ARRIVAL: Angelic Dragon Beings from Lyra - Here to Support the 5D Shift

Submitted by Open on Mon, 07/22/2024 - 05:43

During the Summer Facilitator Conference 2024, recently concluded, I talked about a "dragon energy" come in from the higher dimensions to support the shift, and to help channel higher dimensional energies in - to help the Star being nations connect, for example, and even to support the downward flow of the Earth's Torus. I've now had several exchanges with them, where in the dreamtime, they visibly "reached out a hand" to me. It looked humanoid, but distinctly dragon-like too. An enthralling experience indeed.

Building Multidimensional Teams

Whenever in doubt about what you're dealing with, the key is to ask, "Show Me!" Then to watch where your attention is directed. You'll always get an answer. First, in meditation I got "Lyran" and "dragon", which seemed like a curious combination to entertain - an "angelic dragon", so to speak. But then, here in Cornwall, I came across this interesting figure on the path, which seemed very much to suggest of some kind of angel in the form of a dragon...

Then, in the town of Tintagel, I passed by the "Vega" vegan restaurant - Vega being the brightest star in the Lyran constellation. The sign jumped out and resonated strongly.

It was after this, that they started connecting deeply through cloud formations. My attention would be drawn to particular ones to focus on, upon which, I'd experience marvellous infusions of strong, dragon-like energy from the higher dimensions...

They feel hugely alchemical, transformative and supportive!

Authentic "Space Ship" Crop Circle Appears in Britain

Later I learned of a crop circle appearing in southern England, which I share here below. It appears to me to be authentic. Immediately I got it relates to the arrival of this angelic dragon group from Lyra. Crop circles are always an intuitive language. This speaks to me of an energetic space vessel - the triangles seem to relate to what's known as, the "Summer Constellation", which enfolds Vega. So I get that it is heralding the arrival of this angelic dragon group.

See what you take from it...

The crop circle appeared near to an Iron Age fort, which was a key Roman base, encompassing the convergence of five key Roman Roads in Britain - so the proximity of the fort, seems to point to this convergence of the new arrival happening in 5D. But also there's the sense of a warrior frequency with this energy.

Enthralling 5D Shift

I find it completely enthralling that this group should arrive at this point and make itself known. I've felt their strong vibrations during the dreamtime for several nights now.

I share it with you all so that you may bring the possibility into your awareness. They're here to support the Shift in different ways. One key one being, protection of the downward-flowing energies of Gaia from the higher frequencies. Which can work for us individually too. See how it goes.

What a blessing!
<<< Open 💎

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26/07/2024 Shift Update: Working with Lyran Dragon Energy

It's coming up to a week now since the Summer Facilitator Conference, and it feels like plenty is happening in the field as a result. We're seeing volcanoes triggering, especially in Gaia's solar plexus chakra, just where we expected it; the elementals are resurgent; but also, for days now, I've been getting the strong connections and infusions of the Lyran Dragon Energy.

The question is: how to best work with it and how can it help you in your path and life?

I was out and about in Cornwall the other day, and felt to go into a crystal shop we happened by. It was a quiet little town, on the sea, and with "bridge" in the name. The crystal shop was in the quietest corner of town, and run by a Merlin-type figure, who seemed very keen to close up for the day - we were five minutes from closing time. However, an amethyst crystal jumped out at me, that looked just like a powerful Dragon's head. I instantly knew the Lyran Dragon energy could speak through it - that I could anchor it through the stone.

I picked the crystal up and held it. Immediately I could feel the strong infusions gathering around me. What I can say about the Lyran energy, is that it provides a transmission through the Torus, from the higher densities, and into the lower. It seems to amplify whatever benevolent energies you already have connecting within you. Benevolent only, because it amplifies the Torus strongly, and so intervention is readily ejected. Deep consciousness breathwork and inner focus within the Torus, especially the downward flow, certainly strengthens this energy.

I decided to buy the crystal. As I was paying for it, the shop was suddenly deluged by people browsing and inquiring. In no more than a few minutes, around 20 people had crowded into the small shop. They appeared quite regular people, of all varied vibrations. But they didn't come in just to browse. Plenty of them started to buy, including one or two younger children. It was quite stunning to feel the energy of what transpired. The Merlin-type character winked at me as I paid and left the shop, him with a glint in his eye, and me with a wry smile in return.

So I can clearly say this Lyran Dragon energy supports the transmission of higher dimensional energies into the lower, and amplifies the benevolent energies that are here. It's an energy we'll definitely be bringing to the Openhand work in the New Autumn Event Calendar.

The future is bright!
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Well the dragons (and plenty of dolphins, whales, and...warthogs?) have been visiting. Such grace, dignity, strength. The energy today was sublime, despite wrestling with old demons. Last night meditating and was definitely noticing the energy pulling down. Going up was like pushing through mud. Was seeing upside down triangles, which to me is higher coming down, and seeing blots of purple here an there. That's a beautiful piece and oh my goodness what a beautiful place! Thanks!🙏


Another great crop circle has appeared, which to me, looks like it was by the same that was heralding this Angelic Dragon Group from Lyra. This time, the crop circle is in the wider Avebury area. Notice in this one below: 1) the (reasonable) intricacy of geometry that would be hard for the human hand to produce 2) how well the crops are folded at ground level 3) how straight the lines are along the folded edges. These are are three essential signs it is authentic.

See what you get from it. I take the numerology, 7,3,5,1. The 7 pointing to the dimension the group came from; the 3 pointing the triangle of the summer constellation containing Lyra; the 5 meaning they're now in the 5th dimension; the 1 representing the circle containing it all - Earth's environment.

What do you see? Remember, there is no right and wrong with these formations. They're an intuitive language, designed to speak into your soul...


We've been exploring building multidimensional teams to support your journey here in the Shift (check this article here: TEAMWORK in the Shift). The exploration is converging with the planetary arrival of a new energy: Angelic Dragon Beings from Lyra, who have come to support the infusion of higher dimensional energies onto the planet, and in our lives (check the article above).

The key to this language is recognising metaphoric signatures in the external - watching cloud formations, for example. But then simultaneously to explore how you feel about them inside - what energy is activating and coming in?

Since the conclusion of Openhand's Summer Facilitator Conference, where many energies were activated, I've felt their particular presence growing stronger and stronger. First (I believe) they announced themselves in the crop circle shown in the lead article above (with another on its way). But now especially, I'm finding them speaking strongly through cloud formations.

Currently, I'm in Cornwall in SW England, a place of rugged, spectacular beauty. I'm staying at St Nectern's Glen, close to Tintagel, an area of amazing energetic alchemy. Yesterday, I found myself in direct communication with these Angelic Dragon Beings (from Lyra) for several hours, directly through changing cloud formations - it quickly grew as a language, and was quite breathtaking to behold.

I was so engaged, I didn't feel to video it. But caught this snap to share. What do you see?

Then these images came close to the sunset (courtesy of Asya)...

The Future is Bright,
The Future is Alchemical!
<<< Open 💎


I have to say I'm totally enthralled by this arrival of the angelic dragon group from Lyra. Check my article above with video of the very first authentic crop circle in the UK this season. How does the new Dragon Group speak to you?

In reply to by Open


For me the crop circle shows how to blend and balance the two energies. Sometimes when I look the darker parts form the image. I see the triangles and the dragon energy. Other times the lighter parts form the image and I see a flower being supported but not overpowered. To me this speaks of a balance between the two energies. Each one coming forward and stepping back in a beautiful dance.

This really speaks into my own journey. I'm getting to know a dragon that has shown up to work with me since the end of the facilitator conference. It mainly stays in the background but one occasion came forward with very strong aligned ray 1 energy and then immediately stepped back so as to not overpower or take over my energy. Maybe we've travelled together before. It seems to be a very trusting relationship. I didn't have to think or call upon it. It just knew when to come forward and how to perfectly complement my energy.

In reply to by Ann B


That's brilliant feedback Ann - good to hear 👍
You've seen the crop circle in a different, but complementary way to my interpretation. And hearing about your dragon connection, since the conference, is very inspiring too. 🙏

Do you get the sense that the being you've connected with has Lyran energy?

When I realised these Dragon Beings from the conference were likely from Lyra, it felt incredibly uplifting - I'm seeing them everywhere right now.

Well wishes
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

I can't say for certain, but I'd say highly likely because it has both a strength and a softness to it so it blends really well with my energy.

In reply to by Open


I see multiple dragons in the photos of the clouds. Weeks ago I saw formations in the clouds that were dragons. They were even breathing 'fire'! It's so interesting to see that there is such significance around them right now. Wonder if the Lyrans were speaking to me!