Vimalfreesoul - being the flow
Dear Openhanders,
Its my passion to connect with presence - our eternal true nature and express myself from that place through music, videos and writings. I feel absolutely blessed to have such a wondrous evolving community of ascending souls to support my journey at this crucial time on our collective evolution. Here are some of my creations. I hope we can inspire each other through this forum.
Check out more:
All videos
Being yourself : The greatest gift you can offer Gratitude
Be free(Music video) I'm free(music video)
Nammal Itha/We are one (music video)
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Naiharwa (music video)
This poetry and its music hold a special place in my heart. In this beautiful verse, Kabir expresses the deep longing to be united with the Divine, and the pain that comes from feeling separated from the Beloved. This yearning is what drives the seeker to connect with the divine essence within.
Close your eyes, relax, and let the music carry you, or keep them open and allow the visuals and poetry to guide you on an inner journey.
Vimal 💚🙏
Wonderfully heartfelt and…
In reply to Naiharwa (music video) by Vimal
Wonderfully heartfelt and uplifting Vimal, thank you! You have so much talent! barb🙏
The magic town Glastonbury(vlog)
So here it is—the second part of the vlog series from the Glastonbury trip. I have weaved together some beautiful moments I experienced there. Watch till the end as there are some gems not to be missed. I wanted to name the video - The Magic Town Glastonbury, as this was the feeling I had embodied there.
In the first part of the video, there is more of the Pleiadian vibe and in the second part, there is a gear shift towards more of the angelic energy. What I like about the video-making process is the unintentional synchronicity that gets weaved in, like the blue car and the pigeons for example. What synchronicity do you notice?
Much love and well wishes to all
Vimal 🙏
Thank you thank you thank…
In reply to The magic town Glastonbury(vlog) by Vimal
Thank you thank you thank you! These are wonderful! barb 🙏
PS The 2 blue herons spoke to me; been seeing egrets and herons a lot lately. "Be still, be silent, let it come to you without grasping"
Swifting through Delhi (vlog)
I'm creating the trip to Glastonbury for the Openhand facilitator conference into a series of vlogs. Here's the first one in the series - Swifting through Delhi.
Vimal 💚🙏
Vimal Facilitator Trip Vlog - Keen to see more!
In reply to Swifting through Delhi (vlog) by Vimal
This is cool that you're doing this vlog Vimal - I can imagine it was a special trip for you. I'm keen to see more of the vlog.
Very intriguing!
<<< Open 💙
The shiva within (vlog)
I wonder how did we get conditioned so much in this world to see "success" in terms of the outcome. What if we can see it in terms of the inner growth, the embodying of beingness, and the process itself? I think this is a great shift in freedom. This will also make us the odd one in the mass.
I was watching the Cricket World Cup finals yesterday evening and I saw how masses of people were oriented towards one or the other team winning or worried about losing. I saw how I was reacting similarly. The body-mind is deeply conditioned to see reality through this filter. But after my 'preferred" team won I wondered what was the great achievement? Is it the validation others (who are conditioned in the same way) give for this achievement?
Yet it makes absolute sense that we perform our best when we don't care a jot about the outcome but are deeply intimate with the game itself. I think this is the mastery of life. How to be passionate and committed yet not lose oneself in the outcome. To see life as an infinite game where every growth through challenge is a win and we can never lose in this game because we are not oriented anymore in the way the world perceives reality but with the truth.
I like to share this short video I made - The Shiva Within. I went to this high-energy place to camp and meditate. There was a big dent in my motivation when I saw how my tent was broken and the initial plan was not going to happen. Nevertheless, I found the will to surrender and go with what I had.
Vimal 🙏
Deep gratitude to you Vimal…
In reply to The shiva within (vlog) by Vimal
Deep gratitude to you Vimal. This video is inspiring me so much and also providing such a lovely boost from Gaia and your energy. It is next-level beautiful and nourishing there. How it must be for you being there directly! Feeling spikes arising; echoes of memories and deep longings. And the bitter-sweet impermanence of Gaia's beautiful expression. So looking forward to joining you on your adventures. Your insights and reflections are deeply inspiring and much-needed reminders. Grateful for the sharing! 🙏
A positive reflection!
In reply to Deep gratitude to you Vimal… by sylvanheart
Hi Sylvanheart, I'm glad that my sharing has touched you this deeply. It's an amazing positive reflection for me especially since this video has been a humble and a real way of showing up without too much glamour. I'm grateful that it is being seen.
Vimal 🙏
Where I belong (music video)
I had written this song during one of the Openhand online retreats. On the second day, we delved deep inside and touched the sacred ground of being. On the next day, Open asked us to bring a gift from the universe. I remember sitting on the balcony of a mudhouse in which I was staying at that time in a beautiful remote village in Himachal and looking at the kestrels hovering in the distance, and this song just came through me. I think it perfectly encapsulated the feeling I had the previous day during the session. I shared this with the group on that day. My friend recently came to visit me and generously offered to shoot this movie, and he did an excellent job. Use headphones for better clarity, as the audio is still a home recording.
With love
Soul-stirring Openhander Music Video - best yet Vimal! 🎸
In reply to Where I belong (music video) by Vimal
This is simply stunning Vimal - your best yet (to me!) 🙏
The way it's been captured and filmed is tremendous - what a blessing.
The colours, the imagery, the feeling-connection to nature.
The only problem I see now is - you've set yourself a new standard. There's no going back. Only onwards!
Much love
Open 💎
Blessed to connect with you
In reply to Soul-stirring Openhander Music Video - best yet Vimal! 🎸 by Open
Thank you, Open, River, and Sherri,
Your comments are much appreciated and warm my heart. I can't take credit for the video, as my talented friend shot it with his professional camera. Although I did edit and mix it!
And I'm sure if I make a video, it will look much less professional, although that doesn't stop me from making it!
Much love
Vimal 🙏
beautiful work!
In reply to Where I belong (music video) by Vimal
Such a beautiful work, dear brother. Stunning visuals and music. Thank you for creating this.
Awesome video!!
In reply to Where I belong (music video) by Vimal
Vimal That was an awesome beautiful song and video. You are growing more in soul all the time. You're definitely setting the bar higher all the time.
I loved it!
The joy of witnessing a…
In reply to Where I belong (music video) by Vimal
The joy of witnessing a calling unfold before us, and the joy of divine gifts shared. This is in my playlist now. 🙏🙏🙏
Where is the True self? 🤔
Dear Openhand family,
Here's a short video for inspiration. The words for this come from the book Five Gateways by Open. The visuals were shot in a beautiful nearby village when we went for a short walk there. Initially, there was no intention to create this video, but it seemed to divinely present itself in this form.
Much love
The True Self Animation - love it ❤️
In reply to Where is the True self? 🤔 by Vimal
I love this Vimal - you're discovering a real talent for animating awareness.
Thanks so much for creating and sharing it.
Open 🙏
Poetic animation
In reply to The True Self Animation - love it ❤️ by Open
I'm glad you can see it Open . I like the words you use - animating awareness!. For me, I would always look at how I could paint the visuals in a poetic way in relation to the words and music. Its always fun!
To the the land of original humans (video)
Last year, Soumya and I went on a 2-day trekking trip to Kareri Lake near Dharamsala. It was made clear to us with plentiful synchronicities that we were feeling the original human in us through the experience. On the final spot where we camped near the lake, we found this incredible rock shaped like the skull of an early human.
In the video, I talk about our experiences embodying this energy. There is some beautiful footage of the mountains and the forest around them.
Vimal 💚🙏
Beautiful video - highly inspirational 🌈
In reply to To the the land of original humans (video) by Vimal
Hi Vimal & Soumya,
That's a beautiful video - reminds me so much of our time up in the Himalayas recently.
Thanks so much for sharing
Much love to you both
Open ♥️
Soulful feedback
In reply to Beautiful video - highly inspirational 🌈 by Open
Dear Open and Miha,
Thank you for your soulful messages - grateful to have this connection. Wishing you well in the La Palma adventure, I'm sure you are picking up strong Lemurian connection from there.
Embodied transcendence
In reply to To the the land of original humans (video) by Vimal
That’s wonderful video. Watching it, there was this feeling of getting lost in the landscape and your energy.
I’ll take it as the invitation to bring more of myself through it. It brings me in this state of embodied transcendence, thanks for sharing it. 🙏
Much love 💙 🧡
Miha 🌴
This was a portal for me
In reply to To the the land of original humans (video) by Vimal
Hello Vimal,
I can't even express how deeply I felt this. I felt the beauty, peace, calm and expansion in a powerful way, as if it was there. Perhaps in some aspect of my expanded being, I was! Love it so much!!
Blessings and honor and love to you, Dear One!
In reply to This was a portal for me by Meredith Davis (not verified)
That's heartfelt Meredith. Thanks for sharing.
Much love
Vimal 💚🙏
In reply to To the the land of original humans (video) by Vimal
Vimal, you're aa genius when it comes to making these videos but this is a masterpiece. I absolutely loved the scenes of the serene, misty lake. What a magical time the two of you must have had meditating in that stillness. You have inspired me to think about going further afield, trusting and finding new reflections in the beauty of nature. I trust you had a pinch of salt for that cabbage. Brilliant creation.
No salt but ketchup!
In reply to Masterpiece by andyvaz
Hi Andy - I greatly appreciate the feedback and am glad to know that it inspired you. However, I find it really hard to accept the word genius. The real genius filmmakers would argue with you.
I take my Go Pro to places that I go and just shoot if the landscape appeals to me. Its a joy to witness how the flow wants to fit it all together. I know you have a camera and takes wonderful pictures. I would love to see more of your uniqueness through them. Maybe a short film to go with the wonderful poems you write!
We didn't have salt, but a small sachet of tomato ketchup saved in our backpack came to the rescue!
Blame it on the flow
In reply to No salt but ketchup! by Vimal
Well, we'll blame it on the flow then. Maybe, as it came through your filter, we'll say your instrument sounds like it's in tune. Maybe this kind of banter seperates and we should observe from a place of, it just is and resonates to this or that degree. Although I am serving by creating an appreciative loop. Woah... watch those mind loops!🥸
Thank you Vimal for bringing…
In reply to To the the land of original humans (video) by Vimal
Thank you Vimal for bringing us with you on your journey to such a magical, beautiful, peaceful place. My heart is pulled to it with longing, and the turbulance of my heart is calmed. I admire you for your courage and ability to flow and trust, and so opening yourselves to gifts of abundance from the universe. An important lesson. Hugely inspiring and gives me incentive to set out on my own adventures. Gratitude to you for this! Blessings, barb
That is just so beautiful !
In reply to To the the land of original humans (video) by Vimal
Dear Vimal and Saumya ,
May I humbly suggest you start a camping trip business called "Soulful Journeys" where you take people camping through these gorgeous areas. I would love to take my daughter (and old soul dog ) camping through this wilderness and would gladly pay for the experience. I know many others that would too .
( Just a flash of an idea. Please ignore if you find it pointless )
Thanks so much for that video ,it just brought so much soul into my morning .
Remembrance (meditation music) 🧘♀️
Here's meditation music inspired by the deep Tibetan chants I hear at local monasteries. It was really fun and very engaging to learn to mix different instruments and sounds. I also got to see how learning happens intuitively in the flow rather than being overloaded with information.
Tibetan/Indian Meditation Chanting - loved it!
In reply to Remembrance (meditation music) 🧘♀️ by Vimal
Your creative spark is wonderful Vimal - great to see the innovations and journey of growth it's taking you on.
Next time, see how it might sound if you brought the voice more forward (louder) and with some echo to it. 😉
Thanks for sharing
Open 🙏
Glad you enjoyed it!
In reply to Tibetan/Indian Meditation Chanting - loved it! by Open
Hi Open,
I'm glad you enjoy. I wanted the voice to be in the background and be part of the instruments. What I'm singing is not chanting at all but just gibberish! I just emulated the tone of it 😄
I appreciate suggestion though and see how that changes it in the future.
Vimal 🙏
Let go into yourself (meditation music)🧘♀️
I have been experimenting with different creations, and here's one that I made recently. A meditation music to kick-start the new year. Sit back, relax, and let go into yourself~!
Beautiful! Like floating…
In reply to Let go into yourself (meditation music)🧘♀️ by Vimal
Beautiful! Like floating over mountains while the sun rises. Thank you 🙏
Messages from the forest 🌳
I spent the last several days camping in a forest above a mountain with a view of the city below. I suppose the motivation for having this experience was curiosity—how does my energy feel away from human matrix programming? Will I be able to connect much more strongly with other multidimensional energies?
I realized in society, we are continuously reconfirmed as an identity—a person with a name, gender, and so on. It's only natural that we've learned to accept and identify with this. But I was receiving a different reflection in the forest. There was no one there to confirm the identity. The forest mother, with all her love, does not need me to be her son! As a result, I was able to get closer to my true self. I had to investigate several aspects of this identity consciousness. Identification with one's gender is significant. In my childhood, I was considered a boy, and in my adolescence, I was labeled a man. Yes, in this incarnation, but what about the previous times when I was a woman or a girl?
There was no shortage of reptilian or BS reflected in the forest. I had made an affiliation with these energies due to the above identifications. Of course, the energies are just there to serve this identity. That's their purpose! The reptilian was 'earning' me respect, worthiness, power, and admiration, among other things. Where these identifications with the masculine were present, letting go is regarded as a sign of weakness. Is it necessary for the "One" in me to bear them in order to gain such external validation? After several illuminations, I could make peace with the identity and this interfering consciousness, which was serving a common purpose—bringing unconsciousness to light. As the judgments dissolved, I witnessed that these energies were much more willing to leave my field and go where they belonged.
A piece from my tent had separated - green snake?
On the first day, I tried to go to the mountain with a few fellow Openhanders, but there was a strong response from Gaia. On the way, a tree uprooted and crashed down, missing us by an inch. It was simple to conclude that I was not destined to carry out my intentions, and it also fed some anxiety I had been harboring. One of the main concerns was that I would get attacked by some wild animal. However, upon deeper inquiry, it catalyzed some loosening of rigidity surrounding the entire notion of moving and meditating for a few days. After that, it became more of a curiosity play and flow in action.
I sense there are intervention energies that can easily hijack the soul Impulses to fit us within their own agendas and we need to be constantly inquiring about the right action. The impulse to go was still pretty strong. I also felt strong supportive energy from Gaia and Forest mother. - a sense of love, protection, and guidance. I knew I would be looked after.
I actually became sick on the first day by trying to jam everything according to my mind's perspective. I had to learn to let go and be okay with a bit of chaos and a lot of uncertainty. But, as I imagined, as the fever subsided on the second day, the connection with the elements took center stage. I was enjoying Gaia's loving support and nurture, unconditionally accepting my mistakes, and caring wholeheartedly. That's what I felt in my heart. Many distinct layers of karma were activated, including failure, abandonment, annihilation, perfection, and the burden of responsibility. I guess the reason I'm still here!
It was poignant that the spot where I used to sit for meditation was surrounded by four trees connected by three metal cables to a larger tree. Humans' ignorance in treating this sentient life as if it were a piece of wood post! The large tree on the cliff edge appeared to be ready to leap off at any time. The first and second wires had weakened, but the third wire remained rather strong. This, I believe, refers to being related to karma primarily through the mental plane.
Away from the hold of the matrix, I was seeing more visions than ever. One of the visions in a meditation appeared significant. I witnessed the slope collapse, with trees falling on both sides, yet a bridge had been created in the center. Humanity is being invited to cross the bridge. However, the bridge eventually became a tunnel through which souls traveled at the speed of light. I'm curious if this possibly symbolizes the soul harvesting that can occur when souls are drawn into a 4D collective energy? This has been a recent inquiry I have been having.
I did an experiment on the last full moon while sitting beside the fire. I shifted between connecting with Gaia and the moon's energy. I did this several times to make sure I was not projecting my beliefs onto the feelings. I guess my mind still needs this trial and error to fully trust my feelings. But the result was unequivocal. Every time Gaia came to my consciousness, my heart would open to expansive loving energy in the heart, but the moon would contract me down, especially in the sacrum and the third eye! I assume we carry these impacts into our field most of the time without realizing it.
I also carried out another experiment. I asked my body if I felt like eating something specific at this moment, and it would constrict down in the sacrum. When I thought about fasting, my body would respond by opening up. This is something I will do my best to remember, especially when presented with difficult choices. I could simply ask my heart and body! I wondered if I could live like this forever, just connecting with Gaia and getting away from the program, but the fire elemental had a different message, emphasizing that being in the thick of it and bringing my light to illuminate the relationships with others is when the higher self comes down to meet the lower!
It's fascinating how being away from distractions such as social media can elevate consciousness, and then many things in nature can speak to our soul. I'm leaving my tent and other equipment here as I go down tomorrow so that I can come back and spend a few more days. Perhaps the forest has more messages for me?
The untouchables 🙏
In reply to Messages from the forest 🌳 by Vimal
Striking that balance between knowing we’re all just actors in a grand cosmic play, where most of the other actors have forgotten it’s just a play, and the reality of flesh, blood, fate and feelings in a 3D matrix is quite a task. It’s especially when those that should know the most, your nearest and dearest, betray and convolute your truth and essence to the most diabolic of absurdities, that the immortal soul is at its closest to source. We look out to the other and all we see are delusions or fantasies. The only rational solution I have personally found, to transmute my own souls dilemma, is to thrash the shadows out on stage within the sacred containment of dramatherapy, accompanied by legitimised wild and semi naked dancing like a mad person. The 3d egoic straight jacket has long been abandoned. I’ve unplugged from the matrix there's no pretending. And I’m going to party like it’s 1999 🌈
I'm free (original song)
Dear Soul family, here is a new song and video - I'm free. I worked on it with much passion and patience. For me what really gets me moving is the dance of different soul ray harmonics in the creative process. There is the ray 1 of moving towards an objective with passion but we also need to gear shift to surrendering and letting go of the objective otherwise the passion becomes distorted. There is also the magic where we can witness the divine guidance and things clicking into the place. Like for example some of the visuals where shot without any prior intention but wanted to fit in to the song effortlessly.
Honestly, many times during the video-making process I thought I was not free at all but also at times the song reminded me to transcend my own fears and connect with this freedom.
I was also reminded that it's easy to feel and believe we are free when everything is flowing well and when we are feeling the joy of existence. But how can we find freedom even through the tough and challenging experiences? After writing the song, I thought, perhaps the song should be "I'm is free" because the real freedom is found in the "I'm" by transcending the limiting identity and its beliefs.
I would like to thank Soumya, who has assisted with the camera and did a marvelous job. I recorded this into my camera mic, so I would recommend using headphones otherwise the sound would likely distort. Let me know what you think about the video.
Much love
I'm free - a nice sense of ease 🙏
In reply to I'm free (original song) by Vimal
Thanks for sharing again Vimal. 👍
As I watched your song, with beautiful clips of nature, I got the pleasant sense of ease with it.
Best wishes
Open 🙏
What a beautiful song!
In reply to I'm free (original song) by Vimal
Vimal that song and all the gorgeous scenery was so relaxing and peaceful, and I greatly enjoyed it. Very soothing. I had no idea so many places existed there and you found and captured awesome footage.
Thank you for creating and sharing, I know I'll watch this one many times. You and Soumya did a great job, you're getting better all the time.
Much love and hugs, Sherri
Glad you enjoyed it!
In reply to What a beautiful song! by Sherri Sunnygirl
Hi Sherri and Open, I'm so glad that you found the music and video of value. Looking forward to creating and sharing more
Vimal 💚🙏
I bow to you (Music video)
Dear Openhand family,
I dedicate this song for the divinity in all of us. These videos were shot in Himachal Pradesh. - Spiti valley and Bir village. Hope you enjoy it.
Much love
Trust, surrender, and merge with the flow
As the shift accelerates and I'm naturally connecting with higher-dimensional energies, there's so much more energy wanting to move through me. But what I find is that It can get a bit frustrating as this energy still has to be channeled through this narrow pipe of a physical body. It's hitting many layers of density inside, especially in the lower chakras. There is a feeling of being trapped in this dense emotional body while the soul in me is yearning for a higher existence and authentic expression.
Lately, I have been expressing these energies a lot through movement, sometimes dancing to powerful, emotive, high-energy songs or even screaming the energy out at times. Our landlords gifted us a "higher shelf" for the kitchen yesterday but instead wanted to keep some of their stuff in a box in one of our rooms. Space is being created in the physical and emotional to receive more information from the external, which in turn is opening up the higher paradigm.
Today, after such a process, I couldn't sit still in my room and wanted to hike through the nearby forest to the waterfall and later take a dip in it. I stopped on the way to a restaurant to grab a bite. There was an inquiry in mind about support and trust that needed some clarity. So I asked, "Show me," to the universe. Immediately I saw a guy wearing a t-shirt with a picture of Buddha on it, and he was carrying a leaning rest pad from a chair. That seemed like a direct reflection. I think I'm the monk still carrying the perspective of external support. But what I really wanted was to know how to break this internal chain. The lady near me touched the pink-colored top hanging on the ceiling on her way out, showing the presence of the 'internal mother' or Quan yin energy, which is the real source of support and love.
I had to halt my bike on the way to the forest because there was work going on and a JCB was removing large rocks from the road. I observed a man using a chisel to smash these rocks. I suppose these rocks are what I carry about in my emotional body, and I'm breaking them down one at a time. I parked my bike there and walked the rest of the way to the forest and beyond.
The forest was stunningly gorgeous, especially with the stream close by. I saw a green-colored citadel singing her song, and I paused and looked at her. Then it occurred to me, that I was supposed to sit and sing with her. As we both sang together, a primitive sound from my belly and upwards, I could feel the dense emotions dissipating and higher harmony and peace being restored. At this point, the citadel started climbing upward, signaling that the job was complete and I could ascend once more through the forest path. I felt an incredible sense of gratitude for this life and being able to connect with Mother Earth like this.
It still took me at least an hour to sit near the waterfall, contemplating whether to jump in or not. Finally, I had the courage to stand under the icy Himalayan water. I could feel every cell in my body screaming for release and comfort. Nevertheless, I persisted through the pain and kept softening the internal reaction. If I put words to the pain, it would translate to "I'm not good enough". This is perhaps a karmic imprint of carrying the burden of the mission of being a lightworker, bringing light into myself and the world. That is what the recent synchronicities were pointing to. A few minutes later, the pain subsided, and I was washed over with relief and humility. "I don't have to carry this weight. The flow will manage that. All I need is to trust, surrender, and merge with the flow".
Where the higher dimensional inflows hit the emotional body
In reply to Trust, surrender, and merge with the flow by Vimal
Hi Vimal - it's a colourful exploration and sharing - how to resolve inner blocking layers in a practical way 👍
I've found myself in a related exploration of late: the higher dimensional inflows are strong and fast, but in working to blend this authentic expression and action into the 3D, I've hit plenty of small frictions, than then can build stress in the emotional body. I'd say this happens to many, but the reactivity is suppressed through emotional comfort - like eating for example.
I'd say you chose the right approach though - to stay in the discomfort and take the cold plunge. It develops the emotional body, meaning we can embrace a greater degree of the frustration and not be defined by it. For me I'm taking a different approach - an emotional light language comes forth, which when I express, softens reactivity in the moment. It lets the higher light express through, even in the confinement of the 3D with it's clunky and slower speed.
Best wishes
Open 💎
I bow to you 🙏
Oh my divine
I bow to you
Oh grand design
I bow to you
Inside my mind
Angels and demons are alive
I trust in your light
To make the best of this life
I'm aching inside
To know your love again
Show me where I hide
And help me break my chains
Listen listen to me now
I'm in you and you in me
Seek and you shall find
The answers within your mind
I'm all around
Within every eyes and every smile
I'm all around
Within the clouds and a grain of sand
Let go and open your mind
And remember to be kind
To yourself and others alike
You are in me and I'm in you
Oh little child
I bow to you
Oh gracious kind
I bow to you
Being a lightworker (video)
Here's a simple perspective on being a lightworker. What does it mean for you ?
I bow down to you , all facilitators and lightworkers in the shift ,everyone who is diligently looking within themselves and courageous enough to express truthfully into the world. We are at the right place at the right time!
Cherukili (Little bird)
Around two years before River and I went to a waterfall during our nomadic journey. We met this beautiful little bird who reflected us the freedom we yearned to embody in our heart. Soon the yearning turned into a song - a conversation with the bird.
The little bird is soaring
Far far away from its home
The little bird is soaring
Hey bird where are you off to ?
The little bird is soaring
Dusk had fallen
The Sun had set
The Sky turned golden
The little bird has begun to fly.
The little bird is soaring
I'm not looking for a place to build a nest.
I'm neither looking for a mate
This journey itself is my home
This road itself is my destination
The little bird is soaring
Thankyou Andy and Sherri
Thankyou Andy and Sherri for your uplifting comments. I'm glad it was inspiring.
Much love ❤
Vimal 🙏
being yourself
Wow, Vimal. What a timely and exquisite video, so inspirational and beautifully balanced. I honour your mastery in bringing the elements together so skilfully and the profound message. I have been drifting, yet again, in the mental obsession of form, thinking that before I can do this, I must take certain steps, which of course are 'soulless' and take the joy and expression out of the activity. Together with Open's latest article about overcoming resistance to change and leaving safe ground, I feel inspired.
Much gratitude.
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