Angelic Support and The Nature of Benevolent Spiritual Guidance

Submitted by Open on Wed, 03/15/2023 - 05:16

We're at a pivotal fulcrum in the shift: a clear divergence is underway, where a wave of souls are tuning into benevolence and gaining ever greater liberation; yet plenty head into a manipulated synthetic reality. The intervention is being dug up at the roots, but nevertheless, has morphed into other complexities and is still luring people into ever more sophisticated distortions. We have a veritable army of angelic support in the ether guiding us. We just need to be clear on exactly how best to tune in.

Beware the Two Different Streams of Consciousness Coming In

Many more people are waking up now as the infusion of galactic energies trigger the shift. But waking up at an intellectual level to what's going on is only the beginning. The ET Opposing Consciousness that has so derailed the planet and humanity has been dug up at the roots through the galactic alignment of 2012. But is now morphing into other shapes, sophistication and agendas - using Smart and AI to lure people into a more 'supported', 'comfortable' and 'convenient' reality. But convenient for whom?

A leopard does not change its spots overnight. Just because various players in the controlling cabal have been explosed, doesn't mean there isn't still a strong manipulating intention. The emperor has simply donned some new clothes - the eco friendly band wagon for example.

The challenge is that we're being explosed through the field to two different streams of energy - one is aligned with our higher selves, the other pulling people into the controlling agendas. These two streams get enfolded into one as they come through the bodymind - no wonder so many are still being lured into excessive and dissonant consumption.
Explore how to emerge from this intervention: 5D Shift Podcast

At the same time, there is a veritable 'army' of benevolence in the ether all around us, supporting the emergence of a new evolved humanity - the 5D Human. The key is to understand how that benevolence truly works, what to watch for as it comes in?

How Benevolent Guidance Works

Essentially, benevolent guidance is there to help you become the most aligned, most evolved version of you. It is not about a specific outcome or material manifestation. Although things will effortlessly create around you as you peel off the distorting frequencies and embody the real you. So benevolence works to reflect back to you resonances of authentic beingness, inviting you to embody, which then changes the nature of your landscape.

To give an example from my own life...

There was a time when I was quite stuck in a situation because of distorted excessive compassion (yes it is possible to be too loving!). I knew a higher harmony was possible and my soul yearned for it, but it was difficult to see past the inertia of the situation. So I asked, "show me!" Now true benevolence will not tell you the answer - do this now. Rather it will reflect how you are being and what you now need to bring through. I started to see a quite rare type of car, which would show up everywhere. At first I thought I was supposed to buy it, but the knowing sense told me to look closer. I was drawn to the landscape painted on the side. With that I sensed the question, "how does that make you feel?" Adventurous, was the immediate response. So I felt to embody the sense of adventure. This changed my whole outlook to the situation and caused me to make a crucial shift in consciousness, which unraveled the blockage and changed my life beyond measure.

Really then, benevolent guidance is resonating frequencies of authentic beingness and inviting you to embody that. And when you do, then the multidimensional landscape shapes around you. It's like riding a surfboard - if you're thinking about what to do you'll miss the nuances and subtle perceptions, which when you pick up instead, help you become as one with the wave. It's like you now ARE the wave. You're being the wave of your soul.

An Invitation to express Authentic Beingness

This is where intentional manifestation derails people - because it's so often about getting something done or achieving something. The tail is wagging the dog, because authentic reality happens the other way around, it is the effect of the causality of your beingness. Intentioning simply cuts across the spontaneous flow of the moment.

However when you are simply being you and radiating the light from your being, following the guidance of your soul, then you'll receive tremendous guidance and support from the Universe. What's more, you'll punch holes through the density that is constraining people at this time.

In conclusion, I felt to share this video I shot from the height of the lockdown in the UK in early 2021. Yes, plenty of people are following the synthetic agenda of the state, however, we can also celebrate the massive breakthroughs of freedom going on here and around the world too. Have not doubt, WE ARE pushing back on this agenda and punching gaping holes through the density. As I look back through this video, it felt very dark and dense at the time, but in calling on angelic support and anchoring it around the UK, it feels like it's had a massive effect. And so I would call on all to have courage and commitment, to keep pushing through. The light of the shift will win the day!...

If you resonate with my sharing and wish to gain more authentic and angelic support for journey through the 5D Shift, then explore the evolutionary work of Openhand...

Openhand Ascension Portal

Bright blessings

Open 😇

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24/07/2024 Shift Update: Benevolent Guidance

We've been exploring how to work with your multidimensional team to help support your life and your journey here in the Shift. We've also looked at how best to establish that team. Refer to these postings below:

TEAMWORK in The Shift: Mastering their Energetic Majesty
11 Rules For Connecting with Your Multidimensional Team

What's also essential however, is to realise there are intervention energies trying to mimic this guidance and throw you off track. The susceptibility most often exists where there's fixed intention around a goal or outcome in the Matrix. Or where the ego is in fear or efforting for something. Hence, I felt to draw attention to this article above about getting to know the true nature of Benevolent Spiritual Guidance. Scroll up to review, and do feel free to inquire further with me by adding your comments below.

Bright blessings
<<< Open 💎


17/11/3023 Shift Update

Currently, Openhand is leading a pivotal gathering for Shift Facilitators on Zoom - it's a marvellous group of intrepid pioneers in the shift and so much is moving both in people's own karma, but also then transforming the field. I'll write in more detail soon, but essentially we're working with various benevolent beings, such as Kali, and different Star Being groups to gain realignment in our own lives, but then principially wider through the field.

There's a veritable army of angels out there supporting the work and the wider planetary shift. But there are also plenty of derailing entities masquerading as benevolence. How to know the difference? It's crucial that you do. Hence my sharing of this viewpoint above today, that includes a video of tremendous angelic connection during the times of lockdown.

Be inspired - forge your angelic connection to benevolent guidance in the Shift. And do share, how do you recognise it when it comes through?

Here's the video once more in case you missed it in the article...

Bright blessings to all

Open 😇