The Flow of The Soul

Submitted by Open on Thu, 04/30/2020 - 16:37
The Flow of The Soul with Openhand
The only thing that is enduring, the only thing that is lasting, especially in this turbulent 3D world, is what you learn and then EMBODY at a soul level. All else is transient and beyond yours or anyone else's control.
When in the mainstream of soul, you're connected directly to the source of inifinite potential, which will ALWAYS find a way. Just look at what The One has ALREADY created and continues to do so.
When we speak about trust, what should we really trust in? In the government LOL! In the integrity of the system LOL! That a particular outcome will happen? That we can manifest our desires, dreams and intentions? I say a resounding NO! to all of these.
What I trust irrevocably in, because it's proved itself time and again, is my soul's ability to find a way forwards, to take me to the next step. Whatever circumstances I find myself in, when I'm committed to the quiet beingness of soul, then the next step always presents itself, and the next, and the next....
That's what we can truly trust in. That's what is enduring. And is utterly priceless.
Open πŸ’™πŸ™

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Greetings Open,

I am placing this comment here as my search resulted in this thread showing up and it provides an answer to the question I am currently exploring (intention vs. manifesting from the soul), however, I am unclear about one thing.

To summarize one of the strongest feelings I have these days: I need to get out of the city. My only mode of transportation is a bicycle and all the nature I have nearby is a park which takes maybe twenty minutes to walk from one end to the other. I spend around two hours there every morning and it has helped me to realize that boredom is just a term we invented to describe a situation in which we see no oppertunity to indulge in one of our addictions. Being in nature is uplifting beyond any desire to do a specific thing; just sitting there in the sun overlooking the pond and the birds and all that goes on, I do not require anything 'to do'. But there's a railroad and a highway and an airport nearby.

What I am unclear about is this. Even though manifesting a desire is the ego taking a biased look at the 3D and saying 'this is the thing that needs to change' does it not also represent a great oppertunity for growth if you use this egoic manifestation to put yourself in a situation where you can focus on the spiritual growth? I understand what you say about the soul being able to find the next step, but can that next step not be careful application of focus on an egoic desire as long as that puts you in a position suitable for spiritual growth? It sounds to me like this can lead to exponential results as long as one remains clear on their limits regarding this application, i.e. not getting lost in wanting more 3D stuff after that. In this case, focusing on manifesting a way to live in a much more natural environment first, treating it as a stepping stone to greater spiritual growth.

Respect and Love,


In reply to by Love-the-journey


It's a great inquiry you're having there Sander - I feel things unravelling and emerging rapidly πŸ‘

You ask, 'by focussing on the machinations of the ego, will this not lead to exponential growth?'

In a word, yes!!

I could put it another way though: when you start to surrender the directional impulses of the ego generally in life, then the soul starts to take over. Which of itself, will bring you into direct conflict with the resistances of the ego. You can't avoid them. They tend to explode on your path.

But yes, by "turning into" these moments of maximum discomfort and inconvience, and crucially by owning the reactivity and triggering, then this will lead to exponential growth.

Tune into the soul, follow it, then own everything that comes up.

This will surely lead to exponential growth.

"Fasten your seatbelt Dorothy!"

<<< Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


Thank you. I want to check if I understand correctly. There is no need to look for a way to change the situation, or to imagine/visualize a way in which a solution may present itself? Instead, a solution will form itself as long as I become aware of the blockages, as well as the extent in which these blockages have become integrated with the inner self and then accept all the choices I made to get in this position in the first place?

I find it difficult to make sure that sentence actually means what I think it means. So I will add this: looking around for a solution in the form of 'I want to live in that area' is not the right approach, whereas 'I want to get away from this area' is?

In reply to by Love-the-journey


Hi Sander,

You asked...

a solution will form itself as long as I become aware of the blockages, as well as the extent in which these blockages have become integrated with the inner self and then accept all the choices I made to get in this position in the first place?

Essentially, yes.

Then you followed up...

looking around for a solution in the form of 'I want to live in that area' is not the right approach, whereas 'I want to get away from this area' is?

Essentially, yes. However, you will start to become aware of possibilities to move toward - a new place to live. And if this stirs your soul, it will feel like an upwelling. This is NOT a mind-led intention, but a genuine heartfelt one, which you can definitely trust to go with.

I trust that makes sense. But you do have to feel the difference between the two for it to properly land.

Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


This morning, sitting in what has become a usual spot in the park (I try not to make it an automatic thing but every time I sit somewhere else I still feel pulled to that spot, and to be honest it is a very nice spot) I came upon a sudden clarity surrounding my current conditions. Sitting there considering how I want it to change, I realized that this location fulfills all of the criteria I had when I moved here: I just didn't notice the divinity behind it at the time. And it made me realize that there is no need to get into the details; this made me immediately remember my Draconian communications a few months back during the retreat, where it came in strongly that humans are insanely obsessed with details that do not matter. I could then feel their presence, as I could see myself as an essence completely enveloped by numerous dragons for a while. I have just now read your article concerning the current dragon energies so once again everything follows up nicely.

I went inward and found the stillness that made me realize it's all going well, the doubt is just me still detoxing from the corporate environment. I asked 'show me', closed my eyes, and within seconds a large freight train sped by on the railroad a few dozen meters away; though I always noticed the trains passing by while sitting there, with this one I could feel the resonance it created. Fasten your seatbelts, Dorothy, indeed...

I then understood that the mind will form an idea around the yearning of the soul, in a sort of 'I'm leading this circus so I have to come up with the solution' kind of way, which makes a lot of sense since that has been true up until somewhere last year. So I put this out there: I would like my living conditions to reflect that which provides the best oppertunity for growth and upliftment. If that means my current situation does not change, I must trust that these conditions are what I need right now. There is a yearning for a much more natural environment, but I will let go of any desire for it to happen as quickly as possible; instead, I should say: when the time is right :)

In reply to by Love-the-journey


You're on a great journey of inquiry Sander - there's no doubt how you're working will take you tremendous places of discovery, which is backed by the Universe πŸ‘

Your statement...

I would like my living conditions to reflect that which provides the best opportunity for growth and upliftment. If that means my current situation does not change, I must trust that these conditions are what I need right now.

That's just perfect. The external conditions are always the effect, the crystallisation, of what we are being and how we are journeying, at the soul level, within. The space-time-continuum bends around authentic being.

Watch this space!
<<< Open πŸ’Ž