The Crucial Difference Between Reincarnation and Soul-Harvesting

Submitted by Open on Wed, 09/20/2023 - 04:19

You might well wonder why souls would continually reincarnate here into challenging, and often crazy, situations such as the matrix. Why would you want or choose to come back? There is most definitely a great opportunity to learn, evolve and grow, to integrate through karmic challenges. Hence, in a way, we must come back in order to eventually evolve out. But let's not get confused with soul harvesting by the intervention here. Because the two are very different processes. And it's essential to understand the difference.

The Nature of Reincarnation

What is reincarnation? Why does it happen? To understand this, we must understand how the Universe creates from consciousness, and how is it arrayed...

I put it to you that separation consciousness emerged from the singularity during what science calls the Big Bang. Actually to me, it was more a big flow outwards that got crystallised by a condensing pull inwards. The ordering force of "neg-entropy" caused consciousness to condense into what ultimately became visible. It's the relativity that creates the experience of life, what the Brahmans call, "the big out-breath and in-breath".

What we now see are various densities of existence in which life forms, and lives, just as we do. Imagine the Universe as ripples on a pond flowing outwards after the creator source had cast a pebble into the centre. The waves get wider the further out you go - their wavelength increases. Thus their frequency (their vibration) lowers, and hence their density increases. Unity consciousness then gets pulled into the density by the Law of Attraction. Aeons later, we, as souls are streams of that Unity Consciousness drawn into the density by our curiosity, an inward attachment or investment in it. Or else to grow from the experience.

The Garden of Eden

By the natural Law of Attraction, souls will get drawn into density because of their identification with the illusion of physicality - it's the metaphoric investment of Adam in the apple. It's at this point, that a soul loses remembrance of its God-Self. It loses Self-Realisation. Hence the density pulls the soul in. But the Universe is configured as the perfect mirror - the space-time-continuum bends around these nodes of consciousness creating reflecting cyrstallisations. And so after some time lost trying to configure the external, instead the Soul recognises its reflection in the mirror, learns to integrate, and then breaks free from the density to ascend back through the dimensions to the Source. Just like the Salmon swimming up the stream back to its place of origin.

But this is not a one-off process. Not just one step. Many times the Salmon gets washed back downstream at each new obstacle, each higher density.

Reincarnation is a continual journey of self-realisation through plentiful incarnations. Certain realisations are made in one lifetime and when we pass on, we release the old physical density. But that doesn't mean ALL the baggage is gone. There will be many layers of investment, many confusions of the Soul. For example, can I be in the physical and yet still remember my divine connection to the Source? Consider it like a hot air balloon: if you're still carrying baggage, ultimately you'll return to the Earth, or some other appropriate planet.

And so when we pass on after a particular lifetime, following a period of reflection, rest, and rejuvenation in the angelic realm in the 4th density, karmic baggage will pull your Soul back into incarnation once more. The cycle continues until you, at a Soul level, become fully self-realised, upon which we could say you are "Enlightened", and then escape the natural cycle of death and rebirth. Incarnation then becomes a conscious choice. You don't forget your inviolable connection to the Source.

There is a complication, especially here in the Matrix. It's what we can call soul-harvesting.
What exactly is that?

Understanding the Nature of Soul-harvesting

It's crystal clear we're living in gross deception here on the planet. The evidence is abundant - from the hybridisation of human genetics, right up to the manipulation of the morphic planetary fields in which we live - look at how the artificial moon impacts all life here. Check the evidence of who created it and what it's actually doing...

How the Moon Impacts All Life on the Planet

Some beings have become so wayward from the source, yet so advanced at energy manipulation, that they've discovered how to create a trap for the Soul, to "harvest" it and pull it into an illusionary bubble of reality. It's the false "love and light" trap. Entities such as Ra, from ancient Egypt, have created a bubble of light in the 4th density here that is disconnected from the Source. Gullible souls that pass on without this awareness can get pulled into the trap like moths being drawn to car headlamps. How often do we hear stories on the web of souls "passing through a corridor into the light"? The likelihood is that this is the soul-harvesting phenomenon of which I, and others, are now speaking.

Why would a Soul be so deceived?

The Ra energy, for example, provides a paternal sense of protection. And also, to a degree, resources. Because of the collectivisation, there's quite enormous power to it and so it sucks energy in. What this means is that wayward and deceived Souls, in incarnation, can call on this power to manifest "abundance" in their lives. It's exactly what the Goddess Isis was deceived into, which then pulled an entire civilisation with it.

To some, it may sound enticing. But at what the cost?

Many times I have encountered this Ra energy when working with people through their karmic attachments in self-realisation work. You can feel the entity attached at particular chakra points - the third eye for example, where sovereignty is being inadvertently handed over to this "higher power". Or else where the Soul goes out of body through "love and light" acceptance of anything goes. It may feel a degree expanded, but what often happens is that the Soul is no longer anchored in the base chakra and lacks the ascending kundalini power to determine its own unique path. The natural warrior energy has been neutered.

It often leads to a kind of "sitting comfortably on the sofa of life" inertia, without true commital to inquiry, change, and growth.

I was intrigued as to why a soul would be so susceptible and taken in? Several times I've heard it's because of the sense of protection, and even that "I don't have to carry the burden of making choices - everything is taken care of".

And so wayward souls are harvested this way, inadvertently in day-to-day life, mostly without even realising it's happening. The veils get slowly pulled over one's consciousness, which now, through the bogus pandemic, is rife across the planet.

What's the antidote?

The Path of Self-Realisation

The path of self-realisation is the antidote to soul-harvesting. Meaning: we must be tuned into the Soul and following its journey on a day-by-day basis. What causes you to make the choices you do? Are you making them out of fear, attachment and unconscious programming? Or, are you following those choices that you can feel are sovereign, expansive, empowered, and liberating? Then to be making these aligned choices no matter what the apparent personal cost in society.

For at its core, a Soul that is realising of the One Self is not afraid nor can it be bought.

Transcendence is the key. Which means I must be engaged in the daily process of confrontation of inner density that constricts, triggers, limits or disempowers. Where do I shut down? Where do I retract in fear or anxiety? Where do I withdraw to the couch? Ask what am I attached to? What outcome do I think I cannot accept? What am I afraid of? Feel the tightness as density within. It's all only energy. And therefore it's possible to unwind and break free. I just have to confront it and let go. Ask, do I wish to be defined by this limitation? From experience with people around the world, this inquiry mechanism helps people break free.

Explore this Openhand Breakthrough Approach

It's then that you return to the natural cycle of death and rebirth - reincarnation until ultimately you break free from the cycle completely because you, at a Soul level, never forget your inviolable connection to the Source. You cannot be bought or intimidated, no matter what is going on in the external. No matter what apparent carrot is dangled before you.

The Intervention is Being Engaged by Benevolence

Providing you engage in the inner inquiry mechanism and have the courage to break your attachments to the physical, emotional, and mental planes here, then you cannot ultimately be soul-harvested. For it is only unconscious action that leads to this. To be clear, you might be deceived many times on the path by spurious misdirected agendas, especially through distorted spiritual teachings and practices, but by continually inquiring within, you'll ultimately explode the myth that they are.

Yes, a good deal of soul-harvesting is taking place right now in the guise of the bogus pandemic and follow-up agendas of the intervention. But rest assured, the Intervention is being engaged by Benevolence in the multidimensional ether, including the Ra entity, and they are losing their coherence. The Great Realignment of the Grand Galactic Convergence that we're sailing into is set to usher in a huge infusion of light from the galactic core. It's already bringing many souls awake. And it's breaking the coherency of this Intervention. The signs are very positive.

It will help your journey enormously to contemplate and understand these momentous cycles we're now sailing into. What the bigger picture of the natural cycles is, and how can you align with them through your own Soul. Explore the possibilities further:

Openhand Ascension Portal

Bright blessings

Open 💎

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I have some serious personal concerns after your explanation at the facilitator conference, about souls having karma stripped when they are harvested meaning that it is very hard to clear their karmic load.

You know my history as a recovered grey for want of a better term and having remembered the moment when absolutely everything was stripped away from me, including my connection to the Divine, I am guessing that this going to be an issue for beings like me, who lost absolutely everything, presumably.

I know I probably get karma triggering less than many. When I do, I rarely get the ‘circumstances’ but seem to process quite a lot of emotion anyway. It took years to join the dots on my Sirian karma and I only finally accessed the pain of doing my best to stop what was happening there, and my best not being good enough, at the conference last week. So I have some questions I would be grateful for your input on, as the implications for me as a being have only just landed with an enormous bang, which feels pretty devastating.

1) You said karma can be recovered, but it is not easy. It seems to kick in for me more often than it did, which is great, but do you have any insight as to the best way to proceed to clear all I can. In fact is there any point in my even trying?

2) If everything is stored in the akashic records, which came to mind as I write, might a key to resolving this be there? I know very little about the akashic records so am asking this question from a position of comparative ignorance.

3) Do you think my history be part of the problems with my intuitive sense? It’s like a loose wire that is sometimes connecting to the mains to some degree and other times is not connected at all. Hence the feeling that the other side has 20/20 vision, bazookas and machine guns and I am there with a peashooter and a blindfold. The pain and frustration of wanting to help, yet sensing nothing when we were working with the ‘balloon’ of harvested souls Ann was dealing with (which really triggered me) hit new highs this weekend and I had to work hard to push down the internal scream of ‘I want to help’ and release that pain and the ball of frustration in my solar plexus which reached a pitch approaching rage.

Patience, accepting, not intentioning and trusting for several years seems to have only effected a minimal improvement. I have all the other skills required for facilitation, but how can you be a facilitator when sometimes you can feel into someone’s field and intuit what is going on and others you might as well be sitting there whistling Dixie? Not to mention the difficulties in establishing what the heck the energies are which turn up in meditation sometimes.

Any input/advice you can give would be gratefully received as I don’t even have the words to express how I am feeling just now.

Much love

Pam Praying EmojiHeart

In reply to by Pam


Hi Pam,

Yes, these are important considerations - what if you don't get past life regressions and see your karmic past lives? What if you believe you have experienced soul-harvesting in the past, as happened to the Orions (who became the Greys) for example? How does that impact the journey going forwards?

The fact that you can't recall past lives, because potentially the karmic energy has been wiped clean, doesn't at all mean you can't integrate the soul fragmentation that originally caused the karma to build (the karmic energy).

It's the fragmentation of soul into various life experiences that causes karma to build. And so even if the energy - the imprints that hold the memories - are wiped, the soul will still have its journey of self-realisation and integration.

The signs that you can call upon won't necessarily be as illuminating. But nevertheless, they'll recreate in this lifetime. For example, from the various work we've done together, I would say a key component is avoiding physical discomfort - allowing the density of the physical to control the soul. I would say by confronting "mobility challenges" for example, would actually precipitate key learnings and integrations.

Also, if you recall, we do plenty of regression journies in the Openhand work, where you're encouraged to imagine what the past life could have been - based on knowings, resonances and synchronicities. Even if you are not accurate in these imaginings, that doesn't matter. What matters is the impact the regression has at a soul level. That's where to go to work.

I trust this eases the concerns somewhat. There is nothing to stop you from progressing and integrating soul on the journey.

Much love and well wishes

Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Thank you Open, that really helps, makes sense and is a relief. I fell into a black hole for a while there.

I have actually tried challenging the physical pain. The last time I challenged the knee pain by walking a relatively short distance the pain became so intense and the limp so pronounced that it not only worsened the knee, but triggered back, hip and foot pain leaving me stranded on a bench for some time in considerable pain, with the very real fear I wouldn’t be able to make it home. Consequently the knee pain, which had been improving, was pretty severe for some days afterward and the chiropractor needed to adjust my spine and hyper-mobile pelvis which had become displaced by the limp in the attempt to push through. Likewise when my back pain was worse than it is now I would frequently push myself so hard that I would find myself stranded and sobbing in such pain I could barely make it to a chair, and as a consequence of pushing through it I now have a double curve in my spine and deterioration of same. So how far do you sensibly go in confronting mobility challenges by pushing through?

PamPraying EmojiHeart

In reply to by Pam


Dear Pam,

A few reflections (from my perspective which could be totally wrong)Praying Emoji

How do you know you weren't helping during the conference? I like to view things in terms of frequency. When we come together and do group work I feel we create a group frequency. Just by being there fully present and holding the torus you were part of the group frequency that was able to help me break the balloon. Like when a singer hits a certain note (frequency) and a glass shatters. If you hadn't been there the group frequency would have been different. How do you know it wouldn't have been much harder for me to break it?

With facilitation, I see you as having a huge advantage because of your background. Maybe there is just an expectation or fixation of how it should be. Why must you feel what they are feeling. You can ask them what they are feeling, work with them and ask how things are changing. You are very catalytic and one question could break someone totally open.

How do you know you aren't intuitive. Maybe yours just doesn't fit the definition of what you think it should be. For example, when you were selling your house you were fixated (there's that word again) on where you wanted to move. Then something shifted for you and everything fell into place almost magically. Something, maybe intuition you didn't even know was there, was helping you trust in the process and follow the flow.

I rarely see past lives and when I do it's just a glimpse or a feeling not a whole movie like others get. Most times when we journey in retreat, I get nothing or am taken above the mental plane and have no memory of the journey once it's over. I've learned to trust that at the soul level I got what I needed and have no memory because I would get in the way of the process and/or it was so painful for my soul I wouldn't be able to stick with it.

What if your soul knows you have no memory of the karma and is helping you create experiences in this life to work through past life karma. When you describe being stranded on a bench with fear of not being able to make it home, that screams of karma to me. And just a possibility but what if it is karma and what if being in that fear is part of what allowed your soul to be harvested? Also hyper-mobile pelvis is it possible there is a past life where you were experimented on? If it is possible you don't have to remember anything but what feelings does it bring up for you?

When you talk about pushing through physical pain it seems you are stubbornly pushing through on the ray 1. What if you're being invited to push through on a different ray?

Ann Heart

In reply to by Ann B


Hi Ann

Thank you so much for your response – I have to say you are rarely totally wrong - if ever!Praying Emoji

In my head I can accept that my contribution made a difference, like when it feels like nothing is going on for me, in my head I know holding space makes a difference. Also that feeling of being very triggered when we were working with that and the pain and frustration of feeling powerless was what triggered the emotions of my Sirius karma and I am grateful for that. Likewise, as you say, very perceptively, a current life experience triggered a whole chain of thought/circumstances incorporating my mum issues and Sirius enabling the emotion of that to come up – so it does seem to work as you say.

I have explored the possibilities around the hyper-mobile pelvis and being experimented on and that doesn’t feel like it was so. I have actually been exploring in a different way to get to the bottom of this and been told it was ancestral (a spear in the groin) which lead to soul fragmentation, which situation has, I hope, now been dealt with.

I know I have always had a very Ray 1 approach to pain and physical problems, even though those who don’t know me well may not recognise that, as I don’t make a big deal of it. I have also tried following advice and resting appropriately, which doesn’t seem to have much effect long term either. One thing I did re-learn when stranded on the bench was to listen to my body and trust it’s wisdom and that trying to by-pass that through sheer will power only made things worse. How else to push through it and come out the other side, I wish I knew. Heaven knows I have asked to be shown often enough.

So far as facilitation is concerned I know I have some excellent skills which serve me well, but I also know that it works better when I have some sense of what is going on and how to move things forward. For me personally, sometimes I have a sense of energies that show up as being benevolent or not and other days no idea – it does make me feel very vulnerable at times. Because sometimes that extra sense is there and sometimes not, I get a sense of something else in the mix, maybe karma which hasn’t yet surfaced, an implant which hasn’t yet become apparent or maybe even a lasting legacy of my time as a grey. Thus far nobody has been able to help me find resolution with this. If that’s just how I am in truth then I am prepared to accept it, but it really doesn’t feel like this is the case.

There is much for me to explore and I really appreciate your input and support Ann, it feels like it has been really helpful.

With much love and appreciation

Pam HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Pam


Hi Pam - let me encourage you on. I feel the need to add to Ann's insightful questions about what you're experiencing.

You said right at the end...

So how far do you sensibly go in confronting mobility challenges by pushing through?

There's much to unpack in this straightforward question.

Firstly: "how far do you sensibly go?" I can add, "in anything that is Enlightenment?" Enlightenment is not a constructive process, but progressively destructive one. It will challenge every concept, precept or resistance you have to anything - emotional, mental and physical. So the answer really is, "how much do you want to be free?"

You are not physical.

And in the Shift, no one makes it out alive in the 3D.
You're right in the 4D Karmic Plane, so all of these inner identifications will get challenged. And it will, at times, feel particularly brutal. That is, if people really are confronting their karma.

Secondly: You asked earlier in the thread about having your karmic memory wiped. I responded by saying that the soul will rebuild similar circumstances to work through. What you're describing in relation to your body sounds very much like transhumanism - the body having been married with a machine. Something like that is likely to have happened. And the machine will likely have been woven into the being - through the neural pathways. So as you're crossing this aspect of karma, then it's about picking your way through steadily. Because there's be lots of grey areas in your field of consciousness when the density blocks out the soul. Imagine you are literally unwinding your consciousness, thread by thread, from a machine.

Thirdly: as Ann alluded to, it is not just a physical transition. It's also emotional, and mental, and it's crucial to realise that these threads are all interrelated - a physical challenge will fire an emotional and mental one. The mind is interrelated with the body. So, you start with the physical mobility challenge until you hit the wall - where you break down and start sobbing. Then to inquire: why am I sobbing? What about? Instead of pushing through physically at this point, get into the emotional and mental reactivity. What if my body permanently breaks? Remember - you are not physical, you are not human. You're a soul having a journey through the density.

Fourthly: I would also say it's not that your body must necessarily break at this point. But sometimes breaking down is actually transformation.

On several occasions in recent years, as my body gets a little older, various joints have quite literally exploded, as the tension of extreme physical conditioning in earlier life (sport, military, martial arts) has unwound. It would have been very easy at this point just to bandage up, get a walking stick, and accept my lot. That was where things head for most people. But first I worked to unravel any emotional/mental reactivity to this new immobility. Following which, intuitively, it came to start to exercise in a new, more gentle way - walking backward uphill for example, which actually rewires the brain and changes the tendon/ligament structure.

The more I inquired, the more new strategies came - cold plunging for example, gentle stretching, new stretching exercises. Tumeric teas.

Over a longish period of time, lasting a few years, with the requirement of oodles of patience and persistence, the joints have reconfigured themselves - rebuilt themselves. Now I can jog and run with little or no problems.

But to be absolutely clear, it wasn't about healing the body - it was the interrelation with mind, emotions and body: where the soul got partially entrapped within those knotted energy centres. Hence the necessity to give up "trying to fix the body". It was more about working through with the soul, whatever the outcome.

I trust this helps.

Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

Thank you for your comments. There is much to work through there, and while I had heard most of it before, I hadn’t realised transhumanism was so intricately woven into the being. I had in fact wondered about transhumanism for a long time (I have encountered it before in other parts of the body) but nothing had presented itself for me to be able to get a hold on and work with in the way it normally does.

This weekend and subsequent explorations do indeed seem to have taken me into a breaking down process of some kind. I feel like I have just emerged from a very dark place, where every belief system I had was questioned and shaken to the very core. Clarity of thought disappeared into what I can only call a disjointed maelstrom and I couldn’t tell whether what thought was there was mine or something like black snake, though I could feel the ego in the mix. Finally this morning I got some imagery taken, I think, from one of the Divergent films where ‘I’ broke into an infinite number of dark shreds which were swirling round in a vortex and then they were just gone. In the aftermath, there is little thought of any kind, it’s just quiet internally, and pretty shaky externally.

Work in progress as ever…..


PamPraying EmojiHeart

In reply to by Pam


Pam, if I may reflect something. Right now I'm in the midst of an intense physical challenge (not of body) - and it is generating the same feeling like you have mentioned - being stranded on a bench. I don't know what to do or if I'm doing something wrong. But a part of me is happy, that I'm doing exactly the right thing because I'm in such a place - it is generating a whole lot of emotional and mental reaction to uncertainty and change and also abandonment. Its a great opportunity to put down the karmic baggage I had been carrying for 30 odd years and who knows how many life times. And there is freedom on the other side. We have a huge advantage. We know the process and how to work with this. If there's anything valuable having here in this place, it's that!

Thankyou for sharing your inquiry into this space. It has helped bring clarity into mine.

Vimal 💚🙏

In reply to by Vimal


Hi Vimal,

Our reflections to each other are invaluable, not only is it good to know we are not alone in the challenges we all face, merely being ‘seen’ always seems to make a difference. Also often someone will write something which catalyses a new enquiry or give a new perspective. One of Ann’s insightful reflections, which was that the feeling of being stranded on a bench screamed karma to her. I confess I did not see it at the time, I was too busy beating myself up for my perceived stupidity in trying to push through pain when my body said ‘no’ that I completely missed it at the time. A timely reminder to remember to look into everything which presents itself even when the physical distracts.

It’s not always easy to be grateful for the challenges and I always admire your ability to do so, it’s not always easy to do so in the moment, especially when those challenges are physical, but the sun does always to seem to shine that much more brightly when we come out of the darkness!

I totally agree with what you said ‘We know the process and how to work with this. If there’s anything valuable having here in this place, it’s that!’ I too am truly grateful for that.

I know you’ll come out the other side and that the sun will shine that so much more brightly when you do.

PamHeartPraying Emoji


26/02/2024 Shift Update

I felt to repost this article again today, about the crucial difference between reincarnation and soul-harvesting. Because I'm fully aware soul-harvesting is a widespread dynamic by the Shadow working to divert people from the true path of Ascension.

Some alternative commentators are suggesting that ALL reincarnation (that leads to Ascension) is some kind of trap for the Soul. However, it's an entirely natural process of the Universe. The Soul reincarnates due to the weight of karmic baggage it holds in the 4D astral plane - you can't ascend without processing it. In fact, there are nefarious entities, such as the Ra energy, that purposefully prevent Souls from reincarnating so as to harvest them in a bubble. This is something definitely to avoid.

Hence I felt to list here some key things to pay attention to so as to ensure you're on the aligned path and not that of the intervention energies - in this case, Ra.

1. The daily path of self-realisation is crucial. Constantly tuned into your being and inquiring what feels aligned, working to be authentic in all aspects - this will forge soul
2. We must confront internal triggering rather than override or deny. Ideally we should work with it in the moment, learning to break down reactivity so authentic soul can come through. If it's not possible in the moment, then to regress into the situation as soon as possible afterwards and work to drop the attachments. That way the soul discovers how to mediate through inner density and transform it
3. Free wheel as much as possible, asking "show me", so that you develop the freedom of flow with the Universe - it's the antithesis of the Ra 4D bubble
4. Work to get active kundalini strong, through dedicated spiritual practices such as the Openhand chakra attunement and the Bow
5. Work on strong rising kundalini from the base through the generation of warrior energy - strong physical exercise, cold plunging and sauna so there's maximum infusion of soul consciousness
6. Dialogue with your guides to illuminate your path, but always rely finally upon your own discernment
7. Watch for clicking in signs and synchronicities that support your journey and weave your path.

Bright blessings

Open 💎

In reply to by Open


I'm hearing the disturbing suggestion by some Alternative Leaders that "there's no need to recycle through lifetimes - it's a trap".

To my mind, this is a highly dangerous suggestion that can lead to Soul-Harvesting.

It's an entirely natural process to reincarnate through plentiful lifetimes so the soul can forge and integrate through the cycles of life. It's necessary, and happens naturally, because as the soul leaves the body following an incarnation, if there's still past life karma to process, then this density will lower the soul in vibration once more and naturally create a new life experience to work through.

You could liken it to clothes in a washing machine - the density is thrown to the outside of the drum. But when the soul processes its attachment from this density, then it can rise in vibration and detach from it.

Plenty of people around the world, for some considerable time, have been recalling past lives - check out the regression work of Delores Cannon, for example. It's happening in the Openhand work all the time. It's a key aspect of Openhand's new body of work, RESURRECTION

Why is it then that some people don't recall past lives?

It could be for one of two reasons: 1) the soul hasn't yet journeyed deep enough so as to be able to elevate into the causal body, where their part life karma is stored. 2) It could be that they've previously had their karmic memory wiped in some harvesting situation.

Even if your karmic memory of past lives has been wiped, it doesn't have to be a problem. Because the soul will naturally recreate circumstances like the original through which to evolve and grow through. This happens naturally (if allowed to), because the fragmentation of soul, where it attaches or identifies with the nature of the reality, causes the build-up of karmic energy - that of past lives.

Ultimately you evolve and grow through these life cycles until all karma is processed and you naturally leave the cycle of unconscious reincarnation. You're now a self-realised soul, that consciously chooses the circumstances of future incarnations.

Let's not get inadvertently derailed by spurious "teachings"!

Well wishes

Open 💎

In reply to by Open


I had a completely new to me type of karmic experience this morning in meditation. I started feeling a tightness in my heart. It was as if the energy center was made up of rings similar to the rings of a tree and I could feel one of the rings close to the center tighten all the way around yet the rest of the energy center was open. When I focused on the ring it felt like my consciousness was being taken back eons in time. It felt like I was in some very ancient space but no past life or emotion came up. I stayed with it and asked myself what am I feeling. I don't even know if this makes sense but it felt like some type of massive pain body created before there were labels to attach to emotions to describe a feeling. Then I asked if it was mine. I'm not sure. It felt like something much more massive than mine so maybe there was just a thread that was mine. Or if it is mine I'd say it's either from a time before I had a clear understanding of myself as a unique consciousness or something so traumatic no memory remains to be reached for. I just held the space for whatever wanted to happen. I could feel a clearing taking place as energy started processing and releasing but no emotion was attached to it. It was like this energy had been there "shipwrecked" for eons waiting to be found. Whatever this was, it "knew" either on its own or with the help of benevolence that there was a knot of energy interrupting its ability to flow freely that needed to be unraveled. That's where the process was focused, a very deliberate, no nonsense type of clearing. Then it got to a point where whatever was going on wasn't fully processed but needed to integrate what had happened so far. I felt the energy retract to let this happen.

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

I'd say yes because when I read your response a massive amount of tears started flowing. Not tears of grief but of relief at having been seen, acknowledged and felt.

Ann Praying Emoji

In reply to by Ann B


That was my sense of it.

The Whales are cosmic space travelers. The Whale Nation carried the base frequency here of the seed of the Lemurians.

I'd say their karma is about the grief of what happened here to the Original Lemurians.

But no worries, we're now here to resurrect that original divinity.

Well wishes

Open 💎

PS - I think you'll find it healing to listen to some whale music...

In reply to by Ann B


Hey Ann,

Alot of what you said resonated with me regarding tightness around the heart which I was having trouble identifying so it has given me some clues as to whats needed to be processed through, thankyou.

Since the fac con I have been rather shell shocked as I have had a belief system of 50yrs or so shatter. There's fear and desolation associated with this. Its the ra deception I'm referring to! I am still in a bit of shock realizing the depth of the deception!

It is as though I have been hit by a mack truck. Alot of work to do! Step by step seems to be the way forward.

Thanks again for the sharings.

Much love

Erin 🌺


Hello Open

This resonates with me greatly.  Since a child, I 'knew' I hadn't chosen to be here.  All my adult life, I've been told by spiritual teachers that I did choose to be here & the reason is to continue to learn lessons.  But I questioned why would I want to continue on this 'hamster wheel' when I know it's not home & every lesson I learn is erased from my conscious memory at each incarnation anyway. That just didn't make sense to me. This 'knowing' has shaped my life in a way...always being the outsider, not wanting to engage in the usual day to day trivia that seems to amuse the majority, moving from place to place trying to find somewhere I could call 'home' etc.....but I've held strong to my truth & within the last few years have come to learn how I was tricked & trapped, as you speak about. Now, I'm so completely at ease with what's happening at this time, because I know I will never be tricked again & I'm heading back to my real home!


I felt to repost this article again today, about the crucial difference between reincarnation and soul-harvesting. Because it's a widespread dynamic happening in the field right now and essential we understand the nature of it. Scroll up for the full article.

In reply to by Open


Thanks for reminding me of the deceiving nature of the Ra energy and the sense of protection it provides, Spot on in timing the leading article again. I can now distinguish the Ra energy better by feeling into myself. Sometimes I can be trapped into feeling comfy, small and quiet like a brave girl. At work my boss can trigger me in these layers when he tries to tell me how I should do things and keep me small . (ofcourse the question would be : who is keeping me small ;) I am quite lucky with a boss like that am I not? Work is my playgarden these days and I can see energies changing for the better for all, but I still have a feeling of wasting my energies and not being my deepest and highest self.

A rainbow is lighting up outside while contemplating on this, which reminds me that I would deeply love to show all my colors and spread my wings. I can feel it is time to quit this job without knowing what is next. Let me get out of my comfy chair where I it seems I am being taking care of. I feel liberated and expansive , I feel the aligned warrior coming through of taking care of myself. Probably there will be unconsiousness on parts but this is the only way to go.

In reply to by Corine


Hi Corine,

Thanks for you post - you're right on when you say the "Ra" energy tries to keep people comfy and small in the box. Thanks for highlighting that once more. 👍

It's definitely working on a broad scale in Soul suppression, leading to its agenda of widespread Soul Harvesting. Something we must each be acutely aware of. For anyone else tuning in, I featured an article on that yesterday...

The Crucial Difference Between Reincarnation and Soul-Harvesting

Well wishes on your journey!

Open 💎


Reminds me of The Myth of Cassius - Generating from One's Own Soul.

A young man called Cassius was lost in the outback. He wandered this way and that but was unable to find his way back to human habitation. He feared he would die. Then he came to a fertile glade. Around him he found trees laden with luscious fruit of all kinds, and there was a well with beautiful, clear, bubbling water. So satisfied he was with his surroundings that he gave up the idea of trying to find his way back to civilisation. He spent all his days roaming the glade, sleeping, eating, and drinking. As quickly as he ate the fruit, new ones ripened. Even sexually he was at peace: whenever the sexual urge arose in him, a nymph appeared and fondled him in all the places that gave him pleasure. Then he would fall asleep, and the nymph would vanish. the nymph also ministered to him in other ways. When he longed for music, the nymph would play beautiful music for him on a variety of instruments. When he wanted literature, the nymph would read to him as he lay back in a cool bower. he passed his days in blissful abandon and believed himself to be the luckiest man in the universe.

When Cassius had been living in the glade for about a year, he woke up one morning with a headache, and the nymph was unable to do anything about it. He began to feel a strange restlessness. H could not understand what it was that he wanted. He wandered around the glade, eating fruit, drinking the sparkling water, but he was dissatisfied. Just as he was going to sleep, he realised he was longing for a friend. He knew the myth of Narcissus, so the next morning he went and looked at himself in the water, but he still felt lonely. He even tried shouting, to hear an echo, but that offered no comfort either. The next day when he woke, he decided he would walk in a straight line out of the glade, until he found someone. "I'm bored with myself," he said. He walked and walked until he came to a broad stream, and on the stream he saw a girl rowing a boat. he called to her and asked her her name. "My name is Miriam", she called back. "Please come to me", he called. So she rowed up close to him. "Take me in your boat", he begged. "I want to be your friend". "But you don't know me", she said. "Tell me where you live," he pleaded. "I live a long way from here, in a garden I've constructed all by myself with great effort. I've built a canal from this river to water the garden. Each day I get up and put manure on the desert soil. I dig and I plant seeds, and I harvest the wheat, grind the seeds, and make flour. Each day I bake bread. I grow fruit trees. I have made a violin out of the wood of a chestnut tree: I fashioned the strings from hemp soaked in resin. I play the violin after I have tended the garden. Then in the afternoon I sit down at a desk in the little house that I have made, and I write my novel. in the evening I cook myself a meal."

"Let me join you", said Cassius. "I have worked hard to build my garden", Miriam replied. "I'll only let you come provided you give me a baby." "I don't mind giving you a baby", said Cassius. "Then I will tend the baby, and you will have to rise early in the morning, and you will have to fertilise the soil, and you will have to bake the bread, and you will have to play the violin to me while I'm feeding our baby." "I can do all that", said Cassius breezily. "One last thing I must tell you", said Miriam. "it's the law of the outback. Once I take you in my boat across the river I shall burn the boat, and you can never return to your glade, and you will have lost it forever." Cassius frowned at this, and his frown summoned the nymph. "What do you want that for?" asked the nymph. "I can give you all that she can give. When you want music, I give it to you. When you want sex, I provide it. When you want beautiful literature, I read it to you in a tuneful voice. When you want food, it is there in luxurious abundance in the glade." The nymph led him back to the glade and showed him all that he would lose. The nymph was cunning. "You can have all that she offers without having to leave the glade, without having to cross the river. I'll show you." the nymph rubbed Cassuis' body all over with a perfumed unguent and said, "Now, if you call whatever name you care, the most beautiful companion will come to you." Cassius thought for a moment. He wanted to call out 'Mirium', but the word did not come out as intended. Instead it came out as 'Marian'. Instantly, a beautiful girl appeared who accompanied him everywhere. For a year he lived in the glade with Marian, but then one morning he woke to find she had vanished. Only then did he remember Miriam. He rushed to the river where he had seen her in the boat and called out. Mirium came in her boat, but she said that it was too late. She had found another man and now had a baby. Cassius returned to the glade, went straight to the well, and drowned himself.

May the difference be stark ravingly obvious 🙏



Please have a look at this Chakra System and give you thoughts

Q-Chakra System


Lovely food for thought Open, thank you. I love pondering these things, trusting thats an aligned use of my mind ( with constant loops of self enquiry). To expand on Ra energy intervention, it resembles the subject of religion for me. I wondered why you never used that word, perhaps you don't want to energise it? I have probably heard you make the distinction, but I can't quite remember. Is Ra energy a continuation of the control frequencies initiated by the annunaki or some parallel? The slave mentality was hard wired into our dna was it not? And this, combined with the worship of the annunaki 'gods' and their anointed ones is the forerunner of religion is it not? That 4D bubble then becomes, to a large degree, religious practice. Maybe new ageism is yet another religious form as it defers to a comforting power exterior to the self. And by extension, self-realisation is the knowing of the self as 'god'. If this is the case, we are resisting that which is hard wired into us. Otherwise the soul trap is deference to our own human nature.


21/09/2023 Shift Update: Disclosure of Soul-harvesting

I urge all on the path to explore the concepts of my new article today, about the crucial difference between natural reincarnation and the phenomenon of soul-harvesting by intervention entities in the field. How would you know the latter is happening? Because often this intervention is subtle and surreptitious, acting from the 4D field. But you can spot it if you know what to look for and then negate it, as I've explained above.

I've heard some confusing accounts recently where some commentators have equated soul-harvesting to reincarnation and that the latter is not necessary - the very view itself could lead to a disconnect into a 4D bubble and being soul-harvested! Definitely something to be avoided. Here's my article below. Do share your reflections and viewpoints, because it's essential we illuminate this phenomenon of our times...

The Crucial Difference Between Reincarnation and Soul-Harvesting

Bright blessings

Open 💎