Solstice Transformation: KNOW what you want to change about YOURSELF

Submitted by Open on Sun, 12/18/2022 - 07:46

The Solstice swings around once more at the end of another tumultuous year in the shift. Particularly the last six months, where we've witnessed a crucial pivot of power, as collective soul emergence breaks through. It's time to prepare yourself for regeneration. There's always a new you that you can find. It's buried under the layers we heap up over the years. As this density begins to crack, you'll feel the new sense of you that wants to break through. Give time and space to that. Pay homage to it. Express it and call it forth.

The Festive Season is Upon Us

It's a busy time of year no doubt: things to do, presents to buy, cards to write, friends and family to meet, but the person you need to greet most of all is yourself - that new you that wants to break through and break out. It's essential to give time to this, because it's the greatest gift you'll ever receive AND be able to give.

Usually, at these times, there's an elevation of alchemy in the field, people are searching for something at a soul level, often without even knowing what they're looking for. And we're in a sacred portal: 12:12 to 21:12, where flows of energy are heightened. But they're not going to have that uncovering, emergent effect unless we pay homage to the next grandest iteration of ourselves.

How do you do this?

3 Key Ways to Uncover the New You

1) Firstly there's taking dedicated time out for yourself, in stillness, in nature or at a scared site that you know stimulates your consciousness - especially at the time of the solstice.

2) I find that archetypes work well. You might be shown the sense of a new energy, a new way of being wanting to come through: maybe the sense of an archangel or and ascended master. How does that energy speak into you? What about it are you being invited to embody? Pay attention, feel it, see what wants to activate and come through.

3) Power animals can help tremendously. You might start seeing a particular creature on your travels, either in nature, in the dreamtime or in symbology. How does the creature make you feel? Again get a sense of the energy you feel to embody and work on sitting with it, stepping into it. How does this beingness want to be?

Stay up to speed, with leading-edge insights from the frontline of the Shift...

Master the Art of Processing

Remember, always, whatever is going on in your life, it's a process. The process of soul unravelling, actualising and expressing, through the density of separation consciousness. When you realise and surrender to this, it brings enormous power with it. Because it puts you in the driving seat of the creative process, with the quantum field itself.

When you get tight, or the circumstances around you do, what is attaching? How is it affecting you? There's no need for you to be defined by the limitations of the external. Unravel through, by letting go. Open the wide internal space of stillness. Then allow authenticity to express forth from there.

In this way, you can always win, as everything now clicks in around your new sense of self.

So, what's the new version of you that wants to come through this solstice?

Explore the New You with Openhand in 2025

2025 is set to be the "Year of Acceleration", with powerful unravellings and soul emergence. It's a vibrant possibility that Openhand is geared to help you capitalise on. Resonate? Then explore our groundbreaking work:

Bright blessings
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

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Hi Open,

Well! Recently I've worked hard to get a really deep cleaning done in this house and finally finished it, including the garage. It feels so good. I've been tossing things out I don't feel any need of any longer also and will still be doing that and giving some things away that others can use.

One thing that has really(!!) impressed upon me is to get my hair cut! I've barely been trimming it since the beginning of the scamdemic. I feel to get a brand new hairstyle and will make an appt. after the holidays. I've already talked with the lady that I feel I want to have do the haircut for me.

Another really new thing is, suddenly I'm waking up and thinking of words in Spanish. I took conversational Spanish in middle school decades ago and have forgotten a lot of it but suddenly it's starting to come back. Really odd... ?

The spiritual deck... My first deck was very well hidden at a local bookstore here in town decades ago and yet I looked up in the glass case just right and happened to see it. The wise lady said my deck chose me. It was the Shapeshifter deck but I no longer have it or other decks that people felt to give me. Or I don't know where they are. I think I feel like going to the bookstore again and seeing if a new deck seeks me out. I also bought a crystal there years ago. This stuff has been hidden in a box somewhere from my several moves over the years. I feel motivated to keep going though boxes. I believe my crystal has been calling to me for a while now.

An animal that keeps coming to mind lately is the Red Fox. It was in my thoughts the last few days. Don't know what it means but I'm sharing these new things with you here if you want to give a reflection. I do feel stronger and growing more. I suspect Kundalini is still activating slowly but surely and my "knowing" seems to be getting stronger too. I've been doing intermittent fasting quite often and chakra opening and clearing.

I got a new laptop that froze up due to a hot battery so I think I'm affecting the electricity here some. It has come back on since then and I'm waiting on a new router to arrive, but the holiday season has really slowed down getting it shipped from the internet company I have. In due time it'll be here I'm sure.

I feel really good at this time, I feel changes are coming, I feel strong and I feel motivated to do the above things. A spotless house does wonders. lol

Happy Solstice & Merry Christmas! Praying EmojiHeartThe Sun Emoji



Got my place and time, sunset at one of the quieter bays of Lake Ontario nearby. Just hoping the weather works with me.

No doubts as to what has to change for me, and thanks for reminding us it doesn't have to happen all at once. Any progress no matter how small is a step toward the summit. For us who don't do well with pressure, that's reassuring.

I have been getting little views of who i can be, like the sun breaking through storm clouds. A sense of expanded joy. It's amazing, freeing, exciting!

Lately memories of youth pop up unbidden but I feel like I'm actually back there in that moment. Today a memory of accompanying a friend to an unfamiliar part of town. She then was heading home, but I was gazing down the street and feeling a strong sense of wanting to explore on my own. I regretfully didn't though, probably because I was hungry or some banal thing, but being there this time I'm saying GO! Follow that pull that I know now was coming from higher self. Maybe I would have met someone who would been a positive influence for me, maybe they would have fed me too lol. Maybe nothing would have happened except the deeper connection I would have created by trusting and going with the flow. More confidence in myself. And realizing now that I've always been an explorer. So I will honour this part of me, get some freewheeling going now I'm not smothered by weed smoke. Can't wait to share my experiences.

In terms of archetypes, I've been working with AA Michael over the last few years, and when I think of him I feel the urge to join him in righteous battle. A part of me has always felt this urge. And as for power animals, for the last month or so, I've been seeing the stag everywhere. He embodies many traits I wish to embody myself, especially knowing how to hide in plain site, not calling attention to myself but being keenly observant, using all senses to always be relaxed yet alert. Strong but gentle. Connected to higher self with the antlers, which are also his boundaries and defence. Forest dweller; one of my favorite places.

Thanks for this inspiration!πŸ™πŸ€βœ¨


What could ever be better than discovering the next grandest version of yourself? Breaking through what limits to unleash a new possibility. To my mind, that's what the New Year is really all about.

So that will be exactly our approach to the two upcoming New Year Retreats as we turn the page into 2024. What's the greatest gift you could give to yourself? It will be our pleasure to help you discover.

29th Dec-1st Jan: Quantum New Year 24 Shift: 4-Days, ZOOM
In a World that's terraforming and breaking down around us, let's not fear catalysis and change, but embrace it as a new driver for our soul consciousness. Using groundbreaking meditation techniques, let's transform the karma that has derailed us and set sail into a bright new year on the outstretched wings of the soul. Four Days of unmissable spiritual alchemy with Planetary Shift Facilitator, "Open".
Quantum Shift Your Life into 2024.

21st-27th Jan: New Year Retreat 24: 7-Days LA PALMA
7-Day retreat on the magical volcanic island of La Palma in the Canary Islands. Ground-breaking work for navigating the higher dimensional pathway through Earth's tumultuous 5D Shift to unleash your God Self. Secluded retreat centre, high vibe food, rustic accommodation, cutting-edge work, exhilarating fun with the Rainbow Tribe!
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.


Hello, this is the first time I've felt called to comment, having been here in the background for years soaking up your wisdom! Your reference to archetypes really speaks to me; recently, I have circled back 40 years to an obsession of my 20s,  feeling an immense connection to Native American Indian culture and ceremony - even feeling immense inexplicable sadness. I don't know if this is me, a past life, a guide or maybe a deep collective guilt for the injustices that our ancestors carried out (& still are) on indigenous peoples and on Grandmother Earth. But whatever the root of this, I am called daily to honour the directions, sit silently in nature and hold Her in reverence. My life is enriched by this beautiful new spiritual practice. I've just remembered that earlier this morning I asked my guides for a little sign, as I've not been aware of any recently - and Lo! here's your email about archetypes... Blessings all.

In reply to by Karen (not verified)


Hi Karen - thanks so much for the heartfelt sharing - I'm glad that you stepped out of the shadows to share. πŸ‘

Bright blessings for the festive season and going forwards.

Love and well wishes

Open πŸ™
PS - if you wish to open an account so you don't have to go through the security check when you comment, click on this link...


20/12/2022 Shift Update

It's an alchemical time for sure, this 12:12-12:21 portal we're in, providing we take time out at sacred sites and to tune in. Yesterday Tilly and I met up, as we often do at this time of year, at a tremendously sacred site, Mow Cop, in middle England. It's where Hugh Bourne of the Primitive Methodist Church frequently assembled his congregation in the 1800's...

It's a granite outcrop, high above the Cheshire plane, with far reaching views, that holds a tremendous energy. I've been having lots of connections with Metatron Energy in the last couple of weeks, often appearing in sacred geometry, and strong golden/amber light. We spent time conducting ceremony into the sunset, and this was the light that responded to us...

It was totally spectacular! A stunning feedback loop.
The energy of Metatron is drawing close on the planet to support creative actualisation through the observation of sacred geometry. All you need do is witness it, from which, it then weaves. That's the high alchemy that becomes available to you.

Remember, it's by taking time out that the greatest gift is actualised...

As we build upto the solstice, bright blessings to all!

Openhand πŸ™x9

In reply to by Open


So so beautiful, thanks to AA Metatron! Deciding since my kitty companion's death it's time to start broadening my horizons so despite financial constraints i'm working on getting my passport and getting to a retreat sometime in 2023, and hoping to catch the UK one for this reason; that countryside beckons! Working through lots of density lately and realizing my job just takes too much and i've been trying to work out a way to reduce my workdays from 5 to 4 with the sole intention of making that extra day "self care day" but really it's "Soul care day" to do the things my soul loves: yoga, nature, and that pesky meditating which i'm struggling with. It's hard to be still when you can't/won't let go or even have time. But i persist nonetheless and that day willgive me the time and opportunity to go deeper. So i feel like this is a synchronistic message to do it, take the time, it's so much m9re important and worth it than mundane day jobs that suck the life out of you. Worth a go i think. Thanks Open! Brightest solstice blessings! β€οΈπŸ˜ŠπŸ™


The Openhand work is all about helping you unveil the next grandest version of your higher self. Sign up to our New Year Retreat and discover the best New Year's gift possible. The new You!!

28th Dec-1st Jan: New Year Quantum Shift: 5-Day Retreat, ZOOM
5-Day Zoom Retreat to Quantum Shift Your 2023. Ground-breaking meditations and self-realisation inquiry at a pivotal time of year. Activate essential aspects of your Divine Being. Download higher dimensional guidance. Set your focus in 2023 for successful living, with planetary shift facilitator "Open".
Quantum shift your New Year!


Personally metatron is speaking to me strongly and offers a new iteration wanting to come through my consciousness. Yesterday I gave some money to a street person sitting cold in the rain on Glastonbury high street, and I was taken aback that he gave something in return - an amber coloured quartz, with the sense of white light taking geometric form. What a blessing!

And then this music came to me shortly afterwards...

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

whenever thinking about the new year I am being filled with happiness and joy. It's like after seven years of Africa, of spiritual apprenticeship, of being on my spiritual mountain in my inner cave, now is the time to come all the way down, and to realise myself within society. A new start back in Germany. This is the time.

I didn't sleep much at night because there was so much inspiration flowing in, my mind was just spinning around. There is a feeling of adventure - where will I live and how will I live and with whom? How will my facilitation service grow and blossom once I start it? And how will Openhand shape in the next year?

I'm feeling like I am a child in wonderland, so much to discover and experience πŸ€—

So much curiosity.

Much love to you and everyone in Openhand, this year was beyond amazing,
Thomas πŸ€

In reply to by thomask


In your writing Thomas, there is a clear sense of anticipation and adventure for the new future. That means it WILL be alchemical.

It's been tremendous having you involved in Openhand - I'm excited about what the new year holds in store too.

Bright blessings

Open πŸ’™

In reply to by Open


Hi Open, thank you for this invitation to share. I totally concur with Thomas. I'm filled with adventure, curiosity and excitement. I'm allowing this feeling to blossom without getting locked in the mindloops. I have come back to stay with my family for a few days and i can see how how I have changed over the past few months. There is more surrender into the sacred ground and less reaction to the external. I can see it because I have a reference point of how I was when I was here only few months back. Every new challenge is an opportunity to surrender into the soul and uncover new gifts of beingness. Every challenge is an opportunity to let go of something which is no longer relevant. Yesterday I went to the nearby favorite spot to meditate by the river , conduct ceremony for the new version of me which wanted to emerge. I saw two synchronistic interplays there. Few people conducting rituals for their parents who passed away and few teenagers celebrating one of their birthdays nearby. It spoke to me about this rebirthing process.

I have been feeling this deep calling to take off once again and travel but this time a little different. I'm giving the control to the divine and to be taken care by the magic of the soul. The motivation is to explore different facets of myself and to let go of that which doesn't serve. I'm taking my expressions with me and want to see how it evolves through the process. I want to see how I grow as a facilitator and express more authentically through music, videos and writings. Im giving myself permission to make mistakes, be lost at times but trust that I will learn something about myself through all of it.

In reply to by Vimal


That's marvellous Vimal...

There is more surrender into the sacred ground and less reaction to the external. I can see it because I have a reference point of how I was when I was here only few months back. Every new challenge is an opportunity to surrender into the soul and uncover new gifts of beingness. Every challenge is an opportunity to let go of something which is no longer relevant.

The way to go!

Open πŸ’™

In reply to by Open


Dear Open,

I have been busy since just the day before Christmas as my very star-seed child has decided she wants to stay with me and not her father . I took her along to my 25 year old medical school reunion which was also a reconnection with some wonderful friends.

This is after I seperated last year and along with the tonnes of stuff I was processing ,"losing" my only child had been the most difficult. In a span of a year ,with zero manipulation or discussion from my side ,this teenager saw through the drama beautifully. She is now back with me and it is so beautiful interacting with her. Without needing to soften what I recognise were pretty toxic circumstances with her Dad ,I am able to be myself with her and vice versa. She is such a light ,it's a pleasure to have her company .

Her arrival has prompted my landlord to ask me to leave . So I am now in the midst of moving as well ( from a flat numbered 406 in Tower 1,to 203 in Tower 7 - the numerology is interesting :))

I am also dealing with supporting my Mom as she negotiates a knotty land deal with integrity and a move away from this city .My relationship with her had been sketchy from my teens and yet there has been much reconciliation in the past few months as I have learnt to speak my truth and draw boundaries despite her domineering/ controlling tendencies . We are very heartfully connected now and I understand her as she does me so much better.

This feels very much like karma is being dissolved . The land deal is of my departed father's ancestral land . Again feels very, very karmic .

Shifts all around in the 3 D sense are upon me .

I am often overwhelmed with these massive changes around me in living circumstances and relationships . Through this I have been tapping into my masculine . Learning to be steadfast and strong despite the multitude of day to day challenges being thrown at me .

I am trying to ,through this storm,stay centered within. Ironically ,I am the primary emotional support for many through this period of transition . In that too I am being careful to be crystal clear about my boundaries and discerning where I am giving my energy .

I am also learning to channel my authentic anger into creativity rather than self blame. . Again ironically I am in a very supportive relationship with a man at the moment. And he seems to have been propelled on a massive journey fraught with disillusionment in relationships as a result of our connection. Again keeping boundaries and allowing people their lessons .

It's the best of times and the worst of times . I pause and breathe several times a day. As also DANCE. As also shake with anxiety . And become a puddle of grief. I feel like I am living several lifetimes at the same time.

Open,you said something about how parents wanting to protect their kids keeps l them and the children in limbo . And I can feel that is what I was doing unconsciously earlier . Those lines written around the New Year were tremendously evocative for me .

Just sharing my journey . It's a particularly fast paced one right now ,with each day bringing its own challenges .

I wish everyone in the Openhand community a transformative journey in 2023 !
