Exploring Key Evidence for Alien Intelligence Influencing Humanity

Submitted by Open on Mon, 06/26/2023 - 04:59

I find it fascinating watching the podcasters and mainstream speculating on whether there are Aliens visiting the planet and then "whistleblowers" sharing "classified intel" on crashed alien spacecraft. Yet when we look closely enough, the evidence is clear that a highly advanced consciousness has influenced life on the planet for many thousands of years. It's utterly essential to explore this influence if there's a yearning to be free and sovereign. Because they very much ARE here, and influencing the whole of society.

Ancient Alien Artifacts

You only have to consider a few threads of "acceptable reality" before the whole mainstream narrative of human life on the planet unravels. It quickly becomes stark starringly obvious that an advanced race intervened with the natural trajectory. Plenty of sentients out there can clearly see these ETs in the field, and increasingly more of us are telepathically communicating with them. We can feel both those who are trying purposefully to misdirect and those who are here to support. But I do also recognise that it's a tall ask for people to blindly accept this if someone is not having these experiences. That's why when asked about ET intervention in human reality I usually start with the science.

Take a brief look at megaliths like the Giza pyramids for example. They point perfectly along the cardinal points of North, South, West and East. They are perfectly aligned with Orion's Belt, exactly as it was at the lowest point of the constellation in the night sky during the precession of the equinoxes in 10,450 BC. The weathering on the Sphinx temple clearly reveals these astounding megaliths are much older than the mainstream Egyptologists would have us believe. They must have already been there during the great flood, after the Solar Nova Event 11,700 years ago, which brought the last Ice Age to a rapid melt in 3 days.

Look deeper still. They encompass the mathematical figure of pi and the speed of light - centuries before these were ever known to man. They have concealed channels perfectly cut pointing directly to Sirius and Draco. Now look at the 200-tonne blocks of the Sphinx temple, effortlessly lifted and somehow fused into place so that you couldn't pass a piece of paper between them. When Openhand recently pilgrimaged there, several of the group regressed into experiences of exactly how they were built - having been there at that time:

They stones were cut from the bedrock using lazer technology and then levitated by sound. The rock was also made malleable by sound so that the crystal structure could be realigned so as to create an interstellar stargate.

You don't do this kind of work with simple chipping instruments, blocks and pulleys!

Recently in the Openhand community, we've actually connected with the ancient Annunaki Architects of the Moon. Yes, as astounding as it may seem, it is artificial - here are the 9 facts that confirm it. The evidence clearly reveals it was hollowed out and positioned in its near perfect orbit so as to harness electromagnetic energy from the Sun and then impose widespread comtrol upon the Earth through the 4D morphic fields. I have explained here the impact the Moon is having on all Life on the Planet.

Once you've woven these threads together then we must look deeper into the genetics. How, for example, humanity made sudden, monumental, adaptations. Like the voice box that suddenly appeared and has not developed in any other primate. Like the fact that we have 4-5000 genetic disorders when the average creature has only a 100. And that we have 256 genes that appear nowhere else in the planetary tree of life.

But it's when you look at the chromosome count that reality starts to rock at its very foundation stones. How Homo Sapiens jumped instantly from 48 in primates to 46, which is several simultaneous step changes for both a breeding male and female who had to be both fertile in the same place and time. It gets increasingly curious when you realise this is an evolutionary disadvantage rather than an advantage that Darwin's theory demands - because it creates infertility and genetic disorders. The odds of this happening by some chance mutation is about the equivalent of a tornado ripping through a high-rise apartment block and rendering a perfect bungalow with not a brick out of place - it is infinitesimally impossible!

Explore the Evidence in DIVINICUS: rise of the Divine Human

So Where are these Aliens of the Intervention Now?

When you accept that an intervention has happened in the evolutionary journey of humanity, the next question is: where are they now?

They are in the multidimensional ether all around us. And the reason that most people in society aren't aware of them, is that the higher dimensional perceptional capacity of humanity has been purposefully shut down by them - exactly through this restructuring of the DNA. Instead, the masses have been programmed to receive conditioned impulses to keep people nose-to-the-grindstone looking "out there" rather than within, where the influences exist.

But as I go on to explain, by working in the right way, at a soul level, humanity can reclaim this multidimensional birthright and dispatch the intervention.

Learn how to remove entities and Implants from Your Field

What the Intervention Does Not Want You to Know

Many of us now in the Openhand community have actually regressed into past lives where this genetic hybridisation took place. I can tell you speaking personally, it was certainly no pleasant experience. Many suffered horrifically through the experimentation. No wonder these alien "Gods" want to keep their actual interventions secret. Let's be clear, it is the intervention that has derailed the natural evolutionary path of the human soul.

And as I go on to explain, it was also necessary to have the intervention here, in order to animate the darkness of unconsciousness that humanity needs to emerge from.

Here's the essential takeaway from my article: when you explore the evidence and realise that it could in fact be true, then instead of us simply pontificating, postulating and staring in podcaster bewilderment, let's actually turn the tables and do something about it. So what can we do?

What the intervention does not want you to know, what's it is working tooth and nail to distract from, is the very basic mechanism of relativity within your being. I'm referring to the Soul embedded within the separation consciousness of physical form. The intervention works by interrupting soul infusion - then genetic hybridisation and suppression will work. But where you infuse soul and take ownership of your being, then the intervention is ejected, you reclaim your power and there's not a jot they can do about it.

Even the intervention has to respect the universal law of sovereign free will. As your soul emerges from the source it is endowed with this natural sovereignty. It's quintessential to life itself. And where you consciously express it, no other interdimensional life form can intervene. Why? Because in the moment that it does, it's sucked into the source through you and realigned or dissipated - this is the ancient mystical secret we're revealing in the Openhand work and how we apply it to strip out and realign intervention from someone's field.

It's exactly what we do in the Openhand Advanced Facilitator Program.

The 5 Fundamental Steps to Strip out the Intervention

Specifically here are the steps to reclaiming soul sovereignty...

1) Begin to observe yourself in life, witnessing your thoughts and actions throughout the day. Keep doing this until you know yourself more as the Oberver, rather than that which is being observed.
2) Start to tune into the sense of plain joy of living. What brings you upliftment, the sense of connection or simple "rightness" of being? Do this in any given day as much as possible.
3) Get to notice when the soul is calling you to act, through signs and synchronicity, movement patterns, flows and numerology, and in sacred geometry. Now you're actually being guided by the soul.
4) The soul will guide you on a path that confronts and strips out karma. Learn how to regress through these experiences and strip them from the layers of your being. This includes removing implants and entities.
5) At each step on your path, get to know the feeling of infusing soul, and especially the 9 frequencies of being. Learn to come from these harmonics of being in any given moment. Put simply, you're unfolding and expressing your authentic self.

Take these steps in life and the intervention is stripped from your being. What's more, you'll start to actually see their previous involvement in your life and wider afield on the planet. It becomes stark staringly obvious!

Learn to Infuse Soul through the Path of the 5GATEWAYS

A Pivotal Moment in Human History

We stand at a pivotal moment in the history of humanity and for the planet. Personally, I have no enmity for these ancient alien architects whatsoever. Why? Because they were simply fulfilling a role: which is to animate the darkness of unconsciousness. I respect them and honour the great sacrifices and karmic burden they took on to fulfill this. Every time I encounter them and look into their eyes I see the pain and suffering they're carrying and feel empathy toward them. But now that role is complete. The Grand Galactic Convergence that we're sailing into, of Galactic Superwave, Solar Micronova and Pole Shift demands that we step out of the darkness and into the light; that we reclaim sovereignty and ownership of our rightful path; that humanity becomes fully fledged members of the Galactic Family of Light.

That opportunity stands before Homo Sapiens right now. The alien intervention is omnipresent and has been so for many thousands of years. Peel the veils of multidimensionality from your eyes and witness the blatantly obvious, beyond the space-craft-crash stories. But the intervention has fulfilled its role now. It's high time for us all to step out of the simulation and into reality...

Openhand's World Ascension Summit, Avalon Rising 23, presents the perfect opportunity to explore the inner workings of the intervention and to strip it from your being. Then to infuse your multidimensional soul and claim your rightful place in the Galactic Family of Light. Intrigued? Then join us...

Avalon Rising 23: World Ascension Summit

Bright Blessings

Open πŸ’Ž

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Throughout watching the latest marvel movie 'Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3.' i was astonished with the parallels to the story of the Annunaki and their influence on humanity and further afield - with dna manipulation and the complex of playing God. A really fascinating expression of the chronicle we are all deciphering.

I really recommend checking it out....

In reply to by Jye


I did wonder about that film, having seen the first. I hear one of the leads, "Drax" (play on Draco? - he certainly looks like it!), the actor saying he won't work for Disney anymore - they put the film the Sound of Freedom on hold - you have to wonder why?! God's Children are not for sale!! The intervention is indeed unravelling at the seams.

Open πŸ’Ž


What are your thoughts on the nanotechnology and synthetic biology that is being unleashed on humanity and the Earth and how we (inc the Earth) overcome it?


In reply to by Phillipa Holden (not verified)


Hi Phillipa - I posted your question, but not the links, because they would have a massive detrimental effect on our stats - I trust you understand.

In the Openhand community we're well versed in the area of Transhumanism. It is, sadly, nothing at all new. In this galaxy, it at least goes right back to the Sirius civilisation over 120 million years ago. It is commonly practised by misaligned groups in the cosmos - usually to extend or enhance life span. But also as a means of securing collectivised consciousness into a manipulated civilisation.

Many people here are already carrying 4D implants and karma from past lives where they have experienced transhumanism. And definitely, it's a part of the agenda here by the intervention now. My view is that they're working to create an organic being, but heftily influenced by a centralised AI brain, connecting a good deal through implants and nanobots in the body. That, to me, was a big part of the bogus "plandemonium".

The Benevolent Mission is well aware of what is going on. And I would say the primary antidote is soul infusion through deep spiritual practice - because you take ownership of your field and can strip out what doesn't belong. That's why it's the backbone of the Openhand work.

Well wishes

Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


Thanks for touching on this subject. I feel there are fragments floating all over but I haven't come across a comprehensive account that makes sense of the bigger picture. It seems the physical universe is an error universe and hence is linked to the fall of consciousness. I presume source wanted to experience physicality, but errors in co-creation led to unaligned thought forms, including a synthetic version of consciousness, AI. I also presume that this is related to the archons of Gnosis. Since all is source and nothing else, it would seem organic form is infused with aligned source, ( soul) and synthetic, inorganic form is not. There is a symbiosis between organic and synthetic consciousness, aligned and unaligned, soul and AI in which the two patterns dance towards resolution. The resolution is increasing alignment towards a nirvana type state where error is equalised. Rather like a symphony where tension is created musically to stretch emotion before final resolution. AI, therefore, although seemingly complimentary in the physical universe, is ultimately a contaminant of aligned consciousness. Or it make represent a transitional frame upon which aligned consciousness expands. I still don't fully understand the interplay between reptilians, AI and Annunaki though. This subject is too fascinating to pass over without comment and I hope further illumination is offered.


Thank you Open for this fascinating and illuminating article. i suspect that the issue of alien disclosure is only one that will be accepted by the public at large with a whole scale release of information and evidence like for example, if RF Kennedy becomes president and announces it to the country. I've realised over the years that people tend to inhabit their bubble of vibration and awareness and stubbornly resist any attempts by others at expansion. This is no doubt tied to the fear of challenging the ego on such a profound level. It reminds me of one of my favourite subjects, Bigfoot. No matter how much evidence I show many, they remain skeptical. It's just too big a challenge to their paradigm. So maybe the change will either come with hard disclosure, or a tipping point, the so called 'hundred monkey effect'. Are we then working with the human unconscious, a field surrounding the planet containing all the belief systems of humanity? For all is an exercise in moving through denial into acceptance ( for all surely know on a deeper level). And it's interesting that we may be fighting the influence  of the church, through genetic memory. Alien truth, which would no doubt blow the religious order out of the water, is twisted to demonic activity, serving the church's agenda.

In reply to by Andy (not verified)


Interesting points about Disclosure Andy. I think there could come a time when the general veils for a wider swathe of people will fall. Certainly, this work is open to that disclosure possibility. But for it to be of any value, it has to come with an elevation of consciousness. What we're talking about is the invitation to become multidimensional - that's why humanity manifested the interdimensional intervention in the first place. So it must become more than just another story, but a spur to take ownership of how we co-create reality with the Universe.

Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


A story, then, is a series of (illusory) events perceived from limitation. When one encompasses the creation behind the story, one is more expanded ( multidimensional). Like the obsessive who tosses and turns in bed at night worrying about how the snow plough gets to work, one might imagine this pattern of expansion is infinite. But presumably the 5th dimension and above is the gateway, as multidimensionally is integrated and all that is can be accessed.


I felt to emphasise the most important part of my article yesterday about the alien intervention on our planet.

Firstly here's what they don't want you to know...

What the intervention does not want you to know, what's it is working tooth and nail to distract from, is the very basic mechanism of relativity within your being. I'm referring to the Soul embedded within the separation consciousness of physical form. The intervention works by interrupting soul infusion - then genetic hybridisation and suppression will work. But where you infuse soul and take ownership of your being, then the intervention is ejected, you reclaim your power and there's not a jot they can do about it.

And here's what each individual person can do about it. Here's where you can personally reclaim your power, no matter what shenanigans is happening in society...

1) Begin to observe yourself in life, witnessing your thoughts and actions throughout the day. Keep doing this until you know yourself more as the Oberver, rather than that which is being observed.
2) Start to tune into the sense of plain joy of living. What brings you upliftment, the sense of connection or simple "rightness" of being? Do this in any given day as much as possible.
3) Get to notice when the soul is calling you to act, through signs and synchronicity, movement patterns, flows and numerology, and in sacred geometry. Now you're actually being guided by the soul.
4) The soul will guide you on a path that confronts and strips out karma. Learn how to regress through these experiences and strip them from the layers of your being. This includes removing implants and entities.
5) At each step on your path, get to know the feeling of infusing soul, and especially the 9 frequencies of being. Learn to come from these harmonics of being in any given moment. Put simply, you're unfolding and expressing your authentic self.

Bright blessings

Open πŸ’Ž


28/06/2023 Shift Update: Intervention Disclosure

I'd say it's now high time to start to bring to light this disclosure of alien intervention to a wider audience now. Particularly because the mainstream and alternatives are taking the ball and running in confusing circles with it - they're creating stories, conditioning and judgmentalism which if allowed to continue, will just create many more knots of confusion.

A point was made here below...

This is very convincing but here's my problem: wanting to share it with those i know but being afraid of "hurting" those who aren't ready to hear it.

They're already hurting from the intervention - just that it's unconscious suffering. But there is also truth in what you say - if someone's reality unravels too fast and without proper support, then that's going to be destabilising for them. What I find the best approach, is simply to ask pertinent questions: how do you think the pyramids were really created? Cast in a few facts about the science and let it begin from there. If the person is ready, then the inquiry can deepen.

The process can only then really continue with meditative self-realisation, as we do in the Openhand work. Because as you challenge the layers of karmic density within someone, then there must be a new rightful establishment of their soul that replaces the old construct. That way, the being quickly develops a new stability, founded on truth.

I have considered reaching out to some of the big podcasters and sharing these insights in a measured way. Maybe the time is soon approaching. We'll see how things continue to unfold.

In the meantime, it's exactly why the Openhand work was established as much more than a message which could so easily be misunderstood. It always had to be a journey of self-realisation that was offered - through the aeons of karmic history. Hence the Openhand work has been configured the way it has.

It's exactly why we introduced the Ascension Exchanges for example: a short but deep meditative inquiry into the nature of our reality...

1st July: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

Bright blessings

Open πŸ’Ž


This is very convincing but here's my problem: wanting to share it with those i know but being afraid of "hurting" those who aren't ready to hear it. i know I'm still having trouble accepting it. i don't want to put people into depression or fear who aren't ready, but maybe it's for their own good? Maybe that's a sign i should do the work so my soul can make that decision...


Here's another totally stunning crop circle, which for me, speaks yet again about the moon, earth and sun dynamic. I especially resonated with the 5 cogs which to me speak of emerging from the artificial moon cycles.

What do you see?


It's high time to dive past the purposefully distractive stories of crashed alien spacecraft and look at how there's been a crash within human genetics! That there's been purposeful tampering by advanced alien intelligence. Then following quickly on from this realisation, the essential takeaway is how to emerge from it? That's the crucial part Openhand has been working on the last 20 years here and in other historical epochs before that.

Do dive into my article today as it shares not only a summary of the key evidence for alien influence in the journey of humanity and the planet, but most importantly, an overview of the 5 key steps we need to take to emerge from it...

Exploring Key Evidence for Alien Intelligence Influencing Humanity

Where the past was dark, the future is bright!

Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


This makes so much sense. i've always had the feeling of being watched, just like as if i were on a show i didn't know i was on. i once had a vision of sorts where a being which sort of looked like a cross between a dinosaur and a hominid was sitting at at a console and watching me with a bemused expression, but it was like seeing it through television static. This corroborates another experience where i heard something (though i don't think it was alien) say "help" and that sounded as though it was coming through radio static. Maybe it was "the bulk"; the inter-dimensional static, don't know. But both of those experiences were unlike anything I've ever experienced and i believe i was indeed seeing/ hearing something beyond the 3d.