Planetary Shift Facilitators...The Unravelling Flow: Avebury 2023
The Facilitator Summer Conference in Avebury, UK turned out to be a historic event of epic proportions as we connected into, and helped heal, a deep karnic rift in the ancient architects of the matrix here - the Annunaki. There's deep commitment to now help progressively reverse engineer the system they created in the years ahead. How did this all come about? What did we experience on the journey? Check out the journal with all the alchemy and adventure.
What is the Facilitator Conference all About?
Essentially, the gathering is about coming together for each to develop their facilitator craft, which includes working one-on-one, but the real beauty of this is the diversity of souls that attend... all unique, all with their own particular gifts and all tuning into different star soul groups from across the cosmos. And so we're able to form amazing interdimensional bridges, gaining a rich tapestry of perspective and experience.
The Shift is unfolding a pace now, which we see becoming pretty unstable on the surface of the 3D in society. How can we help the unravelling process in a steady way, that brings new harmonies together? That will be the main theme of the explorations and meditations. Plus of course, whatever the Universe has in store for us!
Do get involved this week by following the journal and sharing your questions/viewpoints. It means you'll be connecting up to the energy of the inquiry to channel unravelling flow through your own life.
Here's the video we made from last year's conference to get a sense of what we'll be engaged in...
If you feel yourself inclined toward supporting the great planetary shift in some way, do browse the journal below - it's packed with insight and inspiration.
Open 💎
Exciting new Crop Circle Documentary featuring Openhand 📽️☀️
Following the Summer Facilitator Conference in Avebury I shot a documentary with the Ickonic Group exploring what they might be telling us? They're releasing the film tomorrow on the Ickonic Platform. I've already seen it - it's highly polished and adventurous. It's definitely worth seeing. Here are two trailers...
Summer Facilitator Conference: an adventure of high alchemy
It's been an amazing Summer Conference for the Facilitators in Avebury, and I can confidently say that the work we undertook is bound to benefit at a planetary level. The video seemed to weave itself with the hand of the divine, turning out to be a documentary and coming together in just 3 days. I think you'll discover it as an adventure of high alchemy...
Bright blessings
Open 💎
Few more closing photos from marvellous Facilitator Conference
And here are a few more closing photos from the marvellous Avebury Facilitator Conference...
Our closing hearty meal, after a richly rewarding experience - if not a degree tiring!
Is that Soulmotion or the Haka?!...
A bit of Tom Foolery, but it's sure good for the Sacral Chakra!...
The Facilitator Group - You're all Red Lions!...
The Openhand Inner Team - humbly at your service...
Bright blessings
Open 💎
When you're succeeding, the Shadow will try to censor - video
21/07/2023 Avebury Update
A crucial aspect to this Avebury Facilitator Conference has been exposing intervention and the attempts to suppress, censor and railroad the emergent planetary consciousness. AND, that nevertheless, despite all of this, we are pushing through and rippling realignment through the field. This derailing and censoring pushback has been experienced in the Openhand Team practically since the beginning of the mission here. But we persist because failure is simply not an option. It's not in our vocabulary. Failure means only one thing - stopping, and we're not going to do that.
In a recent Podcast concerning 4 Key Signs I felt signaled the Shadow Agenda is unravalleing, I spoke of the fresh air RF Kennedy (Jnr) was bringing to the political debate - exposing the corruption in politics, the engineering of endless wars, the misdirection of science by big pharma, and of censorship by the fakestream.
You know you're having success when the shadow attempts to defame and even character assassinate - which has happened to me on several occasions. If they can't get the message, they'll go after the messenger. This is exactly what happened yesterday to RKF in a house debate on censorship - trying to attack him for "racism", and even trying to censor the debate about censorship! It's a very timely synchronicity then. I find his testimony massively powerful and inspirational. In a world where so often the star soul's voice is suppressed and censored, I encourage all to watch...
Bright blessings
Open 💎
Some closing photos of deeply healing Facilitator Conference
Some closing photos from our deeply healing Facilitator Conference:
Up at Cherhill bringing wayward Annunaki groups together...
Oh please God, let it stop raining!...
Seems to have worked - all smiles at Barbury Castle...
Guys holding the space for the ladies to process at Silbury Hill...
What a week indeed.
Bright blessings to all.
Open 🙏
The Group, the Individual and the Mission
In reply to Some closing photos of deeply healing Facilitator Conference by Open
Yeah, I would say, that week in Avebury was a significant "test" for all us in the group. For me personally it was another journey towards the powerful self-realisation, a great testing of various aspects of awareness. It is a highly illuminating experience through the challenges on a personal and group level leading to better knowing, seeing, perceiving, coordinating, communicating, cooperating, sensing, discerning, connecting. We wouldn't get such great experience in an easy-flowing situation. It all has to be experienced in the practicality, this is how we all learn and understand selves and the influences of the whole existence.
Did we really make any “mistake”? The only mistake can be if one is doing nothing at all. I don’t feel that at the end there was anything “missed to take” and many of us have expressed how much we have gained from this fascinating mission. I feel we did a beautiful and great work. Definitely to be continued.
Open, the honest expression of feeling humbled and acknowledgment of “taking full accountability” feels deeply moving. That is tremendously empowering and the highest level of a leadership. Hearty Thankyou for your tireless enthusiasm in leading us through alleys of the complexity of this world that star souls and all other souls came here to deal with. We all are here for the reason. My deepest gratitude for showing us the way how to navigate in the entangled 3D & 4D "realms". And here we have just another obvious fact how twisted and intricate those densities are.
I bow to all group of facilitators taking part in these gatherings for their courage to dive deep into challenges that we meet during the Shift and take on whatever experience comes up our way. And this way is far not easy. Though, I wish that our take-away would be the extreme importance of timely call upon the benevolent higher dimensional beings / star nations to support our work and, particularly, to support the Shift.
Masses to be integrated yet.
A deep bow into the experiences:
With all my love ❤️🙏
PS. The word FAIL means “First Attempt In Learning”.
Crop circle with Complex Message from Enlil
Here's a great video I came across that shows some incredible dynamics going on in the crop circles from previous years, that the narrator attributes to Enki, King of the Annunaki. Personally, from what I know, I would say it's more likely Enlil, the Earth King of the two. To me the video reveals how the Intervention here has been purposefully influencing and taking humanity toward increasing technological "evolution". Whereas with reconciliation between the Star Being Nations, my sense is, like the Hopi view, that we'll return more to an organic nature for Gaia. The video is well worth the watch - very illuminating...
The reactivation of the Planetary Stargates in the Shift
19/07/2023 Avebury Update
The culminating message I picked up and felt to share from our fabulous retreat in Avebury again this year is very similar to last year - how the planetary Stargates are opening, Gaia's energies accelerating and how the ET benevolents are working in support. It's been tremendously challenging though, to communicate and break through the 4D density - highly frustrating, at times, on both sides due to the purposeful 4D intervention. Healing the rift between the two Annunaki factions under Enki and Enlil will be pivotal in that, as they're being invited to reverse engineer that intervention. I do believe this process is now well underway, especially down to the tremendous work the Facilitators have undertaken at this year's conference.
It certainly bodes well for the future of the Shift and a much smoother transition to 5D/6D/7D. Currently I'm weaving together the video footage of the event, but for now, this video I shot in Avebury last year speaks clearly into the unfolding planetary dynamic....
Superb confirmation on my travels
In reply to The reactivation of the Planetary Stargates in the Shift by Open
Hi Everyone,
I was going to the coast the day after we left the retreat and was guided to take a different road, then further guided to go into a small zoo - "to receive a message". I met all the animals but received no message, until I looked up as I was leaving. There carved in stone at the top of the old, repurposed building was the most perfect reflection of what the conference had achieved. (The building used to be a BBC broadcasting centre).
Two similar beings either side of a centrally placed planet earth. The earth surrounded by stars, with a message on a banner below below reading:
I feel this speaks of the new realignment of Enki and Enlil and the star nations gathering around our planet to help with the shift. What do others see?
With love,
Nations Shall Speak Peace Unto Nations 🙏
In reply to Superb confirmation on my travels by Tilly Bud
This is totally stunning Tilly - thank you so much for sharing. ♥️
What immediately struck me was how yet again, we potentially see the Enki/Enlil reconciliation in the image - Enki is often represented as the feathered being...
I would say that's it - after all the warring, heartache and strife, it's about the Star Being Nations coming together to find reconciliation and peace. Although of course we will have to wait to see positive evidence of this on the surface of reality in the 3D.
I have to say I am quietly optimistic.
Open 🙏
There is a deeper meaning alright... The Anu/Enlil/Annunaki messenger guy just sent a massive "gotcha!" signal... You had to be guided to that crop circle, all the signs you saw going there were perfectly synchronized, the symbolism of the crop circle image - and then the immense let down of finding out it was a "fake" circle. It could be a warning about the "fake" nature of reality, sure - but why go through all that trouble just to tell you something you already know perfectly well? To me it seems more like "the guy" is playing with you, raising you up only to drop you down in the last moment, as if to say: "you'll have to do better than that before you actually get to me buddy". Sorry if this sounds offensive, off-putting and so on, I have been reading for years and never felt compelled to write before but this time I had to. It feels like a huge red flag. If it was a human doing something similar to you would it not be interpreted as manipulative/trickster behaviour? With the added bonus of arising self-doubt among those present. Classic. Love it or hate it, these fellows are good at what they do, in their unique twisted way. Guess we'll have to "sharpen our blades" to match their wit ;)
Support from the "Anu" in reverse engineering intervention
In reply to Trickery by Catarina Araujo (not verified)
With all due respect Catarina, although I do understand why you would say that, you weren't there. 🙏
One thing to realise is that the Tall Whites, who are very much interfering in people's creative flows, don't telegraph what they're doing - they hide in the shadows and manipulate/misdirect intentions. Or else they subdue and suppress. The "scriptors" of this synthetic crop circle revealed very clearly the Tall White interventions in the creative flow leading up to it.
You ask: "why go through all that trouble just to tell you something you already know perfectly well?"
Because in our experience of the crop circle, including all the build-up and post-processing, without elaborating all of the detail each experienced, each person in the group received quite clear illumination as to how the flow can get hijacked as it cascades through the 4D karmic field, through the mental plane, the emotional plane and into the physical - where the Tall Whites are highly active.
And so it was immensely illuminating all round.
Neither was the experience of the crop circle a "let down". Actually, we've all gained enormously from the process. Several of the group commented on that as you can clearly read below.
When I revisited the crop circle yesterday, my heart burst wide open with the feeling of benevolent connection and support from Enki and the evolved Anu, who I know are now on hand to support the reverse engineering of the matrix, including the impact of the Tall Whites.
Bright blessings
Open 💎
As the group leader, taking full accountability of the "mistake"
In reply to Support from the "Anu" in reverse engineering intervention by Open
As an example of how the creative process can get derailed as the energy cascades in, upon reflection, I realise that personally the balance of my energies was directed into the 4D healing of the Annunaki rift - that was the deep and intense process of healing we'd been engaged within. It's what I felt encapsulated within the crop circle. If there was a failing, it was that none of us voiced out our individual discrepancies at the time. For this, as the group leader, I take full accountability. I ought to have called it at the time. And that was my take-away, which I am deeply grateful for. I'd gotten a degree disconnected from full embodiment in the 3D. It won't happen next time.
I find there are no "mistakes" in life except one - not learning from them!
Open 💎
In reply to As the group leader, taking full accountability of the "mistake" by Open
Maybe a mistake, but certainly no failure. At the crop circle exhibition at least two of us thought, wow, this is interesting and will sharpen the group process. The spinoffs are amazing and have made us more aware and determined. A time to call on dragon energy, maybe, and forge forward renewed and better prepared. I'm sure there will be more setbacks along the route but thats ok. From what I understand of the galactic history of humanity, we never, ever give up. So, an interesting twist allowing us to illuminate our blind spots. I'm really grateful to play my limited part in this process. This is certainly spurring me to increase my efforts and work harder at keeping up. Endless gratitude to Openhand for showing the way.
There are no set backs becuse there is no destination!
In reply to Mistakes by Andy (not verified)
Thanks for the sentiment Andy, but to be clear about what took place, there are no set backs on the path, because there is no destination.
It's a constant process of confronting inner distortion and unravelling into greater alignment. The Annunaki saw goals and set backs - that has been core to their group and why they fell from the path. But the more evolved way of looking at the flow of life itself, connected into the Torus, is the constant process of unravelling expression.
Open 🙏
Not my experience
In reply to Trickery by Catarina Araujo (not verified)
Hi Caterina,
I have experienced "gotcha" moments so I understand why you might think that looking from an outside perspective. Your comment does feel a bit loaded with judgements too. Thanks for joining in though, we are aware there are thousands of people who read Openhand but never get in touch. Nice to meet you
That wasn't at all my experience here. My biggest take away when I left the circle was that it was "made for our group" and carried messages for us. I didn't have a feeling on who made it, but it felt very human to me with it depicting a man made object, so much so I was left questioning, "Would the ingenious architects of sacred geometry really depict such a simple tool?" Was this a departure from the norm? Being wrapped in such perfect synchronicities, and my appreciation of that seemed to mask the obvious conclusion for me. When I heard that it was man made it didn't have any effect of destabilisation as my feeling that it was perfectly timed and made for us remained completely intact - this was just a very different way of delivering the circle! Which then actually made sense of the individual questions we each had lingering but had not yet put together.
It was able to convey a rather different set of lessons by being man made, and will enable us all to pay more attention to the unanswered questions next time. It absolutely felt friendly and benevolent in it's assistance with our understandings going to deeper levels.
Hello all,
my first time commenting here. I’ve been reading through the comments post facilitator conf. I’m grateful for the experience and feel I learned a lot. Trusting self, a theme I am seeing shared, resonates for me. I noticed myself often questioning if “I’m doing it right” a general fear of doing things wrong. Certainly a theme not unknown to me.
I too, felt the crop circle as flat energy. The only way it seemed to be ‘communicating’ was on the mental plane. Yet I can also appreciate a more expanded awareness of how the experience is serving and however the message appeared, reconciliations are in process.
I was woken just a bit ago with a strong sense of energies in my field, tightening all around crown/shoulders. Working to strip this out and grateful to feel and sense stronger. I see where this energy likes to interfere with positive forward movement in my work in the world, as I just stepped forward in various ways. I won’t get discouraged this time and will keep breaking through and tuning in. I’m open to any feedback anyone may pick up. And will stay committed to empowering myself through the work!
With love
Out in the Avebury Fields again, checking energy flows and signs
In reply to Learning by Dianne Chalifour
Hi Dianne, Andy & John - thanks so much for sharing. It's so important we reflect what each is feeling/experiencing - always the central facet of the Openhand work.
I'm out on the ground in Avebury once more, checking out the various sites. When I visited the "Annunaki" crop circle once more I can tell you, surprisingly, I was flooded with tears. Not because of the "deception" about its authenticity, but because I felt a strong connection with the Anu, that they had reunited with their long lost brothers and sisters - the faction that broke away. I still clearly feel this was reflected in the symbology of the crop circle, and what it was all revealing about the continued intervention.
Also, the sense of the Tall Whites was still clearly palpable. After leaving the site I was guided to Broad Hinton, (for a broad hint) and the church in the centre of the village. It's about a mile West of the Annunaki crop circle, and you have to pass by the crown pub to get there. Interesting then that you talk, Diane, about the crown. This crop circle too was "fake", you could tell by how imprecise it was, but more importantly than that, I actually felt a strong pain in the head around the crown chakra and an attempt to close it down. This one again was done with human hands according to the villagers, but of course they wouldn't have been able to energetically impact the crown chakra necessarily. I had the clear sense that intervention, again the Tall Whites, had latched onto this crop circle so as to "infect" anyone coming in - to attach to their crown chakra and close it down. To be clear, I'm certainly not saying that happened at the crop circle we visited - although there was no real energy to it, I (personally) didn't feel anything negative either.
I think this is all highly illuminating and meant to be seen for everyone's own personal process. It's been highly important here at Openhand to express how the Tall Whites get into a person's flow and re-adjust it for their own agenda - finding ever more sophisticated ways to lock people into the Old (but reshaping) Paradigm.
Interesting, also that on the way there in the very early morning today, with no traffic on the roads, a van had pulled across the road very near the Obelisk where we did some of our Enki/Enlil reunification work, and exactly adjacent to the layby where we had all parked. A couple of bulls had blocked the road, workmen were trying to get them back. In the layby where the bulls were, was a parked car with the clear Tall Whites signature. As I passed gingerly through, the sign on the side of the van said, "We Collect Your Rubbish."
I had the sense the Anu were going to help hoover up their synthetic creation.
Let's see how things continue to unfold and get reflected.
Open 💎
It’s all relevant!
In reply to Out in the Avebury Fields again, checking energy flows and signs by Open
Thank you for sharing that Open! I can really sense how the continued sharings are supportive to all, and how it’s all relevant information.
Sunday as I sat at my wellness Center and worked to clear and align the energy, I was a bit tired and there’s no AC as its getting changed to a different system. So it’s super humid making it more challenging to feel flowing energy. But when I left as I was driving I was drawn to this very different looking, sweet little car... it was a pale yellow Color and the plate read (I missed the first couple letter) FLOW. I trust the energy is opening up and will stay with it.
After reading your response earlier I looked out the window, the sun had just risen and it was a beautiful bright orange!! I remembered Hannah sharing about bringing the sun in to all the chakras. Uniting polarity. Enki/Enlil 🌞
The Synthetic Annunaki Crop Circle...What a Revelation!
Avebury Update: "Annunaki Healing" crop circle is Synthetic!
Having concluded our Avebury Conference altogether at the Honey Mill Cafe, which enfolds the crop circle exhibition, we heard that this "Annunaki" crop circle turned out to be "Synthetic", created as a promotional campaign by the A-Style Barbers from Swindon - what a "Swindle"!!
HOWEVER, that doesn't make the experience any less real or any less interdimensional. How so?
Interdimensional Orchestration
It was the way we were guided from the ether that had an energetic orchestration to it, an interdimensional "signature" - the synchronicities were bold, very in the moment, and in the flow. And what's most important, is that the crop circle, no matter how it was created, spoke directly into the processing the group was doing at that very time, which no one could have pre-empted or planned...
The Way we were guided onto Hackpen Hill where we picked up our first distant view that there was something there; the challenges we had getting there that revealed much internally within the group - a "division of humanity"; fallen tree branches in the night, building the sense of anticipation; arriving at the field gate, early in the morning on the weekend, a long way from habitable buildings, but at the precise moment of arrival, a farm hand was passing who offered to open the gate for us; the way we'd been shown the derailing influence of Tall Whites, symbolised by three "TH White" vans parked in the barn adjacent to the field; how when we arrived at the crop circle, the Andrasta Hare preceded us down the track, right in front of the car; and on the way out, another Andrasta Hare yet again preceded the car leading us away; the number of police cars and ambulances we encountered, and the omnipresent 23 numerology speaking into the 2-3 chromosome splicing. It all felt so flow-orientated.
When I explored this in the dreamtime last night, it was clearly communicated to me that the evolved Anu orchestrated the creation of this crop circle, through "human hands", as a means of showing the synthetic nature of the reality we're living in, and how it's entrapping humanity, how it can misdirect by capturing the flow - also how essential discernment is, even when in a strong flow process. I'd say the crop circle even speaks into the Tall Whites manipulative application of AI into our reality - how they "adjust" the flow.
To be clear, what I believe is:
The crop circle needed to be synthetic, so as to reveal the synthetic dynamics of our reality.
Most importantly the symbology of the crop circle spoke strongly into our process: the two factions of the Annunaki coming back together; the blood, sweat and tears of the aeons in their group process; the grief and the shame of the 2-3 chromosome splicing that hybridised Homo Sapiens. And even that it was created by Barbers, giving humanity a "close shave" and who appear to be getting their reality from dreams!...
The Fallen Angels and the Tree of Life
Yet another phenomenal synchronicity happened to us just prior to leaving for the crop circle that created a sense of anticipation: the night before it was windy and stormy, two branches fell from the very large tree in the retreat centre garden and formed this symbolic "A". Meanwhile, just down the lane, a huge fallen branch blocked our road on the way to the crop circle, which we had to clear... To me, it was saying: the two branches of the "fallen angels" that had fallen on the path and needed to be reunited - to be reconnected with the Tree of Life...
To me, this whole process has been quite fantastic, and clearly orchestrated by an interdimensional group, the Anu, who wanted to display to the facilitator team, and all those tuning in, the various dynamics of the synthetic agenda we're living in - how it misdirects and misappropriates the flow.
When you contemplate it all and the tremendous significance of the various threads, what a journey has unfolded. And although the conference is formally over now, I have the strong sense that "completion" has not yet happened. I have the strong sense there are yet a few more twists and turns of the Andrasta hare in this reunification story.
You couldn't make it all up.
Even where the crop circle was scripted!
I'm divinely bowled over.
Open 💎
For me this was a pre-test
In reply to The Synthetic Annunaki Crop Circle...What a Revelation! by Open
Yes many messages from this crop circle indeed. And yes it did speak into the work we’d been doing. And for me there’s another aspect to explore. I can only speak for myself but when I was in the crop circle something felt “off”. I didn’t get any energy from it. And when I looked at the wheat to see how it was bent and tucked under itself, I saw that it wasn’t. Yet why in those moments did I not pose the inquiry to the group? It wasn’t that I thought it might be synthetic and I couldn’t or shouldn’t say anything, it was something blocked the impulse to even think about starting the inquiry. Not an inquiry of judgement about whether it was real or fake but an inquiry of why am I noticing this? Here we are “trained” to question yet in this field test all of this training disappeared. Something dismissed my internal questions before the impulse to carry on a group level discussion even became a thought. What energy caused this? What blind spot let this energy in? That’s the process I’m in now.
Humbled by the fact we didn't spot the crop circle was synthetic
In reply to For me this was a pre-test by Ann B
Yes, in reflection with the benefit of hindsight, I feel pretty humbled that we didn't acknowledge some of the questionable details on site. I for one, and others including yourself, said they felt non of the usual energy. Although the crops weren't perfectly folded, I'd say it wasn't that badly copied - but Tilly did remark since on how fuzzy the edges were, and as I looked back at the video, you can clearly see how the design on the edges was quite poor - in that usually, you get the crops either all still standing or else folded down. In the drone video you see that there are plenty of instances where the crops along the edges are only partially bent down.
Why did we not raise the issues together as a group at the time?
Speaking personally, it was clear that several members of the group started to process the Annunaki healing and my focus quickly turned to that - how to support it. In that instant I stopped questioning the 3D design and went with the karmic process. But what I would also say is that we were given a big clue, a "Broad Hinton" (where the crop circle was), that fed into our conclusion the day after. Of course there were several dynamics going on that day, but key (for me), was how higher dimensional energies do (or don't) get anchored, grounded. I felt that was also mirrored into the sense of sadness and frustration of the Star Soul groups in the ether, as they've struggled to reach down and communicate. I certainly felt trauma from that on a personal emotional level, which dampened the usual speed of interpretation I experience. What this all speaks into, I would say, is that on the ground it's quite easy to get caught up in the energies without fully interrelating shifts in the field to that in the physical, first density. If you recall, we had a kind of stop/start morning. I did feel Black Snake getting into the group, at times, on the plane of emotions and causing "snagging" or inertia or else some flooding emotions - you recall both of the showers in the retreat centre flooded over!
We can all learn massively from this, especially about how the flow works through us and where it gets snagged. Where we might lose discernment in strong energy processes, or get flooded by emotions, but to be able to discern in the 3D without getting hesitant. So for me it was a massive experience all round.
Bright blessings!
Open 🙏
PS - here's the drone footage again so you can see what I was talking about in terms of the crop folding...
Crop circle
In reply to Humbled by the fact we didn't spot the crop circle was synthetic by Open
The experience was STILL amazing. The events of the previous day and events to that day were STILL synchronistic and in flow. Everything up to then and including being in the crop circle were fabulous experiences. There are many messages and lessons to be taken. The fact that it is man made does not diminish the experience. I suspect I will be processing the experience for quite some time if not for years.
This was my first experience with a crop circle. I had no expectations, no preconceived ideas etc. I really did not have an understanding of crops circles, other than some videos I had previously seen. I had a sense they could be made by man or they could be made by extraterrestrial energies. Other than that, my knowledge is a bit weak.
So, while walking through it, I was amazed at the enormity of such an undertaking. I could not feel an energetic charge but then I did not know what I was supposed to feel. I could not discern what the pattern was. If star beings could somehow create this, this is amazing. Even if humans could make this, it was still an undertaking.
Ann, you ask how could we not inquire. We actually were inquiring. It was that inquiry that drew Andy and I to start the inquiry with the researcher at the Crop Circle Museum. Walking through it and reading about the origin of when they were first sighted, the conflict with the farmers about them, was quite insightful. However, when the researcher told us this particular one was man made, it was for advertisement, that it takes a crew of 4 about 12 hours I was blown away. I thought “wow that is quite an advertising expense for something very few people might see. Seems like a waste of advertising dollars”………..but then what do I know.
I DO know the experience was real. So, to all that were involved and those just reading about it, don’t feel duped. It is EXACTLY as it is supposed to be…….. which as I get older is EXACTLY as it is meant to be. That is where the learning is.
Sheer volume of stuff happening a consideration too
In reply to Humbled by the fact we didn't spot the crop circle was synthetic by Open
Hi Open,
I agree with everything you have said and also feel that there was a good amount of fatigue creeping in from the sheer volume of energy work being done and for me the volume of stuff to contemplate made me leave some unanswered stuff to one side, like maybe I would come back to that later because the next thing is already unfolding. If you recall the crop circle visit was done between 6am and 9am, then everyone was off visiting Barbary Castle for a further round of energy work and enquiry before lunch. Every day was that kind of fast pace. Almost like 3 or 4 days in one. I do believe that this was also a necessary gear change of how fast we work and what kind of volume can be handled as the shift increases in speed. It is for all of us to "up our game".
So much to carry forward and contemplate! What a week! So grateful to have been there. And one of my lasting takeaways, the memory of the constriction felt through the heart at the splicing of the 2nd and 3rd chromosome. Suddenly another aspect of the history of humanity that becomes more felt and therefore more real on a personal level.
Huge thanks for the way you manage to orchestrate all of the complexity of so many layers: logistics and travel, emotions and contemplations, breakout group processing, time keeping considerations, etc, etc and not just with the residential participants, but also the group around the world connecting in online. This work is off the scale in its intricacy and complexity.
Deep appreciation to Open and all of us for handling ourselves through the all of it,
Thank you
In reply to For me this was a pre-test by Ann B
Hi Ann,
yes, it was odd, wasn’t it .. we all agreed that the energy was off and flat … I did absolutely feel human made, for once keeping my opinion to myself, very blocked, why did I do that??? I rationalised that no matter how it was produced, all was relevant to the processes at hand.
Indeed an important enquiry xxx
Very cool! What an adventure…
In reply to The Synthetic Annunaki Crop Circle...What a Revelation! by Open
Very cool! What an adventure! And feels on point with all the synchronicities and guidance. My lesson from it was i'm still not trusting my first impressions/instincts and still favouring impressing others and giving others what i think will "get me in the club" of approval, over my own truth. And the reuniting of the two Annunaki groups speaks to the reuniting i've been working on with opposing aspects of myself; learning that only in cooperation and compromise and full acceptance can i begin to move forward with the lower Chakra work. Looking forward to seeing what's next!❤️🙏barb
Is anything fake at the end of the day?
In reply to The Synthetic Annunaki Crop Circle...What a Revelation! by Open
The way this has panned out is extraordinary and deeply significant for me. The week in Avebury cumulated with an amazing meditation on the crest of walkers hill. A rather animated skylark was rising high above us and plummeting in a vertical line back to earth, holding its position perfectly in the wind. We sat in a depression, like the crest of a crown, a letter 'M' etched in chalk on milk hill opposite. The weeks theme was expression of Gaia's emotional kundalini, the reactivation of her torus and a new planetary expression following healing of interventional traumas. The crop circle at Hackpen hill was called out as synthetic on the last day, information divulged at the last moment as the last stragglers of the group were leaving the crop circle exhibition center. yet another twist to the unfolding narrative, yet another layer to enquire into and penetrate. If the shift is building in complexity on the ground, then we have to be on our toes and open to working form the natural flow of the torus. If a reconciliation was said to be taking place between 5D and 3D, this event certainly spoke into that process for me. I examined the theme of judgement surrounding the expression of the matrix. Was synchronous expression any better or worse whether it came from an interdimensional group or a dozen workmen carving an advertisement on behalf of A-style barbers from Swindon? This spoke to me of convergence, the interplay between the field and the matrix and the harmony which came with interpretation and resolution. Did we, as a group, want this crop circle to be other-dimensional in origin? Where we invested in the Annunaki having directly placed their message and were we surprised in some way that the image was synthetic? After all, the reconciliation is mirrored through our own consciousness. I was found asking myself if I was judging the matrix, intervention or Annunaki. There was discernment, in watching the unfolding of the quantum flow, but whether the razor was 'synthetic' or higher dimensional, the synchronicity and hence the message remained the same. In fact, the timing of the advertisement circle, speaking into our group work to unravel the interventional manipulation of human DNA and energetic parasitism, was in a way more powerful because it allegedly took four men 12 hours to produce. This spoke to me of how source and the matrix are intimately entwined, and of course they would be. The matrix is source, albeit it an error version to use clumsy linear language. And while the matrix and other large distortions like it in the universe cause pain and suffering on a massive scale, they are, nevertheless, expressions of source. Am I being invited to accept, compassionately, without judgement then? Are words like 'authenticity' and 'alignment' in themselves polarising? Because they describe states of being relative to other states of being. Any difference of any kind can only be a result of the decision of the one to know itself, to make that first move into separation and relativism. Back to the events of the last week then, there are obviously many layers of enquiry which will speak to many in different ways. As the pace of the shift increases, maybe this was a reminder of the twists and turns of peripheral blindness, being too mission focused. The outcome harmonised which speaks to me of trust in the process. Expectation and confusion may temporarily result in searching for coherence and 'right direction', but, like an orchestra where the players practice to achieve coordination, the loop of enquiry is completed with a perfect celestial chord. And the point is never the outcome, but the beauty of motion which reflects self-realisation.
Excellent enquiries and…
In reply to Is anything fake at the end of the day? by Andy (not verified)
Excellent enquiries and thoughts, good sir. Opens me to my own enquiries re judgement and expectations. This i think is one of the lessons of Chinese rabbit: be ready to maneuver those twists and turns at any moment. Thanks for the window on seeing how some of your adventure went, most appreciated! 🙏barb
Aerial film footage of the "Annunaki" Crop Circle
Avebury Update: 16th July, "Annunaki Healing Crop Circle"
Here is some aerial film footage of what we're calling the "Annunaki Healing Crop Circle". Why would I say it's a "healing" crop circle? Especially when it appears to have a razor and blood drops in it? - or so it seems. If this is about that, we first have to honour the pain of what's caused so much heartache - the split in the Annunaki which bears its roots from right back to the Sirius catastrophe. It was this that precipitated their path of manipulation and control in order to rebuild their lost civilisation. But of course that's caused much karmic trauma, both for the people they manipulated and also themselves.
There is so much to share from our group experiences leading up to this, which seems to reflect into this crop circle: the coming together of the two sides of the Annunaki split; the blood, sweat and tears of the aeons; the 2-3 chromosome splicing in the hybridisation of Homo Sapiens; and Occam's Razor - dealing with a major problem through the confrontation of the smallest detail (or working to find the simplest solution).
To experience this synchronicity, directly in concert with the healing facilitation we experienced with the Annunaki that we'd undertaken, felt nothing short of miraculous...
It's a switch blade !
In reply to Aerial film footage of the "Annunaki" Crop Circle by Open
I just googled it because I didn't know what it meant . That nuance seems important .
Also I am feeling tonnes of abandonment karma coming up . Which is the underlying pain of that civilization .
In reply to Aerial film footage of the "Annunaki" Crop Circle by Open
I was fast asleep when I heard a shaving razor -‘ so we do not get infected again’ I was asking - infected with what ? A razor is a patriarchal tool has good utility for shaving but can also be used for killing and maiming. The one in the crop circle has blood drops on it so is infected ?
The horse ❤️ running free in…
In reply to Aerial film footage of the "Annunaki" Crop Circle by Open
The horse ❤️ running free in the wild open hills! My longing; getting tired of being cooped up in cities and suburbs with no escape. I get a sense the switch blade is closing. And all the bunnies; it's the Chinese year of the rabbit, which represents creativity and being alert and on one's toes, always ready for action when it's called for. Very cool❤️🙏
"Annunaki Healing" crop circle appears
Avebury Update: "Annunaki" Crop Circle Appears
Yesterday in the rain we were drawn out to Hackpen Hill, and for a brief time given to gaze across the landscape. In the distance there appeared to be some form in one of the fields, which we couldn't quite make out. So we worked to make our way down there but got thwarted in our adventures. Early this morning however, the pull was clear and palpable as I awoke in the early hours - we should head back out there and approach from a different direction. Despite many barriers like fallen trees on our path, we made it there, to be greeted by a friendly farm hand who actually opened the gate to the driveway for us. And what should we find but this crop circle...
That's us in the middle!
It's quite amazing how it seems to speak very clearly into the process we'd been undergoing in the healing journey with the Annunaki, potentially reflecting the reunification of the two dissonant Annunaki groups that we'd been working to help heal the last couple of days...
Whilst the crop circle actually had no sense of energy itself, it still triggered integration for the journey we'd been having.
Bright blessings to all in these phenomenal times.
Open 💎
Could you give your…
In reply to "Annunaki Healing" crop circle appears by Open
Could you give your interpretation of this crop circle, am I just seeing it or does it not depict a half opened straight edge razor blade with possibly drops of blood. If so I do not understand the connection and what a departure from typical crop circles.
Annunaki working through aeons of karmic pain ❤️
In reply to Could you give your… by peacemachine
Yes, we saw the folding knife, and drops of blood or tears. We also saw plenty of 23 synchronicity on the way there, which to me always speaks into the human hybridisation which was secured in place by splicing the 2nd and the 3rd chromosome.
In the crop circle we experienced the processing and release of a great deal of this pain. It's not always going to be jolly and bright! But the amazing thing was the crop circle shape speaking into this healing process of the two Annunaki factions that we'd been working on.
Open 💎
In reply to Annunaki working through aeons of karmic pain ❤️ by Open
Dear Open ,
After experiencing a deep opening in the heart yesterday morning ,I am feeling waves of pain today morning ,so much so I can barely move. The only thought I can perceive is that I need to let go of my attachment to being compassionate .
Yesterday I have filed a legal case against my abusive ex for domestic violence . But after that I am feeling what seems to be my apin and field pain come up to be felt and worked through .
My heart especially the left side is aching . And my base is very tight . I can barely move out of bed . This may be connected with my old Annunaki karma .
Clearly tuning into the Facilitators conference!
Hi Megha, similar struggle…
In reply to Tiredness by iamdurga
Hi Megha, similar struggle with heart as i tend to give too much, sometimes from a skewed sense of obligation, and people take advantage then get angry when you say "enough", so now i have resentment and anger (definitely from childhood core) and can't (won't?) open it. Learning balance between compassion and detachment and giving love and acceptance to self. I too deal with emotional pain and rigidness from feeling I always need to be in a defensive position maybe? What you did yesterday is brave and i imagine must be a very difficult thing; no wonder you have pain! Sending you love! Hang in there!❤️❤️❤️🙏barb
Masculine Energy
It feels like as you all are working over there, I am also feeling into the energy. Thank you for that. For an hour or so I am communicating with this masculine energy, who has sent quite a bit of (feels like grey or tall white energy) my way and my head is buzzing with it. This masculine believes that the only way to express his love for the feminine energy is to control and punish her, to keep her subservient and bound. I am (a kind of negotiation) telling him that the only way to truly receive her love is for him to change his ways, to respect, honor her and treat her like an equal and a partner. His argument is that it is so much fun to control and hurt, the power he feels in as of now the negotiations are stalled. It seems like that is all that he knows.
BREAKING NEWS: Massive Field Development Ripples into the 3D
14/070/2023 Shift Update
This conference has been going unbelievably well. I always felt it would be pivotal, historic.
The level of connection we're having to dissonant intervention groups in the field and helping them realign is simply astronomic. To be clear, we are making direct connections with these groups, like the Annunaki leadership, activating them, and guiding them through healing. I've been talking about this level of reconciliation since the Avebury conference last year.
That said, I always felt/feel, that you need to see this "rippling onto the surface of reality" for the effect of the work to be confirmed. Yesterday was a massive connection/confrontation with Enlil, the King of the Intervention here who is holding the reins of power, and has been steering the very latest matrix machinations, including the impact of AI, including the reshaping resource chains, including the negative influencing effect of the fakestream, including the underpinning/restructuring of the financial system so as to retain control. I have always maintained, that especially in the financial sector it is critically important to get some realignment going, to have some light rippling through, because it underpins everything.
We have also developed a very constructive relationship with Enki, the King of the evolved Anu, during this last year, who had committed to easing the path of resolution with us. Thus there was a lot of enmity between Enki and Enlil. Enlil felt betrayed, but that has been easing in recent times, supported by our diplomacy.
It has always seemed that crypto was pivotal in this reconciliation dynamic. Biden himself has spoken openly about "choking off" the crypto industry. To me, this was coming directly from the Old Annunaki leadership. Let's be clear, those in power here are merely pawns of those in the field. That's why this breaking news from yesterday is so tremendously important and impactful. What am I referring to?
It is to do with the 2 year battle of the SEC (the securities and exchange commission) in the USA, againts the company Ripple and its XRP token. The SEC claim the sale of the tokens is a contract, and therefore subject to their regulatory control. Those in the crypto industry maintain it is merely a currency, a commodity. This case was always going to be pivotal for the entire crypto industry AND (mark my words) the entire financial system.
In previous confrontations with Enlil, the Annunaki King and his group, Openhand facilitators will likely recall that I clearly stated to the Annunaki that unless they released their stranglehold on crypto, and specifically in the XRP case, we would definitely not consider they had surrendered and were making the right moves to come back into alignment and now support the reverse engineering of the Matrix.
Yesterday, having completed our realigning work with Enlil and the lead Annunaki group, we went out onto the ground and conducted ceremony. When we got back I was guided to tune into crypto industry news. In the time we had been away, it had been announced that Ripple had just won the court case. It looks like a split decision, in that Ripple's sales of XRP to other companies, do represent a contract and therefore in those cases a security, BUT the crucial part is:
That where people buy XRP on open exchanges,
the judge ruled that XRP was NOT a security and IS a commodity.
This is MASSIVE news. It will most likely become a watershed moment for the entire crypto space and for the financial sector, but most importantly, for the Shift itself. XRP boosted 60% overnight and ignited the space for many other cryptos too.
I clearly ripple out into the field that I am most grateful for this development which is a vindication of all the hard realigning work our facilitators have been doing, and to the Annunaki for their courage to realign. To be clear, there will be many more twists and turns necessary in this unravelling, but have no doubt, this will RIPPLE benevolently out into the field and through the Shift.
Awesome work everyone!!
Open 💎
Avebury photojournal from day 3
The work is progressing tremendously well here on the Avebury conference - it's entered a much deeper level of sophistication. Here are some snaps of the day...
It begins with soulmotion in the studio to soften up people's fields and get them ready for implant removal...
Out in the garden getting deep into the work...
Sometimes hands on helps...
Miha getting vigorous in the energy field...
Now Thomas, do you think it's calm enough for the drone this afternoon?
Ah sh**, it's just too windy up at the obelisk!
Connecting to Enlil. Diplomacy but with determined strength...
Outstanding work everyone…
In reply to Avebury photojournal from day 3 by Open
Is this what Thomas is doing with his drone?😆
Outstanding work everyone and thank you! Wish I was there. Doing my own work and having my own success with being present, watching every single thought and emotion and redirecting the usual negative reactions. Beginning to embrace the challenges and set-backs as great opportunities for learning. Lots of new awareness and willingness to get out there and practice. What a way to be! Happened to be walking by a local vegan take-out so popped in to grab something and the song "Higher Power" by Coldplay was on; took it as a high-five from my spirit guides that i'm on the right path! Your fantastic work must be rippling my way, gratitude! But i do hear you loud and clear this will take time, patience and lots more work to get to that first summit. Ready to climb❤️🙏barb
Avebury: Working to heal & realign discident Annunaki Leadership
Annunaki Leadership
The Annunaki are the lead instigators of the Intervention here. Over the years, the Openhand Team especially have been working diligently to bring them back into the universal fold through direct diplomatic connection, regression and healing. It's a steady process that's making good progress but it takes time and oodles of patience - a leopard does not change its spots overnight.
When I wrote the book DIVINICUS, I shared how leading up to the galactic alignment of 2012, a Benevolent Mission led by the Openhand higher dimensional Team had connected with Enki, one of the Annunaki Kings, had regressed him right back to the Sirius catastrophe and helped him heal through it. This caused a split in the Annunaki group - one raising vibration, healing and ascending. This group, with Enki, then became known as the "Anu". It was a major success that led to a powerful unravelling in the field.
However, the Enlil group (the other Annunaki King) split off at that point and went into overdrive reconfiguring their intervention, applying synthetic Tall White beings to adapt their strategy and then incorporating a greater application of AI to vary their plan. Connecting into this group was always going to be a major aim of the realignment. I'm pleased to say that yesterday, an empathic bridge was connected to him, particularly through one of the key sites. It's a case of reflecting that their reality construct will come to break down in the culminating shift and that the only sensible approach is to realign. It's much more complex than that, but essentially that's the approach.
I can say that this too was a major success. You could feel a strong letting go by that consciousness. Which is bound to have a releasing effect on the control drama in society. However, we must realise this can only happen progressively, not all at once, so as to avoid explosive and incendiary situations erupting. It's a softly softly approach with bags of patience.
It all bodes well - the future is bright!
Open 💎
This is a great break through !
In reply to Avebury: Working to heal & realign discident Annunaki Leadership by Open
Dear Open
This is a major success. Big congratulations are in order.
It is a funny thing but I feel that at a smaller scale this intervention is tied into my life. Lately, I see the parallels. My husband and his brother both are named- Anu. The personalities display lack of empathy- very clinical, very opportunistic, deceptive. On the surface, they appear to be great people but are ruthless. Both brothers are devoted to a fault to their father and energetically the trio has been harvesting myself and the children for a very long time. I was surprised to find that Enki and Enlil also had a father called Anu. In one of my experiences with the father in law, I saw his energy and he seemed to be like a wizard, putting me through storms, tornadoes and huge raging fires, like volcanoes exploding all around me, he wanted my total obedience, to completely surrender my will to him. In that experience, I barely managed to come out of the storms around me. In the experience of openhand work- has their been any communication with Enki and Enlil's father?
Enlil and Enki's father?
In reply to This is a great break through ! by ruchi (not verified)
Thanks for sharing Ruchi - very interesting resonances indeed.
You ask have we had connection with Enlil and Enki's father? That's something that came to me only a few days ago, but in the context of a much deeper question: where did the Annunaki themselves actually orginate from? Who are their ancestors? I already have the sense, but since it's a part of an unravelling flow, I need to follow the field's guidance before I share.
Fascinating times!
Open 💎
Removing 4D human implants on Avebury Facilitator Conference
Avebury 2023 Update
Removing Energy Implants
Yesterday here on the Avebury Facilitator Conference we delved deep into a massive area for humanity - implants that limit one's field. These are many and varied, that connect into deep layers of consciousness and are designed either to block the free flow of energy or siphon it off. Yes, Morpheus in The Matrix was right, it turns the human body into a battery!! Fortunately, we're well versed in removing them. Essentially our approach is to animate the Torus, enfold our partner in it, activate the layers that hold the implants, then guide the partner in stripping it out.

What's essential to realise regarding implant removal, is that the "client" must be empowered to remove them themselves. Why? Because it's all about infusing sovereign consciousness into the infected layers. If soul infusion does not occur at the point of removal, then the implants are often simply replaced during the dreamtime. It's all about bringing full consciousness to the being.
For all tuning in, here is Openhand's lead article with meditation on removing them...
Understanding Energy Implants and How to Remove Them
Avebury 2023 Update - latest photos
Avebury 2023 Update:
Yesterday we got right into one-on-one facilitation, using Openhand's groundbreaking SEER approach to dig deep through the layers of what's holding and blocking people in the Shift. Exploring what's triggering and applying advanced energy healing techniques to strip out the karmic density. And when we hit key karmic triggers, then it becomes possible to help activate to relieve such density to others in the field experiencing something similar.
Andy & Asya...
Bonn & Kev...
Ellen & Miha...
John & Cedar...
Afterwards we were out on the ground at a nearby key stargate location, connecting into the bridging stones. On previous camp-overs at this place, the stone has journeyed me all the way back to Atlantean times...
Then up on a connected Neolithic Hill Fort location at a regal burial mound. It was holding the crown chakra energy which was blocked and energetically skewed with by earth-bound souls that we helped relocate to the angelic realm...
Afterwards we could feel the Torus flowing wonderfully well around the whole area...
We're wasting no time getting deep into the energy work. When you connect into the earth grids this way, you can ripple energy far and wide, and through key locations across the planet where denser energy needs to be released. It's like you're pulling on a thread of consciousness which then unravels to create openings and expansions. The time is now ripe for that and calling for it.
Bright blessings to all
Open 💎
So grateful to you all for…
In reply to Avebury 2023 Update - latest photos by Open
So grateful to you all for the healing ripples! Inspiring me to get on with my own work, and also perhaps one day be there with you; the place and this work is calling me! Thank you❤️🙏barb
Have been feeling the blocking and density
In reply to Avebury 2023 Update - latest photos by Open
I'm glad everyone there is opening up the density. I've felt it and have been patient with everything but sometimes it makes me want to yell (I've been known to yell too...) so now hopefully things will move better for me. Patience was never one of my virtues most of my life but I'm learning it much better now. I realized not to fight against, but to just go with the flow and move what I can and always moving the vortex.
Wasn't thinking about this and it popped in my head suddenly so will share it. Lately I've had a heel spur on the backside of my right heel that has been so painful I have trouble standing on hard surfaces or walking very far. The spur has been there a long time but I bumped it a few weeks ago accidentally, or so I think it was an accident, I have to use a small stepstool to get up into the big bed and my heel bumped against the drawer metal handle as I backed up on the stepstool, and I think the bone spur has grown or gotten bigger or maybe even got cracked or broken off. I saw it on x-rays years ago and it's a wicked sword type thing with a very sharp tip on it. It's behind the achilles tendon and putting a lot of pressure on the tendon. Achilles heel.... I have to wear very soft shoes in the heel or can't walk at all. So it's become my achilles heel for sure....
So if you make anything of this, I'd be happy to know. I tune in a lot but don't always log in. But I'm paying attention!
Thank you every one and Open too, love all of you much, much!
Avebury 2023 underway, fast start, straight into reconciliations
Avebury 2023: Journal Update
Our marvellous groups of souls arrived from far and wide last night for the commencement of Avebury 2023, Openhand's annual facilitator conference amongst the sacred stones and crop circles. And we have people also tuning in from other parts of the world through the Zoom livestream. I can already tell you it has the feeling of "epic" to it, and at historic times on the planet.
It's amazing how the different threads of consciousness interrelate. So how for example, the film the S0und of Fr33dom has catalysed a massive emotional movement in the field. We can already say from the opening meditations this has had a massive impact on the shadow intervention groups orchestrating the matrix from the 4D. The word "legacy" came to explore with them. The Annunaki are architects of reality constructs. But here on the planet, that's become distorted and perverted by Black Snake energy. What's happening here may have been hidden behind the scenes, but nevertheless, it is seen and known by the Benevolent Star Being Nations across the cosmos. As we explored with the Annunaki, what's happening here to humanity's children is not a great legacy to carry forward..."what we do in life echoes through eternity".
So right at the opening, it's been massively catalytic. Our approach now is to work on fostering a deeper empathic understanding between various dissonant groups in the Intervention, regressing them through karmic pain, and confronting them with the shame of what's actually happening here. It's a powerful way to encourage evolutionary change - the only way to truly heal the situation.
And plenty of other Star Being Nations, like the Andromedans have already made their presence felt. So it's sure to be an epic, alchemical adventure, which can ripple much resolution and healing through the field.
Bright blessings to all
Open 💎
Avebury 2023: Arrival Photos
In reply to Avebury 2023 underway, fast start, straight into reconciliations by Open
Here are some arrival photos to share, to connect you into the energy...
Is it a plane, is it a bird, no, it's your hosts Open and Tilly!
It's like a family, reconnecting after long travels...
Smiles all round...
Now Andy, there'll be none of that monkey business!!
Tilly getting right into supper...
So Thomas, have you learned to fly that drone yet? Well, I'm getting there!!
Down to it in the studio. It goes immensely deep right from the outset. It's going to be historic!
And, we're streaming to other facilitators to the 4 corners of the globe. How fantastic!
Two stunning new cropcircles at start of Avebury Conference 🔆
How absolutely fantastic - two stunning new crop circles have appeared right at the start of our Avebury conference to get the festivities going with a fanfare. Wow, how blessed we are!
Here's the first, which for me, clearly speaks once more into the Moon dynamic that we've been exploring within the Openhand community - it's impact on life on the planet. As I always point out, for me the crop circles represent an intuitive language, with different interpretations. That's their beauty, although their creators wanted to communicate in a particular way, they move energy for people in individual ways. And so we each likely to have our own interpretation.
For me, in this one, I see the perpetual energy generator that the Moon is - taking electromagnetic energy from the sun and harnessing it within, to then project through the 4D morphic fields. I did wonder about its inner workings. I do believe this depicts them...
And here's the other. I won't share my view on this one, so as to be careful not to lead. What do you see in it?
It's gotten off to a magical start - it promises to be a spectacular week!
Bright blessings to all
Open 💎
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