Gateway to the Golden Age: Openhand Events 2024

Submitted by Open on Fri, 12/01/2023 - 03:15

We stand on the precipice of a magical new beginning for the world and humanity - those who choose it. The Old Karmic Construct is in meltdown. Progressively the veils will fall and we'll find ourselves infused with the light of a new interconnected way of living and being, in harmony with all life. No more efforting, struggling and fighting just to make ends meet. Instead life becomes about the immaculate expression of your highest self.

That's exactly what the Openhand work is geared towards,
and our events in 2024 are configured to serve that purpose.

The Golden Age

When you look around in the world at what's unfolding in the 3D right now, it might be, at times, almost impossible to believe that this humungous breakdown of the physical is a necessary part of the unfolding new paradigm, centred around the 5D. But you definitely have to peel off the old to realise the new.

The New Paradigm is not something to wait for. If you've found your way to Openhand and been engaged in the work a while, then you'll know, it's something we're helping people feel, experience and progressively embody. Lives are cleansed, purified and uplifted. But it doesn't happen all in one go. It's something we progressively unfold into.

Then the outer landscape of our lives shapes from this new beingness: our relationships become more authentic, our work more creative, our playtime more adventurous and alchemical. You're infusing the higher light until it becomes your consistent way of being. You start to recognise it as your highest, multidimensional, immaculate self. Finally, one day, you find yourself in the new paradigm of the 5D/6D/7D - a new "Golden Age" for planet Earth!

The Work to Get There

There are three crucial aspects to realising this new way of living and being:

1) To anchor in your true self, at the core of you and in the source-presence: what Openhand calls The Sacred Ground of Being. It's your mast in the storm, that continually "rights the ship of your soul" in the turbulent waters. It's your ultimate sense of belonging - inside yourself.

2) Karma and lower density of the ego are the veils that must be peeled off. So the work must help equalise with this reactivity and infuse soul through the unconsciousness. We do this by regression work in a protective vessel of inquiry - the veils steadily fall.

3) The Golden Age is all about embodying the new frequencies of beingness. These are inherent in your "Soul Ray Harmonic" and represent the alchemy that transforms the "base metal" into pure gold. So we'll help you recognise and attune these authentic frequencies of you. Then the world will shape around this new beingness, reflecting back to you all that you're becoming.

Here's What People Say When they Experience it

"Yet again, a heartfelt thank you for your time, energy and your own unique way of making chaos and madness seem pretty awesome. One of the most powerful messages for me was, "You are not human."    Wow, Wow, Wow! In those few seconds so much fell into place. It wasn't something I didn't already know if that makes sense, but to hear it put so simply, so directly, with such clarity, it seemed to lift a veil that has been covering my eyes for as long as I can remember in this lifetime. Of course, I am not human and the realisation at the mind level is so empowering it is almost painful."... Heather

"As with all openhand retreats, I have nothing but praise and breathless admiration for the process, the effortless and skillful application of what is obviously a very thoroughly researched and tested program. The teachings held me spellbound, taking me to levels of appreciation and wonder I have not felt since I was a child. I could have listened endlessly to the enlightening discussions about the nature of life in all its majesty. There was hard work, digging and confronting, pain through which growth and expansion emerged."...Andy

"What an amazing, powerful experience.. To me it felt the most important thing I have done in my life so far. Powerful! I am so grateful to the facilitators, to every body Who was there and to Open for the valuable teachings and his presence. Something unlocked for me.. Something that i ve been looking for quite a while. I am so grateful! The Meditations mindblowing, the energies so powerful the transformation so Present. Thank you everyone for sharing and contributing to what took Place."...Vaso

Intrigued? Then Dive Into the New Program for 2024:

6th Jan: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

21st-27th Jan: New Year Retreat 24: 7-Days LA PALMA
7-Day retreat on the magical volcanic island of La Palma in the Canary Islands. Ground-breaking work for navigating the higher dimensional pathway through Earth's tumultuous 5D Shift to unleash your God Self. Secluded retreat centre, high vibe food, rustic accommodation, cutting-edge work, exhilarating fun with the Rainbow Tribe!
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.

3rd Feb: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA/AUS)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

22nd-24th Feb: Facilitator Development Conference: 3-Days, ZOOM
The next thrilling installment of the advanced Openhand Facilitator Program. It's where we're connecting into the lead energies of the Shift and working to support the planetary unfolding into 5D. We'll be crafting your art, developing your spiritual business and processing your karma, all at the same time!
Highly alchemical 3-day advanced gathering

2nd Mar: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

11th-15th Mar: Gateway to Golden Age: 5-Days, ZOOM
We're going back to Lemuria to activate Original Human DNA, processing out genetic and past life karma, at this 6-day life-changing retreat, on Zoom in the energetic comfort of your own space. High alchemy and adventure with Planetary Shift Facilitator "Open", applying ancient and modern ground-breaking self-realisation and meditation techniques. (Time zones: UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA/AUS)
Unleash the 5D Human in You!

6th Apr: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

14th-20th Apr: Gateway to Golden Age: 7-Days, MEXICO
We're going back to Lemuria to activate Original Human DNA, processing out genetic and past life karma, at this 7-day life-changing retreat at the stunning Pleiades Mountain Retreat Centre. Ground-breaking meditation, assisted self-realisation. Stunning views, great accommodation and high vibe plant-based food. Secluded but easy travel distance from Mexico City. High alchemy and adventure with Planetary Shift Facilitator "Open".
Unfurl Your New 5D Self!

6th-11th May: DIVINICUS in the Desert:ZOOM
It's time to activate your Spirit Light Body for 5D Ascension, and navigate from it in your daily life. Dive deep into the "Desert of the Real" with Open, strip away any distraction, journey multidimensionally and shed the layers of ancient Human karma. This is Openhand's jewel in the crown stage 3 course, in the energetic harmony of your own home.
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.

17th-24th May: DIVINICUS in Snowdonia: WALES
This is Openhand's jewel in the crown stage 3 course, high up in the remote mountains of Snowdonia at the Lord of the Rings eco-village Cae Mabon. Dive deep into the profound nature of being, process ancient human karma, activate your 5D Divine Being for the Shift. Participate in soul-stirring sacred ceremony and enjoy high vibe vegan cuisine.
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.

1st June: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA/AUS)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open.

10th-15th June: Facilitator Foundation Course: 5-Days, ZOOM
Become a spiritual facilitator in the shift and develop your business as a spiritual ecosystem that naturally draws clients without efforting. Learn skills, processes and priceless insights into groundbreaking spiritual facilitation techniques including how to draw on benevolent etheric support for your divine service. Then join the ongoing Facilitator Program.
Cutting Edge Spiritual Facilitation Practices

6th July: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (USA/UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open

8th-14th July: Facilitator Summer Conference: 7-Days, GLASTONBURY
Experience the joy and camaraderie of Openhand's annual facilitator conference, amongst the crop circles and sacred stones of the mystical Avebury. Join the adventure through the livestream, connect into the energy, have a tremendous time with kindred spirits. 50% DISCOUNT FOR ZOOM TICKETS
Cutting Edge Spiritual Facilitation Practices

The Future is Golden!

So much is changing in the world right now, and when seen through the right lens, there are oodles of possibility. The field is transforming and the light is beaming shafts through the darkness. What do you dream you can truly be? We're in vibrant times of alchemy, so there's tremendous possibility to break down the old limiting consciousness, let go of false self identity and make way for your soul to shine through. When you connect up with the divine flows in this way, literally ANYTHING can happen. That's the profound opportunity in the Openhand work these days. Whether online or terrestrially, we very much look forward to hosting you and supporting your transformation.

It will be our pleasure. The future is Golden! <<< Open The Sun EmojiPraying Emoji

RESERVATIONS & INQUIRIES: to book places or get more information email Openhand's Event Coordinator,
Tilly Bud:

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In recent Openhand work, there have been plentiful deep and meaningful expositions of the various levels of the Simulation Deception blanketing society. This will be the central theme of the upcoming Ascension Exchanges this coming Saturday, 1st June. If you are committed to the path of Ascension into 5D, it's definitely one not to miss.

1st June: Ascension Exchanges: 1/2 Day Seminar, ZOOM (UK/EU/AFRICA/INDIA/AUS)
Spend a low-cost, easy-entry, half-day with Open on Zoom. What's your most pressing issue in the 5D Earth Shift right now? What's the game-changer beingness that wants to activate and shape your new reality? Gain invaluable illumination for your pathway.
One-on-one Exchanges with Open.


 Openhand family,

Something extraordinary happened on the final day of the last online Divinicus retreat. As I was sharing what I gained from the retreat in the breakout room, Open came to the room and told me that my expression created something from the field itself. He offered me a fully funded bursary to attend the Facilitator Summer Conference, including the full ticket price and air fares from India. I was surprised, to say the least, but gratefully accepted the opportunity. It was a fantastic example of how, when we follow the path of light, authentic creations manifest through our expression. I am absolutely excited that the universe has granted me this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I have literally dreamed many times of being with the Openhanders on such a retreat. It feels like the dream is manifesting as reality.

However, there are plenty of hurdles to get through. It's not easy for Indian citizens without overseas travel history to get a UK visa. Firstly, I need funds to make the visa application and travel to Delhi for an interview with the British High Commission. At the interview, I need to further show supporting evidence that I have sufficient funds in my bank account that would be enough to cover any other out-of-pocket expenses and unexpected contingencies in UK so that they are assured I am able to be fully self-reliant for my trip to UK and return home.  Hence, I am today asking for your support, dear Openhand friends, in a crowdfunding effort to make these dreams a reality and enable me to come to UK for the upcoming Facilitator Summer Conference by helping me gain some financial liquidity to demonstrate to the High Commission that I can meet any extra needs during my trip.

I feel fortunate to have this grand opportunity to experience the energy of Openhand gathering, resurrect the divinity in me, further develop my facilitation skills and thus become a positive force for the planetary shift. 

Whatever little or big amount you can contribute will greatly assist in turning the dream into reality. If you resonate with this, you can contribute through the PayPal link I have shared below.


Or if you would like to speak to me directly, you can write to me at :

You are welcome to forward this message to any friends you think might be able to help.

With love 

Vimal HeartPraying Emoji

In reply to by Vimal


Thanks to everyone! 

Following up on my previous post, I have some good news to share. The visa was approved, and I'll be attending the conference. I'd like to thank everyone who contributed and everyone else who wished me well via mail or silently in their hearts. Also, my heartfelt gratitude to Open for this generous offer, as well as Tilly, who provided invaluable assistance throughout this process. 

Much love to everyone. 

Vimal 💚🙏.

In reply to by Vimal


I'm so pleased about your Visa approval Vimal - great news 👍

Actually I was in no doubt you'd get it. You've been tremendously committed to the spiritual path over the years, and to your unswerving support for the Openhand work. The Universe always rewards commitment and perseverance. So very well done!

See you here in Glastonbury for the Facilitator Conference - it's sure to be magical!

Well wishes
<<< Open 💎


DIVINICUS happens to be a pinnacle in terms of inner work and spiritual transformation, that people have been experiencing with Openhand for the last 15 years. It's hard to put words to the experience. On the one hand it pushes people deep. But then on the other, it holds them in a loving embrace. In our 'Lord of the Rings' village, the vestiges of the matrix are stripped away. You can more readily feel the inner layers and break them down.

We undertake deep meditation and profound spiritual ceremony, such as Vision Questing and the Sweat Lodge...

It all furnishes a deeply soulful connection.

You feel like you've been reborn...

You have been!

If you're intrigued, here's where you can find out more and purchase tickets...

17th-24th May: DIVINICUS in Snowdonia: WALES
This is Openhand's jewel in the crown stage 3 course, high up in the remote mountains of Snowdonia at the Lord of the Rings eco-village Cae Mabon. Dive deep into the profound nature of being, process ancient human karma, activate your 5D Divine Being for the Shift. Participate in soul-stirring sacred ceremony and enjoy high vibe vegan cuisine.
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.


29/04/2024 Shift Update - Pivotal Transformations

We're travelling through times of high energetic alchemy on the planet. Never mind the confusing fizz and the froth on the surface in the 3D simulation, because this is merely destractive bubble. What I'm referring to are wholesale transformations of the field itself. And for all those getting really still, and tuning in, on a daily basis, you'll be feeling it and becoming a conscious co-creator with the great transformation.

It's with this in mind, that in May, Openhand adventures forward with two of its 'jewel in the crown' DIVINICUS retreats. They have been crafted over a substantial number of years, based on copious experience, to journey people as deep as they're now ready to go. We take you into the deep stillness of the shamanic 'vision quest' experience. These are no ordinary retreats. They're configured as a deep crucible of inquiry - creating the space for you to confront, and peel away, the 4D karmic blocking layers. We're helping people to dig deep into past life karma and then venturing into bright new aspects of their multidimensionality. Since these advanced journeys happen but once a year, the Openhand Team are positively revelling by the prospect of what is set to unfold.

If what I've written tugs at the inner yearning to take your journey deeper and further than you've ever gone before, then you'll be pleased to know we still have a few last-minute places for these transformational events. Here's a sense of what's in store on the Terrestrial version. But also be aware, we're very much able to translate the depth and alchemical sense onto Zoom as well, where we take you into the 'desert of the real', from your own energetic space at home...

For those intrigued and inspired, here are details of the two upcoming retreats. See you there 🙏...

6th-11th May: DIVINICUS in the Desert:ZOOM
It's time to activate your Spirit Light Body for 5D Ascension, and navigate from it in your daily life. Dive deep into the "Desert of the Real" with Open, strip away any distraction, journey multidimensionally and shed the layers of ancient Human karma. This is Openhand's jewel in the crown stage 3 course, in the energetic harmony of your own home.
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.

17th-24th May: DIVINICUS in Snowdonia: WALES
This is Openhand's jewel in the crown stage 3 course, high up in the remote mountains of Snowdonia at the Lord of the Rings eco-village Cae Mabon. Dive deep into the profound nature of being, process ancient human karma, activate your 5D Divine Being for the Shift. Participate in soul-stirring sacred ceremony and enjoy high vibe vegan cuisine.
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.


21/04/2024 Mexico Conclusion

It's been magical and pivotal here in Mexico on retreat, ahead of the RESURRECTION event launch next weekend. It was exactly what it needed to be - a small group size, having deep and personal developmental inquiries, but with each speaking into the wider field dynamic - just what is happening in the Shift right now?

We experienced several, poignant telepathic connections with the entity Ra, the Architect of the simulation we're living in. He still had the feeling he was very much holding all the cards - no need to relinquish blanket control. But the collective consciousness of the balance of sentient life here is yearning for freedom and change. That's sent out a clarion call, which, I can tell you, has been answered.

It's been responded to with the arrival of a new wave of consciousness - from a distant galaxy. Their mission and soul contract? Applying sophisticated quantum field technology to progressively diminish the negative impact of the moon. The moon has been configured by Ra to influence the morphic fields of the planet, and suppress kundalini - both for humanity and Gaia. It's early days, but when we connected with this incoming group, there was an immediate opening in the field here, which precipitated a vibrant wind storm for several hours. It was powerful to feel the regeneration of the Torus here.

There'll be much more on this to follow, because it will most definitely be an antidote to the controlling inertia in society and the 'simulation'.

Here's a closing snapshot of our wonderfully close and alchemical time together in Mexico...

Deep telepathic exchanges with Ra - set to be pivotal...

Anatoly reclaiming soul-sovereignty...feeling like a King!

Yummy Mexcian Food - so vibrant...

Excursion Day - all aboard the Magic Bus!...

Tepotzlan Square, feeling the vibe...

The Mayan culture is full of vibrant symbology...

Stephanie & Ann enjoying the vibrant Dragon trees...

Well we're going to enjoy the vibrant coffee!...

We were closing in Tepotzlan when this happened - a school outing descended upon us. Their white butterfly head ribbons and friendly vibrancy felt like we'd been descended upon by light beings!...

How could we possibly miss the opportunity for a group selfie?!...

Closing - a heart warming connection of beautiful souls ...

Homeward Bound, "Hasta Luego!", till next time...

It's been deeply moving here - absolutely pivotal.
Thanks deeply from the heart for all involved.
Bright blessings
Open ♥️

In reply to by Open


My plane back to the UK was delayed a while, which gave me a window to head up to the Mayan Pyramid overlooking Teplotzlan.

You can see exactly why they built it here - a horseshoe-shaped range of mountains, that would naturally be amplifying the Torus for the whole area. In fact you can see in the distance the white building, the Cathedral, which would be right at the centre of the energy field - harvesting energy, and controlling it. Through this approach, I would say the Mayan pyramid would be overlaying its own frequency for the whole valley, and way off into central Mexico. They knew exactly what they were doing!


I can tell you we're having a very special time here high in the mountains of Mexico at the Plieades retreat. It's the perfect setting to hold the work we're doing - breaking through karma, and activating our higher dimensional awareness.

Here's a snapshot to give you an energetic taster...

Arrival at the Pleiades - wait, aren't you travelling a little light?!

Andy and Stephanie making new friends - and that's "Lola the Light Being" taking centre stage...

Opening meditation on the Vernada...

Stunning morning slies - what symbolism do you see?...

Getting down to it in the Studio, connecting into the Torus - the Tree of Life...

Relativity, it could be like this...

Or, it could be like that...

Relativity? The sh** has hit the fan right now! Oh, that's just life!...

Wise Elder Ann, on hand to help make sense of it all...

It's starting to land!...

Anatoly - a great hang out place for deep contemplations...

It's truly amazing here - the idylic place to connect and go deep.
Good to have you tune in.
Bright blessings
Open 💎

In reply to by Open


If Mexico whets your appetite, then we've got two pivotal, life-changing, retreats coming right up in May. Do get your skates on though (⛸), as the places are booking up...

6th-11th May: DIVINICUS in the Desert:ZOOM
It's time to activate your Spirit Light Body for 5D Ascension, and navigate from it in your daily life. Dive deep into the "Desert of the Real" with Open, strip away any distraction, journey multidimensionally and shed the layers of ancient Human karma. This is Openhand's jewel in the crown stage 3 course, in the energetic harmony of your own home.
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.

17th-24th May: DIVINICUS in Snowdonia: WALES
This is Openhand's jewel in the crown stage 3 course, high up in the remote mountains of Snowdonia at the Lord of the Rings eco-village Cae Mabon. Dive deep into the profound nature of being, process ancient human karma, activate your 5D Divine Being for the Shift. Participate in soul-stirring sacred ceremony and enjoy high vibe vegan cuisine.
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.


To everyone in the Openhand Community ❤️...

Thankyou so much for all your love and commitment to our movement in 2023. These are historic, pivotal times to be here on the planet, where we have a front row seat for the Grand Shift of Ages. Each new year now propels us ever further forward and deeper inward to the possibility of actualising fantastic new highs. Yes, there are plenty of layers of density still to break through - but these are the springing board to new possibility, in ourselves and in our lives. So let's pause a moment, catch our breath, integrate on what we've transitioned through, and prepare ourselves for a new thrust and commitment into the New Year.

Wishing everyone a peaceful and harmonious time this festive season, from all of the Openhand Inner Team.

Here's the sense we'd like to share energetically with you for that transition into 2024...

Bright blessings to all

Open 🌈

In reply to by Open


Blessings and love to all Openhanders and to the excellent Openhand inner team. i feel so much gratitude for the support and facilitation I have received from all you guys. I find myself, at the end of this year, perceiving all around me with a deeper, richer sense of appreciation, joy and acceptance. Yes, there is much work still to be done, but still, there is an abundance of support in the field, including the incomparable Openhand team. Looking back, it's hard to appreciate the number of meditations, explorations, soul motions and chakra attunements we've done. And the work has been completed with a significant dash of adventure before, during and after skilfully organised retreats. My warmest thanks and gratitude. Looking forward to an explosive new year of activity. And remembering warriors that transitioned out of the field, gone from this plane but certainly never forgotten.


In reply to by Andy (not verified)


That's a lovely sharing Andy - thanks so much for posting the image of John - our dearly departed and sorely missed Openhander. ♥️

I played this track for John the Warrior on a previous Openhand gathering, and felt to share it again here. As humanity begins to transition the karmic plane, I've no doubt John, and many others, will be there to help transition through.

"What we do in life, echoes in eternity".

Bright blessings to all

Open 💎


We'll be up in the magical world of Merlin at the Lord of the Rings ecovillage in Snowdonia for an unmissable experience on DIVINICUS once more. It's eco-cabins out in the wilderness, stunning mountain stream site, hot tubs and cold plunges, sweat lodges and sacred ceremony. It's transcendence for the Soul...

Full info on an unmissable lifetime experience...

17th-24th May: DIVINICUS in Snowdonia: WALES
This is Openhand's jewel in the crown stage 3 course, high up in the remote mountains of Snowdonia at the Lord of the Rings eco-village Cae Mabon. Dive deep into the profound nature of being, process ancient human karma, activate your 5D Divine Being for the Shift. Participate in soul-stirring sacred ceremony and enjoy high vibe vegan cuisine.
Unmissable Lifetime Experience.


The Facilitator Summer Conference this year is based in the heart chakra of the planet, Glastonbury, known to many as "The Mystical Isle of Avalon" - for very good reason, as it's like stepping into a different world. AND, we're in easy reach of the sacred stones and crop circles of Avebury. Our retreat centre, Healing Waters, is dedicated to the divine Mother, Quan Yin. My mind bristles imagining the possibility!...

Full Info: Openhand Facilitator Conference 2024


Last year I wanted the online experience of our jewel in the crown course "DIVINICUS" to be just as impactful and alchemical as the terrestrial version. So we created the sense of the Desert, and all the meditations are geared to take you there - we transcend the bounds of the regular by creating your own Bedouin tent in your living space and journeying on the astral planes. It was beyond words.

For anyone intrigued by the desert vibe...

6th-11th May: DIVINICUS in the Desert:ZOOM
It's time to activate your Spirit Light Body for 5D Ascension, and navigate from it in your daily life. Dive deep into the "Desert of the Real" with Open, strip away any distraction, journey multidimensionally and shed the layers of ancient Human karma. This is Openhand's jewel in the crown stage 3 course, in the energetic harmony of your own home. Life Enhancing Experience


I'm totally "stoked" to be going back to the amazing mountain retreat centre in Mexico, which is so aptly called "The Pleiades Retreat". What an amazing vibe awaits: the seclusion and stunning mountain views; the tasty high-vibe Mexican food; the nearby ancient Mayan village of Tepotzlan.

For anyone wishing to explore further...

14th-20th Apr: Gateway to Golden Age: 7-Days, MEXICO
We're going back to Lemuria to activate Original Human DNA, processing out genetic and past life karma, at this 7-day life-changing retreat at the stunning Pleiades Mountain Retreat Centre. Ground-breaking meditation, assisted self-realisation. Stunning views, great accommodation and high vibe plant-based food. Secluded but easy travel distance from Mexico City. High alchemy and adventure. Unfurl Your New 5D Self!