The New Earth: Land of the Free, Home of the Brave

Submitted by Open on Tue, 07/04/2023 - 03:49

There is so much shifting and unravelling in the field right now, it's like a strong breeze of fresh, higher dimensional air is stirring the soul and uplifting our wings. The soul of humanity is coming awake in a new way, with a new determination and vibrancy. Where the state once determined our sovereignty, now people are becoming self-determined, self-sovereign. There are still many veils to strip away, but have no doubt they are falling thick and fast...

An Elevation of Consciousness

The nature of a Shift is that it's an emergence from an old state of consciousness. And what we must realise, is that we also manifested that consciousness, that there's a binding into it. And in this case, even human DNA is enfolded within it. So you can't simply switch the old construct off. That would be catastrophic. It must be transformed, progressively, over time, by each person going within and taking ownership of their own field.

It can only be this elevation of consciousness that will truly work. Because then each becomes a beacon of the New Paradigm, rippling that light through the field, causing others to come awake. Let's be clear, you cannot prescribe the 5D paradigm, you cannot logic or plan it. It's a consciousness that has its own vibrancy and freedom. From the flow of consciousness itself, an ecosystem weaves and creates, one that honours all sentient life. But to be clear, its the highest aligned version of the soul that is being honoured, not one that is still contorted or perverted by the ego. Hence we know it becomes widely serving to aligned living.

Sound of Freedom

There is a new film out today, the 4th of July, called S0und of Fr33dom (title disguised due to purposeful censorship by search engine Bots) which is about one tremendously brave soul who has been working tirelessly to illuminate the travesty of human trafficking, which as we've come to know, is sadly woven into the fabric of the old shadow state. But the most uplifting thing about this story is, that despite the mainstream trying to block and suppress its release, the movie is now out in theatres around the US, and outselling many mainstream movies of the time, like Indiana Jones. To me, this film is about true heroism...

Pivotal Moment in History

The movie comes at a pivotal moment in history where the shadow agenda is unravelling thick and fast. Humanity, everyone, has been "trafficked" by an intervention since the very inception of Homo Sapiens. The soul has been temporarily hijacked. But only temporarily. Because now the call of freedom is awakening and rippling through the field in so many ways.

Yes it's hard to look into the shadow - the karmic trauma of past lives that people are still living with. But once we have the courage to do so, then we start to equalise with it as the One. It's hold on us softens and breaks. The soul stirs through, in whatever way is appropriate in your life.

Have no doubt a wave of freedom is sweeping through the Old Paradigm. All it now takes to amplify that, is for each of us to open to the resonance of soul, that is your own, and express it out into the world in your own unique way.

Sound of Victory

I've nver heard The Star-Spangled Banner sung like this before, by a lady who was shunned from singing it by the NFL because she exercised her free will NOT to get the "juice" during the time of the "Plandemonium". Let it become a rallying call on this 4th of July to souls around the world, that the New Paradigm of 5D Earth will indeed be the land of the free, the home of the brave...

I wonder how you will express that sense of freedom today, and each and every day hence?

Bright blessings to all in this Great Shift of Planetary Consciousness.

Open 💎

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This certainly is a 'sneek peek' into the darker aspects, but still has a long way to go.  Maybe, like other films these days, where they are split into 2/3/4 movies there will be other films exposing the higher levels of corruption and trafficking, exposing the celebs, politicians, world leaders etc.  But too much at one time, I guess, is too much for the newly truth seeking initiate to take as it would probably make it unbelievable and therefore would not raise the interest!  Small steps..


Oh glory day! Getting all emotional. A breeze of fresh air indeed! I say Caviezel for VP! And Victoria's voice is beautiful! Again, shame and regret that I let them jab me over a job that was killing my soul😥 and now having to deal with the distortions it has created. won't happen again! So much to learn about courage but I see myself one day, standing true to myself against the controllers and against all odds and with self-sacrifice, becoming the warrior I know I can be. May it be so! FREEDOM!!!


I just watched a video on YouTube. I’ll link below) in which the local council of Glastonbury discuss the Orwellian measures being cleverly implemented across the UK including the CBDC new finance system and the restrictions cloaked under the terms “net zero” and “saving the climate” whereby they aim to have these changes in place before 2030.

The local council of Glastonbury is showing the way for the rest of the UK that we don’t have to accept these ridiculous abuses of our freedoms. At moments in the video I was filled with goosebumps and an encouraged spirit for the mission we are on. 💙


Well here it is, the Fak3stream is having a meltdown over the S0und of Fr33dom (I'm having to disguise my words because our web traffic is now being hammered by the web bots - but hey, there comes a time when it's neither convenient nor expedient, yet it must be done). As I said in my podcast above, the shadow agenda is unravelling.

In reply to by Open


Sigh. No wonder I'm so tired of people, why I hate them so much sometimes. And yes this is coming from ego and lower understanding but it's where I'm at right now. Angry. Molested as a child so feel this more personally. Assholes trying to stifle the truth because of their own egos. Why would anyone deny it or turn it into some political agenda unless they themselves are active participants? I can't think of any other reason people who claim to be woke and by extension should be fighting for these children would instead waste their time diverting attention from the truth. FUCKING SICK. They don't get they are as bad as the perpetrators. The fact that there are so many people out there who create a market for this vileness is what really burns me. And Hollywood? They are the biggest market for this of anyone. No wonder I have trust issues. Guilt and shame I participate and consume their products ie movies. Seriously rethinking that. WTF is wrong with this place?!? Makes me look forward to the shift really; it feels like the sickness of this place can't be healed. And many don't want it to be. But then there's the bright side, where so many people don't stand for horrors like this and support the greater good, thank god. Must focus on that, the path of light through the dark forest of atrocity. And I'm sure there's much more than this out there. I'm going over to give this movie support, thanks for the truth Open, getting sick of anything less now. 🙏🤍🤍🤍barb

In reply to by sylvanheart


Hi Barb, I totally understand why anyone might feel what you've expressed, especially if you've experienced some kind of abuse yourself. My heart goes out to you ♥️

The Openhand Breakthrough Approach is to express what genuinely comes up for us, so as to be clear we're not avoiding some kind of karmic trigger. However, where that becomes projectional at the perpetrators, then the risk is that you become a channel for that very energy you rail against - in this case "Black Snake" energy. The risk is to actually channel that through your being by projecting the sense of victimhood.

Instead, it's essential to empower oneself in the situation by asking the difficult question: what did I manifest it in my landscape? Why am I triggered by it? The to take ownership by working into the energy. That way you equalise with it as the One and clear it. That would be my recommendation to you.

Well wishes

Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Thank you Open, your support and understanding are greatly appreciated. And of course you're right! I'm struggling with projecting and channeling, not just with that issue but with the issue of unhealthy attachments and anger and resentment at people who, because of my over-giving over-sharing over-sympathizing then treat me as though I'm obligated to coddle them and take care of them. It comes straight from the dynamic between my younger sisters and I, and learned from my mother who vascillated between rejecting and then over-giving from guilt, and my father who's caring and attention where very inconsistent. Very poor boundaries. I do exactly the same thing though and I have so much rage when people start demanding from me in any way or try to attach to me out of neediness (which I myself also have a habit of doing, tho that seems to be fading) because I don't know how to detach without using anger which of course makes them angry and vindictive. Same old shit. but then I reciprocate the anger people project on me, trapping myself in this ugly low vibing dynamic. Channeling the black snake. It knows me well and exploits me and It's my own fault. It's so frustrating and I just can't seem to let it go; my ego won't let it go!!! but at least I'm aware of it now. And I'm starting to use your technique of not dropping it yet or looking for a fix, or even focussing on the other's behaviour as what created it when I know full well I create this everywhere I go. Sorry for taking up your time I know you're busy and I have the ascension exchange to address this but it's such a big hurdle and with the 777 and extra solar activity directed at this neck of the woods it's been coming up in relationships and I desperately want to be free of this prison! Needing an outcome. I even had a vision where I was a rocket but I was just circling the upper atmosphere because my sister was attached to the rocket. I blamed her but I see now I'm just as attached and it has to be me that truly lets go for good. I also had a vision of a black snake that was intertwined with my DNA. Anyway that's where I'm at, thanks for listening and for your very important reminders and redirection! All the best in Avebury, can't wait to see what comes out of it. Thanks again🙏❤️

PS sorry for the language, still expressing that way, i sure do need to grow up!😉


This is all great, however you are still working in/with duality. What we really need to be working in is Unity consciousness.

In reply to by Barbara-Lynn (not verified)


With all due respect Barbara, you've gotten caught within the "non-duality" trap.

If there is only non-duality, then there is no relativity, no "this" and "that". You and I wouldn't be having this conversation. We'd be the same thing.

It's a common trap that people experience when they unfold into the 4D layers, experience everything as interconnected, consider it One, and don't go beyond that.

As we dig deeper through the layers, ultimately we come to the source. Into presence. Which is infinite potential that precedes consciousness - everything merges into the singularity - true unity. But, it doesn't end there. There arises a flowing dynamic, as the Torus: dynamic equilibrium between the absolute and relativity. And also cascading layers of Unity Consciousness. It has countless facets.

The paradox is, if you're not in the duality, then you can't be in the presence - because the two are interrelated. There has to be both. At the same time. The mind has to become accustomed to holding two apparently opposite truths as possible.

And there's an even simpler way of looking at this non-duality trap...

How do you define Unity Consciousness? It has qualities right? It's something you can describe and experience. Thus in the moment you define Unity Consciousness, you also define what Unity Consciousness is not. Unity Consciousness is therefore still a only fractal of the absolute.

Interesting that you posted your comment on this thread that talks about human trafficking. Does the fact that "we're all one" make it okay? At the level of the One - the absolute - we could say the One has manifested it and therefore it's necessary to experience. BUT, each soul, in the relative, in the duality, is forging and defining itself by its actions. I can say at the level of the One I accept this, but within my soul, I most vehemently don't.

You need to go deeper.

Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

I still don't get your point? My personal experience is of 'this' and 'that' - in the relative world, but I have no meaning as such to assign to it? thus it's a 'Non-Dual' perspective. I'm aware of 'evil' or 'bad' or 'disgusting' phenomena - such as human trafficking in this case. And on a Soul level I feel a deep compassion and empathy - sadness even. But it doesn't affect me anymore. That's what my whole spiritual path was about - overcoming all ordinary human reaction's. Now I'm plugged into Unity Consciousness. I do see that it's karma playing out. And I'm not even sorry that many people don't know that. Such is the trust I have in the 'Creator'. Only a lesser consciousness would be reacting? Projecting their own self-pity onto the world. Surely? Do enlighten me.

Elaine 🧘🏽‍♀️

In reply to by Elaine77 (not verified)


Hi Elaine, yes I'm with you, in finding the place where one is not triggered by events such as this - to be able to equalise with the situation.

You originally said...

This is all great, however you are still working in/with duality.

Do you mean I am, by writing the piece? Or do you mean others are, by being wrapped up in the situation?

For me, it depends on what you mean by "duality". I think a lot of people in the spiritual mainstream band the word around when what they're actually doing is simply detaching from the situation - dropping the hot coals but not actually becoming as one with the heat. So for me, I don't accept "non-duality" as some kind of spiritual truth. I often see distortion in how it is practiced. For me, true non-duality means I am being the absolute (the creator), but then at the same time, the absolute flows through me as the soul and yearns to express.

In the Openhand Approach, it's about recognising there is unique soul expression invited. I trust in the "creator" yes, but at the same time, I am the creator. And as that, there's an invitation to unleash the passion of the soul - and other qualities, especially in such emotive circumstances as these. My point is that we are the creator source, from which all manifested, AND AT THE SAME TIME, a unique soul having a unique journey of actualisation through these events.

To express passionately about something, does not necessarily mean to be triggered by it.

That's my point.

Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

I have no idea what Bab's originally meant.

I just noticed you were more triggered by the aspirations of unity consciousness comment than by calling out a self pitying ego. I know it's important to you not to drop the hot coals, but some people would do better by stop talking shit and growing the fuck up. How's that for the passion of soul?

Elaine 😊


In reply to by Elaine77 (not verified)


That doesn't come across as passion to me Elaine - but more like judgment and projection. Which definitely would be identifying with the "duality".
I would say true passion would have some empathy too.

PS - it is not the Openhand policy to tolerate rudeness on this site. This was only approved as a part of an ongoing dialogue. If you want your comments to be posted in future, please have some respect for other people and their journey.

Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

I came across your site when exploring the prospect of a practitioner who could instruct me on how to harness chi.

The only thing that seems to pique my interest of late is lighting a candle from across the room and suchlike.

I know this will come via grace and I've only to meditate. But perhaps you have other suggestions or ideas Open?


Elaine 🧘🏽‍♀️



In reply to by Elaine77 (not verified)


Dear Open and Elaine and Barb ,

I am in an interesting place in my life and I am sharing because it seems relevant .

I was in an abusive relationship with someone and thanks to my aversion for conflict it lasted fourteen years . In seperating and living alone I have discovered how I either go into spiritual bypassing ( my coping strategy since childhood) or a deep rage that feels like lava in my veins . Very similar to your very difficult experience Barb . I also feel a lot of heat in my heart area and in my base ( reconfiguring is the word I hear )

I am currently in the midst of filing for child support and despite wanting inevitably to settle out of court ,I find myself legally fighting an unpleasant battle in the most compromised,hopeless legal system in the world. I am very averse to fighting - I would rather just settle for the breadcrumbs he is offering me ,but something tells me this is what I need to do so I am challenging him in court . After being in denial for a decade and a half all my repressed fear and trauma bonding is coming to the fore . It feels awful . And my psyche inevitably wants to either lash out at my ex for treating me badly then and now or at myself for stating in that situation. It is difficult staying in the truth of what I am feeling day to day.

And yet stating the fiery transformative fire of my own karma or whatever reasons is deeply ...alive . In a very short time I have learnt about boundaries in relationship ,and my own core inner wounding and also my deepest insecurities around resources and support and a need for outside validation .

As I am grappling with a million emotions at once ,I am learning to be soft and compassionate with myself and also support myself best I can .

It is FAR away from the very artificial high of being that I was tapping into - removed from all the threads of human dysfunction that kept me in that space by spiritual practices that didn't emphasize authenticity over peace. And ,for me ,the whole debate of duality vs unity consciousness is moot .

I am whilst going through this also having the most amazing multi dimensional experiences. ( I saw and helped dispatch a creature that looked like a Dementor after coming back from court ) and also feeling like I am setting up a path of Light into this very dense knotty situation . Miracles abound in the midst of this craziness. And there seems to be this amazing wave of transformation that seems to be sweeping through family and friends in contact with me in the middle of bout of crying and combativeness that I am experiencing .

For me ,the words "plugged in " were very telling. From my humble and rather messy perspective ,I am learning to be plugged in into nothing except my own Truth . Very sketchily for now ,but it feels REAL .

Just my two cents ,folks .


In reply to by iamdurga


Megha, thank you for your "two cents", they are worth far more to me than that! You are very self-attuned and honest and I value that highly. I'm learning to be vulnerable and honest even if others throw stones because I'm so so tired of hiding and lies; I want the truth no matter how much it hurts because I'm starting to realize it is indeed the only way to get to the other side; gotta walk through hell to get to heaven etc. My heart goes out to you with your difficult journey. You sound like a HSP (highly sensitive person) like myself. I also hate conflict but sometimes find myself projecting my anger onto the world I guess as a way to "dump" all that low energy onto someone else. I'm working on it😉 I just hope to learn to stop letting that rage and seeming powerlessness control me and learn healthy boundary management. I too bypass, I think because the pain just gets too much sometimes and I haven't yet fully committed to facing and processing; still avoiding too much. Working on it😆 But I see how in doing so i just prolong the pain. I think challenging him is very brave and honouring yourself and your kids, you are strong and courageous! I love how you are feeling more alive with all the realizations and what you're learning with all the hard stuff you're going through. That helps me to see it that way too! And well done with the "dementor"! I forget I have lots of entities attached to me that also affect my thoughts and ability to let go. That actually reminds of an obe I had when I was 16 where there was a malevolent figure in what looked like a, I don't know the word, Middle Eastern covering for women where only the eyes are visible, watching me. Maybe I carried this spirit with me from another life? Definitely something to look into. my own dementor. So much respect and blessings to you for honouring yourself and forging that path of light through the darkness, you are an exemplary! You are not only so brave for jumping into the fire, but for allowing it to transform you and those around you. May I be so brave! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sharing and showing me a bit of your soul through your truth and honesty and authenticity. It is a rare thing where I dwell but it's starting to break through of its own accord I think because I just can't tolerate anything less now. I do have lots of work with the old diplomat of ray 4 because of my same aversion to conflict, but if I learn to stay in the fire without running and calmly approach the situation, I may just transcend a thing or two. Thank you for showing I'm not alone and that I can also get to a place where I stand and face the fire instead of hiding and putting it off for another day. Thank you for showing me how to be brave. So much love and respect to you and may you keep ascending on that path of light you've made. Wishing the best outcome for you and your kids❤️❤️❤️🙏barb

In reply to by iamdurga


I just wanted to add something as i have poor attention and memory these days: please don't be hard on yourself! I know full well how hard it is to go through an untenable situation with very difficult people. Try not to let it own you, and try to give yourself what you need to remind you what a beautiful person you are! If i can help in any way, I'm here. Wishing you all the best❤️🙏barb

In reply to by Elaine77 (not verified)


Thanks for the lesson and truth, and for your opinion, and for helping me realize how very unnecessary it is, and that it's okay to make mistakes even if they don't sit well with others, as long as i learn from them. Blessings on your journey.🙏

In reply to by Open


Thank you Open, means alot! And it's your guidance that's helping me see things in a better way❤️🙂 I do feel chagrined for that outburst and apologize for dumping that low ugly energy on this beautiful page😥 glad for what it brought up though; got some work done with realising just how dependant i am on validation from others. This is a huge hurdle for me and i'm glad things happened the way they did as i have a new commitment to fully accepting and supporting myself and the liberation of my soul. Exciting! So much thanks and love to you!❤️🙏

In reply to by Open


Wow!! I have goosebumps watching this! I feel freedom is beckoning. What would it be like if he becomes president and expose all of the fraudulent measures of the last several years. What if this thinking becomes the mainstream reality. I guess its a paradigm shift in consciousness for many people.


So much is happening in the field right now. So much infusion of light, and expression of soul freedom. It feels like it's all converging at this pivotal moment in history. I find this new movie, Sound of Freedom, so indicative of that. And also the amazing rendition of Star-Spangled banner by Victory Boyd that I shared above - who was cancelled from singing it at the time of the "plandemonium" because she refused to get the "juice". I wonder how it might inspire the freedom of soul expression in you today?

(hint: a supportive comment would be a great place to begin - it ripples the light no end!)

Bright blessings

Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Dear Open,

I am feeling a sudden spurt of freedom after a very emotionally charged full moon yesterday . It was almost as if the frequencies and also the situation ( I am filing papers for a legal case against abusive ex husband ) brought up each and every insecurity ,fear and Rafe all at the same time. After " losing my temper " I worked with my emotions and finally today something seems to have fundamentally changed . Like the grip of my karmic personality is a little looser and I am seeing things with a lot less fear and a lot more humour . I asked for help yesterday and so many familial and ancestral patterns are coming up to be seen .

After a tumultuous time in the last few weeks ,I am feeling as if I can lift my head above water again.

I was very glad to see how what I was seeing about the Moon was validated by another group. I have a feeling the upcoming Facilitators conference will unravel this a little further. I will be joining in via etheric ( Zoom ) route :)

Lots of love to all the Openhanders at the forefront of this momentous transformation. And a deep Bow to you Open . The winds of change are blowing ,for sure !
