Manifesting With Dragon Energy To Transform Our Lives

Submitted by Open on Wed, 09/11/2024 - 04:22

We're living in the year of the Dragon, within the Shift to 5D. But this is much more than just metaphorical mythology. Gaia has signaled her willingness to shed the old karmic construct. Her Torus is accelerating, as experienced by the increasingly freaky weather patterns. It's being amplified by the latest infusion of Dragon Energies. Embodying these, can provide massive alchemical quantum shifts in our lives. Here's how.

Essential Gaia Healing

Recent shifts in the energy field of Gaia, have facilitated the influx of higher dimensional Lyran Dragon Energy, accelerating her Torus Flower of Life. This infusion was made possible by a crucial recent healing in Gaia's energy field.

At the Openhand Facilitator Conference this summer, we were working in Glastonbury, Gaia's heart chakra. We discovered that at the Galactic Convergence of 2012, where she birthed the New Paradigm in 5D, she "went out of body" a degree, and detached her energies somewhat from the lower realm. That's caused here in the 3D a lagging behind the Grand Galactic Convergence - that which is precipitating the Great Shift. This has manifested on the planet, and in society, as a kind of lethargy, inertia and stuckness.

The facilitator group had to work with an old Annunaki technology field implant, remove it (with support from the evolved Anu), and thereby allow her consciousness to better integrate - her new Higher Self (from the 2012 convergence) reconnected with her Lower Self (here in the Matrix Simulation). This stimulated an amplification of her energies here - a very welcome breath of fresh air through the field. But it now goes much further than that - this shift has caused a cascade of dynamics, that have contributed to an amplification in the Shift energies. Following a multidimensional benevolent mission in the Himalayas this summer, the Dragon Leylines are now activating around the planet.

Explore the Reactivation of the Dragon Leylines

The Influx of Higher-Dimensional Dragon Energies

What this all means, is that we can each call on this massive infusion of Dragon Energy to uplift our lives. How do we undertake that?

First, is to recognise the characteristics of Dragon Energy - these are qualities of what's termed the Soul-Ray-Harmonic - various frequencies of being, that animate the soul. Dragon Energy is highly alchemical and catalytic, but also highly sensitive and empathic - it blends both together in a highly potent mix. It can empathise with the field, but doesn't attach to it - rather it transforms it. You can imagine/visualise a dragon blazing a trail through the field.

In order to ride this highly potent energy, you'll need to recognise its characteristics. Here are 9 key ones:

9 Characteristics of Dragon Energy

1) Dragon Energy is highly catalytic and naturally acclimates - focuses in on - eddy current convolutions in the field, so as to resolve them out. This could be at a planetary level, or within your own personal life circumstances
2) It's highly empathic and sensitive - feeling all the vibrational nuances on its given path, intuiting the blockages and the possible unravelings of soul energy. It sensitively feels, but doesn't attach or bog down in density - it naturally lets go
3) It readily appreciates the bigger picture within the flow, and therefore doesn't get bogged down in others' projections due to its catalytic destabilising effect - it's all about the emergence of the light from redundant density
4) Dragon Energy is not attached to specific outcomes, but rather the transformation of the field by the infusion of light or by furnishing increased coherency through the field
5) Dragon Energy needs no validation or approval. It takes its alignment from the quantum energy feedback loops it creates and experiences through signs and synchronicity
6) It readily sits and anchors within the infinite potential of the unknown, and is highly alchemically creative of flows from that place, followed by plentiful benevolent crystalisations
7) Dragon Energy is risk-taking, but not reckless
8) It's courageous, committed and focussed
9) Dragon energy is sensitive, but boundaried and unattached.

The Purification of Dragon Energy

If you recognise these kinds of qualities coming through in you, then the likelihood is you have at least part of that configuration, and can amplify it in you for maximum uplifting affect of your life and the field around you. Be aware though, it is far from an easy energy to ride - others who won't understand the unwinding catalytic effect of your nature, will likely, at times, get angry, blame and project. Especially those unwilling to own their own tiggering. For this reason, Dragon is often most comfortable in its own company - connecting into the higher dimensional realms where it is best understood.

One of the key healings that has been necessary in the field recently, has been to help Earth Dragon Energies heal from the guilt and shame of misdirection into black magic practices - which includes "intentioning" to get a particular outcome. Especially where that doesn't respect the requirements and needs of other sentient life. That work has been undertaken through dynamic empathic expression, through the authentic summer crop circles in Avebury, UK.

To ride this energy requires a great deal of inner purification - of lower physical, emotional and mental densities. Because the energy is so strong, it readily stirs up density or can project you out of body, if you're not able to ground and anchor through the base chakra.

Outline Approach of Manifesting From Dragon Energy

As you are able to embody this infusing Dragon Energy, it becomes possible to consciously manifest from it. Be aware though, this is far from "intentional manifesting", which would severely limit Dragon's flexibility, and ability to pick up spontaneous flows from the source. Rather, it readily picks up these activating flows, rides them, amplifies them, and then infuses them through dynamic situations.

Here is an outline approach to manifesting with Dragon Energy for your contemplation:

9-Step Approach To Dragon Energy Manifesting

1) Always begin by dropping into the infinite potential of the source presence - sit comfortably in the "not-knowing". However, you're still being actively attentive and aware, to watch for, and pick up, the subtle instigations of flow
2) From the anchoring in the infinite potential of the source, contemplate, visualise and witness the direct circumstances of your life, and especially the disharmonious aspects
3) Visualise yourself as the Dragon Energy, flying through the energetic field of these convolutions. Work to unravel attachments in them by letting go and transforming through as you fly. This is enhanced by synchronising the breath
4) As you "fly into the distortions", feel yourself creating an open space of flow through them
5) Focus on animating the frequencies of your soul-ray-harmonic. Bring alive a highly expressive and animated sense of self - focus on animating authentic beingness in and through your engagements
6) Feel and visualise transformation of the field through which you're flying, with positive benevolent alignments, and the sense of connections with other Star Being Groups that can help amplify the creative flow effect
7) Express positively into the field with incisiveness, focus, determination, and risk-taking without recklessness; with compassion and care, but without attachment to the triggering effects of your actions - work to perceive the bigger picture effect
8) Bring creations that are naturally supported by signs and synchronicity into being. Be the active co-creator of crystallisations in the field, but without attaching to them
9) Celebrate the quantum field feedback loops of your positive actions. Let these be your "victory"!

A Sophisticated Advanced Ride

Dragon Energy is for sure a sophisticated, advanced energy to ride. It is definitely not for everyone to fully embody, but everyone can benefit from at least flashes of this energy coming through their lives, to positively transform them. Since it does represent a high degree of energetic mastery, please consider my viewpoints above more as indications and activations on the path. The viewpoints are designed to help illuminate the possibilities during these highly alchemical times.

If you're intrigued and inspired by this energy, Openhand leads advanced spiritual development work throughout the year, both online and terrestrially. Explore our work:

Openhand Ascension Academy

Bright blessings
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

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16/09/2024 Dragon Energy, Risk and The Shift

I feel to speak more on the nature of risk within the Shift, and how Dragon Energy can greatly help people in this regard. To be clear, I'm not speaking about needing to become some "adrenaline junkie"!

I've now worked with thousands of people during the last 20 years of being here - everyone feeling the need to change their lives in some way. They're all wanting to emerge from the confines of the Matrix and unfulfilled lifestyles within it, based on the old karmic construct we're emerging from. Three fears are commonplace, and widespread:

1) If you leave a job you dislike or loathe, but is well-paid or sustains you well enough, will you be able to survive/thrive beyond it?
2) If you end a restrictive and unfulfilling relationship, will you just end up on your own unable to cope?
3) If you uproot your living circumstances, such as where you live, or feel to make some big change in your living conditions, or take a chance to improve them, will that succeed?

Exponential Change is Here

All of these situations invite you to step into a situation of risk - which can readily be felt as you contemplate them, and frequently, if not always, take people into fear. A high percentage of times, people turn away from the risk and don't break through, due to fear of change. That's exactly why the matrix simulation is still prevalent and widespread.

It's my observation, through thousands of these types of engagements, that it's fear of the risk that impacts people. And this is the beautiful dynamic of the infusing Dragon Energy - because Dragon has discovered, that in situations of strong change and transformation, how to turn the feeling of fear, which is equated to risk, into a positive force - that which it can outstretch its wings on. To be clear, the feeling of Fear is still there, but the relationship to it, and perception of it, has now changed. Fear becomes alchemical vibrancy and acute awareness to open into a new possibility, hold the space, and pick up subtle alchemical flows that want to now ignite - these create magic in a situation, and build flows in ways you couldn't have previously predicted or imagined.

Why is it so important that we learn to ride this Dragon Energy - why has it come to us now, exactly at this juncture in history?

Imagine a steep exponential curve (i didn't draw this specifically, but picked it up off the web - it serves the contemplation):

The curved black line upwards can represent the Shift from the current day in the Simulation, into the New 5D Paradigm. Imagine the red line represents the resistance to this emergence of consciousness by the Simulation Intervention. Imagine many such lines of resistance as we transition to 5D. The first red line could be, for example, the covid "plandemonium", trying to lockdown the Shift. Every current construct we live within will represent such a line of resistance - how you currently live and work, plus the current state of relationships.

ALL of these constructs are going to have to break as the curve takes us to a way of free-flowing living in 5D.

All of the companies people work with, will either evolve to a 5D conscious way of existing, or they will fracture apart.

All of the situations in how we live, unless evolving back into harmony with nature, will also fracture and collapse.

Take a look around you. EVERYTHING you currently rely upon is going to progressively fracture and fall apart. Nothing will be exempt from this. Because it's all the old consciousness, the old construct. It will either evolve or perish. That's why we need to find a different way of mediating through reality - we have to learn to live and thrive within change. Change will quickly become the only constant. This presents either a vibrant or a fearful landscape. Or else it's simply acceptance of anything goes - which is not really living at all. Hence, can we take the fear of change, and learn to work into it, so it becomes the vibrancy of possibility? Our vibrant engine of living becomes thriving in measured risk. What I'm talking about, is becoming an active co-creator with the divine.

This process of breaking down and transformation begins now. We've entered the exponential curve, although as yet, the curve is still mild. Hence people can kind of fool themselves into thinking everything will continue to exist as it is. But make no mistake, IT IS GOING EXPONENTIAL!

That means over time, we're going to keep needing to evolve how we live and work, and the nature of our relationships, towards 5D consciousness. The more we resist, the more chaotic, fragmented and impoverished they become.

What this means is, if we're to successfully thrive through it, we're going to have to develop a different relationship with change, fear and risk. We have to recognise that when fear arises, that's NOT a reason to stop, but a reason to continue - you're being invited forward into a new paradigm of living and being.

What Happens to People When Fear Triggers?

What happens when fear arises in any given situation? Based on thousands of Openhander exchanges:

1) The mind and emotions go into repetitive loops of negative thinking/feeling
2) The breathing becomes restricted, the heart pounds, the mind becomes foggy
3) The body gets tight and rigid or you go out of body
4) Karma triggers, that can project you into a detached reality bubble to work out of.

If you recognise the impact of fear in this way, due to the risk factor, then you can deal with it. You simply have to breathe into the situation and work to relax the body - to become as one in the situation. But also open the chakras and dispense with any negative energy that's triggering. Now your consciousness opens up. Now you're ready to receive, and act upon, infusing energies of alchemy. And this is exactly how Dragon can help you - by amplifying those senses and responding positively to them; by bringing yourself alive in the risk, DUE to the sense of risk.

The Future is Bright

This is why I'm so enthusiastic for people as we move into this new possibility. And do bear in mind with regards to the exponential graph above, that as you open through the restrictions of the red lines, then infusing consciousness sweeps in - the new possibilities accelerate.

In the upcoming Openhand work, where you know you need to change a given living situation, we'll certainly be helping you to work through these things - that's already been coming up for people on the very latest retreats, where people are embodying this Dragon Energy to carry them through, and create vibrantly from the new possibility.

The future is bright!
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


Hi Openhand,

I notice the more the identity tries to cling onto an old construct, the more energetic force and upheaval is required to shift the being. These things escalate to a climatic point where consequences go out the window, the universe has to step in and move us! We all know what we need to do in our own lives. Progressively deepening the levels of trust in the divine.

I was shown a low flying craft over Exeter Cathedral the other day. I'm not sure if my script was being interferred with to influence the current trajectory or higher intelligences just saying Hi in a rather surprising manner! Enjoy the song 

In reply to by Open


Thanks for this Open. I've been exploring risk over the past few days based on your posts. On Friday, I took off and went for a hike so I could get in some extra nature and meditation time. And yesterday I had a conversation with my husband that I'd been putting off.

That might not sound like much, but it's been significant for me and it's definitely brought up a lot of feelings.

In your post, you mentioned that fear can bring up:

Karma triggers, that can project you into a detached reality bubble to work out of.

Could you please explain what you mean by that a bit more? What would a karma trigger look or feel like? And how would you know if you're in a reality bubble?

Another reason I'm wondering about that is because I've had a few images come into my mind that may or may not be from past lives. But the images are quite scary and I'm afraid to go very far into them because I don't know if they're real or something out of my imagination. So how can I know if something in my experience is actually karma coming up to be cleared, or if it's just a figment of my imagination?

In reply to by Zoe


Hi Zoe - you're making steps forward to break through the restrictions - so well done. Just keep going!

If there's something you're afraid of, and retract inwardly from, through identification or attachment, then this is something your consciousness has triggered and is to be worked through. A fully self realised being does not experience these retractions - because they've been confronted and worked through - equalised with.

So it we're in avoidance, then it's likely we have entered some kind of limiting false reality bubble. It's about easing yourself into the experience, and equalising with the triggering. I've shared the Openhand 9-Step approach to this in my posting today...

What is Karma, What is its Purpose and How do you Process it?

It's also something we can work with on retreat next week in Sedona.

Much love
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


Thanks Open. I can see how fear would point to something that needs to be worked through. I'll keep at it.

I read your post on karma, and I laughed at your comment "You may feel as if you have some medical condition to solve". That's definitely how I've been feeling lately. Should I keep going with this kind of work... or check myself into the psych ward? I know the answer is to keep going, but it feels like it could go either way some days!

Looking forward to exploring more in Sedona.

Zoe πŸ’œ


This morning I had a powerful encounter with an ice dragon. Ice will stop the flow, yes, but only on the surface. It reflects everything. It allows you to cross that river or maybe even (part of) the sea with ease. You may slip if you're not careful, so don't get too comfortable in the realization that all you have to do is walk. And as soon as you let the warmth and light of the sun back in, it melts away. But it will return during what seems like the coldest and darkest days. So call on that when you feel the need.


14/09/2024: Water Dragon Rising

We're currently on a Resurrection Zoom retreat, processing through karma. Of course, it's deeply emotionally demanding. Yesterday, we had a welcome visitation from "Water Dragon" - with very much the indication that this is a highly activating energy that we can call on strongly at a planetary level through the field.

How can Water Dragon help you?

We're travelling through highly emotive times, where the planetary Torus is reactivating and strengthening. This is a great thing - it's shifting the energetic balance of power. Plenty of you are now moving courageously with the Shift, but likewise, plenty are not. There are those of your family and circle of friends still stuck in the old density - they're invested in this structure of inertia, predictability and soft comfort. They will project at anyone trying to change or transform.

This means you'll need to have strong energetic boundaries, so as not to take on the toxic emotions of others. To be clear, even though you might care for another, that is not to carry their baggage for them. Or else you'll quickly get bogged down.

We need to be able to flow, animate, colourise and express with our emotions - vibrantly. And to empathise with the field so as to know and attune with its nuances - this makes us more effective manifestors. But likewise, we need to be able to dissociate and just flow through the emotional "high seas" too. This is where calling on the energy of Water Dragon can help.

We did this in meditation yesterday, and it was enormously refreshing and restorative - the energy of this great beast rose from the depths to carry us. So if you resonate and feel you might benefit from this kind of energy, you can go into meditation, visualise the possibility of it, and feel that emotional strength coming through you.

Let me know how that goes!
Well wishes
<<< Open πŸ‰

In reply to by Open


Hi Open - Thank you for your reply on my other post - it was incredibly helpful! Reading this post about the water dragon - I had many things integrating between these two posts and what I am contemplating/experiencing - so inquiring on this further.

Whenever different energetic experiences or nuances are explored here, I listen and explore, but I am cautious not to begin filtering my experience to fit within what is being shared - as I experience that as mimicry and distortion. However, I also want to stay open to being inspired and glimpsing facets of reality that are on the outer edges of my current perception or experience. This water dragon energy has been with me lately as a symbol - in the watercolors I have been playing with - lots of royal blue flowing shapes. I know there is work to do to clarify my emotional body, and I sense that connecting to this energy, even symbolically, can help me work through it and open channels to deeper potential.

You said:

We need to be able to flow, animate, colourise and express with our emotions - vibrantly. And to empathise with the field so as to know and attune with its nuances - this makes us more effective manifestors. But likewise, we need to be able to dissociate and just flow through the emotional "high seas" too. This is where calling on the energy of Water Dragon can help."

This is powerful and touches on something I have been inquiring...

Is what I feel as self-containment (only word I can find to describe the sense of feeling my energy/sense of self) disassociating or detaching?

I do wonder based on my other post, if what I perceive as self-containment is actually detachment? When I notice that I am potentially leaking energy (out of habit in ways of relating to specific figures in my life), attention is brought back fully to what I sense as myself rather than the surrounding energies.

I see this water dragon as inspiring the freedom to be in the full experience of the relational field but not be attaching to any of it.

I would like to find the place where there is rootedness within which expands out but does not leave itself to receive or give to another.

As an interesting synchronicity...I apparently have a blockage in the gutter system on my house...right at the downspout...looks like a lot of energy bursting out the sides!!!

Thank you for this powerful reflection! Jen


How do we best summon Dragon Energy to create into this reality from the infinite potential of the unknown?

It's all about being comfortable with, and embracing of, risk - what risk feels like, and using that feeling as a potent tool to create.

Ann, below you asked:

When does a calculated risk turn into being reckless? What for one is a calculated risk (or based on their soul ray harmonic right action) could be considered reckless by others (and vise versa).

I'm smiling by the question. Because my sense is it implies there might be some formula for how and when to accept the risk. For me it's very different than that. I don't say: "if the conditions of A+B=C exist, then take the risk".

Instead, I find it's an empathic feeling projection into the future that feels like flying on the outstretched wings of complete vulnerability. But, at the same time, somewhere in the depths of your consciousness, knowing and accepting that you can "fly". In that given situation, somehow the energy is going to work through - that's the boundaried non-recklessness.

For empathic people, you could explore what I'm speaking of in this way:

Imagine standing on a cliff edge, or the edge of a tall building. You're human, but the feeling somehow is to jump off the edge. Let's say you've become tired of the limitations and boundaries of this reality. To some, jumping off would be reckless. But to others, you have the sense, somewhere in the background of your consciousness, that you can fly. The point being though - how do you actually learn to fly? It's only in the act of falling into the unknown that you actualise this. There's the risk. However, it is a measured one - because somehow, you sense you can come through it.

So, as the human, tired of the restrictions and limitations of this in-the-box reality, you summon the courage and jump off. Now you're free falling through the air - as the human. It seems inevitable that you've going to pile into the ground.

So now, why worry? Why be afraid? Why not, in this moment, completely embrace the unrestricted, unlimited, falling into nothingness. Enjoy the thrill. Revel in it.

Now something new happens. An alchemy fills your being - the feeling that anything is possible. You can bend the bounds of reality - stretch the canvas you're falling into.

This falling-alchemy-feeling now comes with exhilaration and sense of invincibility. Your wings stretch out. You're flying on this feeling. Now the unimaginable happens. Reality shapes in a way you couldn't necessarily have predicted. Except that is, the more you embrace this kind of approach, the more you get the sense of how things might pan out - not exactly, but more or less.

This is the best way I can describe learning to fly as the Dragon.
To be clear, I'm saying it's an energy that activates in the unknown, where we can then "fly" from that embodied feeling.

Give it a whirl in meditation and see how that feels.
Then take the risk in a particular situation - see how it goes.

Much love
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Open


I've been doing a deep exploration into risk and its relationship to dragon energy and forging of soul and relating this all back to my own journey.

I've never been a thrill seeker or an adrenaline junkie. So taking a risk just to forge soul doesn't excite me. Yet I've taken plenty as part of my soul's journey. But to me it didn't even feel like risk because there was no other decision right for me at the soul level. So it's been a matter of making the only decision I could make and be in integrity with my soul and then accepting whatever consequences arose as a result. I guess maybe that is taking a calculated risk but it comes from the depth of my being and I don't attach a label so I can't say for sure.

I do love thrilling experiences. But my definition of thrilling is probably very different. For example, riding down a steep hill on a bicycle at breakneck speed feeling the wind in my hair does nothing for me. But on a beautiful day closing my eyes so I can be totally in the moment and notice a very light warm breeze barely caressing my skin is sublime and transports me to other realms. It doesn't result in a jolt of exhilaration but rather a long steady dose. And the most magical part is when I realize how lucky I am because everyone around me could be having the same experience but most are too busy doing whatever they're doing to even notice. And that makes me so grateful I am in a space where I can prioritize the experience over whatever I may be doing at the time.

So currently (and this could change at any time) I'd say I'm forging soul more with magic and alchemy than with risk. It's what lights me up and makes me feel the most alive. And the more magical experiences I have, the more I realize that's what's really real for me and I'm able to pay less attention to what goes on in the simulation. I interact where I have to but I do my best (although I still have plenty of slip ups) to not get consumed by it.

And I'm developing the most magical of relationships with the dragon energy that's currently working with me. And maybe my dragon is laughing at me and saying just wait until the next round of training but right now it feels really easy, natural and synergistic, like we've been together before. So right now it seems my dragon swoops in on the wings of trust. Although trust comes from being willing to step into the unknown which implies an acceptance of risk. So maybe I am swooping in on the wings of risk mine are just a different color πŸ™ πŸͺ„

In reply to by Ann B


About the Dragon energy that we are currently exploring here – my soul cannot identify with it. But I am experiencing this energy by picking it up from the field. This gives me a sense of riding dragons like we are riding horses in this known-to-everyone reality (or physical density) - I'm not a horse but can experience its power.

With my configuration of soul, it feels 100% resonance with Ann's comment on exploring risk, thank you Ann for expressing it so accurately!

I was contemplating for a few hours what really is a risk. Well, what is it to me? I would call it a risk when there is a question of life and death. Seeking for this kind of risk purposefully I leave for adrenalin junkies that I do not resonate with, because of my nature of balanced contentment. Otherwise, what is expressed as a risk to me it's just a game of one's ability to decision making. As an example, in a similar situation when I went to book the combination of flights before getting the visa to a particular destination, for me, there was no feeling of risk-taking situation at all, but the clear inner knowing or trusting my intuition, and so the rightness of action. The other example, that many people would name as taking a risk, could be giving up the rent (the place of living) in one country far before even knowing you would get a residency permit in another country to move into. But what's on the other side of the coin that we call "the risk" is facing your fears of losing something. The fear of losing is coming from being attached to something. So, to me then the perceived risk is just the testing of my attachments, how heavily I am invested in something. And so it is testing the ability to let go, in other words, Open's words,

an empathic feeling projection into the future that feels like flying on the outstretched wings of complete vulnerability. But, at the same time, somewhere in the depths of your consciousness, knowing and accepting that you can "fly"

So, it is that question - what could be the correlation between Dragon energy and Adrenalin junkie? (But I'm okay with holding it rhetorically...) And, does the risk element have something to do with forging the soul or just feelings of some sort of contentment?

Ahh, and about flying... We have a saying (in a false belief system), something like "S/he who is born to crawl cannot fly", which I would rephrase into

S/he who is born to fly will always seek for it.

With empathic love ❀️



12/09/2024 Essential Shift Insight: Dragon Energy

In the last couple of days I've had an important adventure with "false Dragon Energy", which is important to share.

I'd connected with someone on the path through Zoom, and after a little while, I could feel my 4D consciousness begin to engage the field, through them. In a short space of time, I recognised my Dragon Energy had headed into a network of field convolutions, entwined together, by entities behaving as Dragon Beings. For some while after the connection, I found myself unwinding through this network - dissolving it. It had shut down the higher chakra connections with plenty of people this person had been connecting with. I do believe that layer of field is now open again.

How to spot, if you've got some kind of entity, behaving as benevolence (in this case Dragon Energy), but is actually controlling your flow?

The key thing is intentionality and strategy. Essentially where you strategise and plan your life too rigidly, there's a control element around the crown chakra, which creates energetic "spiking". This becomes a target in the field for entities, who can then latch onto the energy, and misdirect it down channels that are self-serving.

What do I mean by strategising and planning?

Let's say, for example, I feel to attend an event or I'm travelling. But I control the flow due to excessive hesitancy. For example, I just booked a flight to a country (because it felt right), but before the visa has come through. It's a calculated risk (which is typically Dragon), however it's not reckless because the risk is boundaried. But it's definitely not: "I'll only book the flight when the visa comes through". The latter is strategy, which is the same as intention, and is controlling of the flow. It makes you vulnerable.

What's the antidote to this inner level of control in one's life?

The answer is plenty of free-wheeling - taking off as often as you can with no plan or immediate goal. You simply flow with the "knowing pull" and see what signs and synchronicities get reflected to you. Steadily you introduce this into your life. You're allowing yourself to be in the unknown about situations, and also to take boundaried risks. To be clear, risk is only risk, if there's the possibility of some kind of cost - yet should the flow switch in other directions and you actually lose the "cost", still that's measured and manageable. In such a circumstance, the "cost" is now helping you develop a smoother flow within the matrix. Which has to be worth it.

Wherever you control things, which includes sitting in procrastination, you make yourself susceptible to these kinds of surreptitious entities. It's essential to be aware of that. Here are three meditative/living practices to ensure your field becomes increasingly clear:

1) The Oenhand Bow and Chakra Attunement Meditations
2) Detoxing on a physical, emotional and mental level - creating clear consciousness
3) Plentiful free-wheeling, which becomes integrated into life.

Do feel free to inquire here with me further if you'd like more exploration.

Bright blessings
<<< Open πŸ’Ž

In reply to by Ann B


To add to Ann's thoughts... every person's life situation is also different. They may have commitments in life that make free-wheeling hard to do, such as children or coworkers who rely on them to do certain things at certain times. So sometimes strategy and planning seem necessary. But will this still invite intervening entities?

In reply to by Zoe


In answer to your question Zoe, the more predictable and formulaic you become, the more vulnerable to intervention you are.

Can you see that you ALREADY are in the simulation? (and governed by it).

Bringing up kids never used to be like this in the tribes of the First Nations. People have been programmed into these kinds of rigid lifestyles exactly for a reason - to control their consciousness.

The simulation works because people believe in it. They might be annoyed with it, frustrated by it, and unfulfilled in it, but nevertheless, it seems like the obvious thing to do - so they go along with it. And that's why it keeps reinforcing - that's why you keep experiencing the lifestyle you do.

The simulation works because it makes things safe, comfortable and predictable (but at the same time, highly draining and soul-destroying - that's the point!).

If you believe you can't break out, you won't.
The simulation is a belief system, BUT.... that's all it is!!!

It's only a belief system. Nothing else. If you believe in it, then it is your reality. But the moment you tire of it, and are prepared to really challenge it, then you come to see just how flimsy it really is.

If you yearn for the freedom of spontaneity of soul, then you can break out - even though it might seem impossible. It's not impossible, because it's all an illusion! You have to begin by taking the risk to do things differently - in given moments and situations. See how that feels, then keep expanding on it.

When I came into this reality, I inherited a very similar lifestyle - in the Matrix, very controlled and controlling, with a family, kids and a hectic business - co-workers etc. But instantly I recognised how soul-destroying that all was. I decided I couldn't live like that. So I started taking risks - the risk to simply be me, no matter what the apparent cost (which is always only ever a perceived one). And from that, showing up differently with different requirements that I was prepared to commit to - come what may.

This unravelled my reality and created something much more alchemical and vibrant - a tremendous adventure unfolded, which continues and deepens with intrigue to this day.

It begins by being prepared to take a risk.

Much love
<<< Open πŸ’Ž


Loving the image with the white dragon. It's exactly what came to me while working at a local site today, so a nice syncronicity to see it here.

It was windy today and it felt like they were flowing through it, darting in and out, dancing with me and with the land.

Another inspiration came from this children's cartoon:

In reply to by Richard W


LOL, I was thinking of that scene during the last Ascension Exchange! That stunning rainbow fire, so inspiring.


My field really spiked when I read about the guilt and shame of dragon energies being misdirected into black magic practices. It hasn't fully landed for me but the spike was sharp enough I feel to bring it up even if it comes out a bit jumbly.

Reading through the 9 characteristics of dragon energy it seems highly unlikely that this energy can ever be duped and misdirected. I bring this up not to rehash but I feel intervention may be quietly watching and waiting in the wings. I feel misdirection can happen through people who think they are working in a pure way with the energy but instead are getting used and manipulated by intervention. And then perhaps once the energy has been misdirected it's not able to free itself.

Not sure if this makes sense and maybe benevolence is able to prevent another misdirection and I could be wrong, but it seems like it's best to go really slowly and cautiously when getting to know this energy.

In reply to by Ann B


Hi Ann - your post coincided with the experience I've shared above of 4D Entities Masquerading as Dragon Energy.

But to take it further:

1) In my experience of Dragon Energy feeling "guilt and shame", that I worked to process in Avebury, this was mainly earth and water Dragon Beings, misdirected around the Dragon Leylines. I see the crop circle clearly showing the reactivation of the Dragon Leylines.
2) Higher Dimensional Dragon Energy would pull away, if it felt its energy would be misdirected and misappropriated - hence it's taken some time for that energy to become properly active here. That's in a similar way to our experiences with the Star Being Nations - they can only act with people here, when their orientation is clear and not misdirected.
3) There are some human-incarnated Dragon Beings here on the planet, in leadership roles, who are being inadvertently misdirected and misappropriated by the shadow side. A Dragon Soul can quickly shift centre of consciousness from higher densities to lower and vice versa - you could see it as the "Dragon swooping in". The Being could be providing a partially benevolent action, but rigid and fixed in some kind of way. Such beings are often highly influential, and take their feedback loops by the perceived impact their having on others - which is erroneous, because the feedback loops are meant to come from the field itself, without being attached to the outcome. In such a case, the being could actually still be channeling higher-dimensional Dragon Energy, which is benevolent, but misguidedly steering it down too influential, and thereby controlling, belief constructs or societal systems and empowrement/spiritual communities.

<<< Open πŸ’Ž


I felt to share this 9-step approach to manifesting with Dragon Energy - it came from my sharings at the recent Ascension Exchanges. Do let me know what you think about it and how you experience it yourself.

And to borrow Andy's recent clip, so as to inspire...

In reply to by Open


I mentioned recently about all the dragons I was finding in this house. I've been walking on a rug in the garage that Jim left here and my attention was called to it the other day, and by golly, it's a dragon! I haven't tried to work with dragon energy since I don't feel I know much yet. I even have a wind up music box on the headboard of my bed that plays Puff the Magic Dragon. I love that song and have for many years. I loved a movie called Pete's Dragon too. So now it's all about dragons being brought to my awareness and friends posting cloud pics of dragons too.

Life is all about the dragons lately for sure! πŸ₯°

Much love, πŸ™ ❀️
