Major Gaia Shift 2024

Submitted by Open on Sat, 07/20/2024 - 04:43

On this year's Summer Facilitator Conference, we received a major illumination about Gaia's state in the Shift - how, at the Galactic Convergence of 2012, she'd gone out of body a degree, which the intervention energies had exploited. It's what created the feeling of inertia down here in the lower densities. It's clear Gaia had been lagging behind the Grand Galactic Convergence. Here's how we were given to work with the dynamic...

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22/07/2024 Post Facilitator Conference Update

In the video above, from the recent Openhand Facilitator Conference, we explored how Gaia had gone out of body a degree, at the 2012 Galactic Convergence. And that's why we'd been experiencing inertia here in the lower densities in recent times - she'd disconnected from her lower kundalini.

This first came to light during the conference, as we meditated with the Tor. We were required first to remove some Annunaki implant technology, placed in the Tor (at the 4D level, using sound technology) after the convergence, to exploit Gaia going out of body. The newly evolved "Anu" helped us remove the implant, which saw a strong resurgence in Gaia's kundalini through the heart chakra.

However, there still seemed to be an energetic blockage in the solar plexus chakra - which I could clearly feel at a planetary level. This has all coincided with the arrival of an angelic Dragon Group from Lyra, helping Gaia's energies channel down from the 5D. See article here: Angelic Dragon Group Arrives From Lyra

Connecting with the arrival of this Dragon energy, and working to ease the flow through Gaia's lower chakras, I very much expected that this would result in the strong release of volcanic action in Gaia's solar plexus chakra - to ease the build-up of her kundalini, and to support an acceleration in the 5D Ascension, especially of her lower density energies.

There are different views as to where the solar plexus chakra of the planet is: some say Uluru in Australia. I had felt the explosion may come either in Indonesia or New Zealand - as facilitator Ann pointed out, Indonesia connects through Uluru to New Zealand. Today, there has been an eruption at the Merapi Volcano in Indonesia...

Strong eruption, large pyroclastic flow at Mount Merapi, Indonesia

Others would say the solar plexus chakra of Gaia is Mount Fuji in Japan. Just in the last few days, there have been two explosions of key volcanoes in Japan...

Iwo-Jima volcano enters new eruptive period, Japan 
Strong explosive eruption at Sakurajima volcano, Japan

Take your pick: we can definitely say, that since this work was done during the Facilitator Conference in Gaia's heart chakra, there's definitely been a much needed release in her lower kundalini energy. This harmonisation is utterly essential to the realigning flow, that Gaia may better move with the Grand Galactic Convergence.

Awesome job facilitators! This is exactly the way we can help ease the 5D Shift.
Bright blessings
<<< Open đź’Ž

Here's the video from the Openhand Summer Conference, where we were looking at that key Gaia dynamic: just why has she been stuck in inertia here in the lower densities? We uncovered why, and working as a group in the Glastonbury heart chakra, worked as an interdimensional mission to resolve the issue.

It can't help but move the Shift along and get things moving properly again.
Do share your thoughts and feedback.

Well wishes to all.
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In reply to by Open

Sometimes it feels like a car that is trying to cut out on you. Its power diminishes somewhat and then before you know it; it regains some back; but not to full power as yet. It goes on as you engage with each change in the flow; back and forth. Yet knowing that all will flow in one great force when you least expect it. The question is will we be ready when that force is unleashed. All will be as it should. Does this make sense?

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