The Ascent: Daily Ascension Snippets

What's shaking for you in the Shift? Share your snippet, a thought, photo, video or whatever else. Let's have some short, but meaningful memes. πŸ™

Bright Blessings

Open Praying Emoji

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Your beingness becomes what you focus your attention on.
And authentic beingness shapes the most fulfilling life.
If your attention is constantly 'out there',
then you'll always be the effect, and the victim of what's 'out there',
it will determine and own you.
But if you are determined to be, you,
and you focus your inner attention on that,
then the external will become the effect of the internal.
Thus, you become the master of your reality.

Open πŸ’Ž


What's this curious idea that, "Reincarnation is a trap?"
When thousands of people around the world are recalling their past lives, regressing through their karma, and HEALING through it. This, is the genuine path of Ascension.

<<< OpenπŸ’Ž


Expect that sometimes your guidance will go cold.
You're bringing consciousness into unconsciousness,
light into dark, awareness into confusion.
As you work into each new karmic layer,
it's like you contract into a funnel of density.
That's why guidance is either dampened or disconnected.
How to navigate then?
The only true way is to turn into, and confront, the density.
So work with what comes up, and keep breaking through.
Feel into and equalise with the inner tightness.
Feel into your fears. Let go attachment to any kind of outcome.
Keep opening out through the constrictive layers.
Then in no time at all, the light will break in and sweep you up.
You'll be riding high again with guidance singing in your ears!

In reply to by Open


These captions, paragraphs against an illustrative background are brilliant! Inspiring, uplifting and powerful, they drive the message eloquently home. Condensed truth with Thomas's creative genius, a winning combination. Thank you for this inspiration and leadership in these interesting times.
As Boudicca to the Romans said,

get in your hearts and out your head,

put down your wine, your mead, your beer,

the time is now, the place is here,

awaken brethren, smell the flow,

release your spirit, let it grow,

dancing, writhing, to the tune,

of godhead's song, ascendant soon..

your legacy is ready now,

to surf the shift, lets show them how.


Let's be mindful of the purposeful escalating dramas of distraction going on in society - one that is in its death throws. It's trying to suck souls in and keep them wrapped up in the old knots. Your journey is the inner one. Engage with the outer yes, but what does it trigger inside? Where is the attachment? Work to unwind your investment and set the soul free. This will be the making of us πŸ™

In reply to by Open


There is no greater sign that the old ways are dying a natural death than their increasing desperation to suck us back in, which seems to be reaching fever pitch.

The word you frequently use which resonates most with me right now is "reconciliation", and today it seems more appropriate than ever before.

In reply to by Open


Hi Open

Would you mind giving me your opinion on 'A Course in Miracles'?

I spent a short time reading it a few years ago before moving onto other things. Or rather, things got so intense on my journey I stopped reading it, and other materials like it, hoping to cling on to some semblance of normality.

Are the messages I intuit/receive going to be from AI or ET Implants or will it really be my soul/self attunement with the divine? It's like ceremony or ritual, reading certain texts invites spiritual interaction, but what 'spirit'?

Much appreciated

Carla X

In reply to by Carla (not verified)


Thanks for your question about the Course in Miracles - I know a lot have benefitted from it.

I haven't read it myself, apart from the odd clip, but plenty have aired their view in terms of the experiences they had.

My sense is its a good volume of work, and I like the fact that it brings spirituality into practice through life. However, as with any text or spiritual form, including anything written and shared here, for it to become real for you, and beyond distortion, you must transcend the philosophy so that you're connecting with your own soul in your own unique way. Because we are all unique!

How might this be approached?

You take the essence of what you resonate with, but then put the theory down. Now go with the heart felt pull. Get the sense of how your soul is inviting you to be. Be that. Then watch for the dynamic feedback loops of resonating synchronicity that affirm it for you - such as signs, numbers and nature.

Over time, it's all about soul integration, that becomes formless form.

Best wishes

Open πŸ™

In reply to by Carla (not verified)


You don't need a course in miracles; that's someone else's experience (no matter how transcendent or spiritual it may be). It's time to stop giving your authority to someone else and live yourself. That's what the shadow has made us afraid to do, afraid to "go astray" and "be lost"; If you sincerely seek the Truth in Love, you will not/ cannot go astray (at least for long). TRUST!


What's the difference between "visualising the outcome you want",
and accessing the dreamspace to see what is already shaping?

With the former, who is wanting to visualise a specific outcome? It's only the ego. Maybe one that realises it can expand into 4D to capture the flow to a degree, but still only ego. It's based on a sense of lack, which is poverty consciousness and no matter what you manifest, it will never be enough.

Seeing future-landing-now in the dreamspace seems similar, but is entirely different. By surrendering the need for a specific outcome, you're softening to the cascading inflow from higher dimensional creative action. Visions, subtle senses, perceptions and the feeling of how to "be" permeate your being. You become the flow, that is now backed by universal action, which cannot fail. What's more, it fills you up!

Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


Hi Openhand,

I just felt to share a rather exciting discovery I had in the last few days. I noticed that edits as spikes come through the field via people, TV, radio, texts and so on. I assumed it was claircognition, another aspect of spirit communion, like synchronicity. But 'The Mandela Effect' is believed to be a real and permanent reality shift, whereby the previous reality that most people can still remember is edited out never to have happened, though sometimes leaving some residue. For example, you may have had a book in the attic for twenty years, and the text within that book has now changed, scripts in films, lines in music, even land masses and the human anatomy. Some researchers believe it is the collective consciousness itself that is changing the reality which theoretically we suppose. It feels far more tangible for me personally having seen this Mandela research, at least some of it is genuine. I highly recommend investigation on YouTube for further insight into a very interesting phenomena. For those willing to be open, we are given a strong message. Is anything what we suppose it to be? 

Heather πŸ˜ƒ


We've got high level Star Being Connections happening in the field, paving the way for great shifts and realignments of greater justice and equity in society as we unwind toward the completion of the Shift.
It bodes well for all of us.

Open πŸ™


There's plenty going on right now to keep triggering inner resistances and attachments - investments in the 3D drama. Here's where the golden opportunity exists, because it's in these areas where your old ego identification is being illuminated. Don't turn away from the feeling though. Don't suppress, distract or ignore. Certainly don't procrastinate - seize the opportunity. Wherever you are triggering is where you need to go to work on yourself. Work into it with the Breakthrough Approach.


You might ask how is it that something as complex and derailing as the (alien) intervention has happened to humanity. Always we must ask: why did we create it? To me it's clear: because humanity is on the verge of multidimensionality, moving from unconsciousness to co-creating with the multidimensional flow. That's how we might see it as ultimately beneficial. It's the spiritual gym!

Open πŸ’Ž


When I scroll the internet about what's going on in society, it just seems mostly like a crazy screwed-up mess - even in the alternative movements. Still too much power is being given to the system. All the commentary, blogging and podcasting exposing the shadow is great - but what practical solutions do they offer? They often inadvertently convey the view that you are powerless, which couldn't be further from the truth.

No one, on this planet, no matter how seemingly powerful, can control the Grand Galactic Convergence we're sailing into. It's the great leveller. The way forwards now is to go within and connect up first with our authentic self, and then the true source - whichever comes first.

From then on, it's following the soul to set your moment-by-moment orientation. Now you have all the power in the Universe!

Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by andyvaz


Hi Andy - indeed lots in the mainstream are sharing their fears about the rapid emergence of AI. However, many are unaware of their own souls and the power they hold to negate this type of intervention. And many are completely unaware of the level of intervention that's ALREADY here, in all its various guises.

I don't believe AI is something we need to fear. The key is to focus on infusion of soul, and to make sure in any given moment you're tuned into it. That way you negate any intervention....

7 Practical Ways to Negate the Negative Influence of AI

Bright blessings

Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


No, Open, I agree that AI is nothing to fear.

What is incredibly fascinating is that we are here, now, witnessing a world on the cusp of giving away it's sovereignty ( or at least a large portion of it), to AI and control. I should imagine this is a trajectory towards transhumanism, which happens on many worlds. Computing technology increases to the point where the population has to manage the biotechnology interface. Of course, those caught up in the deception can't see it. They think they have the choice to look away from the screens when they wish to. Your article is very supportive and helpful, thank you. In the interview I posted there was an interesting point. If AI is a complex manipulator of algorithms, then what is a human basically? The answer must be a human is a processing center but with a spark of soul, which, as you've discussed numerous times, can be unleashed through the physical vehicle. My enquiry is, since everything is consciousness, does it (AI) not have the potential to evolve? A machine, it is postulated, can evolve and become self aware with emotions. My question is, will sentience which evolves to this point always stay exterior to the spirit dynamic? Is there a classification system between form and spirit?


It's all happening in the field right now. So much unravelling and infusion of light. Yet how confusing it still is on the surface. No matter. Stay focussed on what you can feel as aligned and true within. Let that guide your way forwards at each twist and turn, with each step. Sure enough, before long, you find yourself walking a path of light!

Open πŸ’Ž


There can be nothing like living in the Merkabah.
Nevermind AI.
This is a superconsciousness, that is flexible, innovative and adaptable,
both to daily 3D living and the flow of the quantum field.
There is nothing like it!


The karma of the Sirius shift is coming up for a lot of people. A central aspect of that is the belief and need to control life - not allowing for the natural consequences, freedom and joy of the flow itself. It strangles the juice out of life. That's why we must all work to concede control to the natural flow. We can still engage and "show up". As we intuit the flow, to step positively into it. But definitely not to try to control it.


Folks, breathe a sigh of relief. You don't have to know how the infusing light will create. You just have to infuse and anchor it. Then step positively into the path of light that is clearly revealing itself. Everything else will weave around you...