Humanity Crossing Karmic Plane

Submitted by Open on Fri, 01/12/2024 - 16:37

As we turn a new chapter on the Shift, transitioning through 2024, a broad swathe of humanity is entering the Karmic plane of the 4D. How will you experience it? What will you likely encounter and how will you best process through? That's the exploration and sharing in this episode of Openhand's 5D Shift Podcast.

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08/03/2024 Shift Update: Crossing the "4D Red Sea" of Karma

It's clear, that by our connections with people in the Openhand community, plenty are now beginning to process their past life karma strongly, and in waves. To be clear, it's going to be discombobulating as you break into the density and peel off the layers.

There will be times when you lose trust. It's often because guidance shuts down as you work into the old unconsciousness. Or you ask yourself, "Why am I doing this? Why persist?" But if you're hitting density, doubt or anxiety - you're on the right path. Because this is what we need to purge to find the ultimate freedom of expansion that is the new Golden Age of the 5D/6D/7D.

Hence I felt to share this Openhand 5D Shift Podcast again today, for you to review. It's essential to be clear on your process for dealing with karma, so as to release any unnecessary suffering and to ease steadily through.

Openhand is here for you, should you feel the need to reach out.
Do share your experiences at these pivotal times in commentary below.
I'll happily offer an intuitive reflection to ease the process.

Bright blessings

Open πŸ’Ž

As always thank you for your guidance on this journey. Words ring true; feel true. The vibrations of them present a reality that once was; but has always been and the vision of celebration of the Soul!! Namaste'

Dear Openhand Community -

What is coming up for me now as we transition into 2024.  Ah yes crossing the Karmic Plane feels right!  I've been around the Openhand work and community for a bit of time now.  What has always kept me coming back is a deep-felt resonance within the core of my being.  I feel I've always been committed but maybe it's been in a half ass way.  I will grow, learn and evolve as long as I'm in close proximity to those seeking the same thing.  I've learned a lot about myself and how I show up in the world and this community and energy has helped foster these realizations.  Some big and some not so big (very subtle shifts).  

Some things have transpired recently within my relationship that have really shifted somethings internally.  It feels like all the work that I've been doing up until this point is all being put to the test now!  Feelings of abandonment and betrayal are the 2 biggest things coming up for me at the moment.  Also, this feeling of being discarded.  So, I've been sitting with a lot of confusion, grief, apathy, anger, numbness to name a few.  I've invested all of my being into a particular mirror and now that mirror has shattered.  Feeling as if I'm at ground zero, all my old reference points seem to be dissolving from within.  It feels quite disorienting at times, but I'm working with it.  I also feel this energy of excitement through it all too!  I've been hiding and playing small for years only giving the world and others just a snippet of who I truly feel pulled to be.  That was an incredibly exhausting and inauthentic way to live.  I've always felt this dissonance within my being and as I've grounded my soul through this physical vessel, I've become stronger and more resolute in who I feel pulled to be.

I've always felt quite empathic over the years, really learning how to feel my energy and also the energy of the field around me.  I've lost myself many times in this energy, many times along the way.  I've always felt this warrior energy that has been lying dormant inside of me too.  Shame has kept that energy below the surface.  Old wounds, programing and conditioning did a good job of keeping the lid on that jar.  

I would say that my most recent life experiences have blown the lid off of that jar.  Whatever was blocked with my being was something very deep and I feel that it definitely extended past into past lives, that's why my soul had to create just the right circumstances to blow that fucking lid off because I wasn't taking it off myself because whatever it was felt so "BIG" and overwhelming.  So here we are at ground zero working with whatever is coming up in any given moment.  Starting to navigate forward one conscious breath and step at a time.

What is coming up for me now is the need to heal and integrate what has come up for me during this time.  It feels like so much so fast, but I feel I've been readied for this particular moment in time.  Learning to hold the tension of opposites comes to mind.  There is no going back and changing things to live comfortably in a reality that was slowly killing me literally.  

I feel 2024 is ripe for change, evolution and growth!  I'm grateful to be part of a community such as this to explore the deepest depths of my being and to hold space for others to do the same.


With deep love and gratitude,


Thank-you for your podcast yesterday Open, I will be ready for any upcoming karma. I have the Nordic Blues beside me in the form of a blue orchid I picked up a week or so ago. I too am processing some erratic energies over the past week or two.

I felt to share some thoughts on the term witnessing, if that is okay. As with any signifier, witnessing is just a word, and not an actual experience, so it is open to misinterpretation. In duality, there is either an ego trying to make sense of the world, trying to get somewhere, or to achieve something, and always mistaken, or higher mind, letting things happen in their own time, and knowing. Witnessing as I know it, are states of heavenly grace where the source id breathing through your soul, and you are seeing the truth of a situation or thing. The ego, if you have one, and the soul as an intermediary vessel, will dissolve right back into source at these times, and God itself is looking through your eyes. The mind will be empty, no judgement, no reaction, nothing required, only presence. If something is to be done, it will happen, when given to do so, although there is no intention.

Witnessing distorted by ego on the other hand, is a person believing that anything must go, watching the world go by, incapable of discernment or right action. They're doing what they're meant to do at that stage in their evolution, and time will tell, both forms serve. Witnessing in the higher sense, is one of the most precious gifts that God can bestow upon a being. It is the fully conscious unification with God itself. Everybody's relationship to source is as unique as they are. For me, this is it's most intimate. When witnessing spikes, it is like you're being asked a thing by God directly, at other times, being given a choice. Ultimately, if you can surrender that much, let go of identity that much, we're all being done. May source whisk you up and away in it's most tantalising embrace, for now and forever. I just felt to clarify.


Dear Open and Openhanders ,

It promises to be a wonderful year. In the last year ,I have moved three times ,become a single mom as I left an abusive relationship ,changed jobs,gotten embroiled in a legal battle,been one of the leaders in an innovatively made cottage community and acquired a very sweet dog called Orion. It has been quite the year for me,has 2023 ,and for a while it felt like I needed to slow down and recoup .

Since the New Year however ,much to the consternation of my little self :) ,more change beckons. I awoke today with a feeling I couldn't name . As I breathed and went within ,I felt lots of little attachments come up to be seen that felt very karmic. Poverty consciousness ,distrust of my abilities ,attachment to being a "good mom" . I felt into many incarnations when I wasn't able to provide safety or resources for my daughter ,a beautiful Plaedian star soul herself and felt into my self- judgement . On a soul level I felt like a conversation happened wherein I forgave myself for my perceived lack and made some peace with my past selves and their shortcomings as well as a reminder that she has her own process of evolution that I was a small part of .

As I was listening to you Open I became aware of the Nordic beings. To me they seem to embody a balance of empathy ,which comes to me very naturally and boundaried beingness ,the ability to not dissolve into realities thus lending them my energy / sustaining those realities with my energy ( also something I have done often in the past)

I am feeling many internal shifts coming on in the way I work ,where I live and even my career again in conflict with my need to find" safe ground ". I am coming face to face almost daily with all my attachments and am having to work diligently and continuously to feel into them .

This promises to be one heck of a year. Bring it on says my soul ❀️

Best wishes for this grand Karmic year to everyone,


In reply to by iamdurga

Hi Megha - I am very aware of the tough times you're going through - on many fronts.

What I can say to you about them is not to see them as negative, but to keep seizing the opportunity to work through what presents.

In years from now, you will look back and realise, they were the making of you. And you will celebrate!

With much love and well wishes

Open πŸ’Ž

Wow, this was extremely powerful and informative!  I’m so grateful for these messages that are such a tremendous help to me during these turbulent times.  THANK YOU πŸ™β€οΈ

Greetings pioneers and wayshowers!

2024 is a big year for crossing the karmic plane - what's involved and what will you likely encounter in your life?

That's the subject of Openhand's latest 5D Shift Podcast.

Do let me know your thoughts and reflections in commentary.

Bright blessings

Open πŸ’Ž

Openhand Seminars
