Merkabah and the 5D Human
The Shift is terraforming life on the planet by the day, with the shadow reacting through it's ongoing attempts to divert and derail. In this seminar from Glastonbury, I'm exploring how to navigate through changes, such as the restructuring financial system, by activation of the Merkabah. What is that? How can we lay down a path of light with it?
Passing through
I am a traveller.
From whence did I come?
The Mind of the Creator!
Where two? The Singularity
How the Merkabah helps us navigate massive changes in society 💎
We shot this video at a recent seminar in Glastonbury, exploring the massive ongoing changes in the Shift and especially the underpinning financial system of society. How can activation of the Merkabah help you navigate through?
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