It highlighted a lot.
I thought I started from a fairly clean body/mind but soon I realised it was also inertia and handing over power to what I hoped this retreat was going to do for me. I could not feel the power to be in my own powerful field anymore. I was not really aware of that.
All through the morning the bits and pieces where coming together.
In the last meditation I felt (and maybe still feel) a strong energy around my right temple and cheek which was not mine. After feelings of victim hood where highlighted in myself and I realised what was going on, I could stongly reconnect with my own flow again. I really felt my own warrior coming through by not Allowing anything other than my own energies in my field.
So what happend really was that I have found my own sovereignty and strength back. Because the energies of this morning Made this clear for me.
So thank you Open and all the others present for holding this space for me and eachother, so we can all become conscious of what is going on.
What a teamwork was that ππͺπΎ π
I urge everyone to explore how to remove Grey Energy π½
This was a major concerted action by Benevolence in the Field to engage the Grey intervention here, following their expected surge during the full moon of February 4th. It's a major positive development that I encourage all to read.
To be clear, even though the coherency of the Grey collective has been seriously broken at a planetary level, each much still work diligently at a personal level to remove that depressive energy of inertia that keeps people stuck in ruts and old patterning. That's why I included 7 ways to break the energy down in your field (scroll up).
These are exciting and adventurous times in the shift indeed!
Bright blessings to all
Open ππ
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