ASCENSION: Difference between 5D Flow State and 4D Harvested Bubble
A concerning deception is underway to fool souls in the Shift, diverting their natural path of 5D Ascension into a harvested 4D Bubble. Work such as the "Law of One", actively encourages the "Harvest of Souls into 4D", as being Ascension - a gross deception. However, the trap is even more widespread - suggesting that reincarnation is not necessary, for example. Whereas it is the means to progressively forge soul, into full enlightenment. It's essential to be clear of your accurate trajectory in the Shift.
The 4D Harvest is in Full Swing
The "Harvest" of souls into a 4D bubble state is in full swing. The level of distortion and deception is quite astronomic at a planetary level. I'm seeing duplicitous postings, advice, guidance and recommendations by spiritual and alternative leaders that is quite shocking. It's often because these subtle distortions are actively fed into spiritual work by the overriding entity, Ra, acting from the 4D astral plane. These deceptions can come in wherever there is unconsciousness, including, and especially, in the Dreamtime.
We're encountering, and stripping out, Ra energy from people's fields in great measure on every Openhand gathering. Here are just a few signs of Ra's omnipotence. 1) That Ascension is the soul-harvest into 4D (The Law of One work focuses specifically on this and is backed by many thousands of people around the world). 2) Suggesting that reincarnation is a "trap", and there's no need to do it. 3) Channeling an outside consciousness into healing practices, as opposed to resonating your own soul frequency. 4) The bogus measures of the pandemic are creating a widespread zombified state in people, often of deteriorating health.
In the second example, to suggest reincarnation is not necessary, is straight down the barrel of the Ra deception. By dissolving out the apparent need to progressively forge soul through reincarnation, you're subtly causing the person to "sit back comfortably on the sofa", and not to actively engage with the Shift. Or alternatively, simply to try to "drop the karma" - in which case, you end up in a tethered 4D state.
You cannot simply "drop karma". Because it consists of two elements: 1) the unrealised aspect of soul. 2) The karmic energy that builds because of 1). What Ra is actively doing, is stripping out the karmic energy of 2), in which case, it is very hard for a being to access their past life memories. And therefore, the being becomes easily distracted from their true path, making it harder to truly heal, by integrating the fragmented soul aspect of 1).
There's a widespread energetic deception going on, and it's essential to be clear what is the havested 4D bubble, as opposed to 5D flow state. Because plenty of spiritual commentators speak of the 4D as if it were the 5D. They've not yet journeyed deep enough.
To be clear, progressive reincarnation is the natural and necessary journey of the soul. The "ballast" of karma naturally brings the soul back into an incarnation, so as to have the learning experiences of evolutionary growth. Until that is, full Enlightenment is attained, in which case, you escape this natural cycle and consciously choose the circumstances of your incarnations - the purpose being, evolutionary learning and growth.
The deception of Ra often happens to a spiritual leader or teacher, who hasn't yet ventured over the precipice into complete non-identification. The soul is still looking for, and needing, or expecting, some phenomenal experience that is the source. Whereas the true source, is to venture over that precipice, within yourself, and into Pure Presence. There is nothing to see here, or witness or experience. It is pre-manifest. It is infinite potential.
How to Know the Presence of the Flow State
When at least 50% of one's attention is turned inward, in any given moment, then you perceive the disappearance of reality into the singularity. And you settle back into that. It feels like a simple state of arrival, and of belonging. But crucially, it has no phemomenal centre. It is the zero-sum-total of all experience, everywhere.
This pure presence is NOT "infinite consciousness". Infinite consciousness is a quality of being. That's measured only in a relativistic state - "this" as opposed to "that". Whereas the true source precedes relativity. Neither is pure presence the "I am" state - because that still presupposes a phenomenal being. We must break through all such illusions.
So what are the key differences between the 4D Harvested Bubble and the 5D Flow state?
The 4D Harvested Bubble
1) It feels like connection with "Infinite Consciousness" or a sense of blissful "love n light". So on the one hand, it feels pretty good. However, it's not a flow state. It's not living from the interconnection and dynamic flow, where you're interrelating your choices and direction in life, by in-the-moment signs and synchronicity
-2)There's still subtle identity and a building-up centre of consciousness: the "I am" state, or the "Gold Self", a phenomenal being, or becoming "The Creator". These are point source identities, as opposed to breaking down into Pure Presence as your creative source
3) It feels like a risk-free, spoonfed, and looked-after kind of state. Rather than being in the adventurous alchemy that has risk associated with it
4) Merging into presence is a breaking down process, as opposed to a subtle building-up state of the harvested bubble
5) In the Harvested Bubble, guidance of "what to do" is spoonfed to people. Or else information is given about the state of the field or prophecies and visions, but crucially, without your involvement to intuit for yourself and take ownership of your own decision-making - your own intuitive process.
The 5D Flow State
1) The 5D Flow state emanates from the space of Pure Presence within. It has no intention to do a particular thing. It will create abundantly, but the purpose is self-realisation and self-actualisation
2) There is no attachment or investment in a particular outcome. Neither is there fear or resistance to what naturally wants to happen - felt as a dynamic flow within you
3) "Right Action" emanates from you, and interrelates all around you through signs and synchronicity, sacred geometry, symbolism and metaphor
4) The Flow state effortlessly creates connections with kindred souls for the purpose of resonant reflection and higher evolutionary growth
5) You feel interconnected with cosmic sources of life: Gaia and nature speaking to you; the sense of connection into the solar system and galactic core.
RESURRECTION of our True Divinity
Openhand's new body of work, RESURRECTION, is specifically designed to explode the myth of this 4D Harvested Bubble, so that people might realise the deception, and align with their natural flow state, leading to evolutionary 5D Ascension.
The work is officially released on 27th April 2024. Although it's being actively explored in workshops and retreats right now.
Bright blessings in the Shift - the 5D one!
Open 💎
Approach to being the one
At the risk of detracting from this critical understanding, may I invite the further clarification of the 'I am' term. In the forthcoming, excellent book 'Resurrection', Chris contemplates the grand biblical deception where Jesus is quoted as saying, 'I am the way, the truth and light. No one comes to the father but through me'. But the more accurate version was, ' I am, IS the way to the truth and the light. No one comes to the one but through the I am'. ...Inclusionary vs exclusionary of all approaches, practices and religions. The nefarious trap...' division from the true self within, and from everyone else without'. Then, ' ..every soul is unique, and therefore has a unique journey to the one, yes. We are The one- the 'I am'.
The above article quotes, 'Neither is pure presence the "I am state" - because that still presupposes a phenomenal being. We must break through all such illusions.'
These statements might seem to be contradictory, but the distinction lies in being the one and being defined as the state of being the one. The one has no qualities or definition as it precedes those things. Thus, as in experiencing the torus in its totality, we are taken to the edge of the bottomless pool in the analogy, the metaphor. The closest conscious experience is sitting on the edge and peering in. The total being would be the dissolution of jumping in. So, the concept of being included as the one and the identity necesitates an intellectual frame of sorts to approach the totality of the concept, then a further push where intellectualism gives way to pure knowing. And then, saying I am the one equates with saying I am nothing. This is a paradox is it not? One I can live with.
Subtle identity traps on the precipice of absolution
In reply to Approach to being the one by andyvaz
Yes, this is exactly it. Something we must grasp the thorny nettle of in mainstream spirituality and plenty of the alternatives.
You said,
The one has no qualities or definition as it precedes those things. Thus, as in experiencing the torus in its totality, we are taken to the edge of the bottomless pool in the analogy, the metaphor. The closest conscious experience is sitting on the edge and peering in. The total being would be the dissolution of jumping in.
Absolutely. So some "leaders" are actively speaking of the source presence as "Infinite consciousness", for example. But this is a quality of being - because you can define the experience of it, in its own right. The same with the "I am" state. Whereas the true source is a state of non-being, that precedes all manifest. Which, when you align with the soul, you find yourself dropping into.
These subtle identities have been exploited by Ra on a wide scale. It's clear that distortions are being fed into people's consciousness in the dreamtime - and then find their way into mainstream and alternative work.
It's this we must be wary of, and the new Openhand work, RESURRECTION, is designed to explode the illusion of.
Thanks for the feedback loop.
Open 💎
One last thing…
In reply to Subtle identity traps on the precipice of absolution by Open
The one is not infinite consciousness. The ability to keep a bridge between the innermost and outer states allows a state of expression which is more aligned with one’s unique truth. However, ‘more aligned’, in itself is relative. As one approaches the totally of truth, the one, one moves along a trajectory of infinite refinement. The closer one gets, the more refined and true as there are less distortions from density. The journey of refinement towards the core of the one would seem to be infinite. But ‘closer’ is always relative. But, if the one was aware before the ‘big bang’ of original enquiry, then awareness is not the same as consiousness. Would you agree that to set awareness in motion creates consciousness? Because the conscious state then has to be something that flows which would fit the description of the quatum state. Absolute infinite potential equals absolute nothing equals absolute stillness. But the stillness is aware of itself. To attain complete awareness of the one would necesitate the complete and utter surrender of all consciousness, on all levels, in all directions of time and space. To see acension, in itself, as a journey would seem to negate it…
What's the difference between awareness, consciousness & energy?
In reply to One last thing… by Andy (not verified)
Hi Andy - I celebrate your inquiry - you're deepening into the truth. 🙏
But there are a few refinements that I might help you with.
You said...
The one is not infinite consciousness. The ability to keep a bridge between the innermost and outer states allows a state of expression which is more aligned with one’s unique truth. However, ‘more aligned’, in itself is relative. As one approaches the totally of truth, the one, one moves along a trajectory of infinite refinement.
Yes. And, as one aligns with the relativistic path of continual refinement, (which is that of the soul), there comes a point where you realise who "you" are. And you fall back into it - into Pure Presence. The journey (of refinement) continues from there. But you have already arrived home. Now the journey has changed from self-realisation, to self-actualisation.
You said...
But, if the one was aware before the ‘big bang’ of original enquiry, then awareness is not the same as consiousness. Would you agree that to set awareness in motion creates consciousness?
What could The One possibly be aware of, prior to the bigbang, if there was no relativistic experience?
I put it to you that awareness and consciousness are the same thing. And that awareness/consciousness happened when the singularity subdivided - which was a totally natural and inevitable occurrence, given the fact of infinite time (because there was/is no time), and therefore there's infinite possibility (that, for example, awareness could happen).
You've described before, "awareness of consciousness", as if they are two different things. I put it to you that they are not. They are the same.
What I believe you're experiencing is the "Sacred Ground of Being" - essentially the innermost lens of the One. Where there's a looking inward to the singularity. Here is the focus and the awareness of The One. Which we may call the "Seer". Or, to put it more accurately, because there is no being, because there is no identity creator, we may call it, "seeing". Or "witnessing". But no phenomenal identity.
This awareness is the innermost consciousness. Which is aware of other flows of consciousness - that of the soul for example, or the soul then flowing through the bodymind. But all of it is consciousness, which is energy, or awareness. There is nothing else. Or else you've created some tangible thing from nothing.
Hence the grand illusion of living in tangible "things", when actually, we're living in relativistic flows of consciousness, of awareness, of vibration, of quantum energy. It's all the same "thing" - no "thing" at all!
Open 💎
In reply to What's the difference between awareness, consciousness & energy? by Open
Open, I often feel a little despondent when I attempt to discuss these things with others, family members for example, and I am met with blank looks or attempts to change the subject. It just feels so glorious to exchange with somebody who is evidently more than interested, fascinated, in love with the subject and so evidently eager to share and illuminate. Your engagement and enjoyment of animating aspects of the quantum, the source, give me feelings of inclusiveness and the sense of coming home, thank you so much. As you have inferred before, trying to describe the one and defining the one doesn’t ultimately work. I can very easily live with the concepts as you have outlined, almost coming in laterally and describing the approach to the source to a point where knowing surrender takes over. This spiked something in me, something that has come into focus recently. When one tries to confront the reality of the quantum, it subtly moves away. And to see that on one’s spiritual journey, if one efforts too hard, determines too vigorously to ‘achieve’, to get results, to see improvement, to perceive the flow directly, to deepen one’s practice and scrutinise the outcome, the perception of source can move subtly away. There’s the premise of trying too hard. As in this exploration of what source is, there is the temptation to become too prescriptive and mental and thereby attain that which cannot be attained mentally or through strategising or excessive efforting. I’m seeing less ‘razzamatazz’ these days, lucid dreams, visions, visual phenomena, but I’m getting more subtle connections through signs and synchronicity and movement of energy through my body. This conversation we’re having seems, for me, to be pointing towards the merit of application and preparation in the shift, yes, but while being careful not to thrust too directly, too head on, to expect nothing and maintain an open, in the moment state of awareness. I briefly thought recently, ‘nothing much seems to be happening in field feedback terms’, but maybe that’s because I am increasingly being less ‘spoon-feed’, as I was in the past and what is being asked now is to ‘practise what I preach’, to quietly go about knowing and trusting. In all probability, the razzamatazz was mostly distraction anyway.
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