5D Crystalline Grid: End Times and The Emergent Light
Exploring how we're moving through End Times and at the same time, the 5D Crystalline Grid of the New Paradigm is powering up and downloading energy from the Galaxy and the Sun. As the old progressively breaks down, then new emerges. How can you channel this light into your life and everything that you create? Let's explore - with guided meditation.
Powerful confrontation with materiality - New 5D Shift Podcast
21/10/2023 Shift Update: Powerful Confrontation with Materiality
There's a powerful confrontation with materiality on the planet right now at the time of the "Kali Yuga", where there is a "War on all things Material". But, at the same time, there's a strong activation of the 5D Crystalline Grid - the new is emerging from the old. In this latest 5D Shift Podcast, I'm sharing some powerful synchronicities, like the Ring of Fire Eclipse, to help illuminate how to download higher dimensional energies and infuse them into your life. Do feel free to share your feedback and thoughts.
Bright blessings
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