Openhand Comes of Age: New Ascension Academy Development

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/09/2024 - 05:09

Today, 9/9, Openhand launches its new look and feel Academy website design. We trust you enjoy the look of it. However, it's much, much more than just the latest iteration of Openhand. It represents the "coming of age" of what we have to bring to the world. After twenty years of crafting here, it's about forging a movement, an Academy, working towards spiritual excellence in the Shift. How can it best serve you and support your journey?

Your Virtual/Terrestrial Establishment

What we've worked to create, is a dynamic, virtual establishment, that you can tune into, and connect with, as little or as often as you like - as suits where you feel to be on your journey right now. To be sure, we are on the bow wave of the Shift, calling the energy movements as we see and feel them. It's our aim, and purpose, to be doing that right up until the Shift culminates in the Grand Galactic Convergence.

It's a steep climb up the Ascension mountain that's required now. To succeed, that needs to become the orientation and focus of the soul on a daily basis. Many around the world have tuned in and found Unity Consciousness - fantastic! But that's only the beginning of the journey. Now begins the real work of crafting the inner landscape, so the soul can fully emerge.

Although the 5D Ascension is now in full swing, not everyone is ascending automatically - that's a fallacy of the spiritual mainstream, many of whom have been duped into the 4D simulation bubble. Right now, it's only an initial wave that's actually doing the determined inner work, to fully move with the Shift. Our aim is to support those who are truly committed in this endeavour. Whether you're just beginning, or a seasoned traveller, Openhand is an ancient Ascended Master consciousness, that can take you as far as you're now ready to go. 

Openhand Group of 9 Ascended Masters: Discover More

How To Engage With the Academy?

To be a member is simply to enrol here on this new Academy site, then to tune in as frequently as you like - although the encouragement is to do so daily. The point being, Openhand is also a dynamic, energetic bridge, through the dimensions, and weaving in with the planetary Shift energies. By tuning into the energies with us, as they're expressed and transmitted, is going to stimulate those levels of activations in you.

It's going to help enormously to attend events throughout the year, whether on Zoom or terrestrially. We're constantly evolving the program to incorparte new energies, like the latest activation of Dragon Energy, for example. It's to meet the latest reactivation of the Dragon Leylines, and to bring alive that very primal, alchemical, and courageous energy alive in you - one that can blow away resistant densities on your path within the matrix simulation.  
Check the Openhand Events Calendar 2024

Between events, take time to integrate. Where our groundbreaking 5D Ascension Series of books can support the inner embodiment. Or download and practice the meditations. Alternatively, you can request support from an accredited facilitator in our network: contact us

It's all purposefully crafted over twenty years to support your journey through the Shift.

Explore the backbone of the Academy Curriculum: The 5D Ascension Program

Ascension is Here!

Today, Openhand "rebrands" as the Openhand Ascension Academy. The main site includes the daily updates and exchanges, where so much is gained simply by sharing your thoughts, feelings and experiences. It's seldom appreciated, until you partake, that when you engage your consciousness in commentary and exchanges about the material in this way, just how activational that can be. You're actually tuning into the flow of consciousness, that's determining that particular inquiry within this Shift.

So do consider opening your own journal thread, in the Share Your Journey forum. I will always respond personally to these inquiries. You'll need to become a member of the Academy to post in this private forum...

Meanwhile, our other website, what we're now calling the Ascension Library, is your one-stop-shop for all purchasable materials: the Ascension Book Series; Download Meditations; Event Bookings. That's not to mention the website for our annual World Ascension Summit... Avalon Rising (which is taking a rest year in 2024, but will be back with gusto in the Lion's Gate opening of August 2025).

Here are our three websites supporting your journey:           

1) Openhand Ascension Academy. Accessible from: and           
2) Openhand Ascension Library. Accessible from:           
3) Avalon Rising. Accessible from

Taking Centre Stream

There's all the time in the world, but no time to waste, as the Earth now accelerates her transformation in the Shift. I know many have sat on the sidelines of the Openhand work over the years, just dipping your toes into the website from the sidelines. But now maybe it's high time to dive right in? 

As I'm sure you appreciate, the simulation matrix we're living in, has descended recently into utter nonsense! It's become farcical to watch. If you agree with the observation, then it's time to take your life, your journey and your path, back into your own hands - to become a conscious co-creator with the divine, within the Shift; to shape your reality from crystal clear higher consciousness. It's time then, that your life's purpose takes centre stream.

Here's what you can expect by engaging with the Openhand Ascension Academy, now very firmly in centre stream of the Shift...

5 Levels Of Engagement

If you're inspired to dive into centre stream with us, then on this page, you can explore through the 5 Levels of Engagement with the Academy: 5 Levels of Engagement

If you want to contact us about an event, for greater clarification or to gain facilitator support for your journey, then reach out to our Community Connector, Tilly Bud: Contact Tilly

If you're already a member, do check out the Members area, where you can access special offers, the free supportive eBook, and begin the Share Your Journey Forum:  
Academy Members Area

Finally, we send out regular Shift updates, as there's new information and insights to share:

Do let us know what you think about the new configuration of Openhand, and the newly designed website. We always very much appreciate your feedback.

See you down the flow!          
Much love to all          
<<< Open 💎

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Hi everyone - the feedback about the new design is so heartwarming - thanks from the heart everyone. This feels like a very special moment for Openhand, and you've helped enormously to embody the new energies.

Much love to all
<<< Open ❤️


Okay folks, here it is, the new website design, courtesy of Thomas - great job Thomas. I feel it has really brought the sense of lightness and vibrancy to the fore.

Tell us what you think Openhanders!
And what of the development of the Openhand approach?

We're tremendously excited in this year of the Dragon.
Much love to all
<<< Open 💎

In reply to by Open


Fantastic! Crisp and vibrant, lively, expansive, flowing. I feel immersed in the image, as though I'm floating in the cosmos with a renewed Gaia. The images of you feel as though I'm being held and supported. Comforting and reassuring, but also inducing a thrilling anticipation, with the invitation to take that ever-deeper inner journey. Just lovely, well done Thomas!🙏 barb

In reply to by Open


Well, there's no denying it, the new website is fantastic. It has a vibrant, fresh feel, great colours. And it looks neat, organised and instantly accessible. I can easily see where everything is, very clear. This is innovating and progressive. I detect a good dose of Thomas' discerning wisdom. I think the new colour mirrors the change, feeling like a higher vibration. Finally, some little voice told me to post this link in apt celebration...