RESURRECTION: from the Shadow Intervention Simulation

Submitted by Open on Tue, 04/23/2024 - 17:06

Leading alternative commentators maintain humanity is trapped within a 'simulation' of reality, by a Shadow Intervention controlling our planet and its resources. I largely concur with this, although let's be clear, the 3D world is real, it's not a computer simulation. Instead, the wool of perception is being pulled down over the psyche from the 4D by a sophisticated architect. The balance of energies are shifting. The simulation is weakening. Here's what you can do to support the resurrection of humanity and our planet.

The Nature of the Planetary Simulation

I would say the word 'simulation' for the reality we live in is accurate, in that it appears as though people have freedom of choice, freedom to dream, and freedom to create within a reasonable boundaried construct. Of course, it's always necessary and right to honour each other, and to find some kind of harmony that serves all.

But this freedom to dream, to choose and create is being tampered with and manipulated in a highly deceiving way - particularly through the 4D, where the quantum morphic fields are being carefully configured and 'adjusted' to fit within the designs of a highly sophisticated architect: an ancient entity from the Sirius Star System, that exploded 120 million years ago.

The entity is known as Ra, and has established itself as 'God', to be worshipped and followed since ancient Egyptian times. The alien entity has, in the past, worked closely with the Annunaki to configure society and bend humanity to its will by carefully manipulating human DNA - they hybrised Homo sapiens from Original Humans, and sealed in the downgrading changes by splicing the chromosomes down to 46 from 48 in the original Lemurian configuration. When you explore it, the odds of this happening by chance mutations are ridiculously remote (I share the evidence of this in the Openhand book, DIVINICUS).

They even established the orbiting Moon to extract electromagnetic energy from the Sun and suppress the natural Flower of Life on the planet and in humanity - when they realised its propensity to keep on re-emerging. How inconvenient!

9 astounding facts proving the Moon is fake

Simulation Wobbling in the Grand Galactic Convergence

This is why we may call the world we live in a 'simulation' - in that moods, dreams, and natural creativity are either being purposefully thwarted, or else misdirected into the construct this Intervention has created for its own ambitions and ends. Which we can now clearly point to as being: total dominion, power, and the harvesting of resources and energy.

Fortunately this 'simulation' is looking decidely shaky right now. The consciousness of humanity and Gaia is beginning to re-emerge from the ancient slumber. In growing number, people are throwing off the veils by exposing the ridiculous game of charades happening before our eyes in the 3D.

All the while, new activations of consciousness are infusing the planet as we sail into a high-energy segment of the galaxy, as more charged particles from the Sun fire Earth's way, at a time when Gaia is lowering her protective magnetic shield in the culminating Pole Shift. It's something we can call, The Grand Galactic Convergence.

Gain leading-edge insights, from the frontline of the Shift...

Reclaiming Soul Sovereignty in the Constant Conscious Choice

What's beginning to accelerate, and unfold, on the planet, represents an enormous opportunity to forge soul and to emerge from this simulation gloriously free - to join the Galactic Family of Light. A New Earth is being established in 5D, 6D and 7D. Like a blossoming flower, this will steadily emerge as the simulation weakens and breaks down. It's already being supported by the presence of an array - an alliance - of Star Being Nations, who've come here to support this resurrection of humanity and the planet.

At this time, it's confused and confusing out there in the world, with this tumultuous shake-up in consciousness that's unfolding. But now is the time to forge on, and 'make hay whilst the Sun shines'. The veils of the simulation still purposefully obscure, but for anyone truly inquiring and seeking, the energy to explode the bounds of the simulation within our consciousness is steadily sweeping in.

Here's how the Dragon Nations have helped level the playing field in the Shift

It's utterly essential though to realise the nature of this liberation - we escape the simulation by reclaiming soul sovereignty in the constant consciousness choice, and then expanding fully into our multidimensionality. Then we can be sure that we're informing and creating our world from higher consciousness, instead of the simulation. In short, we must resurrect our full complement of higher dimensional capacity. It's a reviving upliftment and freedom that's reinvigorating at a soul level.

RESURRECTION: reclaiming our Divinity and the Planet

This is exactly the purpose of Openhand's recent release of work appropriately entitled, RESURRECTION. It provides detailed insight into escaping the nature of this 'simulation', and setting sails on a restorative trajectory into the Golden Age of 5D,6D, and 7D.

Here's the launch video summarising the work, with a link below to how you can get a copy of the book...


The future is Bright!

Bright blessings

<<< Open πŸ’Ž

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19/11/2024 Shift Update:

We've looked recently at how the Simulation is starting to break down, as the energies transform in the field. That's tremendous! However, we still have to each do the inner work. That's where so many alternatives are going astray. They expect all that needs to happen, is for the "swamp" to be cleared and it will all fall away. That's naive and blinkered. The vestiges of the Simulation energies run deep - through the programming of the mind and emotions, woven down to the DNA level.

So we will each have to work at it. It needs to become a constant daily practice of soul emergence.

Explore these 10 Vital Areas of Inner Purification

There comes a point when surrender will only take you so far - a quasi-okayness.
But it is not the super aliveness that's possible amidst the intensity of the simulation.
If you want absolute freedom, absolute presence, and you're impatient for it,
you can do it. How?
Apply the pressure to every boundary, every situation, every confrontation,
exert yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically until in some place you break.
Breaking is where you need to be.
Break into the pain, the anxiety, the fear, the instability, even the "insanity",
If you're cold, bring it on - freeze.
If you're hungry, bring it on - fast.
If you're alone, bring it on - go into absolution.
Test everything to the breaking limit and then.... go beyond, go deeper in.
Test the ownership of hungry, cold, exhausted, depressed, broken, alone,
where you form identity around these imposters of reality,
until you can sit awesomely okay in the centre of it all.
You'll find a state of supreme, alive okayness.
It's too amazing for words.
But in any case, they call it, "Enlightenment".

Make no mistake, the Simulation is weakening at this juncture. Although we do have to keep working at it each, and every day.

What's your experience of how things are changing right now?
What approaches are you applying to breakthrough?

I'd be intrigued to hear.
Bright blessings
<<< Open πŸ™

In reply to by Open


Really enjoyed this video and the content was just what I needed to hear at this very moment. At one point when the group were pictured with blindfolds, this triggered a sense of panic in me, in having something over my face, and I felt this was connected to Sirius. I already know I left the planet in a capsule and had some kind of huge panic when inside the capsule, whether it failed and I died along with hunderds of others (as has been suggested by an energy healer) or whether it was the panic at the loss of divine connection, I'm not sure. Either way, it has triggered feelings that are deep and I'm just trying to let them come. I'd like to learn more about what I should be doing after I allow the feelings to come up and how exactly to integrate them. I am having trouble with grasping this aspect for some reason.

In reply to by Nikki (not verified)


Thanks for sharing your past life insight into the Sirius explosion.

What I am aware of, is that plenty of craft were destroyed by the explosion itself. When it came, it came more quickly than the population anticipated - and so there was a mad scurry to get off the planet. And lots of regret about leaving many of the population behind. There were many failures or explosions of the craft.

It will likely need some careful regression through it.

Much love and support
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

What helps me tremendously is reminding myself often that the external is only a reflection. Thus, where you write 'They expect all that needs to happen, is for the "swamp" to be cleared and it will all fall away.' resonates strongly with me.

"We did it! We took this one step and now we can sit down and wait over here!" As if the problem wasn't the sitting down, but finding the right spot to do so.

This morning in meditation I found I could connect throught the ninth chakra on a planetary level to others doing the same thing at that moment. It was liberating and overpowering and I have yet to explore fully what the implications are, but it has made me aware that planetary change in consciousness can be accelerated through these connections. I have had only one moment before where I could consciously reach the ninth chakra and it was an experience that lasted for a split second as it felt way too strong, or perhaps it would be more correct to say the 'I' who did the connection was not ready. So in regards of experiencing how things are changing, I'd say this was a quite profound change, and I would encourage all to explore the dynamics of feeling the ninth chakra which seems to be easier now than it was before.


In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

I'm reading Resurrection again, and I can tell you it's moving a lot in me.

This morning, I got a call from my bank asking about my involvement in crypto trading. It's not at all a big deal, but they were watching. It gave me a shiver of fear as crypto is not widely accepted in India and the authorities are trying to shut it down. Although I felt kind of anger towards the system, it was more fear. I felt like I'm exposed, as though I was hiding from them. And some of the karmic imprints got activated. A feeling/knowing of a lifetime where I was hiding from the authority. It's heavy in my heart. And when I look into this life, I can see I'm not completely open in a community, and yet there is a tendency to go with the group. Because of this, I'm unconsciously falling into the hands of simulation. I know I need to be alert and aware.

Thank you


In reply to by Soumya


Of course, when something like this happens, you have to ask: why did I manifest it?

It seems to me there's a problem with authority - giving over too much respect and sovereignty to 'authorities' that don't actually have authority!

Actually the only authority there is in the Universe over you, is your own Torus. Express this, and the outer will fall into line - even if it takes a while, and even if the pushback needs a new prime minister. No matter how long that takes, the pushback must start somewhere.

I would politely, but firmly ask the bank, "What business is it of theirs as to how you spend your money?"
"Will they be getting involved in what clothes you buy in future, from what stores, and owned by whom?"

It only ends when we don't acquiesce. And that can only happen when we work through the fear.

I know you know this - just offering the encouragement to dig deeper.

Much love
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


My training in breathwork has helped me tremendously through these shifting times.  Whenever I'm engaged with the world or by myself I come back to the breath.  When I'm lying down to get some rest I come back to the breath.  This allows me to consciously drop into the moment and I observe my body, emotions, and my field.  If something feels like in needs to be addressed, I bring my breath and awareness to those places.  I give myself permission to be with what is arising in any given moment where as in the past I would want to run away from the discomfort.  I find myself coming out the other side, see the world with new eyes.  

This has been a big change for me over the years because I would dip in and out of my body and experience.  Oscillating from all in and all out, around and around I went.  This has slowly changed over the years as the internal heat has intensified.  I feel that I'm getting to a place internally where I'm ready for anything that arises internally and externally.  

Breathwork has brought me back into my body and has helped ground and anchor me into the earth.  Growing stronger with each conscious breath.  Growing in capacity to hold space for self and others.  I'm grateful that the breath has found me on my unfolding journey, it has allowed greater presence as I continued to unfold.


With Love,


In reply to by Open


Yes, now is the sense of standing at a threshold, of being poised to break through and live authentically. Many in the group seem to be moving. I sit in my new location but feel like I'm weathering a storm. There appears to be fearsome pushback by the intervention, clinging onto its perceived power. The compulsion to look at screens is almost dreadful, so magnetic and enticing. The compulsion to shop and eat. Freewheeling in shopping centres, they're bursting at the seams with trite, stiff shoppers. It's like a hornet's nest has been stirred up and thick crowds are buzzing in anticipation. Something has to give. My throat is swollen and raw, like a boil that needs to be lanced, so expression can flow. Yes, now is the time to shake off the bondage, its clear where the invisible boundaries are. Its as if theres a huge cloud of hopelessness and confusion enshrouding, which needs to be punctured. This is the time to dig in, I'll all in.


18/11/2024 Shift Insight

I've reported recently how the balance of power has shifted dramatically within the last few months. We've seen Gaia completing her contract with the Intervention, her Dragon Leylines being reactivated, with the infusion of Lyran Dragon energies. Then we were able to reconnect with the base layer of the Intervention, the self-appointed "Council of Nine", who provided the power structure for the leading entity here, Ra.

See how the "Group of 9 Ascended Masters" engaged the Shadow Council of Nine

Don't be fooled by the fact that there are countless volumes of spiritual text, in Ra's name, supposedly leading to your Enlightenment. These are carefully contrived to take people into limitation - the "I am" identity, for example, which is still a centralised identity, as opposed to the Absolute Source of Presence.

We must explode all such illusions and drop all such veils as we journey through absolution, across the karmic 4D "Red Sea."

The tables are being turned over in the temple. The previous power structure of control is being broken down, as evidenced by the outcome of the US election. To be clear, no one is saying this is some perfect outcome, by some angelic saviour!! However, it is the reflection of the shifts in the balance of energies in the field - a greater opening for freedom and sovereignty to express. We're already seeing this in the confrontation of censorship in the media, and of highly destructive food additives as RFK vows to take on the big corporations.

What I can clearly report, is that there's definitely a greater opening in the field. And I'm hearing from the "Anu", the evolved Annunaki, how they're now supporting in helping to dismantle the power base of the 4D "Tall Whites" - the synthetic entities used by Ra to manipulate intentions, dreams, and outcomes within the Matrix. These beings have been wreaking havoc by increased AI complexity in the world around us, and weaving souls back into the heavested 4D simulation bubble. So this is a massively welcome development indeed. Let's see how that weakens the Intervention field going forwards.

We each still need to take full ownership of our journey to soul freedom. That won't be handed on a plate. It's for each to reclaim. With that in mind, I felt to share my article above today, for your review, explaining the Openhand way of escaping the Simulation through the RESURRECTION of authentic beingness - the journey of Absolution across the 4D karmic plane.

The time is now - let's make hay whilst the sun shines!

Bright blessings

<<< Open πŸ’Ž

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Ever wondered about the deeper nature of the Simulation we live in and the architect of it?

It's something I've outlined in Openhand's new Shift Update above today. Do check it out because it contains essential insight into what we're actually breaking free from, and how to do it.

RESURRECTION: from the Shadow Intervention Simulation

We've been clearly shown the nature of this Architect of the Simulation - it's been hiding in plain sight all this time...