Himalayan Energies Pilgrimage: India

Submitted by Open on Sun, 10/22/2023 - 01:43

We've been up in the magic of the Himalayas for Openhand's Pilgrimage in Northern India, activating the crown chakra, drinking in the magical and the mystical. It's a breathtaking location, and the vibe is off the charts. Tune into the journal and see how it might activate and inspire your flow through life. Watch the summary video...

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I felt blessed to be a part of Openhand's first terrestrial retreat here in the Himalayas. Words can't express my feelings. It was very mystical and activational for me. The group freewheeling felt like an opening to the mystical doorway. It was a wonderful week spent together with the most amazing people and wonderful energies. What an amazing opportunity to witness and feel the happenings in person!

Retreat gave me much more clarity into my individuality and sovereignty here on this journey and illuminated my subconscious searching for divinity outside of me. I was feeling this realization filling in each of my cells, breaking free, and bringing me more into my power and sovereignty. Finding coherancy of my being deeply anchored in my being. All the realizations felt very activational, which I could feel deeply in my cells/being. which felt different and interesting.
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to Open and Tilly for coming to India and giving me this wonderful opportunity on my soul's path. Raised Back Of HandAngel HaloPraying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Relaxing in Bir with Vimal, soumyeh and River a couple of days after an extraordinary week’s retreat, the Tibetan pilgramage, I am given to reflect. Rightly there is gratitude for the seamless experience, the highest level of commitment and compassion from the Openhand team. Open working tirelessly to weave magic and clarity on behalf of all, bringing insight and understanding in ever creative ways, enjoyable, activational, profound, alchemical. Tilly, constantly working in the background to facilitate the process, tweaking the necessary machinations to ensure coherence, ( impressed at how she took the reasonably strenuous trek down to the waterfall pilgramage alone the day before to check the route while processing karma- tough lady). Megha was our sensitive link to various energies in the ether allowing for a fascinating dialogue around he struggle to disseminate higher consciousness to the root races on the ground. Zeent sang lyrically in light language. Vimal and River were the core of a music festival including various Indian love songs, indescribable beauty around the fire. Soumyeh was an ever present radiance of sparkling, joyful energy. This was deep work. I was mesmorised at the pain the Llamas, Bailey and Blavatsky felt at their perceived failures, being reminded of the collective struggle to push forward and bring coherence to the ground. Again and again we were reminded of the complex obstacles and how so many different factions were being united in the crucible of the coherent merkeba. We worked hard with chakra attunements and activation. I experienced intense flowing geometry and unique forms of expression. I woke up this morning with images of crossing icy mountains. Earlier this year I dreamt of loss, where a child slipped from a mountaintop just out of reach and plummeted. Even though the room I am staying in was warm I felt icy cold. It is apparent now that I fear the unknown. I fear surrendering fully to the sense of whatever  comes next. That is what I am here to explore. But there is geometry evrywhere and the sense of Andromedan presence. Alchemy is everywhere. Namaste.

In reply to by Open


I was able to tune in all week. I went out in the sunshine and sat in a chair with my bare feet on the ground and did chakra opening. Instead of the really dark root chakra color I normally see, I saw the most beautiful blue color, indescribable in words, but it was really nice.

I was wondering... is Kali the statue that you've had in the room when you do the podcasts? I'm picturing it in my mind from memory. I didn't know much about Kali, but the week was very informative and interesting to me. I love Indian food and enjoyed your vlogs and all the photos. It's amazing how everyone working together creates such a great event. It was all wonderful!

Thank you for sharing for those like me who don't travel. It felt like I was there and I was in spirit. Praying EmojiHeart

Sherri The Sun Emoji

In reply to by Open


What a wonderful retreat! My first terrestrial retreat. Thank you openhand for coming to India .It was one I've been looking forward.

What can I say.. no more words. It was quite activational and triggering for me.Just sitting there and feeling the energies was powerful for me. The waterfall pilgrimage stirred up something deep inside, i'm working on it.

I gained a lot.. and a lots to integrate.

The group was amazing. Lots of contemplation and realizations. Each individual was inspirimg me in their own unique way.

Open.. Thank you for reminding me my true godself.🙏 I feel adventurous to navigate through.🥰

Tilly..With your warm presence, you were supporting me as always. I feel drawn to your alligned expressions of draconian energies.. time to embody some🥰

Kristi.. You are spontaneous and vibrant. You reminded me the inner strength I possess. The dancing lady... travel well

Megha.. that one hug made me feel you are my sister. Our conversations were priceless.Travel well warrior...🥰

Andy.. Good to have you with us. We do have something more to work together.🙂

Zeenat.. you inspired me to explore and express through light languages. Thank you for being there.😇

River.. Thank you for reflecting me the curiosity and playfulness. Above all a readiness to navigate 😊

Vimal.. we have a lots of karma to unravel..😄

Thank you all for being there.

Together we dig deep.

Thank you all for tuning in.

Hello Diane, hope you are being great.

Lots of ❤️


In reply to by Soumya


Words fall short to describe the depth of the experiences I had in the recent Himalayan Pilgrimage with Openhand. Years before I had a dream where I was on a pilgrimage with Openhanders and upon reaching the foothills of mightly snowpeaked himalayas I breakdown and cry as I'm overwhelmed with the feelings of coming home. I was to find out this was only a small taster of a much deeper experience. For me the retreat started atleast a week before the commencing day with the preparation of arranging the hall and making it welcoming for other participants. Thank you Open and Tilly for trusting us with this task and for the extra push at times it needed!

What was so fascinating was the simplicity in the Openhand approach which blends careful planning yet at the same time allowing spontaneity and unknown to weave it's magic on any given day. Having been connected with Openhand for nearly 10 years and taking part in online events, of course I had an image of what Open and Openhand was like and I witnessed the welcoming shatterring of these self images and thus coming home to my true self through it. Open you are a true leader who has the magic of reminding us of our true godself and illuminating that without assuming any such position of a leader or a guru. He was one of us. The level of comfort I had with the group was unbelievable. I think it's because of the deep inner work we each have taken in our individual journey and non judgmental discernment we have found for ourselves. Among other things,I'm deeply grateful for the group for providing this space.

The sessions were deeply activational for me and I'm still in the process of integrating it alas through some physical challenges. But I know this is what is necessary at this time.

You remember the painting with the lion emerging from the feminine. The lady who painted this gifted it to me after a session I had with her. It carries the retreat energy and for me symbolises the emergence of true god self. I hope we can have more of these events in India in such magical location.

Vimal 💚🙏


Hello Everyone,

I have been so in the flow with this particular Openhand event, as I think others expressed as well.  today I was inspired to visit the Buddhist Peace Park here in Sedona, just to connect more deeply with the group.   It was busy with tourists!  I went specifically to the Medicine Wheel there to do my own ceremony.  What struck me was the synergy of it all:  the Medicine Wheel is from the native american tradition,  the ceremony I did was partly Peruvian Shamanic and partly Quantum Physics.  There was a couple from India waiting nearby to do their own ceremony.  Felt like such Oneness! 

Here are some pics--the Himalayas in Arizona!  So much love!

Powerful backdropThe StupaMedicine Wheel Prayer flags

In reply to by Meredith Davis (not verified)


Thanks so much for sharing your photos from the medicine wheel in Sedona Meredith 👌

There's absolutely a first nations connection between the two places - both are of the five root nations. So I feel such a heartfelt connection.

Much love and well wishes

Open 🙏


29/10/2023 Pilgrimage Update: Final Day Photos

It's been much more than I could ever possibly express. It's been a divinely sacred pilgrimage up here in the mystical Himalayas. We touched so many energies, so many emotions, so many heartstrings. It happened at the perfect time - a blueprint forming for how we recreate ourselves as these magical mystical 5D beings by digging deep into our Lemurian past to go back to the future.

The magic is embodied. And we'll surely resonate it as activation codes in our gathering going forward. And we'll certainly be back here next year - so if you missed out, send it out as a welcome dream for next time. It's sure to be one of those peak experiences of a lifetime. It's been simply unmissable ♥️

Here are a few final snaps...

A prayer for the world...

Bringing the mountain to Mohammed!!

Zeenat in her element...

Two smiling mystics, River & Vimal...

Divinely sacred sites out on pilgrimage amongst the mountains...

Abundantly mystical skies...

Our magical retreat centre, nestled in the mountains...

A final Indian meal full of spice - we've even got mandalas in the salad!

Kali skies on the final night...

A beautful rainbow tribe - embedded in a big Openhand heart for ever!! 💙

Bright blessings to all who've been following.

Much love and well wishes

Open ♥️

In reply to by Open


Thank you Open for this beautiful vlog, which triggered such deep sadness in my heart. Your efforts to include the Openhand community in this wonderful pilgrimage is so much appreciated🙏💗

Does anyone else see the rock shaped like an eagle in the cairn/altar behind Open as he filmed this?

Travel well brave souls as you move forwards on your journeys.




Hi everyone tuning in Heart

I have been amazed at the level of activation happening here. Such a high vibe yet simple and homely location has held us in a gentle and nurturing private space, as the perfect vessel for our work. Beyond anything we could have hoped for.

Speaking personally I had original human and soul family karma activate while passing through Delhi, which I was able to get into and process once I arrived here. I was then taken by surprise as karma from lifetimes as a monk in the Himalayas activated on Thursday, and I felt much fuzzy headedness as the rigidity of the doctrine dissolved and poured out through my sinuses for two days.

The mountain walks, local people, temples and birds have each given of their treasures to make this week something very special. As for the connections through the ether to higher dimensional beings, it's hard to comprehend the privilege of such connections yet also to realise that they are happening because Openhand has an essential role with the Shift.

It felt so fitting that the majority of our guests were Indian. They helped generate the sense of humility and demonstrated great adaptability to our environment.

Heartfelt thanks to our worldwide support for tuning in and adding to our journey by your presence.

Much love, Tilly Heart


27/10/2023 Himalayan Pilgrimage: Deep Alchemy

We've been experiencing deep alchemy here on the Himalayan Pilgrimage, which would take a series of books to capture in their entirety! Hopefully, I can transmit an essence here for now (much in the work to come, going forward). We've been experiencing the connections of the Star Being Nations in the original 5 root races. Here in the Himalayas, it was the Andromedans who connected with what became the Tibetans, who intially practiced mysticism, then shamanism and ultimatrly what became Tibetan Buddhism - you see the sacred geometry reflected in their spectacular mandalas. The idea of which, is to transmit soul frequency energetically.

The alchemy became encapsulated in the Tibetan doctrine. However, the sense was, that through the rigid expression of it, there was a degree of diminuation of the pure flow of alchemy that it was originally endowed with - a degree of disconnect from the crown and a rigidity in the lower chakras - with a degree of diminution of the divine feminine too (women were excluded from the original container of the knowledge). It's why the Higher Dimensional Team worked on a means of reincorporating more of the flow and divine feminine. Which is why they tasked the likes of Blavatsky and Bailey (both women), to study the practices, the wisdom and the mysticism, to then disseminate it to the World through their respective volumes of work. Blavatsky created the Theosophical Society and Bailey's work provided much of the inspiration for the New Age movement. We connected with both Blavatsky and Bailey in the meditations. And several Lamas.

Although powerful insights were transmitted, still there have been distortions, leading to interventions, that will need to be ironed out going forward. So on the one hand, too much transmission on the plane of the intellect. And on the other, a disconnect into an idealistic bubble of "love and light". The distortions becoming susceptible to Black Snake (in the lower chakras) and the Ra energy in the mid range - due to the disconnect from the crown and lack of full embodiment.

To be clear, there's absolutely no criticism intended. As I communicated to them both, development has to happen in stages. There's always going to be karma to unravel. Plus there's the higher purpose of actually creating bridges to the intervention to bring them back into alignment. So this brief view shared here is offered with much humility, honouring and respect - all round, especially and including the wonderful Tibetan practices. ♥️🙏

What needs to happen now, in the Openhand work going forward, is a reclamation of the key mysticism and alchemical approaches that originally inspired the work - and also the evolutions of it. Such as the priceless activations delivered through the metaphoric framework of the 7 rays (now 9 rays). And the essential sense of the Merkabah. Yesterday, I was given to guide meditation to expand the sense and view of the Merkabah, as it's been currently delivered, to something more akin to a flowing, interrelating, multidimensional Mandala. With flows, colours, and oscillating sacred geometry. I can't begin to tell you how activational that was. It's definitely an approach I'll be integrating into the Openhand work going forward. Lots to share!

It was something akin to this Shrimantra Mandala below (Hindu, but with much Root race and Tibetan Influence). Place your attention on it for a while and see how it communicates/activates...

Here are some great pictures of the gang, courtesy of Tilly (heartfelt thanks ♥️)

Our colourful studio, courtesy of our India Crew - a perfect chalice for the multifaceted dynamic of the work...

Zeenat, sharing wonderfully insightful light language...

Vimal - plentiful emotive expression and unravelling through the field...

Megha, providing tremendous empathic feedback loops from the field. Priceless!...

Time for Tea on our marvellous panoramic veranda...

The contemplations/realisations continue. I don't think they'll ever stop!!...

Time for entertainment too. Wait, who said you could incorporate AI (LOL) into the music?!!

Tilly, our marvellous, multifaceted maternal support, here with Kristi. But wait, how are you getting that selfie?
"I'm being the multi-armed Buddha!"...

Thanks so much for tuning in everyone - we feel you and it's deeply cherished.

Bright blessings to all

Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Hi All,

I'm still able to log in here to get updated on the big happenings there. I have no email, this old laptop is so old it can't get data to let me in. Will have to get a new laptop at some point, but hoping this one will hold out until some black friday sales come along. I'm soaking in all the things you're sharing and can't wait to hear about all of it as you continue sharing. Very interesting on the new colorful meditations. I'll keep tuning in as long as this old laptop will work. Great photos!

On a different note, my gmail email is going to start charging in Dec. so it may get deleted, even though I cannot get into it now, and I'll have to find a way to contact you. Working on getting a new laptop when funds allow.

Sherri Praying EmojiHeart


Hi Open and everyone,

Feeling the energies there in India have really touched a chord in me. There's something very sacred about everyday life that I remember from times past in India. It's inspiring for me to be more conscious of that sacredness in life here, even though it's somewhat brushed under the carpet in western daily living.

Kali also strikes a chord. I feel just how much compassion and love there is in that seeming destruction. There has to be an invitation for that, and that seems to have happened. Make no mistake, the Kali energy doesn't f#%k around. It's clear, concise in what needs to be done to realign. That's why I totally resonate with moving beyond emotional reactivity - instead using the heart as a signpost.

That way we stay in the big picture, while not being dissociated from the little picture of individual lives.




26/10/2023 Pilgrimage Update: Kali & the Shift

I was up burning the midnight oil to get another vlog out for you amongst the deep intensity of the work here. We've been exploring the connections of the Tibetan monks with the Andromedans (all that sacred geometry in the mandalas!), how they've been holding the crown chakra, plus also the higher dimensional Team's efforts to disseminate the mysticism contained within their work through Blavatsky and Alice Bailey, both of whom came to us in the meditations yesterday - it's a fascinating dynamic for sure, with lots of unravellings to facilitate.

Much more on that to come. But for now, here's the latest vlog that touches on the roll of Kali in the Shift...

It's all happening!

Bright blessings

Open 💎


25/10/2023 Himalayan Pilgrimage Update

We're deep into the work here in the Himalayas - wow, how the energy of the environment amplifies the process. The expansions are rapid, and we're getting many different visitations from beings in the ether, all intrigued and ready to contribute to the Openhand alchemical approach. That's really where the work has come into its own during these times - it's a crucial part of the work to confront the inner karmic convolutions everyone holds. In working to go there, you unravel the ancient knots that have been bound into the human journey over the aeons.

What this means, is that you're literally communicating a healing journey with those holding the space in the ether for the journey of Ascension. We're able to bridge into them and communicate telepathically. This couples with the unwinding, which then ripples through the field - they then pick it up and amplify it.

Yesterday, during one karmic processing session, the Goddess Kali very clearly came to us - she's celebrated at the Gallu temple close by, and our guest house manager happens to be the patron of the temple. So what was the sense of the Kali energy? She came through as a "Goddess" but totally aligned and without any of that Goddess Baggage. She certainly doesn't need any worship or adoration - no external validation. She had a close affiliation to Gaia, having previously held something like that role.

However, and here's the key part...

She takes a big-picture view of suffering. In that, she's not afraid to act to deconstruct a reality so as to unwind systemic suffering. She's clear, concise, and without emotional attachment to any one sentient being. She sees the cleansing effect of the Shift as of profound benefit to the whole. Which is a great help and support to Gaia, who has had a deep emotional attachment to her Earth "children". And so Kali has appeared to her in order to offer that resonant reflection - that she can now get on with the job of cleansing, so as to ease systemic suffering, that the totality of sentient life is burdened here by. I can tell you that just her presence, and knowing what she's here to motivate getting on with the Shift, was a very welcome sense of relief and alignment.

I scoured the web for what felt like an appropriate image. I was surprised to see how many of the images were fearful, fighting warrior-like ones, which didn't come across in her presence at all. It's clear though, that in her presence, karmic shadows will trigger, and so if people are in fear of that inner confrontation, they'll see her as the cause of it, rather than their own inner convolutions. It is a typical challenge of the catalyst - too few are yet ready to own their own baggage when it gets triggered. They want to project the revelation of the pain they're holding onto the catalyst, rather than accepting the blessing.

I can well empathise - it's been a challenge for Openhand too over the years!

Bright blessings

Open 🙏

In reply to by Open


We suffered a technology breakdown yesterday - Tilly, who has a strong Gaia resonance, experienced a mysterious "outage" on her iPhone. Probably a sign from Kali of the future to come!!

Hence we only got a few images to share. Ideally the tech will get restored today, Kali allowing!

Getting down to it in our colourful Himalayan studio, materials courtesy of our Indian contigent...

Phew, that Kali magic can be quite full-on!

Taking a welcome breather...

That's our studio with the red roof, nestled in amongst these glorious mountains...

We very much welcome you tuning in and sharing the energy with us.
You are very much seen and felt.


Open ♥️

In reply to by Open


Hi Everyone,

my other laptop crashed yesterday when it tried to update so I'm now on the really old one that barely works. I either need to buy another cheap quality laptop, which is still very pricey, or do without for now so not sure how long I'll be able to use this old laptop. Updates crash the computer after a while. The TV updated too and having trouble getting the weather ch. which is about all I watch. Now it says update available so if it crashes this thing, I may miss out on the rest of this week with your posts. I find nothing smart about smart tv's or things. lol

My library may offer a way to come here but I don't know their computers very well and they are open very short hours and closed 2 days a week and on holidays. So I'll see how things go. Kali must be messing with the technology here too... I can't even get into my email, won't work.

Will log in as long as I have this working. Praying EmojiHeart

In reply to by Open


Another outage or perhaps an opportunity to reset! This has me in awe! I too experienced a power outage on my computers just now! I had been thinking of Kali at the time and how her energy is being channeled through space and time being grounded with an aligned strength that exudes love. This has never happened before to me and only my office is affected….thank you all for sharing, I feel voicing adds to the collective courageous energy building through these feedback loops


In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

Your sharing about the Kali energy really sparked something in me. It feels like she is inviting me to dance with her. My soul ray harmonic doesn't contain destruction energies. If anything I, like Gaia get attached to the suffering of others, especially those close to me. It's something I've been progressively working to unravel. So even though Kali and I are strangers as a first step she's asking me to truly get to know her, in her aligned state. It has provided me with a morning of deep contemplation and several realizations both on the personal level and about things that have gone on in the field.

AnnPraying Emoji

In reply to by Open


Don't know if its Kali at work, but is already happening:

When residents of Acapulco, Mexico, went to bed on Monday, Wednesday’s forecast called for gusty winds and some downpours. Otis, a run-of-the-mill tropical storm, was expected to only “gradually strengthen” en route to the coast. Instead, Otis intensified faster than any other eastern Pacific storm on record Tuesday and became the strongest hurricane to ever strike Mexico slamming Acapulco as a “potentially catastrophic Category 5.”

Forecasters didn’t even anticipate Otis would become a hurricane. Then it broke all-time records.

Strangecoincidence,the most powerful hurricanehitsbiggestcityonthousandskilometerslongpacificcoast...Andthisisa fourth destructive hurricaneinthe last few daysafterJemen,BangladeshandVanatu.Sciencecan'tgraspitanymore,it'shappeningmuchfasterthanexpected:

2023, the year that all sorts of climate records were broken in crazy ways... Whether this could have been foreseen or not, maybe, but still fair to say we are entering uncharted territory.

uncharted territory

Anyway, I somehow like Kali energy, it dosent feel sad, even when singing blues...


In reply to by Open


oooh I really love the vibe coming through in this image of Kali. Thanks Open for sharing this.

For me when you communicated about Kali and Gaia I see this as holding multiple perspectives at once - the meta and the personal. The sense that on the level of identity comes the potential for attachment and entanglement...a desire to hold on to one version of reality. At the same time there is the sense of the bigger picture - the zoomed out sense of breathing of life out and back in. In this I feel the capacity to notice and honor the feelings that are there yet be unlimited in that experience.

The two energies are quite exquisite together because as I feel it, there is the celebration of life in its physical, emotional, mental, energetic while also seeing creation with the eyes of truth - holding it all with perfect freedom to let it all go ...to desconstruct and reform.


I absolutely love and resonate so deeply with today's vlog about mysticism.  Yes, yes, yes.  this is what I feel. No set pathway through, a deep tuning into something formless, yet profound. Such deep trust, surrender and allowing.  And yet feeling the pull of fear sometimes to and hurry up 'do' something.  That feeling is different from the graceful flow of suddenly finding yourself taking an action because it simply arose from the connection.  As Open shared--it is subtle. 

We have a Buddhist stupa here in Sedona, actually quite near my house.  I don't often go because I'm not a follower of tibetan buddhism, but after this video i think I might just visit it today.  I think it will give me a sense of being with you all.  

Love and grace---

In reply to by Meredith Davis (not verified)


Hi Meredith - so good to have you tune in, I can feel that Sedona connection from here.

I must share a funny synchronicity from our work yesterday here. We were working in meditation in the studio and a Lama came to us in the ether, just to observe what we were doing - the consciousness is expanding out into the valley and around the location. So there was a communication - that what we're doing bears some influence from the Tibetan past, but that we are working much more with mysticism - as I communicated in the video. The Lama acknowledged the connection through Tibetan Buddhism too.

When the session ended I went out onto the studio balcony. And just at that exact moment, a Tibetan Buddhist appeared on the balcony of the adjacent Guest House. I smiled and nodded. He did the same. It was a lovely subtle moment of beautiful synchronicity.

Bright blessings

Open 🙏


24/10/2023 Pilgrimage Update: Lemurian Root Races

It's getting very deep, very quickly here, and yes, there's plenty of emotion - connection to the Lemurian Root Race that existed in the Himalayas - they're coming to us in meditation very poignantly. Yesterday I took everyone astral travelling, on a cloud (yes indeed!), across the Himalayas to connect into their own soul roots. At the beginning of the meditation the sky was clear blue, and immediately after, this incredible cloud appeared right over the studio and hung there for ages. Then other clouds swept in toward the sunset, with dragons and all manner of mysticism. It's like we're stepping through a portal into another world...

Here's the cloud and the dragon, courtesy of Tilly, who has been capturing some great photos and video clips...

And here's the Dragon that swept in across the valley below us at the sunset...

It's the perfect intro to the latest vlog I put together, shot from a beautiful mystical site, high up on the mountain above the studio, gazing out into the majesty of the Himalayas...

Thanks so much for tuning in everyone and sharing your energies. Something deeply profound is unfolding here.

Bright blessings to all

Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Oh the energies you are sharing on this pilgrimage!!

This morning I was with my trainer crossing on a slack line over what is for the moment a dry stream bed. We talked about how soon it will be filled with water and how much more challenging it is when you look down and don't know what is beneath the water; you don't know what will meet you if you fall. And just as you spoke of Open, we are now in times when we will just have to trust and take the next step, not knowing what is beneath us. Exciting and terrifying at the same time. I join with the others who say they have been instantly moved to tears watching your videos... and the heart expanding energy is oh so palpable.

Thank you for taking us with you on this sacred journey.

Much love

Alex xxx

In reply to by Open


These past few days as my own realizations about the presence of Lemuria in Himalayas were landing, I was guided to your post ( after months have gone by)as if to confirm what I am now realizing for myself. To me it seems that Lemuria extended  from the Himalayas into the plains of the region which we now call Uttrakhand and western Uttar Pradesh, this region is to date called Dev Bhoomi - the land of the Gods- regions of Haridwar, Rishikesh etc. The kingdom of Shiv and Shakti. No wonder during the retreat Goddess Kali came through as she is the manifestation of Shakti. I was feeling the  presence of Lemurians in the Himalayan region-the  beings who existed both in subtle and material forms with deep ties  to Andromeda. So so beautiful. The Lemurian civilization seems to be the precursor of the  Vedic relegion which as time progressed became more institutionalized,  but still has elements of that free flowing Lemurian energy and their temples of light. The energy was so pure at that time with numerous Ashrams at the banks of Ganges, I fell that the color saffron/ochre carried deep significance to these ancient Lemurians, which is still maintained in the Hindu ascetic traditions of today. Maybe the color had the significance on how the Lemurians shifted from etheric into physical form,  because ochre color represents earth or material. I had always wondered what were the origins of the saffron color in India

In reply to by Ruchi (not verified)


Profound gratitude Ruchi, for sharing your own reflecting confirmations of your Lemurian root race experiences in India - it's always heartwarming to get the feedback loop.

Much love and well wishes for your continued journey of discovery.

Open 💎


Just so beautiful… made me smile so big watching this video… a feeling of homecoming. I had just been feeling a call to go to India and felt there was an opening to do so even though it didn’t seem physically so clear how it was possible… and then I saw this! Following along with you all. 🙏🏼❤️

In reply to by .Wren


Hi Jen!
I also feel a deep connection with going to India. Love all the photos and looks like the connections are genuinely uplifting. What an experience!! Holding space down below for all the energy to move through…


In reply to by erica r


Hi Erica! So sweet to see your name and the pic of you among the clouds of La Palma! Happy to be your India travel buddy on this etheric voyage. Heart

Tilly - what a gorgeous pic! The clouds have been standing out to me as well today...with this same image a few times today...like the energy was reaching out from the heavens and touching ground.

Thank you Open and Tilly for the sharings and the videos - amazing to share in this experience with you all. Praying Emoji

Touching ground


Thank you Open for sharing the first video diary of your Indian journal. It triggered waves of emotion as I watched with tears streaming down my face. I cannot pretend to know what that was all about, or even if the emotion was joy or grief, I just let the emotion wash through me. This has never happened before so early on when I have followed a retreat journal, so I will be following with extra interest to see what transpires. Power stuff!🙏


In reply to by Pam


Pam, the same thing happened to me! I started crying during the video and I have no idea why. I did feel a distinct sense of longing for something... either to be there with the group, or connect with the energies, or something else. I was surprised to have such a strong reaction to a short introduction video. It'll be exciting to see where this retreat goes next! ✨



23/10/2023 Himalayan Energies Journal

It's fabulous having you guys all tune in - the journal has already got a warm community feel to it - thankyou ♥️

Yesterday we were getting everything set up ready for the group to arrive. And connecting into the energies that we know we'll be working with. I've already picked up the Lemurian Originals up here in the Himalayas, a Buddhist elder in the ether from the nearby mountain temple, and also the Goddess Kali came in from the local Gallu temple. Which is highly synchronistic, because what I get, is that she's a shadow activator during the transition through End Times. The shadow work must be done to polish that diamond!

I should have a vlog out tomorrow, but in the meantime, here are a few snaps of us getting set for the retreat.

Mcleodganj is a bustling "shanti" town known as "Little Lhasa", way up in the mountains on the edge of the Himalayas. It's the home of the Dalai Lama and Tibetans in Exile. It's a vibrant village, with great colour and spiritual memorabilia...

You can also get a plant-based latte!

Tilly having a great time settling in. India is right in her vibe...

It's a 20 minute taxi ride, straight up through the mountains, on a rough bone shaking track, through stunning mountain scenery...

We're a short walk from the Gallu Temple, dedicated to the Goddess Kali - you can definitely feel her presence...

At the centre, checking the vlogging kit made it through the travels...

Here's our resident band, River and Vimal, getting in tune to entertain us on the retreat...

Tuning up the meditation vibes too: "Vimal, your focus needs more focus!"...

Our first guest, Andy arrives, resting in the beautiful panorama, telling me about his 12 hour taxi ride, crammed into a small back seat, from Delhi. "Andy, they do have planes in India - it's only 90 minutes!!

Getting the home fires burning, keeping the vibe warm for some late arrivals...

We're already having a magical time. Tune in tomorrow for my latest vlog.

Bright blessings

Open 💎


Great video to start the trip…amazing scenery for sure…wish I was there too as have been drawn to Tibetan Buddhism over the past many years and lately Lemuria seems to have some meaning to me also…will join you in the energies and connect to this great energetic place in that way 🙏💖🙏… enjoy!!!
PS Hi again Soumya 🙏


Beautiful video of pieces from the journey. Thank you for sharing. What a week you will all have together!


It makes me so happy to watch that video and feel the warm up for this Pilgrimage.

I just want to tune in and be there with you all, right from the beginning. For me it seems to be fascinating to witness how Lemurian times and the energy of Tibetan lineage are being woven together.

Thanks for sharing those vibes and wishing you a marvellous week together.😇

miha 🌳


22/10/2023 Tibetan Energy Journal: Intro

We've just arrived here at the Gallu Temple, above Mcleod Ganj in Dharamshala for our Tibetan Energy Pilgrimage. It's a breathtaking view from our secluded retreat centre, with the sun coming up majestically over the mountains. What do I mean by, "Tibetan Energy Pilgrimage"? Well it's NOT about Tibetan Buddhism. It's an ancient mysticism that precedes even that, right back to Lemurian times and the seeding of Original Humanity. How did they live? How were they divinely connected? How did the flow guide them moment by moment?

Come join us on retreat here and get the sense of connecting into the Original Human energies in you.

See you along the flow.

Open 🙏