1st Nations Pilgrimage Sedona 2024: Openhand Journal

Submitted by Open on Mon, 09/23/2024 - 11:41

I've just arrived in Sedona, Arizona, and I'm tremendously excited as Openhand's 1st Nations Pilgrimage begins here today. Sedona is a key planetary Stargate location - a bridge to the stars. With so much moving in the field and on the planet, I'm curiously intrigued as to what's going to unfold. Come join the journal, where I'll share daily updates, insights and pictures from this magnificent place...

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What a profoundly beautiful gathering it was last week! These moments of deep exploration have been deeply catalytic and rich. Beautifully held in the Field and nourished with the most delicious vegan food  - and that final dessert on our last night - so special! Our meditiations, diads and travels were poignant and woven with threads of our personal and collective journies and the energies of the shift. The realizations have been deep and moving and as I write this a tiny white feather falls from above and floats down gently to the ground. Several times on this trip in moments of touching core wounds, I felt touched by a softness and sensed a capacity to hold whatever comes. In deep gratitude to you Open and Ann for...everything! and to all the fellow travelers it was such a special time with you all! 💙🙏 Jen


30/09/2024 Sedona Closing

What a totally fabulous pilgrimage we experienced out in the Sedona Stargate - off the charts and beyond words. There was so much moving in the field to support the Shift. No doubt I'll be working to feed these illuminating revelations into the Openhand work in due course. But for now, here are the closing photos...

It's become a tradition now. When the work is done, there's only one place to go... that magnificent and magical ChocolaTree!...

Agnes can already feel those yummy vibes...

Andy the cameraman, looking forwards to some well-deserved refreshment...

The Pleiadian joy just showed up in abundance...

Wait, no one said anything about Jason Momoa (Aquaman) joining us. "Shouldn't you be on a film set?" "Shhhh, I heard about Openhand's legendary pilgrimage send-off!"...

Inside - "I can't decide. I tell you what, I'll just have everything!!

Woah, Ann "Wise Dragon" just found her Twin Flame!...

In the garden, "That Desert is to die for!" "Can I lick the plate?!

Save some for me!...

Jason's quietly satisfied...

Sedona 2024 - how magical. You're all Dragons!...

Thanks everyone for a totally marvellous time đź’ś
And to everyone tuning in. 🙏

Bright blessings
<<< Open đź’Ž


29/09/2024: Sedona Update: 1st Nations Healing

Yesterday the group undertook a deeply reverent, profound journey of healing. It was the final site I felt to visit - an important location of ancient petroglyphs, which encapsulated the 1st Nations signature of the ages. We'd been invited to the site by the elders in the ether, and on our way there, you could steadily feel the tribes gathering in the ether around us. It's impossible to put into words the feelings...

Aeons of pain, distrust, being deceived and brutalised. Abandoned even, by "Great Spirit". You could palpably feel the caution in the air...Would we turn out to "speak with forked tongues", just like in the past? Or would this be a gathering of genuine respect, honouring of the travesties, and working to heal the karma? Of course, our heart-felt intention was clear. We would do everything to foster the spirit of reverence, honour, and heart-felt healing ceremony.

As with many of these sites, you could palpably pick up locations where some kind of brutal action - a massacre - had taken place, as the 1st Nations were purged from the land. We worked to release and realign the energies...

At the petroglyphs, these sacred sites are simply not properly respected by the tourists (which is notalways their fault of course) - the meaning and history is not often properly understood nor honoured in the heart. We're respectfully waiting for an invitation from the elders to enter...

We were welcomed. Here we are, entering the site...

The Petroglyphs represent a calendar, which records time, the history, and a catalogue of markworthy events by the local tribes (such as the Hopi and Apache)...

An offering was made to healing, letting go of the past, recognising that death and rebirth are a part of the wheel of life; to now look forwards to the future; to step positively into it, with a sense of joy, love and adventure, as we create a more equitable, just and respectful New Paradigm. "Aho"!!

Mission complete, warm and healing hugs all around. A job well accomplished!...

Bright blessings to all tuning in, both terrestrial, and through the ether.

Much love,

<<< Open đź’Ž


28/09/2024: Sedona Update

After the landfall of Hurricane Helene, that was originally feared to be a catastrophic threat to life, but by "the grace of the divine", was greatly reduced in intensity, we felt to head out onto the land and connect with Gaia and the divine feminine - to ripple some divine peace far and wide. Hence we headed out to a known vortex holding the grace of the divine feminine.

Open hands once more on a mission...

Gathering our energies on site...

The scenery is simply breath-taking...

Plenty of Dragon Energy being reflected to us on the path. This spiral tree is speaking of ancient suppressed earth energies, that need to be reinvigorated...

We're standing in the vortex of the divine feminine, a "Kachina" connecting deep into Gaia, providing a helping hand to the rise of the divine feminine - the energy is off the scale...

An impromptu ceremony convenes, with a wonderful lady drummer, who just happened to be there to serenade us...

At one incredible moment, I could palpably feel the "White Buffalo Calf Woman" coming through her singing...

A stunning experience for all involved. We were blessed, and send those loving divine feminine vibes out to all in the community.

Much Love
<<< Open ♥️


27/09/2024: Sedona Update - Hurricane Helene

Whilst we've been here on pilgrimage in Sedona, we've been tracking Hurricane Helene, now coming ashore in Florida. Why the focus over here in Sedona? Because four of our group left houses and families in Florida, and highly synchronistically, one member of our group is named, Helene! We simply knew we were given to pay attention, and that this "coincidence" was not happening by chance.

Just after the beginning of the pilgrimage, a couple of us behind the scenes tuned into the Hurricane to see what it was about. It had definitely begun naturally, but what we discovered, was that it had been artificially amplified by the Shadow, applying old Annunaki technology to accelerate the winds from the 4D. Later in group meditation it became clear just why the Shadow had done it...

We were able to ascertain that the group behind this intervention was one called, "The Council of 9" - those who try to subvert the genuine "Group of 9" by mimicking it, and subverting benevolent actions. They've done it in part, to create fear and hysteria, to then control and/or blame it on manmade global warming - heating the Gulf of Mexico and accelerating the Hurricane - supposedly!

But there's a much more important reason, which the genuine Group of 9 made me aware would likely happen. What might that be?

Very recently we've seen a strong infusion of Dragon Energies, come to the planet, to help accelerate the Earth's natural Torus, and thereby catalyse, but ease, the progressive Shift to 5D. Hurricanes and storms are a way of releasing building-up pressure within the old karmic construct as this unfolds. Dragon energy can very much support this process. Which, is how this storm had naturally began. However, it was suspected that the intervention, in this case the "Council of 9", would try in some way, to undermine Dragon energy infusion on the planet. By artificially amplifying the storm in this way, their aim was clearly to create a total catastrophe, which through the ether, they could blame "Dragon Energy" for, and thereby hold it to ransom: "If you do this, then we'll respond like that". 

So what could we do?

We empathised and became as one with the Hurricane. We'd already extracted the artificial 4D technology, by recruiting the Anu - the evolved Annunaki. In empathising with the Storm, we became aware it had a sentience of its own, in fact a Dragon one, that needed to be played out. When I tuned in, I realised the artificial technology had accelerated the Storm in the highest aspect - I could feel its density spinning up around the head. By bringing the energy of the storm downwards within our group fractal, and connecting it deeper into the earth (connecting the Dragon with Gaia - so to speak), the feeling we had, was that the storm was then diminishing in strength and power. It would continue to play out, but be much weakened as it came ashore.

As we awaken here in the US and I'm writing this, immediately following our meditation last night, I see it reported that Helene has indeed made land, and is bringing some major destruction to property there. However, importantly, according to CBS news: "It was packing maximum sustained winds of 70 mph, 4 mph below the threshold for a storm to have hurricane status and half what they were when Helene moved ashore over Florida's Gulf Coast". 

I feel, that as a group, we have quietly achieved something pretty massive here. Most importantly, we have illuminated another key aspect of the Shadow Simulation - the "Council of 9" - who I'm aware are the final foundational layer of the planetary Simulation, for which Ra has been the "front man" to this date. 

Let it be known...

"WE see you. We see what you are doing. We, in the ether and the higher dimensions are recording your legacy of control and manipulation. This, we are rippling out into the galaxy. You cannot escape the truth, nor the legacy you are creating. The sensible approach would be to let go, and come back into the brother/sisterhood of light. The choice is yous, but know that whatever you go on to now do, you are seen and recorded in the Akashic record. You do have the chance to write a new chapter there. One that is more aligned, and more in keeping with your (supposedly) evolved consciousness."
The Group of 9 (the real one!)

 It's been a powerful experience for all concerned. One that each has learned greatly from.
Bright blessings
<<< Open đź’Ž

In reply to by Open


Hi Open,

I noticed the last hours before Helene came ashore that the pressure was still dropping steadily and they kept saying the storm was rapidly intensifying.  It was just 16 mph below a Cat 5 when it made landfall.  I did notice the winds were not as massive as you would expect for that size storm.  So that was definitely taken care of!  Today it's the massive flooding, a dam is about to break, flooding is historic, even interstate 40 washed out at the TN/NC border.

So is the simulated group of 9 responsible for that mess and loss of life too? The death toll is steadily rising.  I thought of Ann when they mentioned Clearwater, Florida but didn't know others also lived in the state.  I also wondered if it was dragon energy roaring in on that storm.  They say more days of flooding rains are still expected.  In the midst of all the devastation, there are so many people who step up to rescue those needing help and to assist their neighbors.  A great outpouring of humanity, which I think is so awesome.  It seems to me that no matter what is thrown at mankind, people seem to find great compassion for others in the midst of tragedy, so I hope the simulated group of 9 is taking notice of the love and compassion mankind has, and they'll have a change of heart and stop doing so much destruction.

My heart goes out to all.  I feel the heaviness in the country today and in my chest, knowing it was the hurricane.

Thank you to everyone in the group for doing the work yesterday.  I send my Love to all of you.  đź™Źâť¤ď¸Ź


In reply to by Sherri Sunnygirl


I think the real point is that the Hurricane was (unnaturally ) building to be a catastrophic threat to life across several states. And while any death to this kind of action is indeed tragic, more die on the roads on any given day in the US. Yes, there is widespread flooding, but most fortunately, by the grace of the divine, the intervention energies that amplified it were removed, and the destructive effect greatly diminished from what it could have been. Let's focus on that. 🙏


25/09/2024 Sedona Update - Wheel of Life

We had a fabulous day out on pilgrimage here in the Sedona Stargate, connecting with the land, high energy portals and the elders. This really is such a magical place of bewonderment. And what's our overall approach?...Where we can, to strip out karmic distortion; support the emergence of naturalness, and lean into the Wheel of Life.

The day begins "at the ranch", with a ceremony to open our hearts and minds, to become a willing vessel of the divine. Openhanders, get your game faces on!!...

Oak Creek, at the bottom of the retreat centre. Time to take centre stream: We're "crossing the Rubicon!!

Arrival at Montezuma's Well. What a magical place. This is the ancient well, in the midst of the Arizona Desert, where the 1st Nations Tribes came together in peace, to share the natural blessings of the divine...

We're singing through the chakras, to open through the dimensions and form bridges of connection. Bringing nations together to support the shift...

Yes, it feels totally amazing to cool one's feet, but there's also a much deeper meaning: we're connecting into the Dragon Leylines, which have seemed very suppressed here. We're calling on Water Dragon, to get some energy moving on the plane of emotions... It's time for action!!

Next it's up to the peace gardens, right across the other side of the Stargate. It feels like we've been given to reconnect the ancient leylines from South to North...

Memories of Tibet. But wait, what's a Buddhist Stupa doing on Native American land? I'm a touch stupified! But then again, on further contemplation and feeling, we can connect up the 1st Nations energies, from across the world...

Let's find that Medicine Wheel - and respect the elders of this space...

The Medicine Wheel, reflecting the Torus, reanimating the Flower of Life - feels divine. Is that not the original "stupa" on the ridge in the background? It certainly channels a powerful energy...

And after all the hard pilgrimaging, nothing better than a smoothie, juice, or coffee. Huge thanks to Andy the Cameraman..."That Blue Sky Smoothie is to Die for!"...

What a totally marvellous, mouth-watering pilgrimage this is turning out to be. We're feeling totally blessed here - and offer our well wishes to you all tuning in.

Much Love

<<< Open đź’Ž


25/09/2024 Sedona Update: Ancestral Karma

The deep journey of exploration has commenced here in Sedona, and I can say, that right from the start, 1st Nations groups are joining us from the ether, eager to get involved, and ready to heal the past by letting it go and moving on...

The bridge is formed...

It's for each a personal journey, but as we gather together and work with our individual karma, that also then expresses through the field and helps those gathered begin the process of karmic release too...

Jen and Helene, definitely feeling their 1st Nations connections...

Nicole deeply empathising with Agnes...

Ann holding the space, intuiting the field, calling the energetic detail as Meredith explores deep with Anatoly...

The Openhand diad work is about having a partner energetically hold space for you, in a loving and unconditional way, but importantly NOT trying to offer solutions or solve your problems. Rather it is to catalyse and hold the space, while the partner inquires deep into the feeling sense of what's coming up for them in response to the guided meditations.

Here's Michelle & Zoe...

Here are the kinds of challenges from Root Nation Karma we're dealing with...

1) Being marginalised and cast out  
2) Being judged for our race, our creed, our unusual gifts and skills or just our very beingness  
3) Being violated and indoctrinated, by religion and belief systems, for example  
4) Being made to feel inadequate, because sometimes it proves difficult to make headway in society with your unusual skills and gifts  
5) Feeling a sense of injustice, as if all the cards are stacked against you  
6) The sense of failure, because your value system is different from the mainstream of society, in which it appears difficult to "win".

And if you suspect that you might be having that kind of energy activating in your field at this time, I advise to explore in depth, the nature of this ancestral karma and how to best process it through. It's something we undertake a good deal in the Openhand work, because it's so necessary to clear our fields from this kamric ballast as the Shift compels us to higher vibrations...

The Vital Importance of Healing our Ancestral Karma

Bright blessings to all tuning in.
<<< Open đź’Ž 


24/09/2024 Sedona 24: Arrival

I was out on the ground yesterday, hiking to an elevated spot, guided by spirit, in advance of the "arrival" - both of the terrestrial group, and those in the ether

Wow, what a totally stunning energy this is. I feel totally blessed and privileged to be here. That's Cathedral rock in the distance...

We're already connecting in with the 1st Nations groups here, paying our respects, and inviting them to work with us in the healing process...

And harnessing the arrival of Dragon Energies too - here to accelerate and amplify the Torus...

The group have travelled well through the Matrix to be here, with stories of the escalation of the simulation, but a willingness and commitment to break through, and break out. We gather for our first session this morning.

I'll keep you in the loop as the pilgrimage unfolds, and the kind of work we're undertaking, to involve and inspire your own journey.
Much love and well wishes to all tuning in.
<<< Open đź’Ž


23/09/2024 1st Nations Pilgrimage Sedona

Our 1st Nations Pilgrimage begins today here in Sedona, Arizona. It's clearly a key planetary Stargate, that's been a keen destination for countless spiritual "pilgrims" over the years. We will no doubt be connecting with the 1st Nations Elders in the ether - they invited us back after the connective healing work we undertook last year. I've felt their presence strongly since arriving, and a willingness to dive all in...

It's time now. The Shift is accelerating, there's simply no point hanging onto the limitations of past identities - time to emerge from that karmic trauma.

I've been staying at a place called Montezumas Well, in the very south of the Stargate, creating an anchoring point to take away any releasing density...

(Ann will be joining us again in the key support facilitator role 🧡👍)

From here the adventure commences. One big difference from last year, is the planetary infusion of Dragon Energy, which has already been arriving en masse, but waiting respectfully for the karmic healing to happen. It can't help but accelerate the movements here, both for the group, but also in the wider field.

We have a wonderful, secluded retreat centre near Oak Creek, which is tremendously restorative - for sure we'll work to transmit some of that energy through the sharings...

I've already paid a visit to the tremendously tasty ChocolaTree, checking in with the Chef, just to make sure the chocolate, the beverages, and the vibe are all up to scratch, for when we've done all the hard work...

I'm pleased to say, it most definitely meets the bill!...

Come join us, for what will no doubt be, an intriguing journey of high alchemy - especially with the Dragons in the wings on standby!!

Bright blessings  
<<< Open đź’Ž