Develop Your Spiritual Stoicism

Submitted by Open on Fri, 10/13/2023 - 04:16

Spiritual stoicism is an essential quality to embody at a soul level, especially through dark and challenging times on the planet. It's about developing resilience, trust, faith, belief and managing one's emotions and throughts - interrupting any negativity in order to stay strong and focussed. That's the subject of this 5D Shift podcast, set in the backdrop of recent hostilities in the Middle East.

Timestamps (sections):
03:50 Spiritual Stoicism
04:50 Shadow Orchestrated World Manipulation
06:59 Colossal Shifts Within Gaia
08:06 Reality of Climate Change
10:00 Pole Shift Update
12:41 The Nature of Black Snake Energy
19:27 Negating Black Snake Energy
24:48 Understanding Spiritual Stoicism
30:10 Developing Spiritual Stoicism
32:55 Guided Meditation in Spiritual Stoicism
43:03 Conclusion: Planetary Shift Facilitators

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Feeling supreme gratitude & validation after hearing this message. During the meditation I became aware of a great intensity of feeling/energy in my heart chakra and overwhelming feelings of compassion. I am realizing more and more each day that this is my strength and gift. I pray for increasing insight and wisdom to enable me to use this for the greatest benefit of others.

Again, many thanks to you for sharing your message. Despite the tragedy & chaos which surrounds us I feel encouraged and hopeful. ❤️

14/10/2023 Shift Update: Spiritual Stoicism

In this latest 5D Shift Podcast, out today, I'm looking at how to develop spiritual stoicism in the wake of all the emotive explosion on the world stage. How do we stay centred, calm and containing our emotional/mental state? To be clear, to take sides in this conflict, is only stoking the negativity. Let's work instead to de-energise the situation through stoic strength and calmness.

It contains a meditation for centering, grounding, anchoring and steadying emotionally in the madness we're witnessing flare up around. Let's be the embodiment of the light.

Thankyou for taking the time to watch and contribute to a steadying of the escalating tension.

Open 🙏

I do believe the latest 5D Shift Podcast provides some good pointers as to how to navigate through these challenging times in society, especially due to Black Snake energies awash in the field since the outbreak of war in the Middle East. Here's how to develop spiritual stoicism and stand strong in the energy field.

Goes live 7 am on Saturday 14th October.

Bright blessings to all

Open 💎

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